<br />~,~+,..,~ it~~4435
<br />:.x ~:.
<br />{1) month prior to its due date the a::uual mortgage insurance premium in order in provide such holder
<br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary of Housing end Urban Development pursuant to the
<br />National Housing Act, as amended. and applicable Regulations therewader, or
<br />(H) IF and so long as said nose of turn date and this instmmrnt are hrid try the Secretary of !'lousing and
<br />Urban DevelopttaenF, a monthly charge ?in lieu o/'a nrorrgagr irrsumrecr irrrmium/ which shall be in an
<br />amount ryuai to cute-twelfth (li 1 _') of rme-half (i t'_) err centmn of the average outstandine balance
<br />dot an the note computed without taking into account delinquencies or prepayments;
<br />{b) A sum equal to the ground rents, if any, next due, p{us the premiums that will next become due and payable mt
<br />- poltcire of fire and other hazard insurance cr+vering the mortgaged proverh•. nius taxes and assessments next due
<br />an the mortgaged property !irlt as esrimarecl b?° rlte :Nnrr¢ageet Less alt sums already paid therefor divided by the
<br />number of months to elapse tretore one nrnnt6 poor to tEle dote- when such growtd rents, prtmiutns, taxes and
<br />assessments wi31 become dethulutnt, such sums to be held by \tor[gagee in trust to pay said ground rents, pre-
<br />miums, taxes and speciat assessments: and
<br />(c) All payments nrentloned in cite two preceding subsections of this paragraph and all payments to be made under
<br />tlta note secured hereby shsli be added together, and the aggrtgare amount thereof xhatl he paid by the Mortga¢ur
<br />rash month m a single payment m he applied by the ~-lortg3~ to ttre tul}nwing Gams in t-he order set tar[h:
<br />(I) pramiunt charges udder itte contract of insurance with the Secreiun° ref tlousinc and Uiaan IAvelopme-nt,
<br />or momhly charge /rn lieu nj +rn•rrtcq>ze vrwrJrtrs F»r'iriurn7, ,as trig case may be.
<br />itI# yuund rents- taxes. assecwarnts, Err and tither hazard msuraaer prcrnit:ms:
<br />(il!) utterest on the note secured hereby; and
<br />IIVI amnrtitaflnn ,>f the pnnctpal of aaiti f3Bte-
<br />Anv tktirlencv ut the amount :rf art. ,ueF .t~;eegate mf?ntht.- aytnrnt shat?. t:stiess naadr gfxxi by the !4torr
<br />gagc,r poor to nc~ due date of the next such p;tz-ntealt.:t;nstitute an carol ,>t dciauit under ttais mortgage. 17te
<br />Mortgagee may <oiiect a "tare charge" aat t„ ee:erfi :'„r.:;:eu t+11 for each tiuliar i~ l i of each ps}°ment mere
<br />than fifteen i `s 't 1.ta, s a, arrests to court the r~tr?t ~ ~tx-nse u;s•ohYx: to taandlin~ deitnuurnt paynrtnts.
<br />., !'hat .1 fhr ustai of the payment-: made by fhr; iiortz•at=nr under - ; of paragraph '_' pmerdine -hall etcet•d
<br />the arauunt nl paymtrret~ actuallt made 6y the \hfrttra~rr for t•ttrund mm=, taxes and a~-r>-.moot: ar insurance pre-
<br />mtum~, ar' the r'a r muv br. ,uch t•xcr~5, tt the irxut i`< c'urrent- .al fhr optiat ci the ylarcKaRor, ~ha11 rrr x•rcdited by
<br />thr'iuni•rtarr nn =ub4rquent Iravmerft:+ lu br made be' fhr• \lurtttu~ar. ,rr refunded u> the \lunxagur. It, howr,rr, the
<br />•ntmthly puiment~ made he the licutgagw under : '_: of paragrut'h ' pn•t't fine ~!r,til nt,t ix~ 4uffiEicnt to p.fv gnxlnd
<br />nyli, taxes and u~::rsf.ment~' err inwrarrrt• premium-. a.~ fhr, t:t-:= ma} ur•. aehlvt rho ~amv -haH betumr• due and pa}`-
<br />ab1e, than [hr \lurtgagnr ~hati pax to fhr Nnneu}*ee enx :ame+tmt nrcr-~alrx to m:f6r• up the deiirtenrx, on ur before
<br />thu date [than payment of -uch ~•rnund n•nt>. luxe-.:r,ti.e=_.-mr-nh f,r rn•urarrcr• p«`mulm4 ~tfail br due_ tf at am
<br />lima the Nori~airar -bull trftdrr w the Narx>{at;rr. of frrnnlunre .+fth fhr ptaaf~ion~ of fhr note ~ecurrii hen•by'.
