<br />This form is used in canner-
<br />- tion with mortQa~es insured
<br />MvRTGAGE under the one- to four-family
<br />provisions of the National
<br />Housing Act.
<br />82-- ~~E;4342
<br />~,EHS ?+40RTGAGE, made and executed this first dap of October .A.D.
<br />i4 t , by ar+d hetamen 3eff+~ty L. Haytaan and Ik~nna R. Haytttan, husband and wife
<br />of the County t># Sall ,and State of Nebraska, party of the first part. hereinafter called
<br />the ti4<xtgagnr. and Superior Mortgage, Inc.
<br />a carpnration organizri! and rsistin~ under the taw. of Nebraska
<br />pa7w of the second part. hereinafter retied the tcrtga,rre.
<br />41't1'NESSFTH:'T7tat flit ,aid 4fort><uKur.`orand m cnnsidrt:rtian ni the sum of Thlsty-t2rree Thousand Seven
<br />Sundsed Fifty and No/100ths - ;nifars iS33, 750.00 t. paid by the A9orr
<br />gager, the receipt t+f whia:h it hereby a~.knotviedged. has Granted and \oid and txy these presents does Grano Sar-
<br />gain_ Sett. Cons°es~ ::nd ~ imiirm ot~lt'lie ~tortg:cter, its <ucressors .tnd :tcsigtis. forever, the fattowint.-described
<br />rest estate. <ituated in the C'c.unir~ .tf ,and State
<br />(tf ~ichr ka. 2a ,rat
<br />Lot Four ial in Block Ninety (40) in Wheeler
<br />and 9ennett's Fourth Rddition to the city of
<br />Grand Island, F~11 County, Nebraska.
<br />rw the ?tarn thnx. ,tea \lr+r.?tan,,.•nr:;znrrte an at' -+.rrs araaditrg to (iavern-
<br />fl2rt12 <Qrrrt
<br />l~ri tf a\ t~. _ti'<C? -Iii }t<±;.i?',he F=sr-.za.r+-:rte .c ,- ,~t:t~eS...ath sit the ,aprr.r:esr~;rce> ttxitunta i+clan~tnp, :vtxt trn;ludin#:
<br />,rli hrairng, t~!arnhtng ;vrd I;chtrrp tistu:ee wed C~tueprr,.-rt a,~,t „r lzrrrs(tir' u`.IeRatrd ;=s.rr ar.ril a=-c a~uixztinn W-ttb tiatd Fr3i c~tate
<br />unto the \lr,rtgagrr, .and t+. tr. xuccrs„rF.~ud asvgrrm. ,«rr<-tY !hr ;ire=.r~rge+r rrptrsrnts t+,_ atnt cnrrnanix wub, the Wex2ga-
<br />aYC. that thz Y.2,Ktragu bars ,r~Mni ..*irttr 1n sett aced a •+ES~ev ,axi t+rcmrar+. shat tixt a e {tee teem encumhrtnce: ,md that ihr
<br />Stitttar wyii weir ant axui drie red the ".,me ar<:unu ttu Tae tee c%arm„=f af€ txr"ons >ti laanavrvrt : vnd for ,nut Stwigagtu heir
<br />t+y trtirxtuistsr. , ,.: t}#tt=. ~*i tsr.tme<ir.a,i, ,.yt :=i? nrsrteut :,gh!~. ~etftr: =.n i.,r. ru en r+iugt. ,:sni of r:irrr ierrnin~Ceni intetr~it c,f iitr
<br />Nt7rtgator m arw t., the ah.n-r-sk>..nixd pzenme<_ the ;n:rntaui ?~nrX ate, .x+nsr+ hrrrnv a,. aeaotuu utk. m tee stmpic, ineiud-
<br />tnyFalt tights: f hirmr<tee.[, .+ex9.rthtt rtttfte ~n3 rntrtr,r, ae .t!„r r,ai+!
<br />flirtVtlUt~tl ~t-vk'AYS.;uxlthc,e;uc,rnr,..rcc^sr~~2eraser.}dc3aaete+2upc3nthet.=if,+atnpartictttio+tc,tttwrc
<br />The Alr+[I K »};rcr. toper to the ~lcx tttagrc- rx .x;+rr a2tr ~r'1M'tt+.ti aum of i+~ ter-thre9 2$OlISdIId $eVErit
<br />ttuttelzr3d Fifty and t1o/100tha-------_- --ir,,;tar,ea13.750.00-----_-------------i.
