<br />(1) month prior u) its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such f~roldcr
<br />with funds to pay such premium <o the Secretary of Housing and Irban Development pnrsnnnt to the
<br />- '.National Housing Act. as amended, and -applicable Regulations thereunder; or
<br />(II) If and so tang as said note of even dare and this instmutent arc held by the Secretary of lloasing and
<br />__ Urban Development, a ntonthly charge ~ i+t Iieu ,_,j a +norrgage in-surance I~remit+rnr which sat it be ut an
<br />amount equal to one-twelfth (1 il'_) ?f one-half i 1?' per centum of the average outstanding balance
<br />' due on the rote computed without taking into accom;[ 3elinquencies or prepayments;
<br />(bl A sum equal to the ground ;eats, if any, next due, plus the premiums that will neat become due und`oayable on
<br />policies oT fire and other hazard insurance covering the morzeaeed property, plus taxes and assessments next due
<br />on the mortgaged property (all a; es;imam>d by ;he ~forrga;eci ins all sums aL~eady paid therefor d~~ided `ay the
<br />number of months to elapse before one month prior to the date when such ground tents, premiums, toes and
<br />_ assessments will hceome delinquent, such sums to be head by ~~lortgagee is. trust to pay said ~=round rents, pre-
<br />miums, taxes and special assessment;; and
<br />(c) rVl payments mentioned in the twa preceding subsections «f *.his paragraph and all payments to be made under
<br />the note secured hereby shall be added together, and the aggregate amount thereon shall be paid by the ~lurLagor
<br />each month in a vngle payment to he applied by the Motteagee rt ire 'oflna~i~tg items ut the ~~}edge .et iortl:r
<br />fI) premium charges a ;u;*'he contract o nsur:mce ~ i h the S -retsry ei 7ious!n, sad l.ituan 1)<welopment
<br />or monthly charge !in Ireu o! ;n.-Fpage =astvonr~ nrerniunti... the case may be:
<br />{I[l ,ramtd rents, taxes. assesstnenr, fire and other; aza*d fisuranc premlrnns:
<br />f d31) interest on the note sa: urea hereby; and
<br />(IV) amartizatiosof the principal o. s:.id note.
<br />any defirency in the amount a2 ;tn_ saca a ~regata moithly payrt~r.t steal' a tss r. ac good by theligrt-
<br />gagor prior to the. due date of the text such p..vn~c.r.. ; r~ ,utut~. an v.~n tit ,.e `nt.it under this mortgage: `Rte
<br />5loitgaeee may-,,,~1'taet 'late ,hare" noz t_i.x~~.d ~~,~.t _~nts t-7ai ... aaeh t:oua: t~l}, ~~~h pas a,.ti,,totz
<br />Ittan f-itteen ([ +I ~t ^^a in err Zrs tc ccvea the, exr :xn.:,s invulvnd i kamdlzng eiitsau:n ~?armeras.
<br />,. 'that. if [tae iota! of the pa}~mr~nt.-made be the Alorc,a~ror onager •' of j>ara_raph :3 liror+~dtn~ hail exct~rd
<br />eha amount of pavmenta actually made by iheylurtaa~ee for ~raundaent tase:~ .md .,. ~i=>mrnts or t„~;uranl~o l~,trcr-
<br />mium=. a- the ca-~r may be, -ugh excess. if the loon is curscnt, ,at the ul+tn>n r,f tfic Nort>;~tl.ot, pit;ui he credited by
<br />the• Uort~ra'=e•e on -ah:~e±yuent payments to ate made ht the.llorta~a~or- oe tr^(mufcd to tiro Flort~a~irr. If, hot+evcr, lhe,
<br />'ngnthiy payment= made bt~ the Jtongtigor,undcr °bi r,f lJaragraph (~recu..,tv_h;rli nor tic sufiicieric.d ~rtv Mound
<br />rent taxes and a -e~~ment- nr in~urwtr~:,.: premiums..i= tlrei~ane mar tae: ,.heir rho -ume shall 6carmc~ due andl7ay~-
<br />ablt~ thcnthe tihxt,,agor-hall nay tothc Uut1.=:>ncr ant amount ner~c-~-tn~ to mane up iht~ defi~t: •nc•i,fiuor [tet`»re
<br />cite date when pati'ment of --ue?h anyund rent. taxe>, .r-_,~~-mr~nt, or sn•uranc c^ lac„mitmt- .-h:t1l be riot,. it at <Lm
<br />time aheUortgugor :hall tendhr to the llort_atrrr-. to acrurdancc• widtthe pru~i~iunr nizhe note -et`urvd hereby.
