<br />This form is usrd in connec-
<br />- tion with mur{gages insured
<br />ME)R1'GAGE under the one- to four-family
<br />provisians of the National
<br />Housing Act.
<br />$2--~ ~;tr4435
<br />TFitS MORTt;AGF., made and exeuned this I2th day of October .A.ll.
<br />t9. 82 ,hsandbetween Lynn C. Black atul Joan W. Blac~k~~(formerly known as Joan W. Moore},
<br />of tht Cawnty of Hall xnd Stuz$f Nebras~taap~iiy of the ferst part. hereinaftercatled
<br />the ~frmgagar, and Superior Mortgage, Inc. "
<br />a curpurstirsn urgani~ed:xnd txisting under tht laws of Nebraska .
<br />parts of the secumf hart, htrrinafter ca!!ed the'tfortgaeee.
<br />4t"t1`;v i~_tiSE'fEi: "drat thr eaid 4lariuagtsr, fur ;toil m eoncidtration of tht sum u[ Sixty one thousand eight hundred
<br />fi#ty and No f 104ths--- ^-- Fksllars (5 61, 850.00 ). paid by the Mart-
<br />gager, the tv=ceipt ,sF which rs -herrt,s• :tcknam=kW¢ed. has (;ranted and ~rskd soil by these pmsents dyes Grant, Har-
<br />gain, Sell. Ccsnvey anti E'untirm unto the tifoni?:rgee, it: uccessurs :lrnf .tsst¢ns. Forever, ''-he fn#lawing-described
<br />rea! tstata citu;ued Sn the ('aunty of Hall .and State
<br />tf Netxa+ak~, ru wrr
<br />Lot One (1j in Hlock Two (2) in West Hel Air Fourth Addition to the
<br />City of Grand Island, Hall Cottnt]•, Nebraska
<br />of thr ~sutt isttna:tper. tfrtsdtan, ~:mt:unin}• us .,r acre, according to t;uvcrn-
<br />mtm sursrr
<br />TU EIACE ~bL Ft? Hrb;.;) the t+r~mt.c. .tYxtvc dc.a nhrd, wstit a;; she a;-pttncnans, e~ therruntu #seiangtrtg and ineludtrrg
<br />;ril hr [ing, piumFmg anti !i{thting ;tx*.urc~ :+nd cywpmrni nosh a=e he+catter af;at bed tour n.ed m c(mtx+:lion with said ,tai estate
<br />unto tfrt 4lurtgsgtr.::nil to sty +uccr+u=rs a:xt :,.~sgns. '.'ares~ee Thr 4QcH!~atas re, rc~cn6. ta.=. atnf :'aturttants to ith, tftt ~lortga-
<br />grr_ that tis kiorty;t~sr tras~ tKKSCki etghi to sC#i anal cnnety said premiss*c fist they are fete from etseumbrancet amt thy! the
<br />4itxigagau~ weft warrant and dtiend the .ant, :syain~t the :ax-fu# ctarm, td .dl prrxtrn> whutnse!tser atnt the said hfartgagttr heee-
<br />{sy trltrtquuhes aU rights of lmnneausu, srtai ai( rnntnai ztght.. either ,n u,u r>i to ratwt5, and ail u[hrt conttr~eat interests of the
<br />~ftrri~e}'tH in ansi its the atntre-~tint=c~.d psrn»xs, the trtenahrst ;~tryt ;:" a~~sn.~Y i3erct+> sn at+wlWe fii#e. in ire 5rmp#E. itrtiud-
<br />sng:d# rt *},Ars a*-F humrairad_ znd .+thrt ttgbh srsd imexe,€. sa ai=zreestd.
