<br />~~--t}C;4342
<br />(1 } mono prior to its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder
<br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the
<br />tiatron:ti dousing Act, as atttended. and applicable Regulations thereunder: ur
<br />Qf} If and so long as said Hate of evert date sled this instrument are held by the Secretary of Housing and
<br />Urban Development, a nwnthiy charge (in lieu of a mortgage insunrnce premium! which shall be in an
<br />amount egos] to one-twelfth (f/t31 of one-half (fl'_) per cenuun of the average outstanding balance
<br />due on the note eompoled wtthout taleing into account delutquendes or prepayments:
<br />(b} A sum equal to the grnnnd rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that will nest become due and payable an
<br />palic}es of fire and itther hazard insurance covering the monga¢ed property. plus taxes and assessmenYS next due
<br />on the mortgaged property ~ alt as estunated hr• the :'#for{gagee! less all soots already paid therefor divided by the
<br />number of months to elapse before one month prior to the date when sactt ground rents, premiums, taxes and
<br />assessrrtents wi4i become delinquent, such aunts to hr held by ~turtgagre in trust to pay Bard grcwnd rents, pre-
<br />miums, taxes and special sssessmen ts, and
<br />Cc) All papmr-nts ntrnnonrd to the two }xecedutg suhsrcrctns uC the paragraph sod all payments to t?r made undez
<br />the note secured hereby shall be added together, and the aggregate amount thereof dtail he paid by the ktorigagar
<br />each month m a single oay`rncr-.t m 6e app3icd by the h#ortgagre to :hc Pailmving arms m the order set fonh~.
<br />(CI i`remtum charges under the comract rat utStttsnu• wait rite k.tets[y ui Hausme and Y'rban Dcvelupmcot.
<br />ur moo*.hlp :3targe !=n lieu .>7 rmxtgagx~ tnsuram•a• {trrrtre~mi, .,s tfte case may hr;
<br />tIi) ground zen t5- taxes, asse>srnan a, file and +mher ha:;ud insurance prenuums:
<br />It}t) truerest «m the our secured hcrehe, and
<br />t1V } amt: rtuanon of the pnnctpa ,,. saw cote
<br />Any Jeii:irney m the amount : f sae ,ucL aggrrruu F:t:+t3{hi<• Fa<tnrrt sha(#. unless ntadc gotxl'sy qtc \1nr*.-
<br />gagar prior to rhr due dart ut t#te next su..h pr,,acr€:- .'.:usttture an ;•ernt ,tt r?soh under thts mortgage. The
<br />Mart~attt'<` 'stay aaiiect a "fat: ~tsrgr" na+t t„ :n„~.i r, ,.:.~.nts t~r'1 tar each dollar tai #.tf raih payntrat tuore
<br />ti~an fifteen # ! 51 'a: s ^ sterols tr_ ;:a~-: ;,,. ~ st. c.,xtsz €:tv=•f.rs ?<t ;tandiinr de.vtyuert }>eyutents.
<br />,. -PP.xt tt rhr utt.a! nl she payment- mad.- ha the lht;t;;atunmdF+t :: atC par-graph =' prt•ceding -hall useecd
<br />the :ututunt of pavmPts#• tsrtuaflt madt• ba~ tftt• .hrrt~aera tar emun~d rrnt~, lave- and a<.a.:mamt,~ nr insurance pre-
<br />m:um-, rr~ rhr . a.-.• mar ir:•. ~u<~h c-v<a~.>.. rt tha- i«,an s. tiurrer;..tt :tee .,pttu[t ~.f the lktrtKaqur, +h.i#i be ire-tiited t»~
<br />the AhtrtpaKre• un =ubMnurnt paymPnt~ to }M: made ha the 4i.,nt,:t;!ur. rn re{ended to the f}ortga~~r If, hutaetty the
<br />^x,nthta patine-nt~ ts=uic hr the skxt{iagc,~,uktee -;d #z+ritvat,>tt ° }~~c.:r,tteta• ~-~St t:<u ;<e ~utfsetenr ro pac grourui
<br />rrut_ lasso- .usd a-~i•o--ma•ni- ur ~n~uraur-r pronuvm~. a~ for a air mat hr. Shen ;hr -amt >ItaH beroma• clue and pap.