<br />full jraymenrufthe,,parr indebirdne--=7epre-gated themby~. the 1tnnga,+^,~ -hull, ;n tv~mpurine ihr.arnouut of ~uc•h
<br />indelatedness. credit rn the acntunt aN the ~fart~agar ,l>> p.tctnenrn ntatic under lies pr,~~ isiurts . t ^ i crf j aragr2ph :.
<br />hereuCwhichthe 1lurt^ t_rt "a> nut hec,ime r,blia:rted to par Ui the .~rt~rrlar~ ~+f Hnu-rng.:nd t rhtm I)c•velo~ment
<br />end ,my halunri^ rr^m.rintn_r in rho #und; acrumul:ited undr^r the prod-inns of } aragraph ~~ heri~nl. 1f filter
<br />;hulLl>e n deCuutt ander.em tit ate pro4't-ion=,rf ihi morr~aac re=uliin~ in a pu}tlu~ <alo~ oFlhe premt-e~ crsee~md
<br />beet ere, or iC the ]luriga5!t•!• acyuirr- the prnpertt ot~honst-e :liter dci':ru(t. the llort_a~oe :h.+U xlsptt':at the :inmr~f
<br />rht-rommcncemenrnF -uch iJrocr,thn_=. ~rc t rho time tht• lrror_r;s i~ ntnrrssr~~^ ,tcquirirr?; ~hc hufanrr ihenrt~maain-
<br />in~~ 9u the fend= xrcumulated ~mder ~ of parar.!raph ~~ prctedine:.,° a,nU,t .amain-ethr amount of pnnipal then..
<br />rcmainin, unpaid under =aid note. and sha(1 ;rnrparls ,din-t ant psrmi~nt= ~r}tirh.5huil (tar, becnmade under;.>>
<br />of lrtr:r_raph 2.
<br />-. ~phat the btoztgaSc .:i31 p,r. ground ..Ht;, tsxe,. a.>e+sment<, svat~.r retes.:.nu otheruovernmenttd err mucicipr.;-
<br />:harE;cs, dine,. or impusiuon..: for ~shich proris,<tr,h:a nut-peen made hereinhet`ore.and indefauit thereof ihe:~lorrcagc.c,nav
<br />pnc the same~,,nd that the Lfurigaear ill nr,~mpt3s deliver the official! r ^cc'ipts therefor to the A~lartgaeee_
<br />Tha'ylortgagor s.i } payall tare. ti<hich m:iy be. l::vird upon ahe x.fortgagec's ihterest in,xiu rcaie?ta[e:uui irnprire:-
<br />ntcnt~, anti v.hichmac he levied upon this mar' ,ge urehc debt secured hereby Phut anly io the eaten. that st5rt; is uoi prt5hibit-
<br />ed ht h,wand ,salt' to the extent that Such will ns+[ make ibis loan u.uriouS), nu; cxchtding app income !ar,.State ur 3=~cderal-
<br />impn.edon h9angagce..tnct «iii file the nrliiia3 receipt steno ntg such pay-rrent with the Afbrtragee. Cpcrn vioiadon of ttaisunder-
<br />- taking, aril th ~1 xieagcrr is prohibited bye any law non or hercaiter ezistinp from paying Ine w'[role or any pornou ofi(te afuro-
<br />said [n.xes; ur trpondhe rendering :,f any- Cc3arr der'ree pr<+hihitine the payment by tite'tiUrtgagor or any such waxes. or ifgrch ins.^'
<br />nr decree. prov,des that :+ny~ :,tnoum .e paid by shs 19ortgagur shtdf be credited oathe mortgage debt, the Montt, ,.e< ;hail htiv;^
<br />'the right to gio^e ninety day. a-ritxen notice to the ,swage rsf themorzgaged premises. requirinltthe payment oithe rnortgag2
<br />- deb[ if such notice be given. ;he said debtshail become dire: payable und cidiectible at ihcexpiradon of sxidminery days.
<br />h, "1-hat should he fail to. pay anrwni or Weep anytu •±act provided far in this ~tortgaga, etien the s~tort~.as_ee. at its rip-:.
