<br />ifie sums ~crured by this L)eed of Trust shall connnuc ummpaued. Upon such payment and cure by $urntwcr. this Occd =ri
<br />`Crust and the obhga+ions secured hereby ,hall remmn in fail force :utd elfect as d no aceeiereuon had occurred.
<br />28. Af+ru' nrrterrf of RtsNS; Appttjottaeat of Receirer, [xader fn Ptnsessian. .4s :+Jdu+ona! +ecunty hereunder. Horroucr
<br />hereby assigns to Lender the tens of the Propetty. pruv+ded that $omraer shall, pour to aceclrration under paragraph 1 ti
<br />hereof' ar ati,ved:,nment of the Property, have tfic rtghz to a~itect and retain much rem, .is they txrxxnc due and payahlz.
<br />Upon acceterauon under paragraph Ili hereof or ahnndonmem of the Proprrry. 1 ender, m person. by agent or hy'
<br />judfciatly apprunicd- reserver; shaft br: enntfed to enter upon, take possc~svan of and manage the Property and as cotiva the
<br />-rents of tfte Property nuluding those past due. Ail rent, collecteJ hY t.ender or the rccc+vtr shall Fxe.appited fist to pay mein
<br />of ttte costs of management of the Property and collection ut rents. utcluding, but not limned to, receiver's tees. premium,
<br />on reecnerb bands and rcasonabfe attorney's Ices. and then to ttte >ums secured by this Decd of Tivst- i.endcr and the
<br />- receiver shall tx h;ihfe rat account only fur ihost reran actuaNy received.
<br />2T. FWnrt Ativtttms. Upon request of $urrnwcr. lender, at Lender's option. prux to toll rcrnnveyance of the Propcny
<br />- by 'Trustee to $ormwer. may make Future Advances-ro $nrttswer. Such Future Adv;axes, w+ih interest thereon. vhalt he
<br />•ecnred by this Decd of Tutu when evidenced by ppmm+ssnry notes s+aung that sa+d notes are secured hereby rV na ume sh:dl
<br />the pntx spa! atmaunr of the intfebtrdnesa secured by this Deed of f'r=i.t, not including sums advanced m .u'ci+rdancc hercwnh
<br />to protect the senmty of this Drell-of Tntst, ezctrod thr c~ngtnal amour[ of the Note plus LS S 13 r 500 principal-only.
<br />22. Reeowveyttuee. Upon prytnertt of a8 soon secured try ttns Det~ti of Trust. Lender shall request Tnntee m rcatm•cy
<br />- the Property acuf shalt surrender th+s Qred of Trust and all ntucs cvidenctng indebtedness secured by this Decd of Tnnt
<br />to Trustee Frtc+ttt shall recnrrcey ttte Property wuhuut warranty and without.harge to the person nr pe:rsom legails
<br />- rntitkd thereto. Cueh pcncm nr persons shall pas' all cash of rec xdauan, :f any.
<br />23. 5obstktMe Trustee. l.err~r, a[ Cruller s opuon, may from nine to time rtmove Tnistre and apponrt a wccessnr
<br />innuc w :my Tn+stte appwnted hereunaler by an ;mtnrmcrtt rrcnrdcu ur the county m which [his Decd of Trust +, rtturdcd
<br />N°uhotu cnnvevaixe of the Property, the succr,sor Iru,ire shalt >ucceed [o ail the atle, power and duties conferred upon
<br />the Trustee henm and fly appfn:abie taw
<br />24. Request flu Notice. Burrower regttcsn chat copses of the nonce of drfcult and nonce of sale he ant [n $orn>wcr,
<br />address whxh n the Property :iddrew.
<br />[r+ WtrNfss WuEaeor-Borrower has z.ccutrd thss Decd ;,t'irusL
<br />r s~' I ~!~ ~..
<br />uverett C Wi.lt35r Sr -riot=m..r
<br />ir.
<br />} *~
<br />,~~~,~~y
<br />$etty L Wiley aa.=c,.e=
<br />`~; ~,
<br />~..+!
<br />SZATE OF YEBNASKA, H311 C~c:unfy ss
<br />Can Ihtx 1?t'•'• day oC S~Pt• :`+ 82 fkforr me. the undcrstincd, a vot:trY Pubh~
<br />duly wmmtestaned and quahtted !ur said caump, persumuis carte Everett 0. Wiley Sr. and . _ .
<br />Betty L, Wiley u, tnr known to hr the
<br />itfenttcal persuttis! whatir nametst am subsettk><d to Ifac tore(;a+ng instrument anti ,tcknowlcdgcd the c!ecculinn
<br />thereof to he . their. voluntary act and decd.
<br />W,'+tnrss my baud sod notanal uual at :;rand lslaad - ;n sold uaunt4, thv°
<br />sate a&sresstd. ,-~
<br />My Cixnmtsston raptres n%r4 (E3s' ``-°~ .y~` ~ ,_ ~~.~~ .. .
<br />~~
<br />t1~tMMh'MYeMMYtts
<br />RE(?l iTC C FrC)R RFt()ti~ l~l ,4'.iC`E: l if~'L~-
<br />Tci TaUStEE. ~~~~
<br />The utidefstgtttd is the trnWrr of fhc ntsrc +=r :,sacs ,c.atrv i+y fh+s fka'yi =st Crust 5atd :sole car notes. uagethcr
<br />watt alt sachet urdeMtkfneu aecurrfi by this f)erd r+f Trta,t leave t+t:ett natsi Utz toil you err herelzy directed to cancel
<br />satcl nett to rtxatrs ate} this f)ecxi et Trust. wh;str .ur dt.srresf hereby-, arses `-.~ =ecauvey, without warranty. atf the
<br />csutc nuw held by ytau under this Detd of f rust tt+ the prrsaua ,rr (tir.,rrn irittily emttled tht:rrtn
<br />Date:.. .
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