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<br /> <br />9. Condemnasion. Tt,e pro:.ceds of any award or claim for damages, di. ut or ronsequential, in zannection with any' <br />condemnation ar atkter taking of the PropenJ, or part thereof. ar i+x corveyancc m tiro if condemnation, are botchy assigned <br />and shall lx paid to I~nder. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Praperey, the proceeds shat! tae applied to the sums secured by this Deed of. Trust, <br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. Ir. the event of a partial taking of the Property. unless Borrower and t_endi:r <br />otherwise agree is writing, there ;half he app(icd to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such p.*eportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that eroportian which the nmounr of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust mmcdiatety prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Praoeny immedi:attiy prior to the dale o[ taking, with :hc bala.nce of the pmceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If she Property is ahandaned by Borrower. or if, after notice by Lender to Borrowe.- that the condemnor otters to make <br />an aK•ard or settle a. claim for damages, Borrower faits to resrx?nd to Lender within li? da}'s after the date such notice is <br />mailed, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds. at S_ende-s option. either to restoratiar. or reoair of the <br />Property ar to the sums secured by this Deed of Ttvst. <br />IJnlcss ],.ender and Barmwer otherwise agree }n writing- any such apphcation of pmceeds to principal steal? not esters <br />or postpone the due date of the manth;r Installments referred tom paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the 2moun[ of <br />such installments. <br />t0, BOlrpwer lot Released. Extension c>f iP1C time far (:ay'nlert ttr ;Tt ll?1Cailan Of aman:2a[tan Of t})e tillm5 SCC tlrcd <br />by [his Deed of Trust granted by (_ender to ens' successor in ;nterest of Harrower shall not .operate t tdease, in en}' manner: <br />the liabilitp of the original Borrower :and Borrowers successors in interest. 1. girder chalk rot be required to commence. <br />proceedings against such successor or :cruse to extend time for payment or otherwise n~dtii}' I .~.erdzatinn of the. sums <br />secured by this Deed of Trust by re"; n of an}~ demand made liv the original Bartnw•er and Barrawcr ;successors in interest. <br />13. Forbearance by t:endrr Vot a >'\'an~er. :Sr.} tarbearance b}- Lender .n exercising am' rent or remedyhercunder, or <br />otherwise afforded by apnficahle law, shat! oat !~e wzn'er at or nrechidc the eacrcise of any such right or remedy. <br />The procurement of insurance or thrpa}-ment of taxes-r other liens or charges ^y i_ender snail n.tbeawaivtr of Lender's <br />right to accelerate the maturity of the inaebtzdness =.ecu ed try this Died at 'T'rust. <br />TZ, Remtdies Cumuiatire- A}l reined s provided n rtes Deed at Trtts[ are dislirc, rind cum::ia!ive to an}' other right <br />or remedy under [his Deed of Trust or :aI'arded he' saw or eqw ?~, and ma}~ he exercised concurrently, independently or <br />successively. <br />f3. Succermrs and Assigns Bonpd; 3oim and Serer;;F i.iabitify; 6,'aptions: The c'ovznant; and agreements herein <br />contaired shalt bind, and the rights hereund yhal?'rare ta, the respecu:~e sue. essors rind assigns of Linder and E3ormwer.: <br />subject to the provisions of paragraph i- ht.*eoi. A!1 covenants and tgrcemenu of Borrower shalt he joint and several. <br />The captions and headings of the paragraohs of this Decd ,if 'Trust ate zar cnnvenien^c an#} and are rot to t~ used to <br />iaterprrtordefine the pravisians. hereof. - <br />td. Notice: Except for any natice regmred under applicable taw to he given zn another manner. ia) ant'. nottcc [a <br />8arrawAr provided for in this Deed of Tits[ snaH be givenhy mailing such. notice lay cenined mail addressed io Barrmvcr ai <br />the Property Address or at such other address as Barrowermay designate by notice rot.erder as provided herein: and. <br />(bj any natice to !:ender shall he given t,y ccrtined mail. return. recespt requested, to Lender's address stated herein ar tp <br />such ntheraddrrss as Lender maydesignatrhy natfceto Borrawer as providedherein.. .Any nedceprovided 'tor 3nthin- <br />Deed of Trust steak! he. deemed to have hero given t:? Borrower or Lender when given in the manner designated herein. <br />IS: Uniform t)eedof Trust; Governireg; Se+'era6it0r.. Thisform '!F decd of [rust combines uniform covenants for <br />national use vii non-uniform eavrnants with limited variations by jurisdiction. to constitute a tmifort: security instrument <br />covering real prcrprny. `ihis.Deed of.Trust shat! he governed by the law: of the jurisdiction in :which the.Prapcrt}~ is vacated. ' <br />]n the even: thaCanyprovrsion or clause of this Deed of"?'rust nr the Na[e conflicts with applicable law: atch.'conf}ict shalt <br />nvf atCecl other provisions of [his Deed of 'Crust ar the Nate which can t,e given effect without the conflicting piovision. <br />and tolttis end. the provisions. a( fneDeed rf Trust'andthe Notearc declared: to he severable. <br />T6. Borrower's Copy- Borrawer shall tie furnished a conformed copy of the Nate and of this Deedaf 'trust at. the time <br />of execution nr after recordation :hereof. <br />1Z Transfer of the PropertyE Asssum9tion: lF ai'tbr any part of the Prolxrty or an inzerest [herein is sold. or transferred <br />by Harrower without Lender's oriar written. consent, rxctuding tat ?hecreation of a lien or encumbrance subordinate to <br />thisDeedpf Trust, f`) the creation of a purchase money security inieresrfor household appiianccs 'c) a r.ransfer trydevise. <br />descent ar i,y aperahon of Lawupon the death of a lomt lessor or i d) lhegrani of any_Irasehold inieresz iYf threevears or less <br />not containing an opttan !o purchase, tender ma}'. 