<br />'I`bis form is used in connec-
<br />tion with mortgages insured
<br />MQ?'tTGAGE under the one- to four-family
<br />provisions of the National
<br />8~~ ~~~}_~~) tai Housing Act.
<br />0613b273
<br />TFfIS MC)RTG,4G F,, made and executed this 22nd day of October A p
<br />1982 .hyandhetueenJatttes L. Jacobsen and Patricia A. Jacobsen, husband and wife
<br />of the County of Hall .and State of Nebraska; party ttf the firs[ pan, hereinafter called
<br />the Mortgagor. and
<br />a corparatian m¢anizsd and existine under the (aw, of Nebraska
<br />party of tht .ecand part hereinafter called the Martgagce,
<br />tVITNF SSFTH: )'hat the said Mortgagor, for and inconsideration ui the sum at FORTY SIX THOUSAND
<br />EIGRT HIINDRED and OO J 100 Dollars h 46, 800.00 t, paid by the Mort-
<br />eagee. the receipt of which t, hereby acknowledged, has Grsnted and Sotd and by these presen[s does Grant, Bar-
<br />gain, Sell. Cam•ev and Confirm unra the Mortgagee. its successor[ and :aligns. forever, the IoOowing-described
<br />real estate. sitrc+ted in the County of Hall .and State
<br />uftiehraska,wa•it:3223 Westside Street, Grand Island, Nebraska 58801
<br />The Easterly Sixty-One !,E 51"? cf the Westerly Seventy-Seven
<br />Feet (W 77°) of Lot Two (2), Block One fl), in Wes[erhoff'a
<br />First Subdivision, Hall Coun[y,":ebraska.
<br />?S~[)gtx2[l49N
<br />TC; HAl'F ;1'y[3 fn Ht+(-D the rrrmnc. aM,vc etc.at_Ped_ uuh ai! fire ~ purrentrnce~ tk+rreuntu brb~nging and including
<br />ail heating, piumhing nnu ht<hting ti [suer, and cyurpmrnt n++a nr hcreafstr attn. tted in or used in cgnnrc UOn wt[h said real e5ra[e
<br />untq the Mortgagee. and to n. ,uecrs.,ors .+rd a•,tgn>, forcver_ the MMtgagor represents tu. and covenants with, tht Mortga-
<br />eet, that the Mottgagor has gcaed right !u sell :,nd ::.n,ry ,aid (~rrrnt;r,: chat they nee [roe from eneumf±rance; and that the
<br />'vlertgagor a-i(i warr,[nE and defend the- same ae;rtnst the I;,wiuf alarm, +:t ,cl's persons a~homscrever, attd lht card Mortgagor hero-
<br />by reftnywshr, ai! rieMs of home,trad, and nef maruaf rtghts. euher m ina or m ryutty, and all other contingent interesES of the
<br />4itxtgagat is and to tht ei>oce-afesutlxd ptrrrtier,, the tntrnuun i,rmg t++ amret hrre~hy an abx>lute title, in for simpit, indud•
<br />mg atl rights of hatne+trud,.mri other n}frt. „nd auurst, n, atcrr.a+;i-
<br />PR t)4'IDED ALK AYS. and thrsc presents ate cvrcutrd and drlierrod upon the fapaaineamdiUUns, to wit:
<br />1'he Mongtgvr agrees to pav u+ the '.tw tgagrc. r~r order. the prtni tpuE unn of FORTY SIX THOUSAND
<br />EIGHT HUNDRED and 001100 tkd[ar,t> 4b,800.00
<br />wuh uHerasr irom ,.ate nt stet rate atfWELVE and 50/ 100 pet centum ( 12.540 'I) ptr annum on
<br />tht unpaid hainner onus p;ud. 1'he satd principal and rntrrrst shop hr payahic at the utiict of
<br />Cas~ercial Federal Savings 6 Loan Association
<br />rn prtygjta t N~b~al~ , , or at such other ~pln.e as the holder of
<br />the note ma} designate rn wriung, rn monthly rnstaiiments of FOUR HUNDRED NINETY NLNE and 82/1Q0
<br />Ikrlfars i g !r99 , g2 t, umtn+rncutg on the first day of
<br />Dana bee , !9 82 .and on the ~ir.t Ja} of each month thereafter until tht principal and In-
<br />terest are tuNy pard~ txcept ,hat the iiaal pss mrnt „f principal and interest. if not +onntt paid, ,hall be due and
<br />pa}ai+}t on tht ftrstntat of Sovetaber ?012 : zIS aceordmg to the term. of a certain pramrs-
<br />.ary rwtr of t>an dart hnrarth earcutrd by the ,air Mcrctgagor.
<br />'!'he Mcxtgxttcrr inurdet more [u8}' to protect the secant}` of this Mrxtgagr, agrrea~
<br />1- Iltat ![r wif) pa+g the irtdtb[extrtrss, n> hetnrnhr[otc proridrd_ tYrv-ricgt is reserved to pay Ihr ileht in whole, or in an
<br />am.ntnr rdual to ur[r or more nronthf> pa}ntrnts .m the pnrw+pal that arr next due un the Dear, un tht 5rst day of any muath
<br />prior to n+aturity. i-toridrrf. earrrser. That anttea trsarcc:>f an Lnenturr, to cxereur au..it pnviiege is given at teas) thirty ti0t
<br />date pt cur tea prrpaymtnt.
<br />-Brat. te,gtrher with- and in adiition u v, the month)} pa} nreniy of pn»crpai anti rnitrest payable umtet the terms of the
<br />rnMt st~mrcd ftrrrhv, tht ;•fwt~ur oil: pa} to the ti,=rtN:+gea. on!he lint day of each month until rho saitl note t, Eudy paid, the
<br />f+H{ur, tNg +ums-
<br />!s) Arnuwt+ suflfennt to pr,vtrfe test hatrtrr i+errat wuh tondo r, pay ;lee ue~t nronttaKe mxu:anc~e prruumn if dt+s
<br />,nstrt:nxrtt and :ht ntnt st.u[ed Itetrhy ar,^ rr:suted, a+e a munthii' ~Iratge i:n tn'n a.r a ,re~,rrk+{sr r».wrwu:e fvr~
<br />.rtruert r4 stay arc hufd hy~ thm :Re+erary :+l Nau;rng and Ut#+an lk vrle+puxnti, az'. h+fhrws.
<br />tlt tf scut xr 3e~+tet4 as satd trotr of tv yr dart and Ht~ rnsttwrxeur are m~rzd ,x atx terrtwrvd under t8ax prv-
<br />+ttyC'NAt +sY i}su i+7ki.: nai Ffuustag AcE, nn atr3-aearrt str3fit~m t,.r ~iun+u€ate to t}te handn pt the ttoidet unc•
<br />r~sr.=«~.r. r He-, xdliM ..,+„p+~,n.v r>s rm,+,:rvs,r wvr+rY +* c~+.ws+xt ETA T`E t}k' ;v k:Bft.AtiS~A
<br />++t~0-U2tA3lq 19~ rtll
<br />