<br />$2--1~f~ a05~ 82--~Fi43~6
<br />9. Cowdewsntioa. The proceeds of any award or clauft for damages. d, tact or consequential, in connection with any
<br />entxieaeaarian or oz$et taking of the Properly, or pan thereof, or fnr rnnveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shat[ tx paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a total taking of the Property. the procceds shall he applied to the sums secured Ry this Deed of Ttvst.
<br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Properly, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />othtasvise ttgrce in writing, there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such prapnrtion of the proceeds
<br />as is ecqquual to IhaF proportion which the attrouni nt She stuns secured by this Detti of Trust immedrately prior io the date of
<br />takfng tzars to the fair market vafue of the Property immediatelp prior m the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Burrower.
<br />- [f the Property is abandoned ley 8nrrnwer, or if, after nonce by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />as award or utite a claim for damages, Barnswer !alts to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed, Lender is autfwriud to collect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Prnpeny or to ttx sums-secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />Unless [.ender and Borrower athrrw.se agree in writing. anv such application of proceeds to principal shall no[ extend
<br />nr postpatte the due date cf the tnnnthfy mstallnrents referred to :n paragraphs 1 and ~ hereof or change the amount of
<br />aurh iastaf[mrnts.
<br />tB. Rrsrrosrrr Vol Rdtased- Exttncion <et the time for payment ar medificatian of amottiLVtion of tht sums secured
<br />!sy tRis Deed of Tnnr granted Ry 1 ender u3 any =uccessnr ~n intrust of Harrower ;hall not operate to release, in any manner.
<br />the liability of She origins! Borrower and Hcrrrnwer successors in :merest. Lender shalt not tx required to commentt
<br />prneredings again€t such s++tcessor ~?_ refuse to extend opal tar payrneni ur n+herwist tttodity amortizafinn of the sums
<br />se-tued by thts Deed of T.vst by reason of any demand made h} the anginal Borrower and Anrroweis successors in interest.
<br />f t. Forlearance br Itnder Vw a Waiver. An} forbearance Ry Ltnder ;n ezezcismg anv right , r remedy hereunder, nr
<br />azhttwise atforttrd by applicable taw, shah not s-as a waiver , f r+r preetu<tc tRt txerist rr, anv such right or remedy
<br />'fhe procurement at :muranet ,7r the pavmcnt vE rases or atht-* item =~r c}targts F} E.erdet shaft not t>e x waiver of Lnderi
<br />right to arxekrate the maturity .>t She :ndehtedness ,rct:red by this [htii oe ? nest.
<br />IZ. Rewrdks Caw~n.e. :41: rrmedrrs pn>vnicd m thi. []Ctd of T; tier are dauent ana! :umulanve to any other nght
<br />or remedy under this f?eesf of Trust cu atkirded h+ law or tyuuy, and rear he esercrced concurcently, independently or
<br />steGtrssivtty.
<br />t3. Swctrsrwrs aed ~!aatos Roared: Jetat and Several t.iattintr: t'a¢tions. The covenants and agttmtents harem
<br />i-ontarned shall bend. amt the rtghts heretrnder shalt route ~.: tRr rupecnvc successors and assigns of [.ender and Barmwer,
<br />ste$iect ro stu prnvtsiara of paragraph +' herraf AiI covenants and :rgrtrmrnts c+f f3arrc+uer <Raff fst joint and severaE.
<br />fhe csptrans arxt hradmgs of tRe pxragra phs a*t" !hie [Teed :•f Trust ,.re for ,nnrrnrence ,>nfs and are oat [e ter t>_ud to
<br />~nterprct nr dtfirx thr pmvrsxonx hereaf.