<br />full pas•mtmt uI fhr rnurr mdriHtdnr- rrpm-r•ntrki therrbv, fhr* \kl[tt;apre -hall, :rt eomputtn+~ fhr amount of wrh
<br />3ntIcbtetlnrts, credit to the .r+.ctatnt of fhr \tertg:rgor .t(1 j>_n loco[. trFatlr untier the (xv+t~uxu of t::.: oi' p.tragi;tjrit r
<br />hamr,rf wlrie6 fhr \M/rtga;;rt• ha- tort ln•t~r,me „trtf~ated to pay t:l the v-r man-,•! ltru._in~ _nd 1 rtlart ().,•,eh>ptntvrt
<br />and an\ balance rrmainine in fhr fund- a+r~umuiuu•ri under thx- pnrx3-tuns ui -' :,t psrueraph '_' hrrirrl, i5 Ihtur
<br />-hulk ha a drtault andrr oft' f.l th.• pm,f-fnn~ fri thf- mvita::r_r m-uittn:t fn a pubitt ~.dr ut the prrmi~r•~ coverad
<br />hr>rrbv, ei ii Ihxr \lort;;aytrr ;+ctprina~ ihr prour-etx ,ati,ern+..• alar•r drfautt_ the \hrn>•arr•e xh:rii appis. ;rt fhr lime of
<br />fhr cunrmrrlctvnruri nl wch pnr, redmr;-. „t at nc~= [rme- tau-;rruprr'k, ;- ,r€hr•r tsa~:• at rlturrrt, fhr. uaianr•r then rrmaar
<br />in;t en the Cund-- 3crumuiaWd untier - Lei par~stralrtf ' prec.,rhn~, .r- a rrrrlr t a_:ain-t fhr• amount of pnnripui Iharn
<br />remtaininr; unpaid under said note. anu ~trali gruprrix .rd}u-1 ae, pax moult- whit-h ~huii haxe• Lrrn ntadr under;::;
<br />u[ parae,«tph ~. -
<br />" nxt ?he xtortf;:f}cot -ut d t ~n,~ftat :rnta. -= xa -„r r s-f ~ -- f - - .fhr z -u t,,trrt-ad ar muotctt+ui
<br />:hargea hoe ..±r tn3M:>rnans - ~r whr.n t•rf..faf,•ts n- n ~; teen r -~e t- ~a rc~ rc, ,=s t t.=t=au, Fhere-f t?t \lceFlt~gee may
<br />paythr amt,atrultratthexttr~eat,.t --att,,~ra~+rttx,t•iu't ,x,pt.int•rei,•rt+*thr~i„rtgagrr
<br />;- The 'kiorta=+guf wi(.f pay a.. tau= , trfcx. -rrai to icare.t ..;x a ibe lt>itg_fgre ~ rrtrtr.t m ~u:d r'eai r.tate and tmptwr-
<br />frrrnts. and which me} Et irsicci itla:n t'tus n:,•ftl::rkr .,r ttrr.tct+t ,ectirr:t r:r:ci`y ahtn.•uil tv ttrr rxirnt That suxb 3, nut pmhibit-
<br />rd try tan anti onto to the cttrut tha* .u tr .r rut , wr the ~~ a wr u- nut rt,tsrautg any m -rme tax. titair ur Fadersi,
<br />im~y,rd un Jlartgagrr. attd µ[i4 rite Ihr f=tit ~a r +. tai h -N-t ~ • a t. a ~nrar a th fhr \t ,rtg.ylrr t"^-fm ,tulatu-n of thi> undrr•