<br />Zion- tnaypay ,;,r perform the same- and ailenpendiiures sa ntadesha!i be addedto the prncipal Sam owin~on the ab<wenote,
<br />ihal2 he secuiedhereby. andhzia bear interest a[ the rate set forthrn the>:§iq nnte:until paid.
<br />?:.Thar he hereby assigns, transfers andsets Deer to the Mortgagee, to he ~arppiied toward thepisymeatoi theno[c grid sal
<br />sums secured hereb}' in rase cf s default in the per€ormance of any .7f the trans and conditions of this Martgaga ar the said
<br />note,.ail iherents. ter°enues and income io be derived frrmr the mort.;aeed premisesdunnt such time as the mortgage indebted-
<br />peas shalfrematn unpaid: and the~for.gagee sfiaPl have power to appoint my ~gcnroragerit:it m ti desire forthe purpose-.of
<br />repairing,aidpremisesandof rentinti [he same andzollactingt9ie;eats. revenuea and income,;^.nd J, maq pay oas of .aid in-
<br />comesalt-expenses of repairing said premises and necessary-- cvmnus~tunsand expenses incurrediit renting and managing the
<br />same and of collectingrentak theretrom;.the balance-remaining, if any. to be -applied t<~wasdthedischargeof sa7d mortgage
<br />Indebtedness.
<br />3. Thathe will keep the iarpmvements now existing or hereaftcrcreaad on the mortgaged property. inswed as ;nay be
<br />required from time to time bythe dlortga,~eeagainst lo. by fire and other Hazards. wsuaities and contingences insuch
<br />:tmourts and for wchperiadsas may he required by the Murtsaget and will paj , romptly. when due. any premiums pnsuGh
<br />insurance provision for payment of which has nol been made hcreinbefare_ Ah insuran• c shrill be -t i.ed ;.^. companies ap-
<br />proved by the;44ortgagee and the policies and renewals thereol <hap he weld rs the 49artcagee and h ve attached [herein .loss
<br />payableclauses i^ favor of rind in form acceptable so the A9orti:_ee. Ire carat ~t l..,c Morgagor .gill glue immediate ntrtice lay
<br />mail to the Mortgagee, w'hu may make proof of la>s ii Hut rnadtpr npciy`*~ ! rtgagar, and eachinsm~ance canipar,y con-
<br />cerntd is hereby authoriz^-d and duetted to make payment for <urh i ~r , r .he ~1 rrtgi?ee instead of t,+ the 4fertgags'rx
<br />andthe 47 arty rgee jointly and iheimurance praczeds, or any pan tb~rm, ~-,n. !+~. ;.pnlieu h} ttie.Mort ogee attns option either
<br />ro the rectuctian of the indehtednes> hereby secured ur to he restaraoo~. ur rep ~- of the pro} cry d;.m rge:l. Inerent ni forecin-
<br />sure of this murt,age ar other transfer of tide to the mort reed patnerty in exunguishmeni of the indebtedness secured hereby.
<br />all righL[ttle and~intere<i of the tor-.gagor in and to any incm'ance pulicie, then in fore:; ,h ati mass io the puce hns.t < r ~rantec°^.
<br />9. Thar as additional and collet- ^,I aC2urity for the payment of the ncste d ~c,r~ped, end ail sunie io bCaau-dice unii<:r lifts
<br />,narigage. the Mortgagor hereby a signs to the ~4lortgaeee all preifits, revenue .>~tiltie:, ngius. nnu henaiits ~runig w the
<br />h4 urtgagor torsi e,.r.y and rdl oil east was lease. un said premrses. with the right «, ,rceic..ac, rccw~ pt for the vr.ne and apply
<br />- Chem to ;aid indebtedness s .~~e'.i be.f~tr~ :,; ;,fret cfefauit in the condition. of rhi nx rt• 5ge. .--.d Fhr 'v1u. t1,agLC +a ay -;Gtr t.:ed. .ae.
<br />far end reenter xmy aura p: ymanU when due and payable,. bn[ shall H.ri he re yew ad =,r 1 .~e. 3 his ~,a~r~en ~ in ,i: r, i,xute
<br />ar.J t',eCOme trait unc=:.~ri<i ,pop relc2= ~` rhi, m i [~aage.
<br />