<br />82°--~-CJ445.1
<br />not personally liable on the Note or under this Deed of Trust, and (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower
<br />hereundu may agree to extend, modify, forbear, or make any othu accommodations with regard to the terms of this
<br />ikxd of Trust err the Note,. without that Borrower's rnnsent and without releasing that Borrower or modifying [his Deed
<br />of Trust as to that Borrower's interest in the Property,
<br />11. IVatlap. Fs~ for any notice enquired under applicable !aw to be given in anothu manna, (a1 any notice to
<br />Borrower provided for in this Deed of Trust shall be gtven by delivering it or by mailing such notice by certified mail
<br />addressed to Borrower at the Property Address or at such othu address as Borrowex may designate by notice to Lender
<br />at provided herein, antt (b) any notice to Lender shall be given by certified mail to Lender's address stated herein or to
<br />stub other-address as Lander map designate by notice to Borrower as provided herein. Any notice provided for in this
<br />Deed of'I'tvst shall be deemed to have beast given to 8orrowu or Lender when gives in the manner designated betels.
<br />13. tsoversfsg Lawq Srtarabfllty. The state and local laws applicable to this Deed of Trust shall be the laws of the
<br />jtrrisdietios in which the Property is located. The foregoing sentence shall not limit the applicabilitq of Federsl law to
<br />this Deaf of Trost. In the event that any provision or clause of this Deed of Trtut or the Note rnnflicts with applicable
<br />taw, such conflict shall not affect otttu provisions of this Deed of Trust or the Note which can be gives effeM without the
<br />confliMing provisie~n, and to this end the provisions of this Deed of Trust and the Note are declared to be uverable. As
<br />«sed herein. "costs", "expenus" and "attorneys fees" include all sums to the extent not prohibited by applicable law or
<br />limitat heron.
<br />14. Boe:etrer'a Copy. Borrowu shall be furnished a conformed aropy of the Notc sad of this Deed of Trust at the
<br />time of execution or afict recordation hereof.
<br />I5. Reiabflttat3a Lora Agreement. Borrawu shall fulfill all of Borrower's obligations under anp home rehabilita-
<br />tion, improvement, repair or othu tarn agreanent which Borrower cnttxs; into with Lender. Lutdu, at Lender's option,
<br />may require Borrower to execuu and delivu to Lendu. in a form acceptable to Lender. an assignment of any rights,
<br />claims or dcfeases which Soerowu may have against parties who supply lalxor, materials or services in coanxtion with
<br />impsvvemtats made to the Property.
<br />16. Trs.iferaf me latoput!: Aattaeaptiee.: Lf all or any part of the Pro~terty or an interest
<br />theseia is sold oe tcansferzad by eorzwee without Lattdar'a prior written ranaent.
<br />axcludittq (a) the creation of a lien or enctrabcanee subordinate to this Deed of
<br />Trust. (b) tiaa creation of a pnzchaaa atnnep sacuzity ipterest foz household appli-
<br />attces or tc) a traasler b7f devise, descant ar by operatt.on of law upon the death of
<br />a joint tenant, Leader say at Leadec's o ion, declare a1J. the arras aetcurtd by this
<br />Lleed o! Trust to be isssbiately due and payable. Lender shall have waived such
<br />ooppti~~ eo accelerate if. prior to the sale or transfer, Lettdec and the person to
<br />vrlto~ she Propectp is to be sold or tzanaferrad reach agreesant in wzitiny that the
<br />credit o9: sudt person is aatiatactory to Loader and that the interest payable on the
<br />sates secured by, tbis [iced of Trust shall tze at such rate as Lender shall request.
<br />If Lender ettecclses such option eo accalerater Lender shall mail sorrows, notice of
<br />acceleration in atxordanca with paragraph 12 hereof. such notice shall provide a
<br />period o! rat leas than 30 dogs fcos the date she notice is mailed or delivered
<br />within which ilorrowr may pay the saga declared due. If eorrozrer fails to pay such
<br />sws prior to the etcpiration of such period, Lender may, without further notice or
<br />dgettd on 8orrowr, invoke aety casrdiea persltted by paragraph 17 hereof.
