<br />X32--~~° +}i~~1488
<br />fi. if he .flails to pay any sum or keep any covenant provided for in this mortgage, the Mortgagee, at
<br />its option, may pay or perfar-m the same, and all expenditures so made shall be added to the principal sum
<br />awing on the above note, shad be secured hereby, and shall bear interest until paid at the rate provided
<br />for in the principal indebtedness.
<br />7. Upon request of the Mortgagee, Mortgagor shall execute and deliver asupplemental-note or notes
<br />for the satti or sums advanced by aliortgagee for the alteration, moclerts,ization, or improvement made at
<br />the Mortgagor's request; or for maintenance of said premises, or for taxes ar asses_sments against the
<br />same, and for any tithe:• purpose elsewhere authorised hereunder. Said note or notes shall be secured
<br />hereby on a parity with and as fully as if the advance evidenced thereby ++•ere ine[uded in the- note first
<br />described above, Said supplemental note or notes shalt bear interest at the rate provided for in the prin-
<br />cipal indebtc~clness and shall Iae payable in approximately equal monthly payments for such period as may
<br />kae agreed upon by the ,liertgagee and Mortgagor. Railing to agree on the maturity, the +vhole of the sum
<br />ar sums so advanced shall he due and payable thirty (3CS) daps after demand by the i4iortgagee. to no
<br />event shall the maLuritp txxcend beyond the ultimaie maturity of the note firsi described above.
<br />8. Ile hereby assigns. transfers and -sets over to the Mortgagt~, to be applied toward Lhe payment of
<br />the Hate and alt sums secured hereby in case of a default iu the performances of nn}° of the terms and eendi-
<br />tians of this mortgage or the said note, ail the rents, revenu,:s and income to tee derived fmm the mort-
<br />gaged 4rremrses clurirg such +,ime as the moz-tgage indebtedness shall remain unpaid; and tha;kiortgagee
<br />shall have pan•er to appoint any° agent or agents it may desire far the;rurpt>,ce of ri~vtittg the same and col-
<br />ic+cLing the rents, revs Hues and income. and it ma> Fray° out of said iatvmes all aeces_cary commissions and
<br />s~xpenses incurred in renting and managing the same and ut r:olteetinq rr_ntals therefrom; the balance
<br />remaining, if anp, t« tee srlrplirri toward the dischary~ ..f ;.aid tnartgage indebtedness.
<br />9. Fle u•ili cantinuatksly maintain hazard insurance, «rf such typo ar types and amounts as hiortgagce
<br />m:ri° teem time to time= ~et?utre, on the improvements no+v or hereafter an said premises and except when
<br />Iratiaraeni fcrr ail such }ar t~mnams has theretofore b:ren merle rsnder t.t 1 ~zf paragraph 'L herenf. +vill pay
<br />prampi#y when due an+° premiums. therefor, i'pan default thereof, 4lortgagce tnxy pay the same. ?t11
<br />uasitrance »tkail Ix rarrt.xi in ~ t?mpanias approved by the 9iurtgag~e and the 4xriicSes and renewals thereof
<br />vrall tx herd by the 3Fr;rt~agt~ xnd have attached ihereta itrss payalale ciausr~ str favor of and in farm
<br />acceptable to the 1lnrtgat{e.'~ In event of It~xta \lurtga{t`ar .vii[ give immcdiarn ttuUer by mail to Lhe hlort-
<br />g~agee. +rikr rnav make p?,a~,f „f !+~ as if not nude prompt}p by iinrtgttgar, and ettk^h trsuranc~- etsmpany ron-
<br />rcrtaeti is I3rreka}° au2lsurszr-si ao,i «;uectr+] t«~ make pa1mrnt T':~r auctt i«>,s,l=r,~ttG to the Jiurtgageeinstcad
<br /><,f to %he ~#,oetgagvr and the ,',lortgagee jointll•, anti the insurance tutrcin+«i+, ter anp pare thereof,
<br />tnt+}• tae apI'+liecF by -the htartgatZee at its eipticen =°fthrr t.~ .he rrcluctrurr at tike :naf-iste.)n~~ss hereby sc><^urecl
<br />or ter the rrsHrratian ,}r repair rd the= prolrert}- damageal. In «~+eut a€ farecitasure of tkr.s ruortgnga, ar other
<br />.ran~fer cti tatle trg+hr c?zsttgaged pr+~pertE- in r-xtingrashrr~n2 +af the indtht«~h_ca ecurrv9 t:ereby, ntl
<br />rii;ht, Litlr anti tnL+!r'++r;t t„` tti,~ Eiaregay[~+r rn and i<> unG° :naurane~ gaiic;c s ih,~st en + rc-e sh:ril bass to the
<br />{?nrchaser or tzrantx~-
<br />10. As additiatiai :ors' _ <.L•~r`rai -~i~ur:?. for t hr E+smrnt c_f t,ke rrsftr• ,i,~<^: ;-:ih°:}, .;a:3 as: sums 1kr txtcrmte
<br />riur under rhea rnart{zart+., e1;.° ~trsrtgag~`r liar^rtby as,+Sgrt; to the ~9ortgng+~^ nil #?asa txktsuses, profits. r,>vti"
<br />nuts, ropaitrea;, t°tg#rty, ;;tali t=tttt•r• trenc~tits acrrutng to the tlcsrtgagar rmder ,kna° and .lit ail and gas ieast~
<br />acres, ire during in+= i;ie «rt thts rm,rtgage, ~xe~cuted +srk sir. ptemi~zi, a-sth it;c= rrght ter receive and rweipt
<br />far t?ze >anre an,l airnk~i~ ':.+•zr± ta= svs;.? int~btestnt~., as «.+~il LM-fe'.rr~ ac a#t.~r r?efattit its the eonditirnts of this
<br />trxrrtgage..knc# th.e +lo tfta;;re rz;ay detnartd, sze free itid rt c ar=r nn}• ~ikci: {:trc mt•k;ts :s•h~n ciur and pay-
<br />abM?, but ~ha)1 ;tot tu- >r=s,{u;i:-# a., to ~k+, "F'F:is a~stgnntc~rtt <_! .. t€-rmicaiz~ art«i txcrrmr nail surd Grid upon
<br />reFe~@ of ibis traart~ge.