<br />tnktog. ur it tM 't! xigal;or a. pruhthurd hs alt w i u .• err rttct c frl, t 4 e: r',; re uhuir rant pea [arn cd` lhr alure~
<br />said taxC-+. fs9 npln th2lrirf{r[frl}t t>t Ant ,r*ut, fir+,Ci ,_.Ri,•i,int; -t1C ,- .=..c.t. t-...r'+t+...~~~,f r,.€atn4 Utiia to\rt.,,r tt cnth iaN
<br />f1t dC~reC pY+l,aicti tlta[ Ally .till+karii ,O paifi t„ ihr tif=f i f, 3,4.1 ,h.f[. t*Yt. f ta=ttYtt •"-t irk +'-Y.,t't;:al;r drhl, fhr \tf>rlg:rGeC ~hait haxr
<br />the right to give mrxiy d'ays~ written nou.r tea fhr t - rcr -i tM n nlw{tr3 p srf,r+. rryntnng fhr pacurrnt ui the morigugr
<br />debt. if such tar[icr k+r guru. he wed dri+t ,twt! i+e.. oft wo, aa\aEfr .crki t, frc it><at ttfr -ai,tratiun of laid north day n.
<br />ti. ~l'hat should he 1st! hx fay any suai to krrp .ur} .lea ra _.,_t pra.+tdr'~d t -r ar this SI rtstr;lr. then the \itutga>;rr. et rh Up.
<br />two. nley txa} to preform fhr .untr, ~tnd a`r, c xpendnurr, •f, inadr nft:ri; hr ad.iru t++fhr principal sum owing, an fhr utvrte note.
<br />:hall be lured herri+y, anti :ti~li t,rtl tntrrr.st .d tier rate ~: t truth to ['rrr >a+J note, tmtil paid.
<br />'.-. 7`hat he hetebv assign.. transltr,.rnd sets a•,ef to fhr yiruiu+trrr, t++ iu applied touatd the payment of fhr Harr anti all
<br />wins secured hereby to iu±e tai :r ttrLruit m the prriof naantr a', an+ .,t the ttrnrs and aufdux>ns of tilts Aioltgatte or ihr il:,ad
<br />nett. alt the rents, revenue, alai ur4fnne ta, {.t drricru from the r4f4=lt~aytc: prrtar.-r. doting ,u:h hint u. ilia tnorlgage mdebtrd•
<br />cuss strati rrmwn unpaid; anti tlrt ll,xl!{ttgt',e +tsa€E ttnlc ; swr: to ,,Fpe.cst ,rny ><getu us :};rats rt [nay desuc for fhr purpfl~sr a!
<br />repairing said turenlst-> :tort t,i rsntrrtit tht ,ante atilt .ettrzt:.lt ttrc :r-^.ta. re,cux5 and fncaffna_ and it ;nay pay faui of ..lid fn-
<br />cumos ai} expenses of rrpcirrtr}t acid pttauus afu3 tlrcr+sary t.,mta.eaf.,u, and rxpcri-.ea ulcmrrd In rtnhrtyt and inairagSng the
<br />snort ant; of +~ulkcUng growls thrreftum; tht tlaiaftcr rrmalnttag, rt sn}. ;t, t+e appiled Wttard fhe dieetrurgr :?f said murtgagr
<br />tndtbttwine.s.