<br />obit. then thv t#ttnKn~ar -hell pat to the ltartcu>t<•r mty a.muuni nrcr»ort to mai,r up ths- deficirnrt . em ur before
<br />the daaj rttsat pasmtm# oC wrh xltnund nrot~, tn.r•-. s»r--mrne- ar €u-ur:sncr pn•mtuml -itxff tx• due If at any
<br />ume the Skxt~~mr hail te'rtde•r ;u ih<• 3hxtedLvw. m arrartiaat t• >~u1a rhr pees<r-i•m- n# the note ~aacursd hen•6p,
<br />Cali payment of iht• enure tnd.•hua#ne-~ mpn=w•nu•d tfirrrbt. th<' ylurt:*aero -half. ut aampntinQ rhea amount of yus`h
<br />tncCrC+teahtc... cnz#tt tea the ,tccevtnt ,>C rhr ~icxrtyattor ai# ;r tSmc-nt. tn.k#r ant#rt rh< tra.a t.teats ttC ::~.' of par:tgntph '_
<br />hrrwrf alttch the- 13rrrtr;a£r'a' h+~ Hat tn-r amc° :.hte!tut'd to p,q to eh+, wr[.•t.t~ :rf ftot[~m~ ~r# ! ~rhsn lac<c•lonme[u
<br />:utd Est halanrs• ra•matnut~ to r3e«° fund- ae a umulatrci uo<h•s ;h<- pn•tt~r+cn- ««, - „r p.trae-e•tph ' h. revel, It' the°re
<br /><hafl ter a default under ;sin ~,f tht- pm<.-:our- ,ri tit+- m.crira~r• rs•-uit+tt ,n ,t pu~rfta -.fir of the pmmr~e~ cotenvd
<br />h<vsby. ur ![ the ~kxtaa Err ara~te•t tt+r propert< oths•rxt-o afh-r d<-t salt- the Akrrt,<;:~rt• `hall rppll. at the time of
<br />rhr ~emmrnae•ms-r.[ tf -ugh taatcz•dm~-. +.r ai rhr ttntc iha• ten.}ramx - ..th*•rur-r acgtttr.•si- tht- batanrc then remain-
<br />ing to the fund .u-c umui na,vi under - :+C parav. r:rph ? pn-cr=dtn~, a- s .t.-sht -t>sxm-[ the amount ut pnnrtpal rhea
<br />nvssatntnt; unpaid wrdr-r -ar.} :n.t<-. nn.i -i; s# pea,}xc=s#t .:u[a ~t :sna r..;mrnt; n#tr <-t= -ity## h.t<r !>s•ctr m.t3c under -•:
<br />of }rata,~raph .'.
<br />That 'he Lta,rturgvr •.«... tr=ne Hai .rct.. ;za_~- xS,r+=mrnr. .c.,trt :.,trS..tnai .,thee got err>_mrnui .ar auimeipa,
<br />:twrgr5 ra[x.. .x imt~a:,an„n,. t. ? °+. nt.h Vin,. ,, ~.•n ,a. :ro.at tern rtr,,,tr t'.r t,°,~ni4'f ~sr ,~a:d vt dct:.uft tnrtroi rhr \lortga$ee mat
<br />sa± the ,„err. -eo«r th_a rhr tt.•rtgag,•r a+ et< ~ r.+ :>sta oar<rr rhr .dF, sat rr: ray t. [her<-for t:. rhr s#.,[tg~gre
<br />Ifn !l.ertx+a. _r ., t.. ..... tx -:•[ru -;}=E t t,-'-t- zar•cr + ::nrsc"t m *atai rr.+# r,tate .,tkt enter.+<r~
<br />tmnta, .mJ u ht<h r•.aas E•e it are na{k,n ten, ^rs,~tts;xtir -•r me drtit Sr: ntrd hrs; i•s +}sot unit t.; ttx ettctu that such rs nut ptahtbu-
<br />rd ht 1,tv, .tnd a,n.a t., ttx ct[rnt [n:rt , - ..« , •.•t.t-r tht5 '-,- tt ~-,tttz.,U a<'i ,!•ttg ,,rat tara:t,rnc tta. \tatr ut t~rdrra#.