<br />ti. Vann. Except fnr arty petit trgwtsd under aopi,catrk .aw +n he given in anathrr manner, rat any ttntrce to
<br />ttorro.ver provuttd far :r. then Der of Trust shat! tee grvtr. ±t}- :naiitrtg such t+auce !:y cr*tatttd mar! addressed to 8atrewer ar
<br />the Prapern :iddrns or at vrtcR abet address as Henr?wer map dtsrgnace f±y notice tit Ltntfea as pravtded herein, and
<br />kR)-any rotrcr to Ltnder shat! !,e givsm by drafted mad, return receipt rtyuested- !n Lender`s address stated herein or M
<br />sucR attter addles as [aatdCt' may rkargnxte tw nwree to Hurrowcc as provided heron. Arty notice provded for ~n thts
<br />I?rrd stf Trsast sRa![ i•€ drearrrxt ua ?+~ve t:xn green `a ftarrowrt ar Lodrr when gtvrn to the maantr drsigaattd Rerein.
<br />l3. Unarm deed d Trees f,astrwietlt I.srr; Serraiitih- fh,s t;xm ,rf tietd ai trust a]ltibines.u...t!..... :asaaaaats.forv-__..,.
<br />natianaf use and non undutm ;;orrnants with itmited +'xrtat,r.m Sa} :unsdreucrn to consmute a uttifiisra sttr'ia3KMtgtl1E-
<br />cstvenng seat property TRa [leerf :+f T.ast shai+ ere governed hp the law ae the -unsdreteon ~n whic$ the Prapttrty~ tF~locatad.
<br />In the event tRat ..it: prnv:sroa „r :.tawe =,f :h,s I'k ril .>t truer ar the vote .andrris with apptioahle {1w.. stilt raAB/ct sRa11
<br />era alfert crihrr pprrorssaxu r.t tens S d r>f -[rut+ .+r >-Re ~tikr '+Rr.h ;an he arvcn tHect wuhout tRr rcanflicting prisvision.
<br />and ru thes rmt tbt ;'rrevnerua c+t 'he [hat of l~rust and tRe tirrir err akitutd :r. Re stvtnWe.
<br />{~. Rertawar's Clip. Rcrrnwrr srsaft '+t turnrshrd a sas.tiormed cr,}»- r,i rRr Voer a:rd s+t thcs Deed of Trwt at the time
<br />ai rxtetrtroa w alter r~euVatts-:- herwt
<br />t?. tl'aaafa tit Me tMr¢nt}t: Aawtt~tlsw. it aft a,a any parr c+f She Prnprtt} a>s an mttsrst thereto +s soW ar trees€etTtd
<br />by Borttswsr mttsnta Leader's pow wnercn :-amstnt. tsrfudrng ;al She cm[rnrt of a !ten er eacumisraace suRnrdittate to
<br />tRrs Decd cat ~TruW, t!: i tRe _rutron t•t ;. puarhasr nnorerv xcunev- rnteresr is?s Rswsrtraid ;ip¢trances. _.:: t ~ trarsster by devise,
<br />ctescrnt or hT' uperat+wt r,f law u¢aa the death nt a :otm tcrtant ire tdE :hr gram r+t .ray trasrhofd interest of three years or less
<br />rxu cassatmo; as cr¢tut+t io put..°Rae, Caroler mat..rt !.enders ~tptrrur, Jrrtaae atS t}u sums stew: rd hr iha Deed of Tout to be
<br />,maeadiatdy dirt aml pevatrk. Ltnder sRaJi have wxrved such .,ptron to s:se{rrau ~f. ;nor .n sex sak -vr [raasfer, Ltarkr
<br />and the perwn to wtemr +tte Property ,s to he mtd r>t' :ransttrrtd inch agreerneat en wnuag that tree credit of such ¢etson
<br />;s satisfauore to L.rndet :red that the :nVttest payable Em the smm srcuud [ay tRis Dttd tit Trust shaft ?>r at such rate as
<br />[-eraser titr[9 reyuW. tf Lentka has warvnt tRc =rpnun to aCiefts ate prnv dad +a this paragrap$ i?, and if Harrower s stn`cessor
<br />~n sntettat Ras executed a watttM aasnem¢tuxr agrtxmrnt acccvttd ~n wntrrg by Ltnder, Ltadrr shaft rekax Borrower from
<br />ail oh!i~atwrn aadra tRrs t:?atd of 'Trust anti the ^1,-~te.
