<br />~~~a--iiU~322
<br />Leader's written agteemmt or appficabte law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Aay amaums dishurscd by Lender pursuant !n this paragraph '. with intemst thereon. shall become additional
<br />lndebtt:dness of Borrower secured b} this Mortgage. i!nless Srxrrower and tender agree to ether terms of payment. such
<br />amounts shall kx payabk upon notice from Linder na Borrower rcyuesting payment thereof. and sha{I hear inrerest from the
<br />dare of dishuraemmt at the rte payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />iruetest a[ such rte wrntld tx contrary to appticshie law, in which went such amounts shall bear interest at the highest r»te
<br />permisaihte tinder appticabk taw. Nothing contained in ;his paragraph 'shall require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />arty aciitm hereutx~r.
<br />&. Irapectbn. under may make or cause to be made reasanabte entries upon and inspatinns ur the Property, provided
<br />-[hat [xnder shall give Borretsvez palm prior to any such inspection spe<ifeing rrasorable cmtsc therefor :elated to 1_ender's
<br />;merest in the Property.
<br />4. Cotptemnafbr. The prixceds of any award ;,r :tatm for damaars. direct or ~rmsequentiai. ;n connection with any
<br />rondemnatic?n er outer taking of the Property. or part thereof, nr hsr conveyance in lieu of condemnation, arc herehy assigned
<br />and shall rte paid to [xntlcr.
<br />to the event of a tMaF faking s+i the Property. the pr:werds .hat{ he applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage,
<br />with the exrrss. if uny, F.ard to Borrower. !n the went et a psrua{ taking of the Prcsperic. unless Bnrrowrr and Lender
<br />aaherwise agree in w'nr,ng, them shat{ he sppliett to the wins srcurrd t+v this itortgagt such pmporrinn of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that pn?portion -+~hich the amount of ihr wine ~+:r.+rrd Fs~ thrs ]lortgagr immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking beats to the fair market value of t#tr Proprm~ :mmrdiatetc nnrx to ihr state of taking. with the batanct of the proceeds
<br />peat to Borrower.
<br />tt the Pmperiy is abanriattat h. Bor.. over. +,r ,i, after Ratice by Lender ?o & rrowcr that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award .u set[!e a claim far damages. &rrawei fath icy resps'nd tv Linder within 3Q days a8er ihr date such notice is
<br />matkd, Lender is auth xixed tea colteci and apph• ihr prs,<.eeds. at t rrrdei s an[ion_ atther to restortion or repair of the
<br />Prnixtt?° or to the rams sttRtred ',v this Mortgage
<br />t'at{tss I.rnder and 8armwer utherwtsr agree in untinr. ens .st.h .+^pi~catn+n :,! prekeeds to principal shall not extend
<br />.?r psxupurn ttrr due date of ihr mnrth}v .nsta;fmrrts n°°frrmd ':+ ...•ars-gt a, bs i .and ? hereof ,x :hange the amount of
<br />s:a'h instal#»:crsts
<br />!0. Sarsvwer 'Vw BNs~ed. Fcierston .,i the t;mr •~ ,^-a?mrnt :-= ona~ctific:¢tan ;=t _tmortizafmn of the sums ce.cured
<br />be this Moagage granted by Lender ea, any :~ .etraw _. ~strr:.t .d &stre?w,'r ,^ i! -,:-: ; ,xtatr to rctkase. in any manner.
<br />ihr !:atst{itti :~f the ,=rig;na. Ba'-rr;ewer ..rd B:rmxer'; ..,~„su:r< .. ,ntrrtst 1 °^; ter =ha61 ..... a~ rryvirrrt .. ic:mmeRCc
<br />t+n,ccedings agatmt akh suu~-essor ,,r •,rfirsr to r.crend +m:r .. r a?`meet =st hers a -ties' amortiravont ~+f the sums
<br />,nured hr this Mortgage {sy reas<m ,'t ;mv demand made ^t •he ~.+n¢anal ltormwrr .:nd B.+r i.~wrr'c successors ire interest.
