<br />STN[P6RM CovEt+ata'rs, Borrower and Lender wvetiant and agree as follaws: ~~ ...e_ ~ ~ lJ ~ 3 2 ~.
<br />1. Paytaeat of PrinefpN and lafsreat. Harrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest nn the
<br />inriebtedneas evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />2. Freda fw Tara and imeraaee. Sub}ect to applicable law ar to a written waiver by Lender. Barrower shall pay
<br />to Leader on the dsv txtosttMy instaitmen[s of principa! and interest are payable u odes the Note, until the ;`tote is paid in full,
<br />a sum therein "Ftuidi ') equal to ane-twelfth of the }roady taxes and assessments which may attain priority aver this
<br />Mortgage, and ground renu on the Ptopettp. if any. plus one-twelfth of yearly' premum installments for hazard insurance.
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any. s{I as reasanably estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by Lender on [he Masts of assessments and hills and rcasanabie estimates thereof.
<br />'itte Funds shaA be held in an institution the deposits ar accounu of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agency iinchrding Lender if Lender ix such an insututian). l.rnder shat! apply the Funds to pay said lases, assessments.
<br />insurance premiums attd ground rents. Lender may oat charge for sa hMding and apph~ing the Funds. analyzing said account,
<br />ar verifying and eamptling said assessments and hilts. unless lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Rormwer and Lender may agree to wntmg at the time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage that interest an the Fund-a shaft hr patd to Barrrwrr. and unless such agrcement is made or applicablo taw
<br />roquixrs such interest to tte paid, Lxruier shalt not M reyuited to pay Borrower any interest or earnings un the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds sMrwett¢ credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />ptirpase tar which each deba to the Funds was made, llte Funds arc pledged as .additianat secunty for the sums secured
<br />by this Martgagc.
<br />[f the amount of [he Fends held hp Lender, together ugh the tunirc manthiy installments of Funds payable pear to
<br />the due dates of taxes, assssstttents, ituurance premium: and ground rents, shai3 exceed the amaunt required to pay said taxes,
<br />assttaxments, insurance prendums and ground renn as thri tall due. such exrrss :hall tsr. at Hnrrawer's option, either
<br />pramptty repaid w Borrower or credited to Harrower an mexuhis ,nstailmcnu ui Fund:. If the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Lender shalt nut be stil:fic~nt to pay taxes, ssscasmrats, ensursncr nrrmnrtn goer ground rents as they fall due,
<br />Homwer shat! pay to Lender ens amount tucessan to make vp she dr^:,cttc~ utthtn tp days tram the :late nonce is mailed
<br />by' t-etxter m Borrower requestrng aavmrnt titercoa.
<br />Uper, payment in fait of all sums xa:ured by chi. \i:^ncarc. F.rndcr ,hall crnmptiy retool to Borrower any Funds
<br />held try Lender 1( under paragraph t:i hereof the Proper?; ~:-• uJd or itie Prapem~ :s otherwtce acyu:red by !_ender. Linder
<br />shall appfv, ne later than :mmcdiateE: poor to t3tr ,air .'t :he Pmprny- .u tss .ic.{u;stiton t,y Lender. am• Funds held by
<br />Lcndct at the tt:nr .,t apptkatxxr as a tredtt agantst ;he ,un•,a =ecured ^, ,.,., .`.tr,ngagr
<br />3. Applieattaw rif Ayaetata. t: n{css apph,ahle !a ar,>a ides ,xhcru iu^. all pavmtuts re.c:veal by Lrn+ier under the
<br />'vote and paragraphs t glut 2 hctea±t *trall t+e applied by !ender brit :n t+a*mrnt :,t amounu patiahle to Lender by Bormwer
<br />under paragraph . tteteat. then to interest pa~at+te ,rn ttte ~iatc. thee, tar tnr pnnctp,tt ,~f the Notr, and then to interest .end
<br />pnrxtpa! un rnp Future Adyancex.
<br />i. C~ea: fleas. R:*m,wc: ,nail ps7 ail ! as-s. esscssn:a^r:t. -nad :•thrt .h.trsr. ?nx. and im{xx.ui,*n. a[tnbutable to
<br />flu Pnaperty whrch may attain a pnorrty aver tell+y\t.rngagr, and icaarh.,ld ,satmenu .+r ground rents. if env. in the inanrur
<br />prowrdrd under paragraph . iesrcui ,±r :i nth peed >n ,tt.h m.umrr, ht R.i:r,:wcr making pay~rntnt when due. directly to the
<br />payee [hcrwf Borrower shalt tsrevn{>ds turmxh so !.ender all nou.ex ,_! am«unts .3ur :mrkr thn paragraph, arlt! m the evcnd
<br />Hotrawer shall make payment dur.tls. H«rruwrc ,hs#t prrmtp!?a :~rnt,n t,> Lrnckr rr~rtptx rxidrmeng rush paxntcnts.