<br />NItU~=tD~ D ahW.AY S. arrd tt€eu pre.enh.ae e se. ntcvl and dZhs~rtrJ upon tAr Fui#sss mg cutulNtons. €a Kit:
<br />t'he !4fart ax agrees tis pas to i#te \1,xtuagre. „t ,>rdrr. the pnrtcrpa# .ant ui Sixty oitf! titpttt3dnd eight htutdred
<br />iffy and Nol200tits- tk.##ar+t5 61.850.00
<br />wtdt Interest tram date at the ,ate ut ThirtaNtt and l?ite-fta2L" fct crntutu t 23.50 `T) per annum un
<br />the unpaid #pdancr unir# paid. The said prsrxtpal mui mttrrst ,nail t+t pas able <tt tier cdI'icr of Suptatior Mortgage. Irfc.
<br />in Gzrutd Island. fdfi . s,r at such other place as the hddtr of
<br />the note was designate in wntlrtg, in muutM} sn.tal#mrtus.+f Seven hundred eight and 44J100ths-----~^-
<br />- 1'xs#lars t! '08. d4 t, cutuatrnetttg un the lint day of
<br />~ :3 82 . -trot un the #ir st da} asF e:t.h month thn ratter until iht print pal and in•
<br />tereat .ue fulh~ p~ `d. eicrpt ;hat €ht final pa?mcnt rt sntu-3pei a±x3 rntrrz.t, it nt.t stawrr pan#. .hail tsz dttn. amt
<br />F:eyabk am the first day csf Novembez r 2012 e;! acctuditt$ ir+ the fet ma of a certain prumu-
<br />eury note c:f e<tn;}att htrea,th exes.utetiS h'. rise .:tt~# :du~t~tgxt~su
<br />"lire-1lurtgagur iu order tnaxe futlt to ptutrt; t the se_unty to tMS Nurtgage, agree>.
<br />#, 1~ hr svdt pap the trntttrte-dntsi, as heretnfseFere prectdtd. t?fvrk~r is itsentd ut pav th. debt in vriw#e, tu~ in art
<br />atn6r¢nt ratty to utte w rnurt tnurtthiy~ pray rnents ..n itte prtrtcipai that are rxxt titre .:n the nutrt, esn tht iu+t .,csa a3 any tuuath
<br />;z; t:: t~t4^-ig. ?:v-s~a'r°w. Rlxxrer; ? h.;= R,....a :~ ;. .+f e., ., trntkKt to r<rt=:se. s,tc,„< prtv~grt-r is giver- .- -. shirt, t?r?t
<br />t}a} s pricy. to pr':Ps~ r°tat,-
<br />I. Tlnrt, taggilur ailh, ar}d is sthiititsn tu. the xrrtnthtj pa4tn<nts ari princip+d and itxrrtra payable uttaer the trrma of the
<br />,tote s~t+:urRtf ixrrt# y, tike 11#wtgagrv v;il) psy ru the ~9artgmgec. utt tFte hest Jap c+f z't:h rnwttit until the s;tai! txue tt fully pail, the
<br />ks+ifuw irgt soot,. -
<br />ia~ _,ntv4~lt >tt#ft.:t~ut to pturrdr the isssidrr tsrmut with inFrds tr. psy the rrcxt nsatf~t =rsmarsce prarntttm tf tha
<br />tttskrttutr~uk xtai rite torte acrurrd htttby art= ituuaxi, ur a tnuntltly k#tart>r an Flew t:[ tt ntcutJ~r trr,9r+mtar F±rev
<br />tnrj a flee} tier #ae#d hi the vrcvrtaty s>t i~}auairsq and tithari iJ~esrlrrpnr:.nt, ~a~+ tt,Huws
<br />€ti it-arnt ssr #attg hx katd uettes ut evert fats: affil this sttsitureK~(st ass tnaurrd ~ air .etrtsurru vnurr tttt prsr
<br />vttrirti•_i. s,t rhr- Vatkrnt3: tinuxtttit .act. n annnnrt xuif~itnt att xtutnuiate :» tit[-#t~arxis .*t rite betide, t:nc
<br />!tMt+c.rsea tNA-7;~+,t..hK+..,amr t# stta*tv;*trs ...vrar ~. ss~w.>r,a :+'i',+i,'TlCi1i~' NFs~lilt~l.`iit:t
<br />Fri~t]-iZ 14~fit tot l9t
<br />1
<br />~k
<br />