<br />t 1. Forhestares In E.etattar 'yot a ltdver. -1m *,t'.?ra+a^~,, ^s I girder :n ;,.°=; :s,nc .. rv right ~>r remedy hereunder. a?r
<br />,.t lirrw:sr afts?rded by appheaEtlc raw. s7kaii ~ "t w,r~s rr , . . r--~;uair +hr . tcri+cc „t ens .ucti nght ..r rcn7edV.
<br />~C`tc prncurcment sf insurance or the Pavmrnt ~,, wxa~ • .=thrr 'te°rs . r , harries r^s t rnr'kr ,half rot hr a u aver of 1 ender'x
<br />nght to ac.-elerate rite manrrity et the :nskficedncss .,z ~:n-rf I,s =.`,:. 's4.,ngatcr
<br />i2 tilstedtea CtwerYtlsr. i#t :emC:#ars ;+r%~.-,.tcd -=s "?"+ ai,.rreaer .+n' .it.t!r,.t nnri ,:an?uiattvc ea, ..ns~ .+sher right or
<br />:rmcdti ~rtxlcr iMs Mczrittag_r s,r stl;,•.ck-',!'r,-v iau ,~r :=etu~~s. .~'~,i ^,et `=a' ;sir, ~s.:.i ,,,n. ;:s r~n:tt ;^.dcprrulrntit~ „r sucet`ssivrl?•.
<br />13. tirersssras sad •\ss$m Bound: !dint and 4srrr) I iaM7ih': t'apttdess. !}+r .. ,a-rsants and .rgrrrmcnts hrrem
<br />camtauxt# she{{',ind. ,ind it>i etthts hs'reutr~r xrtaif .ns:tr +.; ,ar x<~;u.r ua: cs.-n aiad asaicr•_s -,t { coder .ind Borrowe[,
<br />.ubxtt t,r the pruvntotes ,=t Bata;taph t !srrti o? A{t ,-.vrnanix a,.+. _>?:1•srnnn of tlut n.wa-t shelf fir s.'ant ,+nd ,rs~rri.
<br />T!x ;aptrons and hraimgs :t t!?c par agrxt hs ~>. 'his St.,rigae era `~ _ _ v-s-rn:enir .:al, .;ta.t -ire :rot r: i.r :rsrd io
<br />..._rprrt :ar detinr the pt. t:sic?trs !rrrevr.
<br />!i. NWkY. Fzcr¢i Ear app netrr ^^ilctrrst erndcr api*trzahir ?vu •.+ ~ . am =n aqr+t!*rr ^tanna-r=as xiac :aaitce to
<br />Hcrt.,wrr pn vtskd fs?r :n ibis Ll.+ngagr sf:iii ?+r :i~+rn .`, ::setting .:z,. is -.;;,t,~c `? _crtthed matt :sddressed t:, Ha,rrs,wrr at
<br />the t're*prrtti ~ddrras -.r at suwh .+t ttri :,trues. es B.arr,.wer mat- rkssnair hs =x;=n;r ":, ! rttitr as ^r<~verted herein. .sod
<br />tbi ens ns,ix-e to Lctxier ;hail hr gssrn 'ns- crt, t'srd '^,:ct. ~rurm ~err~t's rey,ra5trd- :.+ . rnr#es'a adcirr•s. stated herein ar ?c
<br />such ..chic asWrt°ca .as ! k-trder mkt iksaq~air fi~ --tie-r • • Bc,rr:-,s . a .r<,s, Vie', ~rrr:e- ans~ ,-_ . .s•sslyd t:,r ,n this
<br />Meuigagr shat! t,e de~ami tc, 'r a-+c t.em r;,,°en t„ H.=rn,a r; :=t S ccrdrr ,+-pan ;Ets~en sea ihr ma;mrr da<i@Rated fierem
<br />I~. 1=irr(Orre MnrEtrCr: t~arerrsw(C Caw: tier.rraJ4tikl, `..., , ..., . r ., -;age -_=3??ts+sers :,^.,fa~em _ versants ter naltcmat