<br />i[ irrukr r•xerersrs wtR c+ln+on ;n acs°rtrrat.-. [.et+der +h~i:.~•:ad ticurnwer ,tmrcr of acrteradort in acearr}am:e with
<br />px apse f 1 ttrrcaf Sttttit nor+ce shah prm'dr a ;srncw ;,; "ot less ;Ran t0 stays tmm tRe date t$e nonce rs malted within
<br />w$tett Iforrowe[ rrwp pat 'hr sutra declareat 3nc [f 13rrrruvats taxis !a pay .rah xums pour :o the expriaiian of such period.
<br />l.etsder may, wrttvraut ituthm rxaae ar demand ->n Btamwer, ;ore+i.t anv trmedra ptrnutted by paragaph f g htaessf.
<br />N<w-Uy++rKZatot i.'ovR•rnwr"+ Rnrtttwet and T.tesdrt turttite cavtnant amt agree as trriMws:
<br />I!. Atre.~kralia+~ Rearedka. Ew•rM r pra.iiri M ptraatpapi t7 barest, srPr lareower"s breaAt d awy enreraat a
<br />aRrat+tase of Rarsow+r s tit Deed aA Trtteta, iR f-e cerewaWr to P+Vt wttwtw dwe erg utaw aatarM iY tlir Dad
<br />of Trwef, t.ewdar MIN' to atselsraliaw s1wY srr7 aanrs• w 8asresrsr s psittN iw pwtatgrltp ti flares! sttw•ttpttt~ tt- tit
<br />iaaeirt tL tla• artMw ngaRai to c7ee as+ri brtrecir i3l a ekir. aat t~ nwa .t0 tk~a Frain tie /kAe Ms aanes t9 alaYad re
<br />L+saawer. ly wile! stsr6 hrraN mtrat Or ctrte~ card fit tMwt tatlwe to rare sari! lueaek tw ar iefWe t$a dNe aMK'ud
<br />M tie avarice wRy reawN is wceleeanari d tie saws seratd ip rile f)a[sl d Tract trod ttde d tie may. Tie rsatlee
<br />sfaafl !exclave irdum tamwv of tie rlRlN h raiwsa0t altar acsdrtatsw awd the vftgttt to lrittR a tnswrt aenww to tsstA
<br />qrt• awe-eaWeaae at a ddark ar awT atlier ieEeaar ~ Raawaar hr acrderatiaa nri sale. !! tie inari ~ aW cored
<br />w at tsdsrr fir dam ryerlRad iw rift aeaiee. t.sader ~ t,aater'r apEiaw aw.y Aarfaae aR aE tie ~ ttaared il' this Deed
<br />at Trrwt b itr ter rises ersd }wyaiir wiiiaat iwrlaa iesnrrt awl ~ iavwite flee (Rowse d safe trd awy attar reaaadisst
<br />geraeiaad i9 4w. t.erder siaR ie cstNpni a raRax•t a1F rew.wtdk rsalit awd ee¢easm iatwrrat ~ awawitft tie
<br />reaediw pro a tit ¢waaRta¢if tit, iaciailat, het w tiwYad to rearwaiM affwewer`s fee
<br />N fir gprar d salt i tsesald, TraMts ttiaR rseorsi a earls a! detartl iw eae- taaaty k wiles tie lrapeatr or save
<br />tw ttrerartf i taaasrd aarf slay was rgties of sacs spire ~ tie weaver presctRreii h aPlBeaik taw to ttlasasrer awl is tier
<br />trNer ot+aaws ¢rest~rt6d 1g a~ptiraftr hw. : nee caper of ssrit nt^t w any bs rgtiisi ly ~ Wr, Tratlte siaN
<br />¢aiRr atstife el air to fir ¢rasaara awd it tAt rawtswe: ¢rrsrailtd lr ttppUtaile lase- 'Treace, wintswt deaawwd nw
<br />siwR sal dte PtaKaq » i~ awaiaw M tie iiRitna linter at fir base eri R~ aed aware tie raters
<br />4 fie aalke of salt b owe ee agate ~werels sat h saris erect w l>trtass• way dafrrialrr. TrsMee racy pwa*wae ask d i
<br />a rwy fracai.r tie y >g wHic a>rwareeweem w ale tfwre aaa Pi.ar d +at pettiewafy wirti.iati sale i.ewder r#
<br />f,a+dr+i taag ¢raitaas qra of sad ask.
