<br />
<br />To HAVE AND To lioLD the same unto the Mortgagee, as herein provided. Mortgagor represents to,
<br />and covenants with, the Mortgaged that the Mortgagor has good right to sell and convey said premises;
<br />that they arr. free from encumbrance. except as hereinottterx-ise recited ;that 'the Mortgagor vvili warrant
<br />and defend the same against the lava f'ul claims of aif persons tc~homsoever. Mortgagor hereby relinquishes
<br />all rights of homestead; all marital rights, either in law cu• in eciuity, and all other contingent-interests of
<br />the Mortgagor in and to the above-dexrihed premises.
<br />t'ROViDLD At:WAYS, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the fa}towing conditions, to
<br />' wit:
<br />;l§ortgagor agrees to pay to the Mortgagee, t!r Deist, die aforesaid principal sum +v-ith interest fmm date
<br />at the rate of 4WELVE ANO ONE-t3ALF per centum (12.3>4~) ,ter annum on the unpaid balance until paid.
<br />The said princiltai and interest ;ihalk i,e iht}'able at the ntfice of iH£ RICl371RB GILL COMFALdY
<br />in San Antonio, 'texas 78292 , err at such other place- as the holder of the note may designate in
<br />writing delivered or [nailed *.o the \Iortgagcrr, in !nonthlx' installments of TNT HONORED SIXTY-SIX AND
<br />82!100 Unltars (~ 266.82 ), c+?rtimencing oh the first day of Deoettrber , 19 82 ,and continusng on
<br />the first day of ea.°h m<:zith then-after ,mtil said itl,te is fully paid, except that, if not -sooner paid. the final
<br />pa}•tztent of principal and :merest a}rait l+e .iue iu.d payable on the first day of November, 2012 ;all
<br />according to the terms +~f a cattalo promigsurv nc3te cif scan date =erevcith executed by 'the said ~inrtgagor.
<br />The ]inrtgagar furth~°r aKrv~es:
<br />i. He evil! itay° thc~ i!ailebts~iue~s,as herci7tbeirn-e iu'ovidecl. i'riv-liege is reset~•ed fa prepay at any
<br />time, without pr,~zniant ,.r i; +•. the ~•a;t.i!°<~ :niiebtc•rinr:-s r,r an;• parr ittc:rcK,f not :ass than the amount of otte
<br />installment. nt ctne hundmd dollars talOtl.(}0), whichever is less. itepayment in full shall be credited on
<br />the date received. Partial prepayment, other than ,tn :ut tustaiiment due date, need not rte ;.•reditcd until
<br />the next foAowtng tttstalimrttt due date ur thit'ty days after such tn'epaytnent, whichever is ettriier.
<br />Together vv,th, Ard in addition ta, the muuthiy payments of principal and interest payable under
<br />the trans of the rztrte st'cuzetit hen*by.:ttortgakor ~t'iii *.+ay *.., MortSFtgct, as tnrstc~, i under the terms of this
<br />[roar as hereinafter stated) !tn the first clay of each lnon±h until said :tote: is fully paid:
<br />tz<1 .3 gum cetual ;+, =ht- i;t^+>ts;at a~rttts, dS a, ., sir=xt +iau*, ;>!ns '!ar pre=^> iums that vt•iU next hecomu this
<br />and pa~:ilrlt. r•!, ;mlictes ,,, ;'!rc an:i •+tl+.•r i=az.u'+i .!tartans-i~ catering flit mortgaged property,
<br />pins taxes ;en,i :t,?s«~sVrnents ,x,~xt <!ue „!r tti<r mortgagee! 3trope:•t}' f ail as+~stimated try the liort-
<br />µatpv~.ar;,},,; ;=i::.t. th+• ~isrrtt;,tt;+,r _. r;,,ti;l,ul) Ea~~s a!f ums :cirra+fy' luiici therefor divided by
<br />the note[ ^%:^_ tnrtetts to,°iap« -rr-tor,° ^,!,+• ?nc,!ith eclat fir the =.iate when such ground rants,
<br />premiums. 'axe-s :,n.l s.: av>:~n«•r','s .<ii( :;•~c=*atr* ,ice}in,;nint, .u,•h aun'~ to be held by biort~tgee
<br />in inrst ±e) ;aA)~ aAiu gn,nzt.; ='.•nis, pr,-tnis,ttas,saces ftedsixx iatassersmeats.
<br />tl,l 'i°i;e~ .rgytragatc- "€ ''.+• a:!'+-,u=rt.=. pavaL?•• , .suant ?_ -ulrpar_+grAlttt t+t) acrd ihtt~ payable an the
<br />euric ..-c-il.a.i , r ir;,aitr€ ;,cc::- __ -~ +,ag=one-r,- ar;= ;aivtrt)x, tie i>ti :tppliec-i to the fnllaw-
<br />i ttg : tt-ms ;! t '.lie .., rde-r statrti :
<br />l arcron,.. -#tts. `ax, _<, .,. _. ~~^x.>';as, tir~• .,>nt , ..,. r hatxat~ insurarn-+e 4rr~trstums:
<br />#!! 3 tttterrast r,n the nota-~ccr~,i l~+-t.dt. ; An:i
<br />fL3Sl :erztnrt;Lativcn .,f titt> ;~~'r.:!p:, ~ +atii n.*ie•..