<br />Hauruwrr shaft prtxnptly dix'hargr anx~ az^n ~ahi:h has {sr:cr:tx ,,a-et '. rr., \fartgagr. !+rc=s-ilrti. .test Rs*rn+wrr shall nett !te
<br />rcyuned to drsrhaxge any .v.~h ',xr. ,., tang .rs tl.=rra,wrr shat3 acres u: ,-t::xg t,x stir ,pas aunt .,t she ohltganran ,erased by
<br />gush ixn :n a mantles acerptalsir s=+ Lrnsfer, vt =halt :n Es~xt :arch .:uitc+t ..ich :n h< .,~ .fefen.f en [:~rcrmert .,t suite Sirn en,
<br />isga! proceedings uiltch ,yterate + ~ piee ern the cnt,•ncr,xn+ .=t the „rn .-r t,=ne,ts+re .,t the l'ropcrtc or anc {cart thereof.
<br />5. Flwrd tewrsarr, Rorra,w r: shdit +,xp the +nipra•+cmcnt~ ,:, ,s •. x:.nng ::: txrrattrr c: t1trd ,m the Proprrts~ insured
<br />against lrxu by firs. `..reeds inci:rslrsi =s:thut ?" .erne .a,rraai ., -c*akr .and c.;.h .=tore hazards as l.erxlcr r;ua teyuric
<br />dad ra arch errs ones an<t ra:r xu,n peri.xtro a~ t ensar* ~:. .,, :4 :~.-,dr.t.:tear i,ndar .ha#i :t,st rryutre thee she amount .rf
<br />sorb ;overage rx.ectf tndt anr.,unr ,:3 ..:.: cr gar :r>}u.; rd ~~.^=;~ax "rr .,::e„ -,c.+;srd ?~s stir. \tartgagr
<br />The cnsurartce carnet pntvtdrng :tic :nsu:.u..r ,ha,i 'sr -. hcnrar t±x Ht=rx.,csc. uth;tct to apptav:rl nx' l.rnrkr: pmvtded.
<br />that .tech appxov of .hall nut 3,c unxrascn:aP!Ia >r:f;nrtd •i: rctnr::mx x; nnsu: ant, polivics shall t+r paid m the manner
<br />provided order paragraph ~. hsretd ur =t rxx ,^a:J ,n 4u.h mannct !*. H.r: rc,kcr mak+ng lurymunt when due, sitrectly to *.hc
<br />msrtraat^s carrier.
<br />Alf uwrrancr pol.ciea anJ renew ais t-tierce=t >na;r ~ ,~, ',tent ~.~rpi,teta^ r,= E rn,ler .,nd shaft ^iciudc a skaudant mortgage
<br />dauxc m favor i-H and cn ?loin acccptahie as 2 ctulrr i .nda^r ~nai ice. • 'hr rz,cht t, ,°±ofd .M, pa*iKtcs atxt nttae,n air th<troi'.
<br />attd Harrower ettai9 pramprly turmxh to t rtea#r sit ~.rar+aas :. ,. „a _ttl :rxapta .>t paid y*renuunix to the esrnt of lass.
<br />&srrcnvK shalt gt+e prasmpt !u`racr ;a, fhr rarsur;sat;r .anxer ..w ! male; ? rn:3.r r=.ax ;;take ps„o! c,t tears of tuk nistdc pto*npU}
<br />by Bwrower
<br />Unlpa l-ender and Bam,uu ,nhrru e>C .xgrec ::: •. ntnttg_ :texas erne (rr.>L>sds ahal€ Mar appittd u? restnratmn or rcpatr of
<br />the Property datxtageai, pravte)tv3 rush scat,•ru.,:r..•s :r,aic :s _ , ixz=inka!!t tra.aihlr ..n,t the ,nosily of thn Mortgage !