<br />with mterrs[ totter dalr.rt the rate cu Pcuc`taen rr .~etuuut li
<br />€ t""' '~ 1 per annym un
<br />!hr unpaai t+sdan.r untd part. T~ha .;cut, tntt.tpai arui mirrrst <hat4 t=r ear:ci+k ul tFtt udicc,tf Supt_+r19r Mortgage• IRC.
<br />to Grand SSland, Neluatlica n at scx:t: E+thrr.ptAtie as ihr border of
<br />°ttr owe rnap de,igrwir w writttg„ ra m..vrthfy untaitmrut, t,t ^hzea Ht.tatdttxl Ninety-nirse attd 89f 100tha----
<br />-~-_- tkJiat<r±3yy.8g--_---_-~__- ;,~ctmntencutt5onthriit'etdeYr+i
<br />December tv 82 , atrd.tu the iu<¢ day ,,t r:r.h!rtunth thereaitrr antti the pnnitpai attd in-
<br />i
<br />trrrst arc forte peed. evicept "€f:rt he tinai •wsmertt ttf ^ntKr(wi -osJ anteust. !i to+t <uunet paid, <bati he iluc noel
<br />irnsutdr .m Ehe first daY ttf NwembeZ, 2(ia12 xti.r,:cordtnk tc+tht terms of a caA:nn lurrmtr~
<br /><sMy note df rscrt date hrrrw u.ttrte~nird ir. tier wed y2 Cutts
<br />?°tx \4txtgatfux tn,>•drs mrvc kukh• x+ ~caci t the sriurrty t,t tttr+ A#cwtitrite. agrees
<br />t. hear ice e.dt pay rise teekbx~ars_s, as hrrrsnr~f.ere ;asa+rdrd. fitsdrgc is reset,ed tt~ pay the debt in wh ile, or in an
<br />aetunM c'yrsat ta+srtr +rr ma=re ~+wut#dt ratrtaenn .~n Ihr prtra~.tt+:te that ate tint dtx .,cs the note, *n the ti,*st ~±as .,f anY manib
<br />prhu wtnatWitp l±7o.>S€ect,. fa+u~rrrr,-Glen[ wrutrntn>Zxe of an micnNarn h±rxrrcr,~ -ur'h twrvi>ege rs~rov- =.t thatp i alt
<br />:~}. p. ru? 2>E, ~wrF af`wrant
<br />'llrttt. ttga`lhtr +kNit, rtn$1it addghn tin the nxrnthiY . ayments ri prutcirytti atW interest pagahk under tth trrms 3/ the
<br />ntsla v+rcmed isarcl+c, the A4tMtg~pitx wi8 pay tza ihr !Ntvtkagrr, car ttsc fini dap of rac 6 rxuath unlN the sarFt nntats tufty paid. fire
<br />fartttrx ksryk soma.
<br />tat ~az4wtt 'r+ttla'brrr; tc prsrult the ,ita'ckr tier,.=t a. tits ;erode t+, psy tiro uest ¢ecnnt ntwrat>4t !,t ear,xcnt vi tarts
<br />ensttuormnt and chi tiara secured iret>:hy ,tic trisutrty, _„ a rtreanihl ,:hat;Ga trA ,rzu ,.p a mwrg,yrr ra.ptna+rr• lv.<
<br />ctutrrn~ {2 tttry ar~ iretd t+y t!xe ~rxt~tat E-.-i tiv nitultt arttt t `rt+at; t,lrn~iadmant. a<t+dis=.r,
<br />i.tF !! trod, au knroa .~ sent nor ut evert ,tact and !firs rn~rtnuttent am uraturd of me sanwred utxt€: the pia
<br />r~taer,>fsa ,=:t the YatxuttaF ti+FUSrrta ._Ret, ua at[ssyrrst +~2'luxnt tear--srunrtti~tr to thettaruta u[ the tt±+t+lrr ;sir
<br />=ra:.:.«s€r<d,~=a:oatva+cr,,.ar n.:+++r,zu„t±:+~wua t+.,a,aasrlrr tiTA'I`h'tllF`Y[+~KAtiK~1
<br />t«tat~-a°at~;irt t9 n?s
<br />ii
<br />;<,
<br />