<br />1VI~R'',t'GAGE
<br />~t~
<br />This Form is us?d in conneo-
<br />Lion ~cirh merigages insured
<br />under Ehe one- to :`aur-famiT+.- ~
<br />provision; of the National
<br />Huasix:g yet.
<br />THISMnRT(AGE.madeandexecutzdthis 30th dayot Septerttber ~ D
<br />19 82 ; brand between Michael V. Wright and Susan M, Wright, husband and wife
<br />ufthe Countyuf Hall . and JCate <,f tiebraska, party of the first nart.hereinafter called
<br />theMor[gagor,rnd Superior Mortgage, Inc. ,
<br />a::orpoeation organized gad exissinguodzrthelaws of Nebraska
<br />party of the second para.hereinafter called the Mortgagez.
<br />1,t°STNESSBTH: That the .nid \1urt,agor, for s:nd in considzratiart of the sum of Forty-Five Thousand Seven
<br />Hundred. and Fifty and No/100ths------------- llnhars tw 45, 750. DD----- ): paid bi the 41~rt-
<br />_agec, the receipt of which ;, 3tareby acknewltdged, has Granted and $i~ld and by thest presents dons Ciranb:. 8ar-
<br />gain. Sett. Cbm~ey and Cimfirm unto the Mortgagee. itr'. lace slurs and tssigns. (nrever. ihz follow nn-described
<br />real estatz. si[uated in the <~uon[y of Hali ,and Stale
<br />of \cbraska: to wiY:
<br />hot Sixteen (T6), in Castle Estates Staixiivision,.Hall County,Nebraska.
<br />of the Siarh Principal Meridian, containing in ail acrzs aci~ording to Gc+verm
<br />merit .urvev:
<br />!~t) HA!'F AtiD T(7 HOLD ih~ nrrmtses ,eh.>tic described. witd 1 ~h~ npp irtenune. thereunto helongint and inclu[hng
<br />allh~ating, p4umt+mg c+ndJighting tixturzs andet{uipment now ur here..ftu attached w+~r u,ed in conhection tvith said teal estate
<br />emu: she Mortgagee. andw itssnccescors and assigns..forevef.'>"ht ~lortgag[ir renrexents in. and o[rvznantswith; theMortga-
<br />gee. that the ~kxtgagor has goo[. right to seG anvcancey saidpremi.es: th.it they a:re tree from encumbrariee:.and that.the
<br />Mortgagor wit! warrant and defend the wmeegamsr the'awful claims.rt all :persons whomsoever, and the naid:Mortgagor here-
<br />he rctinyuishes al! rights.rf homesttaJ. and att martial rights: eitherintaw grin zquiiy. snd ati other continent interests o? the
<br />M1ktrtgagor in :rnd to the;tbovz-utscritxd premises. the intention hung ttt u>nvcv hereby an ,:bsaiute title. in fee simple.incled- '
<br />ing;ttl rights of homestead, and other rights ;tad interests as aforesaid.
<br />T'ROVIDED ,~LWA 4'S, and these prescnu arc esecatzdand dehszrzd upcmtht fadlowingconditions, *.o>uiC
<br />The Mortgagor agrees to pay to the Mortgagee, tit arder. the nrir.:paf sum of Forty Five Thousand Seven Hundred
<br />Fifty and "No/100ths 1)<,a:er. x:45, 750.00---------------->•
<br />with tnteresr tromdate at the rateot Fourteen .t i -.14- r,~
<br />t}ie im aid balance until f per annum tin
<br />p' paid.Theatdprinetpatand-interest,hzt3hr.,....,_ Superior t+IOrtgage,. Inc..
<br />i^ Grand Island', NE r _,t ,uch other niece as the holder of
<br />the nt~te may designate in writing, in monthly insti:l2menis uf. Five Htvtdreri Forty-two and 08/106ths------
<br />----_-- - -- -_Doilars rs 542.08-- i. cumtnencing:>n tn[ fiat day of
<br />November~~~-- -~ , 1982 .and on the h t oaF of cQ.h month thu'ea([cr until the pnpctpa! and in-
<br />terest art futlypaid, except tsar 'he final payment of principtt ind iniereu, if nuk loaner paid, >hall be due .and
<br />pay:[hleomthe first day of t7ctober 201[ : sB according io the terms of acertainFUVmis-
<br />sar}< note r>f eF=endate herewith extcutedhy the said Mortgagor.
<br />The Mortgagor in ordermare full}~ to protect the seesrit,y of this Mortgage_ agrees:
<br />3. That he wiilpay the mdzbtedness, as here~inbzfor< provided Frivilegz is reserved in pay the debt in whoJr, grin an
<br />anruuns zqual!o ant oc more month]} .payments on tnt principal thatare next dot on the note, o^ the first day of any month
<br />priortomatority: Provided, hawevet,.'{'hat written notice. of enintention to exerctsc such. privilege i; given al leas[ [hirty(307
<br />days prii~r to prepayment.
<br />"CtStU> together with, and inaddition tq, the monthly pa}~ments oL principal and. interest payable tinder the arms of the
<br />.note secured huthy. theMortgagorwiU.pay to the.Martegez; on the trst dayof each month ^ntit the sat8nufe ii frilly paid, the
<br />foltowing wms:
<br />{aj Amountsufkisrznttu,p,ruvidc the holder herz~>f with funds tv any the rcxt mortgage insu~arce Aron"tiara iS~his
<br />instrument and. the. note secured hereby are insured. <x a utonthly barge /.it Ireu of t. tuur(,ypge u1;a[rm[gcprr-
<br />rntumJ it they are treld try tnt Secretary u{ i~fousing and t!-hait Lkwe rp r ~nt, as fchuws-
<br />7} Tf and so iong:s said none al evert dale snd thisiranunetit rte rnsur~d cr are -insuce<iatader the pro-
<br />~~isioas o4 flte Net?[anal Haostgg. het, en amexull ~ulPioiem to s.:curn~'et.:.:a the f.u[~os vi t it ?,.r;c3er erne
<br />r?g~ricces Fki A-21 a3M ¢vfi~ch ntaY ba _+snd unto ~uf>piY 5 - ai~ctxd .tit f ] i• ()f'"R t' d}ry. lti).+.
<br />iL~ a C M t5~"<)}
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