<br />*.mpasrda,n lta,r±Kagrr, sna x,„:-.ae ;hr •+[t•<:.- .. errt,ha=w,ng,etah ;:ss ae r,r w,[h an<4#,:tt;,egea° (-}+<mtralauent•it#nSUrk#r[-
<br />takmg, aM d ttsc tiurtgaxa=r r, ;:ar6rt+rtear rat art, 4>a a.~x ,:, t:rtc~te:rr -st,tmt• tr••ra ; a,ni>; tae b#taa4•;v .m} pi~rtktn dC the afurr-
<br />+:;rd F:rle<, as spa:n th<° [rn:tr[sn}; ,,: ,ant ..:art uca trc ; e:,hint*,tn~ ?sic ^.a.:sn°n+, rat the ~#.*ttwaita•r :•! .rot ,uih taut, a«r tt .wilt i;ta
<br />sx decree pen. k9r* [hat am .rim=um , -.ai.t r. +tx• yia>tiy„gart ~•:+,; t; rr °!,u~tr.i a•u the ,,et•nK:e~c dr Nt. rhr ',1e+rtgnttet ,has} ha<e
<br />rhr rtptil to gttc nuu:h dot, wt~ttrn n,«ekr ;~ tnr :,~,.nrt .,i e?k m.,rg,,gra ,,eemr,c, ~evuitmg tnc }=aymrm nl Fhr nturtg~r
<br />JCht 12 wdh tx,IKC tx gtrcn. rhr Sat.! dct•t .halt fie<.~ntr :.3 ear },a},tKlc cnu ,.,fa~a tihbr .tt the rtptr:dum cat +:nd ninril d;at S
<br />h. That Shcw}<# he fnd h, ~< nn} sutra ar i«a-e, ant -->:x-na.aa; t==a;,y2at for t;e #2ut Mur~s,ayxr, thin rhr 41,,vtut>:,r. st rat op.
<br />tk.n° m:+} pay trc i+re1'orm rhr vamt, and nit rcprtx#rtr.;r~ .o rrtadr ~hat# t,r :rddrd t„ tftr gnnrtpal rum eau mg on rhr eMrte nett.
<br />Shalt Nc srcuted hrtrhs°s[W .halt Neat tntrre,t at rhr !rte *a: #axth is Lhr t.tea#;tarte, ttau} psrd-
<br />-. 7ltat Fsr brrrYr} asvgne. nansfrr5 arW +rt. of e; t., byte -M.•ecgrgrr. to br appiaed ta,ward the pat tncnt art rhr Hole 3na# .rti
<br />win. Sri Wed hereby rat case a+t a v<~fauit to the ~[aa+ern.<n:r e€ sn< atif tha term. gnat rundttkars .,( iht< yott}*.~sgr ,at rhr ,etd
<br />note. all ttrr rents. re<rnur5 sod ttk'aiaftc ta, tar ,;;ref rd ir33tn the ,xa•r,gain•.a ~ [aattt.ra ;urng ,uah sine :,•rhr tno[tgat}r tndebted-
<br />nrns shalt remain unpxx,#: anJ file 31aulgny}cr. Shal3 h,r.r p*„rrt tr a~e.•;nt .run :.};rot ,:r .,t:rni5 tt into de,tre i+v Chr purpa,,sr <,C
<br />rrpasring >akf prrmsxs end a*f renting rhr same atki ia!ikiunp t#tc ; erxts.:c. r+sur, .,rW atit,rnr, and at cosy- t*ap .wt ad said tu-
<br />crtmrc a#t r'<pcnsrs of rrpatrtetg :asd prcrossr--. ,arty rtr:r.Sary ra,mmas,k,rt, attd rspente< st»urred to rentin}t amt nranagmg the
<br />same ataY nC s;oiteitst~t rtntats tlrerrtr<ure. life rveasa<r rrmnansutt° rC .one rc+ frr ap}*Itrd tc,aard the dt.ihar}tr «rC told mon}}aYSr
<br />ttadrMedrues+..