<br />use sm7 _asr.=uu!'r~rm _rs-mania ~.. rth '.imams >, n ~- .,. _ ..,- - n ts.:tr a ~:nd;,rrr, ;aw,'arRi~~ tnserumctu cl+cenng
<br />real prc:prns ftus !.tor~tgagr shall +se gasrrterdt~s °sse s'a -.; =!>t` .:ns..scr.s'n --.s hta-h rtsr Prs~pcrt~ :s «ated- to the
<br />:s-cni ~zat .rn,' n, a.ti.s,a ::.-r ;ti-ts*c .,. ,.x s i,.--.aakr.. ;`>r ~-. _ ...=t.:t,,,.=, - ...r. p„~at:k '.ak ._v., •nrttrt she{# oat affect
<br />-r?thrr pre*+~r+icros .*f *+i:s l4ortBatte ~;r ins ~+.•i~ .. h,:h :acs t's~ .: _s=.rai -. eih,~~-.: ihr :c=Ri?t; tint[ pro,~isi.+u. .end to this
<br />end the fwas+~It?Ra :•! ihr Mart@~ and ihr V.ar arc it tnrrd t==~ti ,rwerat•'se
<br />16. tliraowrr`s Cdpr. Born>wrr staat{ t,r, ., sn:.nrai , ..=~i•°nreed +, s . r :~ \.str .nd :,. tuts A!c?rtgage .tt the nmr
<br />.,f rz4\: sit h,fs :*r aiSrf SCii?tda[ism tterrxTt
<br />1T. Trssrier of Efae Prepeatl; iawtwapean. t# alt ..,z .ors. ;~•,rt ~.+_. ihr Pn,prstR :•t an <nmrrxt it?rmo tx ss,td or tranafermd
<br />~,: Marra±ucr wsihi?att t_ertsk'r's parr w=,tirn ,-:-n.ras;. , sa'-sadssst; "~` .:z•a:,rs - ..t i,ri; ,sr eaaumhranee sulsuritnatr tr?
<br />tits :dvrtrage, +h: ihr .--araucv: ,xt .a i,t=reftax :xr,~:r* ~~.=r,e; - ~rr~rrsa 'rx rn,-,r-srhe+id appitanrrs. -.3 a ztansfar by ckviss.
<br />dexent or hr ssprratxnt ,+! Eaw sip+m t!x dearh .•t .x ;:,ent trrane ~.a ..s #hc ,Er ant .+t am !raschu3d :nicrrai nt ihrer y~e.ars of less
<br />least a-t>tttasninp sn :?ptioet to ;xsrchanr. i rtsJer ma':<, xt i .;n6et ~ ,=j•e.,ws. ;fes taxc ssd .he *utns ctr-s:trd hV this MangaKe to he
<br />;mrtssalaatclr; dsx aced paa•aEsk. t e.trder .bait hnsr aa:ratit vu~?t ,,pt=.'<s *.+ a:.rierstr +t. ;=m,r to the safe rsr transfer. Lrndet
<br />attd the peistut its whottt the Pert {terry ;s ,a, is x+l~d .:r ir;snatrrrrd -each cagrrrrncnt .n wisnng that the credit of such pets.an
<br />n utufactoty to l.coakr alai that else uurrc±,t , asabtc .•n the s;urss -.r..r:rrti hs i*n \l.xrtltayr chai3 ?+r at aixh rate as Lcttdrr
<br />.hat4 rayursi. tt t tYaSer teas wair«i ihr ,~pfrn to a-_.r±c~s5tr ;*r,..,.kw ;re th,s ;wragraph :' attd +f Borrawrr ; susx-esser in
<br />:thereat has cxreuied a writeca anumpttaxt agreeatenf aa'cr•,.+CCd to wrrasitg by !.,-trrirr. !.enrkr shall irkasr &xn?wer frVrri alt
<br />.rhti~at~+r+s nnslcr this :Nortgalpa aid the Lori.