<br />rux thrr~y tmpa+red It stxh rextitratt,•n .+r arpaer .s ;,„t as ~rrx not, .ca3r iresrhle .u a she shanty td this \1crtga b~ wauW
<br />be tatprttred, the irtstuatKY praxetds ,hail he app?iesa t.~ the .uma sr:urras r.s thtr ~tartgagr. a-,th the exsrss, it any. paid
<br />W Btsrxawef If lhf Ptapsrty to atLndtttlRl !.w tL*vr;+wrr .., ! lt,irtt+wet falls :ta '(. paad to 1_efidCC Wtlhin )l) rlay`a 3raln Shr
<br />,talc notue is matftd bs Lemtu ?o Bi~rre±wrr tt!-at !hr ,asura.>`r :artist :=rim t„ acttk a tilatm (or tnaurattrr l.rnelits, I.endsr
<br />u atntiarrtesi tci x:allec! aard al ,dy :Ile r-iaucamc LW .xc+t~rta rt I r=vice ~ ,=pti.xn tttlur ;a rpta?rauatt ax rcpatr .+f ehr Pr,~peny
<br />ar to Uxs sWns srctitsd Irp tlxirc !xlangatle-
<br />Utrksa l.ertdsr and Burtower .Hhenxrsr .,gees .s+ a~r ituzg. ens a,s;h appltrannn „i proceeds to pr rnrr psi shall rxn extend
<br />tx ptiafp,..» ttte drz dais ,at the :txmH:3v Ystai;mrnt: trF[s red r,+ :x t*ara{lraph. ? .sn>? _ hereof .xr thangr tht nmuunt of
<br />auC1'r trss4llrrtensa If nraiet {sauatlxaph :a hrraN the Property as a..{usr:f ;±s lecixdct_ ai! nght, tttk and tnursst :>t &.rn,wer
<br />to and to any tulutance poiwes and ;n atx! to ttrc xx.~s-c1s themst ^rsu!tmg in,m .iamage to the Propens prier to the sale
<br />ca acyuwtmn sdtl! peas to t.rtnirr ;a the cattnt or the gains ~xaxrut r,i hx thro \fa,r[gdgr :rnmrsltatriv !star to such xak ,xr
<br />~.
<br />i. Ttpenafiw ad Naietetaawr of Prarenr: Leasc6srit-: f'rsodr+eriaerm; lalaeared Unit Ikvelopmrrrts, lk rniwrr
<br />steal! keep tttr PrUpCrfy m tf+*ad repadi aril ahali rs4v ~ +mriut earls „t permu mrw:rmcnr or ddenoralustt of ihs Pnagcrtx~
<br />~aad .hail catmply with the p~rsutua cxi .uty xam .f thus Adartgage ,± au a €>;asrt~ ad_ 1! :tile ~tortgyge sa ki :i :ins rn r
<br />zcaadoasrirutun ar a plartisd anti r~r{agncnt. Horrc,uet :l:.si! prtfc=tin aF{ .•: Rcur.+sszrs •=h'.!ga.t,ins :raclrt its; .+.ea-tataaasrt
<br />ar ;xTV'inautp rcatrrtg ux aces<rarng the ~:xt~ar±nmum fir piaatt.?:il :tan di-x rl+?nntrnL the 6y~taws atxl rxrariatranx of ttte
<br />ct>t~ cu ptanaed unit destiattyrunt. atx3 e.Ktxtttusnt ,kk unrrnts it r toted:*mmtuut or atanned ::nit .=rs cis>ptnrat
<br />rate i3 raeaxsrsed xi! HC#IV,ica grief tctirtdrai ',.~tlKE ''»itn ;hit \f l::'r.`,d~'r, .nr :.`+rrfamS anti .:fit rC'%te:="- .:;ate ;.. ,
<br />stsal! ha +rscu:rrurtris+t onto .std shall arrtritd asx„ =u{+ph*.tnc at the .css cr±ants an.t sgreetnents ,4 they Mori}-, ttx^ ;rater
<br />+Qtr a pwi hatssol.
<br />I- Pt>.lacWr d l.saiar'a Sacwitt_ ll Hnt+uxrr tads :,, t,rr3.,tm the ,uvenrms and sRr,-emc+tts ~.,niarncd :n chi.
<br />l~ariga~, tit it ally a.rtsm ea prsxcpttny :s .v+mntrttx.cu. >sru.h matcnatit- atfc,ts t rndrria ~mvrvxt sn ehr P•--={sr€is.
<br />radird®tg, ttsq resat hmrfed to rntnrnt siasnatn, ,na,siacncr, saxk rrtbtFCrrttrnt. o: :u [angrmsnis s=t p~rx~~rtdinds xnvnh irtg a
<br />trarr•<tVpr tar daa~J.*.na, flan I.cndar ai I ender'. o;r<sx=n. -apaxn txn+kt +.. Rxxn+wrr- :nag make au: it apprarasicra. :vshurx -tn'f,
<br />.fora! aqd take w.h aitxati ax sa :wLCaat>~ i., prcNr.-t !ender , :sterest, -.:i•.tn,4ink, tern imst ~itn<trsl rry.. .i:xhuraemrnt .'t
<br />rcaqursshls attsrma}'s tars acct raat~ irtar,,n ,t,z Pso{'i.^,y °;, nrakt rrpa,.~ if t ender rr>}tnrer4 .rx<,rt gage ntsttraucz ac
<br />cpn~atitxe ^f maktr>g, t'~ kwr xcrusrc! ht tttt \ftntyarrr. i#.=rr,.-:s~rr atta€i ;`aP leis titcnt+um4 ,rsf!nrrci ? ntatniam w,.h
<br />>Yr3iN iNle! to a~1.4'f titttll uq.h Ctkn:6' ax 31st tCslytt[rUiriS #xn +fA,°.t ,r+sgJ.U1a'r rsrpn At;ah's -Yr .u:r..H'danlC writ! Bitr A=wr€w AMS
<br />