<br />h. Thai ttr will temp rhr tmpta,armenn atcaa< rtistttttt;:r beers#trr <trcicJ.,n rhr mortgaged ;+r<,czrn-. insured as may #+r
<br />re«toired fr>+m time to trine hy- the Mcvigtsi~er ;st~+nst ;ak5 h} flee area} ,rtnra ne: olds- ,.aaualne. and rtrnNnkrni~t ~n an<h
<br />amstunh and Carr .wh nrrti+ds a5 rews t+e rca}urrrd h} rhr \lcxtitt}.rr :<nd v. to tin} pram} t#y . uhrn due. stet ,;eauunt, t,n such
<br />tss5trtlarwr pre,»k . €cx }Ht}-limier ati .. btih ~.ts nar:xrn +:radr :trretnrrriare 5±= ,n<ursn<c nn,e hr .nrrrd r':t rari, :.-
<br />prirtd Ay ittr ~r'rsvtgagce sled rhr iSaitC- S .trw ~ S t?ar-t r.• <tta;t h 1*r?:t #_- the y#.•z:kat}er .;r - „rr ::.., :.. ttc• ,:.-..
<br />pal aA& rt.lausce +n Caaor aV ~a[td ;n fa.r.tt :a,irpidt*ir t: <the tCiYiyat4rr fn et rn3 ,*t #as,. ;larttk.igau u[ll true a~r:~;,, ~tvu<c ht
<br />;attel ht rhr 14atrtRnt}rr, wtu. tna< rnaAe pant: of te-s; [J teat :node ptnmptty by ',4lortgagaar. ;sod rat:h uuurau<e _a,mpanv ,.uu..
<br />:eTrre4 ix #~reM nuib;.ntzrd sand detected tar taaaitc payxneart fur .uCb #«<, dtr>?. tCe to Ent Siattgtr}rr tn,trnti of to rhr s#utrgagat.
<br />sort tta~ ~9Ertprgse u+ttet#p. Wrskf ihr tmuzan.r pt<+ircd+_ are any twrt ~hr;rrtaC, =aeaa. he a}teur<t he rhr #No[ tNat,4ca :u ns spoon rather
<br />tct the te~s}stap~ti c~C rhr rrttkinrdrsrsx ttrtet+a-~aatr<t -r to tht tt~turatK r. av tepait trf tttr, raprttp dsxttagrc; #n rt ern .,# ftxr,.~:-
<br />+AKC uE suss maxlitdiGe ar hhrr trans#rr t•# ink tr rhr nrort}w~d eta=peen at c <bngut.hmrnt at rhr ,ndrbtcdnees ter: ate<9 bertha
<br />~}?y~rt- rn~ a;r.# =steers rd rhr .tilautgirtSc~r to saki t<..mt iss. ,tartar tr-sur+ t#un ut::u~<r <haU }ray. to rhr }tut~ttuSer sat }ca~ttntrr_
<br />M 7 hat M4 adalxknat amt <adtamrai ScS rsrny #tn rhr e:n inrut at rhr ta•+c «tcc<rA*rd sew n1# ,uraas to t+r<a:[rtr >#uc rtnrter thi,
<br />rttstrrt~rtCr, rite ~ia'±tt,rtagan beref=t a.Si~ns tt, '_}tne fi4tartt}aarrr a#! [„#itt. rr<, Hue,. tt,t:t-ucs rrg,nts anti trnrlifs a..<t utrts t., ttk
<br />Ntlt't}ttrttau staetrt at3y- and a}f ,*u atsd gas tra,SCS ten wtd }~trsts<ra, wrtYt file t gttt r<, .^c-t -r •_rtd et•,: ret-t it;t firi .dine gnat ,sna
<br />'.Isrm k-,dw7 cE.atra#ttr~r ,t. >FrH hrC<rrr a. after QrCautt m rhr. et,tnlant+n,,=C t#ttS Inca tg„gr. -,ltd r:hr S#.•e#lugrr =n;at drmden#~ ,rat
<br />far asu3 rriavEr sot s~-b rigs-mcntc ~r hen <Isu saki payable. hvt aheJC tkea i+r rrttnte.t < e iht< ar<{jrnrnrrt s ta, ter-7uu.=zr
<br />.and 1x:aamr uu,F ~rrd t~,ad u}w.n er!r:+• # th+s m,vtiwar
<br />{at_ is tt ! 3 ltd «4- tai,
<br />