<br />tL }l4 shall taco :irmnrt :=r ~rmrt :+~;~tr, x.rat .hall n:uiia>atn tf.o pn~=I><~r?c in a-+ X*+wl catrditian a3 of
<br />pstE'~nt, rnasanablw ,rear anal ti~xr a•xrt=pted. t'ptan sna fakiure to 5(,r rnaukiatu, llartytager, at itvq trptian.
<br />easy cattle reasanabh~ tkiatnic°tastncYr work to Fro Ix~rf+7rrn«ri .rt tIw ,'ust +zf 1lt,rt~;tgar- .~tk}• amounts paid
<br />Cherel"or b~ ldurtga~ix .vttail Fu.?ar sr;terest at the t:xtr sray, irFeel stir to the prinritral iudebtedness, shall
<br />thereupon trtweutae a faatt ,rf the ttktirbktdtrtysa ~+-umF by this tnstrurrarnt, rvtairik• arkd ate a parity with ail
<br />other indrbtrdnt~ sip ut-eti I:rreby, and shah be Fm?-able thin>° t;3t)j rtal-s att~?r ,h~mand-
<br />IY. !f the pt•rm~r. +r: any part thereof. I~. cortairtmnisrj ;ender the tas++er of .untnesk domain, ur
<br />a~•yuired far a Irubli4 use, tEie .it{cnaagt~ awanieti, the pre~t45~a f.+r Lh1. taking ,f. err tl=r errnaif Oration far
<br />such acquialticn. to ttkz= extr-nt c,f else full arrzoutrt +zf rho remaining unpaid in,3etrt>~,Itrn~k ~~urtwl by Ehis
<br />rnettgsge, ar hereby asgtgrrw# to the htor#gagee, anti shall tMr t-aid ftrrtti++ith t;r s.kkri 4ortgagee, to Ise
<br />appise+# an aeccmrt irf ?.he last maturing i:r.~ttatlrrtents <rf sue>.; tndebteduea~r.
<br />l3. If the .+.lertga#c=r faits to moire att~« ,~t3tr.-errata ++=Ftt~n «lur, +rr to i<>nicrrm to and c{amp}y +•rith any
<br />a€ Lhe eattasliticrnx sr agtcrntt°n2s rtrntstned :n thi+ ^e+srtgage, <xr ±hr, .^.c>te+ x'ktirh :t +acurc:k, ±hrn the
<br />entity princtt~t fum and ::retvc~i irtter~st srsail at arn~ kiecten+~ Blue sari Sra~:rLrt~, at the t:4s~ctiort csf the
<br />Mor#gngcte: tend this ?rsrrtgage may thereat Ex>n 1kc+ tc:zrclasaxi imtrtcatiateia• .''or the .nc~r!«: t=f tFc ind~bted-
<br />nrss here3ay set ur.~l, t,., it.,:arag {lee cc+si of c':tr'ttr'mt( the <alx+tract .tf tetlr frraat t- ;e :t;sr.• of thi;. tnart-
<br />~ta:ti~of.=rrtin~ta4sttg ;tr~tsurt, - .a~asdb.G ....-.--~:`'s f:~,?.ua:: _unr Is.at,I'~:, t,t,• ", it-ratts
<br />t~[~7tainiytrHtian t~rr at:a.~au nt tat tare guaranta` ±'•r itkAal"at+ae at' rile int#el7sicYFi s >ecnPa ~ .efiek; ~shicta
<br />1 be trt+<Iaulerl 1ri the ai€[xre u€ fore~rk~+ur«~.
<br />t4, i€ t~ intk>b!~ at~atxd irat'e~y err ~taraut.;-~; r>r aaureti unclne'F'itte tt8, t'nettYt ~aati~n ('t+d;t.
<br />~r+c~3t Tlt~ amF Iltatt~nat t>csttcd thscrLwutlrr andtn t t€et't ran tit= bate herasrf sFrtali p+tavern the rtgltts. duttc*ir
<br />asEf liabeFi u€ Lhe ptt~•tH~a Iapt^etae, artd arty prtrvir=hrns «:f t.Frtx «er athur knsttarmrrrfs r~xnutc^tl in ttanntrtiearr
<br />with tranF t wpich are itreuttRitrtent with said •I'ltle err tLr~ulutikrns tares ±t,rrtirtrti^ atnt+ndetl tt,
<br />tVAf tlt&rata!.
<br />twaartotAtt, ('terms a^cantesteed shall htrrrt, wad ills' t>"n«~tyt~ earl atirakriek~*3 vS++atl inure tt~, tRr=
<br />