<br />$~-- OC1445I
<br />[f,t~ari'trweK pays Funds to Lender. the Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which an
<br />insured or guaranteed by a Federal or state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply
<br />the Funds to pay said [axes, assessments, insuraucY premiums acrd-ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding
<br />and applying the Funds, analyzing said acrnunt or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender
<br />pays Boirower interest oa the Fttnds and applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender
<br />may agree in wriring at the dine of execution of this Deed of Trust that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower,
<br />and uukss such agreettretrt is made or applicable law requires such interest to be paid. Lender shag not be required
<br />to pay- Borrower any interest'or earnings on the Funds. Lender shat! give to Borrower, without charge, an aanttal
<br />accounting of the Funds-showing cred[ts and debits to the Furtds and the purpose for which each debit to the Funds wtu-
<br />made: The Funds are pledged as additional security fw the stars secured try this Deed of Trust.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by C,ender, together with the fiiturc monthly instaNmrnts of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dates of tares, assessments, insuraatt premitmts acrd ground rents, shall exceed the amount required fo pay said
<br />taxes, assessments, insurance ptemitans and ground rents as that' fall due. such es-ess shalt be. at Bortower's option,
<br />either pronrpdy repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly insialiments of Fuads. if the amount of the
<br />Ftmd held by leader shall not be sut~tcient to pay relics, assessments. iasuraatt premiums and ground tents as they fall
<br />due. Borrower shall pay to Lender nay amount necessary ro make up the dtficiettcy in one or more payments as Lender
<br />may require.
<br />Upt>n payment is full of alt sums secured by this Deed of Trust, Leader shall promptly refund to Borrower any
<br />Fuads held by Lender. tf under paragraph 1? hereof the Prapem is sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by
<br />Lender; Lender shall apply, [to later than immediately prior to the safe of the Propem or its acquisition by Lender. any
<br />Ftmds held by Leader at the time of application as a credit against the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />3. AQlfkatlm of Paystrtr. Unless appikabk law provides otherwise. all payments rettived by Lender under
<br />the Mott and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof shall be applied by Lender first in payment of amounts payable to Lender by
<br />Borrower under paragraph 2 hereof, then to interest payable oo the Note. and thrn to the principal of the Note.
<br />d. Pefae tit.etpgaa .ed Davit of Fran tvhatiat Liam. Borrower shall perform all of Borrower's obligations
<br />urrdtt any mortgage, deed of trust or other security agtmnent with a Lien which has pnority over this Deed of Trost.
<br />including Boerotrer's covenants to mate pavrnrnts when duo. Borrower shall pay or cause to be paid all taxes.
<br />assessments and outer charges, fitter and impasitiom attributahie to the Property which may attain a priority over this
<br />Deed of Tttau, and leasehold payments or ground rents, it arr.
<br />S. l9asni Lratterrea. Borroter shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the Property
<br />insured against tons hY fire. hazards it~luded within the term "rneMed ctnxragt", and such other hazards as Leader
<br />mar regnim and is such amounts and for such periods as Lender may rcqurre.
<br />The insurance cattier providing the insurantt shall be chosen by Btxrowcr subject to approval by Lender; provided,
<br />that such approval shall rats be unreasonably withheld. All insurance polictes and renewals thereof shall Ile in a form
<br />actroptaLek ro Lender and shalt include a standard mortgage clause to favor of and to a farm acceptable to tender.
<br />Leader shalt have the right to hold the policies atui renewals thereof'. subject ro the terms of any mortgage. deed of trust
<br />ar other setuzity agntemens with a Lien which has ptionty elver the Decd of trust.
<br />to the event of loss. Borrower shat! give prompt mires to the rnwrancr carrier and tinder. Linder may make proof
<br />of toss if not made promptly by Borrower.
<br />Lf t1# Property is abarrdotred by Borrower. or rf Borrawtr finis to ecspottd to Linder w,thin 30 days from the date
<br />notice is matted by Leader to Borrower that the iasuraacc carrier otfcrs to settle a clatm for insurance benefits, Lender is
<br />autltotized to collect acrd apply Lhe ittsuratrae proceeds at Lender's apttun Tither to rfs[oration or repair of the
<br />l'ropaty or to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />6. Ptntpvatiw art Malafgoarea a# Ptaparty: ieaadtaldt; Cardeoirlatrss Planned L'att Devetepmerq. Bor-
<br />rower shall keep the Property rn good reparr and shah not comma waste .x permu impairment or detenaxatton vC the
<br />Ftoperty nett shad cwnply witfr the pnnisioas of any kale if thrs [)eel of i rust is on a iCasehr,id. if this Dyed of Trust is
<br />oa a unit in a coodarrtiniutn or a pfannaf unit devctoptttent, Bs><rnwer shalt pcrtartn ail of Bocruwcr's otrhgations under
<br />the declaration or covenants creating rat governing the corsdominium ur ptanned unit drvflapmtnt, the bylaws and
<br />ragtdatioas ei the ctmdotniaittm au platrrted imit dcvetopmfnt, atul crmstntxm dc+cuatrnts.