<br />K, That tee aiU ktr,p tha tmprax sncfrD renew cuUilr} as trreat trt rte t a ux m arig5ged pr-+prny, tuxtrteJ as nray t±e
<br />rr~4uirEd Gdnl rime td nmr t+g tltr Sltxttratttr :yarn t u+,a fig her sod ,=ihrr -. ;sc3 -ssadtrr> and ,nntin~neie4 ara .uch
<br />amnuru. arai for -iraliY,Er' i>r% s-~v ~ a:r 'tc- x ie •~tga;~ra sane ~ t - an a when i - u, t rrmrutn:. a;r •uth
<br />*re•gft`ornc pra.eslw, f,i, ;w into. tFt :s t;i:-'. iras .a.s ~,:t a.:ide ?:etc intwifv_ _xf' l?•f..ruit Yhalt .*< ,.'r tirel a ,~rtpafrKS ::{a,
<br />peuved by the Slwt;yyrr and ihr pulsln. •rstrwaix :hrrrr -.era, br hrtd f r ire +.twtgagrr anti na, a' ... re[ztsa 1,+,=.
<br />payable clause. in favtu~ of aral in front ,t..a;.tapir r:+tlft' Litsrtltagt, to r,rnt +f'.f+s, xirrrip..sk^rx u.at gfw. ~.+ic other h,
<br />tci the Murt~«gee.,tiho may make pr -t h,- .! a>!rt made p vmptiy h} \Itvt~.u, and tai td m.ur,,,. rutparny ton-
<br />ettnral is herrhy aWhrtrirru atxd dirr~trd as , ralr t ay ntrat I.u ~ tf k a+s daettly tfa ape ~itutgaraet ru i 'tit ,+i •fhr adtutt;agut
<br />attsi,th¢_yti~tye j-tyinl_ip~.:rft~ th[ insuraftire pta-cxl~..v au} t~trt rtlr€ret n±-tr he appiiri GF~ tttr Mt>ray,,gty Mfr iu tlpfian +-ithcr
<br />to 3bE rtdur;tion tit iiyc ira3etvtrdnr+> Fiets'by •caued to [~r tiro rt°,ttuatsaa l!r lepetrf>I the p+ai>rrt, tt,,rl,atge4 :nr,-zfn .r tartci:~-
<br />tver t+£ Ehis aetktt•tu ruAes 1rae~ft3 ul lair t~ t~ motif-arc', pre prtt y in t>tanytu~,hn rlrt of tin ruzichtrvna - -ut.-i hrrchy -
<br />atl3lght, title arrJ tntrrrst of lK kliutya}`ci to u~' tta rr r f r urine ,e V+ +r1ie> rhrt i~ C Va t It jrw~a t,= t#rr put, h lsf t c r ~ranier-
<br />~', INrri as catdtlitenaf ktat srtlatrs al ai,tt:.) tr!i tt+r +,5t-uca. .,l fhe na tr ,~-Fe tale _, r.i alt talon tab, , Uln@dur under fhr;,
<br />rlq?rr~., x-i!C 3ikUttga~tin #w.5r$y a,~+i~PF #rs k'ttc ~If 3~+t~a ._, 3 - (~ >.:cs'-ntf s - p. lee ~htb -n.r t!r-ni li! - -; uiitg t ~ the
<br />atiur iind¢r A6y~ 8~1 u.! vie xrNS Pa+?fangs rsil ++tt,t e «aliet,. - irh fhr .rgh, te, .c s r•k s,.-J te',.t t`• it~t 31rt `. r n+ an,as t)*pty
<br />ii~m ter dtird. eralel`tB;IruFS a. wrlj brtarre s>,ifitv,k(ati+k .u tiMf :. e+nrltits'rtra,_f the ?:;ttlk,y, ,, ++f9 the 11sa1ra:•c,.c .*la3 dt±s;arw. eke
<br />Snt aiul'ttGa,eet wry Ouch ~ rnents U17tdi :ue=rfl ~g-al»,. f?ut _ehaa n,1 tr; rc~urrd - ,. ,3„ ?~},, ,,.-'.;. ', rent: t ~t~.rrrraate
<br />;ua: ik'a : for- azi? ,+ltl s ois{ ,il'+Mr trlra.. 'fhr.. nr+ttttttrge
<br />- lit.: t?.t17fA 4k?:i ;:A".
<br />