<br />:any dc!ic i<~-tL' ¢!t the• :.mount „+ :tt*.: *;tc~t; uggr,>yX3ite- t!icrt;thix' ;~aymertt ah811, unlt~s made goad
<br />nv tl+c. Sic,rzttir):„r prrr,r tae th.~ .Itre ~ _.tt,• , 'fir .:,-xt ;u; t• .~.>r;t, r,!;ststuXt* Alt i~cent of rief8ult
<br />unritr h:.= ;u r;}ai;e. a= 'tt+~Ptr, its n...i,•r! zz,= r i+s,t s)° _. "}ale cRharge" oat eXCeed-
<br />:ng'crz;e ,x•! =<•!.tutn .. - a .,i ,..._......_._. ..... .:rt.i r..vre• thin'€f•.ern f i*`!) [lays after the
<br />due .late tit+•rc f -~ *:avr r r ..~xtt.t s}x~rt.~ tnv cziv'cat c .t! at.ti; d,=linttuettt iza}'meets, but such
<br />"late =_-t:artte" ;tali oat in pat abi~ -,tit .;i .,.r ;=:~.rr±=+is t,i sox' ~al+~ [netts to satisfy the insi~bt~d-
<br />tteeac .:e+ritr,Ki tu•rriti . uzzirss stet°*=_ }~t~r e~<as a.',, ;;uthct.•ni ti, =iis.:harYgrr the ,+rrtire indebtedn~ and
<br />all proper r:+s~ :ills! •.xtx>rse~t ~•t ttt'!~i [tit^r+-iar.
<br />S. Ff the total czf the paytt~nts made by the Qinrtga)grtr under Sal csf paraHt'aph 2 presetting shall
<br />exceni flee amtxint tsf payt'pertts actnalty [leads! by the ytrsrtgaytrer!, its tntstrt>, for gt-tmnd rents, taxes sod
<br />manta ru 'insnratsce premiums, as the c:ass taa}° ire, such excess shall be credited by the iortgagee
<br />c.n aut~egttent paytnents to he made by the MartgaROr for such items err, at Mortgagee's option, as trttatae,
<br />shall 1),s refum3ed tD Mortgagor. If, hawe~rr, such monthly ptay'ments shall not ire .utltcient to pay such
<br />itemm waters Lhc same shaft tze!eame due :sod payatrie, then the ticrrigagor shtsll (tzsy tar the :S?iortgagee, .ss
<br />[rostra, any amount necessary to make up the rieiicir<tzey rv>ihhin thin}' t3tlj ,iays;uter K~ritten ttottc<F €ram
<br />the ~ortgaQee stating Ctrs amwsnt csf the drllicienry, which n;stice may ix~ }liven `sty mail. if At any time
<br />the Mnrt~gor ells!! tender txs rite iiartgartee, in aceottianee with the ps7>+rsronw „f tits: nrrtr• strun~tt
<br />tter+ fell payment nt the entire issdebtednvea r+eprrsatetrd iher.by, the ;kiorigatter. as [water. shall.
<br />is rrurtpttGrts rho amount of such inda~ tedrzesa, t=tech[ to the accatmt ,rf ttte dortgagor arc} credit 6atance
<br />ac~sratutaterl umler the , rtsvisiarsa of t a) rd parsgraph `* hrreaf. i€ there shalt l~ A default ender any
<br />of die proviairr~ of this rttottgag!!! renultitrg in a public Vale of the premiers srocerett hereby, nr if the.
<br />~~ acattxirra the prnperty !~tlserwise after ctelauit, the ~iartgasn>tT. ae trttstxcr. itta3t apply..+t the
<br />tlrae of the ix!rntrsttsrertsertl of =_urh ;rruri>'!~iinga, or at the time the property is ntlterwtse ::„>:~i!wti, the
<br />~t rhea z'emalnli~t lA credit the 5iort+r unetrr ta) of ~ra~ph '4 prex`cdinq, as tt , ~_ +~rn tha
<br />ipter^e~t ~t aid unpaid and the! baiancr to the principal then remaining unpaid e+n :raid a:atl.
<br />J. The lien of this it?s#rutrtont tritaii remain 6n full f±rrre =and r+t7ect durittif an>' ix,~stlxynemeni ;rr ~x~en-
<br />aatn of the time ~ °ezrent sjf k3tr =nd~ialrs3ncxt.5 r.r .azzy' part threw+f ~ctircd hereiay.
<br />,i.. lie t~tit pray ail gnxunti n~stts, 'strra, austcraasrnenta, vsrt+>'r fakxc, and other grtverzenteutai or municz<
<br />p~ rhar~, ttnt~ ~,r +mprsstwanti, iec'tcul uycm autrd }zrc9sri sett! that he vvtil paz all taxca ie,vieii [teen this
<br />tt~'t. et#r the »tehl ~s±+ettc.+d iherelry, t,-rgrthrr ~'itit ttny..r,thrr'..itxea :tr stcst:rcamentta ~rh:ch [nay tb! 1cvi~l
<br />urts~4t lhniavnr+tf'stta#+taakaagaitsptt-se ~tort>fayri. ur the! iritai holder++t Vain pr!rx°it?ai rate.,sn ruraunt crf
<br />tbia itzictrtatl-sue, atFlrt w},aay tztytn~nt ri+r nit assvh ittsrua hair ttsrt•rt:.i'3~ra kx~=tt nta~ie arsdrr t:c) ,f psy's-
<br />grapia 2 h~rrr~f, artd !rr° v4`aii isre*tntrtlp etplik~=r' ttrr +,ii§tirsl rwx^ripts herrf.zr tt, tttr11.artttar;'c~t=. ttt ;lafauit
<br />tltetx~ t~s tt+~rtgrig tt~utx° 13xA' taw Bator.
<br />