<br />Nt3rt-iINtFURM COY~7VANTS, Batsower sad Lends further coreaant and agree as follows:
<br />it. isst Renadiaa. Esapt • provided k paragraph 16 ttettaof, open Borrower's brm~c6 of aqy covenaal
<br />a agetaaaaat at Beeretrer is this Dead of Treat, ladaaltsg Bearswer's failire to pay. 6y the sad of 10 eztteedre days after
<br />they eta der. any smaa aaesred by this Dead of Trost, Leader prior to nccekndaa shalt give notice to Borrower err
<br />ptavidad ie prryeaph 12 itataat apacifylugz Ii) the breach: {21 the seeks rettateed to emo salt breach: 43) a date, sot
<br />leas than ~ rkys boa the date tM ttetlce is ma(led to 8retewer, by which aoc6 breech mnat be cared: ami lA} that
<br />taihno is ama sash breach oa ar irefoto the duo spscifled is tba native may malt k nccelentka aC the soma saeind by
<br />this Dead oi.Trnat and sda of the Property. The aatlee ahdl [nrther inform Harrower of the right to reinstate after
<br />aeoelaatka sad the tight to brhtg a coast actke to assert the sosexbtatee of a tkfadt or any other ddettree of 8orrowoc
<br />u aorekrtitles and axis. U tir branch b not cmotl oa err before the date speeittad iq titlz; aatkx, I.wder, u Lender's
<br />optkat, lily dralaeo alt of t!r soma aantod by thta f)aod of Tewt to 6a immdktaly ds-esi ~tttat'~r
<br />desrmd seal rosy larelu tits power at sale and any other tsatodiw parmltted by appBda4~e hiss..-tads? shalt etitlded
<br />q nNatx aU naaostabia now at-d attpatwr lacsread k ptraeisg the taaadiw provided hl ~ prn~rgth 17 lsrladlyt
<br />htKteM lialtad ter. ewttoerWa atwewys' few.
<br />I[ ttw pewit of arts 4 Lttoksd, Treaw shall record r nodes e< tktadt b each anuaq in whk6 tM Property or soma
<br />part thattest' k kerted and ahdt taatdt eapia of nab ttetieo k tM aeaset pe+xslbad by appUcaltk taw w Brrrowsr sad
<br />to tlatt odors paraor ptawihed by appiicahM tae, After tits Irpae et arch time a may be requttod by ttpplfahle intr.
<br />Trsaaar ahdi gill psbile netie+ at oak to the paaaaar tad io the mrnorr pracribad 6y applicable law. Trsatas, without
<br />dn.nd oa Boa»wor, tzhaii aaN rEr Pwpaty u pehllc aedka k tits higkat bidder u tba lima sad pierce sad larder the
<br />lassos daaigwird bt the tweke of arM k oas or moat patcda and in oath order as Trmtas ratty determine. Trustee rosy
<br />pwtpaee oak at alt ac sap patad at the Pttoperty by public ensouecematt u the time sad platx of any pterioWiy
<br />aehaddad ask. leader w Larder's dwigaae may psachaso the Property ad say sale.
<br />Upea raoaipt of payment of tbo peke bid, Treaeea shag tlellva: to [bt ptucltaaar TrmseeY deed conveying the
<br />Pruprtty ssid. Ttaa reeitrk iD tie Trstta'a deed ahdl be prima Cards t.{denm of the truth at the stfteaen4 treads
<br />thatok. 2lttrttae s1uQ apply for ptocoeda d the sale k the tdlawipg order: sal m alt reawtuble coats sad expenaw at eha
<br />ads, . hit out liaised to, Trzsta7 feaa aaKndly inearred of nee roam rhos ............. °i, of the glow ode
<br />Arks, eestnrtahta atkrraeys' hw sad casts et dna evidataeei (hl m ail guar secared by this Deed of Ttmt; sad ic) the ex-
<br />essa. It rwy, aeth~ psnoa w psraoaa lordly entitled ehamto.
<br />li. Battrvnrl Rtg6t is Raioatate. `iotv.sthxtanding Lerzdrr's aeceieratton vt the sums xerurr~t :zs Deed of
<br />Trust, dtm to Bptrawes°s broach. BrltSVwtr shai) have the right to haze any p€uccedmtts begun by Lends= ;? =nforct this
<br />Deed rrf7ttrt diaexrntinutd at any tithe prior to the rather to oceur of tit) the fifth day before the sate vt the Pwperty
<br />prttssaat to the patver of sale rnntaitud in thix [?std of Twst or Gi) entry of a 3udgment tnferctng tuts Decd of Trust if:
<br />ia) Hotr4swer pays I.eadat all tumz whtrh acwid tze then dot under this Ikcti of Trust and the Nwe had na aca~lention
<br />aoCttrted; tbl Harrower rusts stl bteac)tts 4+t any other :avtaantx or agtccmtats of Borrower cc;ntancd to this 1?eed of
<br />'frtatt; t4) Barawrtr pays ai( rtraaonrble a:txnstx im^urrcd by Ltndu and 't'rustee in entatcing the covenants and
<br />sgrsamantt of Botrawerc-oataitrtsi to chit L1tad of Trust and in tnCatcing Lender's wnd T ruxtec'x remedtrs as pravidcnt in
<br />paragraph I % hctrc+af, inciadiag. but not limited to, reasunabit attamtys' Ceex; and id) Bnrruwtr ;alert such sz:tiun ss
<br />lart+rtar may roaaoeabty trquit: to assort that the lien of thu L7tcsl of Truxt, Czndcr x tntcrest to tht Prttpeny and
<br />Baatt7wet's sdsligatizm ro Pay tine sz:tns xt,;uttr') by this 1?tad ef't-rent xhail contznza unimpstred. l-pcen sua.h payment and
<br />vela by liosratver, that C3aett of 't`rust oral tkc,jbiigatituzx strutnt htrttay xha)C remain 3n Cuii iarit and triter as tf nrr
<br />aeretataiwn )zed urxvsrrett.
<br />