<br />tt k,endgr rseKSSCS such aptaam Ea a;a-cierste. i en.ier -tcati raa;# H.,xrc+.at ,erx:c-r t,f akcaterits~it =n accotdatna w~rih
<br />paraFraplt ?3 hcrrxr! Mich RetnX =.fea{! ~'rs*s~dr a perxoi :=i n.~t less than tt1 ,lass tram the date t':r m..ttcr is mailed wtkhtr.
<br />w#stett Bs+emvrrr [nay ;ws i!sr sxanza s~aiarrd d+as t£ tt..rrrower ~a?ts ~• ;'sv -.v,:'uss:ts prtcr ta, the cspiraus?+? of ctx!+ prnrui.
<br />1_rn,lrr ttuY, withturtt fitteterr Rsxarr x rtemand c,;? Hotnwsrr, •,:s<?kr ens irnsrdses psirm~tted hr paragraph '.8 hettK?f.
<br />ti>p~r-t,»rrcaritr i°tne~.anrs. Bams*trrr s~i Lerwer ?untrea ra+scoaest acrd sgrax as trdicssas~
<br />!{. A~cdarMiaee:. R;~e~N. FxceF1 as prwii[A La puatiEraph t7 hercuE. aPua liferrwwet's trreac6 of aav ro+eatwE ar
<br />a~as.e.nrf ri ai."ts~ errs w titer il-.rte.-- .:wci~ tAs co.eat~ris iv p: w4r ~ aa. ~s ~a~si 6ti r#k '.isttigeile.
<br />i.ssttl~ r~ # ~ ~S ~ ns-.tier to 8arrrs*rr si psesi¢ed is t~ira~ E3 irecet spreifrlax: t ll 2tx issrris
<br />tZi Efts cello ggrisri ba rrEe aaatat tseerri; t It • oboe, aW test[ tbsr Id tlr><~w (lino the tiytr Elsr tswiee k an~~<.t r.s Helrrewrr,
<br />if +riie! asei hire!. aaal Ae ernix tied Nl asst frYrte to errs +raA ttstesrp an sw ttetnrr tie date .pees: :u tic satire
<br />aey~ *tseak M ~ rt Eis raasn ,s+rwaA ~ oral. h#s,sgtEtipr, fdrsriptare sy {rr~'~rl Psdsrs~ftt[ aid zslr _,t the PreFsrfr.
<br />t1r ttrtits rOtrtt< fetetltsa Yeisarsr iarsa+rss dt the rtEsE to sehntret stlrr a. -eESrrM.a art[ tie ,ittb: w twsrrt u, t0s EdsecMtsure
<br />~attiYt~ Hs ~s d s 8eliwY ac anal srtiei dsfrarm ref tSarwwet tt+ aesseieeseiaw sod fnercisnsxe. 1( ihs ixesci
<br />4 rrs creed rr w ttstrss lie dEpwt gtsctt+ed Ss rtes rwisY. !.soaks a t.rtnln's tgnitsr ends Jscirre s4 +st itae saner sxreurd bs
<br />tl4is .'+1sR~r 1a tae stpnsdiMd~ die lard pasgtrtle wRilrtn fsrthrr dsaaard recd real larsrtsstet bl IertNrtsi RrdrresllnE, t..an#at
<br />sritYttt M srdllst! M taaHitsO ha atAt 1~sstNt+s sB saptssssaa dF tanctrnrtr, isclydfegt, bW neq titnsted tar, rags d1 ddrruMrtan
<br />>R.i/rrss, aieiesa/a reed EfMr ts~asae
<br />f! ~ ~ it katsiMfM. 's#ssrr atlisarrxniLlt i creaKi's .+, cBrraHri.+n .~t rim <sams .r,,vrrd t!t thsi '.t#,etgagr.
<br />~ettvnrs2 ahatt Asir the r!*kt ts? hasre airy ,rise r+rdsngs ?:+r-purr s:} i ~-rssict =.,* s:tet=rsrsr th;s Msst il,a~e .+.aa.. .?pros=..,es! at ens tr,ttr
<br />