<br />7. le~rar:tlar a< LnrrMeY Satwip. if Bortowcr fails to prrtaum the st>vfnants and agr+erments contatncd in the
<br />Dead of Trust. or if any actirxr or prasceeding a ctxmm~na~t +hKh materraily affects Lender', tmfrfst m the Prapetty.
<br />t(t~ [.erdet. at Lepsier's optrrm, ups aasae to Bmtaarrr, may make swh appearances, disburse such sums, includtng
<br />rettsoaabk attorneys' fen. alit rate such action as is eteasessarc to protect Lender`s ineerrst If Lender required mortgage
<br />iasturrace as a coaditiaw aP tnakfng the: boa sa:uted by this teed of Trust, Borrmver shat! pay cite prcmtums rcquined ro
<br />tnaiatain streh insurance is et'feet until stash tittle as the rcquuemeat for stxh insurans~e tfrntinatts trt accordantt with
<br />Btutower's and tender's wrrttea agreement ar applicable taw.
<br />Any atawuats disbursed by Leader pursuant to this paragraph ', wuh interest thereon, at tht Note rate, shalt
<br />become additiogal irtdehterlmss ~' Bocrowet secured by thi3 Dyed of''fr~st= L;nirss &tttewfr and tinder agree to
<br />elites tetras of pavraeat, swcir amounts shall tx payable open ncutce from Lender to 13ortower rrquesNng p vment
<br />thereo[, htoUtittg contained in this paragraph ?shat( rcgarre Lender to incur any expense or take any action hmunder.
<br />!4: !reader may make ar canoe to tle made rcaswrabk fatties upon and inspections of the Pttlpcrty,
<br />gros-Idad that Lertdtx shad gins Bottower mxitt prier to nay such tttspectiun specifying rcawnable cause therefor
<br />rued rtt teador's ittaetmt b the Ptnpaty.
<br />~ f, Yht ptvcaeda of nay award or claim tilc damage, direct sx c:uttsequettetat, to s-c,nrtectiun with
<br />any tetiaa rx attar taking ,~ the l'rslfterty. tt part thereof, tt fnr conrfyance in lieu of condemnati{m. are
<br />t assiga~ and shall ~ paid ter LrttS=:..ubjttt to the t~s of any .;.s.:.gnR-t. rrr,t it trust ::...- urttr o°
<br />tntaxt ytitA s liar[ which teas ptiuriry uvsr the. i)rsd td "7'taxt,
<br />t4i. N~rfratac rkrt; ItttMiwai# Fw6arrarca By t.awMx Nat a waitm. Eatfasit)n of the itttte for payment ar
<br />tawfificatioa of amortization uA the aumt secured by thn tkcd of trust granted by tinier to am succrsavr sn interesr of
<br />Borratttx,ahaN (tat opiasata to rt0tuwe. in nay maatter. the itahtttty of thf rxtginal &uruwrr and Bcuntw,:r's suC.'exsasrs to
<br />try. LNt4tkdr nut be tagttirott taxotatocnce prstreestraga againu trtch suctxsasrr ar refuse to extend rime far pay-
<br />~~ ~ attaortitrtirm of the strrtts saurad by this I?red of '. rust by reawn of any demand made br the
<br />~•~ artd 1gpt~wRr's streeasstyn ea iarerest. Aaq forbearaacr try t~v,nder sn exrrctsing any ngtrt or r<mfrty
<br />~, a[KM@itt aid-~ apptun'aiLk lays. shall tract G.c a w~ivsv of ca y~;inar tht eacrctaf vt arc suvh rtgnt tx
<br />l!-
<br />tt. SI14frkgwtlftF leer Aisigtttl Huti~#; JaMu astd Stttastd: t.liaLift~r fw-s~ttttts. fkEe .'.~.rnants ,sMti aKtcrsuents
<br />t~;+Aaii triad, alai. tier ttglrts-itetettt~s hal(saute tu, rNe rfsptetisx sacctss,ln a net asssgns .jt tinder and
<br />~o subject to the pravnwns cxi paragraph to hfrestf ,ill s;,l+rtnants and agra.rrttrnss sit 1~t! newel +St.sii tse pssnt aacl
<br />x+titai !tray fbbir'il+^er ahuaa su{tts ihkr Lkrd sll "trust, tsnr dc~44 not es~.ote the !tear is ~ is :s*-s+xnrnt: this Lyraat of 'T`rust
<br />:,sMlf} to /r aAt aaef ~uavev that iiarrrsawr#`# rnrE"t'~§t iii?ter lsh~}~t1t t_: i tom.,+m x+t)i't€> [t.i k37'tala ~~! z±~ts L~ri~! +~t 2~rust, ihr sx
<br />