<br />t"Raa al lwayaaeat d iim~wl, Trwasa +awp dAiar ro Ate ¢tpcisraae *1'assee's Bred taw+ryitet Ilse tsealerty
<br />waft. Tie ra~r it tie ?:ataars4 deal eWl he }siasa facie r+itMacs et t$r trati d tie wtAaswrsm erase t#r•Ein. ?twee
<br />>~-ate qta of mitt air fw Her iattw.nrn> Eat ~rewsartwtiir tom. set attwrst; x~6~:~+~.>> of
<br />eat fl+diit rtw Ttraamt's lass at ass wart tlhaw t: :7E I
<br />oiMr asittwaeT iii Lt ttM arwr swraied iy 8tla t~ d Trast•, awl fA fir create. if awp. ro eiK passwa ar pteaasrs taaaify nnlltd
<br />tllMl~
<br />Rwrrsaatrs t!i{,flf to tRreifeattt. a^ rsewuturamlireg l.enefex'S rcurkratnn of [he sums serurnd hp tR+s tktd cat Trrru,
<br />- riglp pws'erstintts t+rtrvsr Ry Lttarkr an rnfrrrte this Deed at '!'rust ctiscantmteni rt
<br />say retell ¢*tar to rRe rattisa is occur st tt! ihs tilts :Uv t+rfan the sass tsf else Rrt+prnp pursa:nt to tree mwn nt safe ennta+ned
<br />is the I}ardot Ttwr or f rs} atrttT d x ! t cntatcmg thi+ L?rtd ._d Tnest ;f' tak tisurstwtr pays t rrnler aft sums whrcR waztd
<br />ere flea axe .+dar rhea Dead tit Thaa. t- Ntnr aml nrHts vrr:urrng T=uturY A4c-pers. rt ant, had nix a~<irration orrtrnrd:
<br />t$i l~atwtrrwiet rprrv ati lttat$ea at any +riher cavrnaarr of agttettrems rf tiaars>wrY r+attrimat sit Shts [Treat tsf Toes!:
<br />tt3 Rarrvsrrt pwys aA rrastrpaWe tetrrwses ,rtcwm! ev F.errehr seal frrturt m enfr+rcenp the rnvtnaais amt agtrtments .4
<br />ffsrrgs.trr-C*rMasistvl trs the ik~ra cat Truss sad +n ralr~rcrfia [.tn4ti s ;era! 7ntstre~+ nnrtrrirrs as plc+rrrted rn {mteytraph Set
<br />t,aecaat, M~'lsstrltyf.. t+aet wtu lita:irst tcv. rtvrttsk attMrsrv'e t~ sad id+ flee+'rt+ww-?aktr scan aefium rv Leadct mat' rrxvcvnaAty
<br />'r~{rff ty assxrrC rtFa1 t!}r 3r¢n of iR# Taeod sx# lrr5t. [ rarrt~r-z rntrrs^.t rn the t'r..prnv xN(f Ts:~rrM1.wer- ..h+rrgtli+n ti+ nav
<br />