3t P.ertidert opm .,, deelarealt the sums secured by thisDeed t;i{ Trust to tic <br />immediately dot andpayatife. Tender shall. hare waivtdsuch ontic,n to accelerate if. prior ro she sa':eor trarsfar,Lcnifer <br />and the pttrsani~ wham the. Property sl~+ tx: Bald or transferred reach agreement In writing that the credit of such person <br />:s satisfactorv~ta i.:ender and that the interest payahlc oa 'he sums iecured by this Deed of "trust shall tie at such rats as <br />1_endershall request, if Linder has waived 4he a?ption to accelerate ,provided in this paragraph:? 7, .Ind i f Borrowei"s successor. <br />in interesthas executeda w'nuen assumption agreemenraccepied in writing by (.ender, Lender sha(S release Barrowerfrom <br />al! abiigatiotisunder this Deed of '1-•nst and the Note. <br />if Lender exercises such option io:accederntc; !_ender 4haii mail Harrower gatice of acccleratian in. accordancewith <br />paragraph 74 hereof: such notice shall provide a xritxi of ni>t Less than ?Odays from the ante :he notice is mailed within <br />which Borrawer may: pay the sums declared due. if Borrower fails to pay such sums prior tr, the cxpiritiantif such period. <br />Lender may,. without further notice or aemandon Borrower, fivakcanyremedies permitted by paragraph l$ hereof. <br />NUx-LNfroaGt t'aveHeNrs. Borrower and t.enderfur[her coyenantand agree us lollows: <br />t8; Acttkration; Remedits. Except as prorided'in paragraph t7 hereof, upoq Borrower's breach ref any corenaut. or <br />agreement ofBorrower iu This lleedtrf "Crust, incfoding the covenants to. pay when dueany sums. secured by ihisDeed <br />ofTrtn4 Lender prior to acceleration shallmail doGce to Borrower as proridedin paragraph IA hereof specifying: (1) The <br />br_ach; (2) the action requirtd to cure sock breach; f3) a date. not Itss 1lt~n 30' days from the daft the notice is mailed to. <br />Borrower, by which such bench .must be gored: and ;6). That failure to curesuch brcac6 on or before the date specified' <br />ih thenotice may. result im acceieralion of the su un.. secured by thin Deed of Trust sad wle of the Property. 1"he notice. <br />shall further inform Borrower of the right fo7eimlafd after aceeleralion. and the right to brGUg a court actiod to assert <br />the non-existenceof a default or any other defcttsr rot Borrower to accdera[ion and sate. tf'the breach-is rtot cured <br />on-orbcfore the date specihed in the. notice, tinder at [xndtr s aplioh rnay..dedare all. of Rbe sums secured by this,i)eed <br />of Trust to bcimmediafdydue andpayable without iurlher demand andmay invoke the'powerof sate and any other remedies ' <br />permiuedbyapplicablelaw. IxndershaBbeerdifkd tocoflect aB'reawvabfe costs and expensesincurredin pursuinR'.the <br />remedies provided: in thispatagrapht8,#ncludirgt, but not limited to,reasouabieattoraeJ''s fees: <br />]fiht:.poweao#sakisim•oked, Trusttrshalf ncordanotice of default io eachcountyin. which ihe~Property orsome. <br />part 4hereof is located and shall rnaflrnpiesof such notice infhe manner prescribed by applicabielawTO BorroweYand to the <br />other persons prescribed byappticaMe Saw. After the. Fapse of such time as may be requirtd liy applicable<1aw, Trustee shall <br />give public notice. of sate to the persons and in ihr manner prescribed". 5y applicable Saw. Tnrsiee,. without demand vrr <br />Borrowershail sell the Property at .public auctao to the. highest. kidder at ihetime andplace anA under the terms designated <br />in lhenoliceof. sate inooe or more parcelsand ire such order as Trvstee may ddermine. "t'rustec may postpone sale of ail <br />or: any-parcel of She Propeety by public anrmuncementatfhe Time and placeof a»y perviously scheduled sate. tinder ire <br />Lrndcrstlesq;necmaypurchase the Properly stony sate. <br />Uponreceipto£ payment of 4he price. hid,."f'ruslee chart dtlirer to tiie purchaser Trucfee's deedeonveying fbe Property <br />sold: Therrcitals inthc 1'rustee'sdeedshallfie prima facie evidenceofthe truth of the sfatementsmade therein.Trusfer <br />shall apply the proceeds of the sale fn the following order. (a) to off rexsouabk rusts and expenses of the sate, including, bud <br />rot iimfte6 ±o, Trustee's fees of notmore thou 3'q, 02 i *~ of the gross sate. price, reasonable: attorney's tees and roses of <br />title evidence; (b) toall suns secured by thisihrdof Tnist; and (c) theexcess, ifany, to the person or persons {egally entitled <br />thereto. <br />14. Borrowers Right fo Reinstate. Notwithstanding L.cndrrs ar:celeration of the sums secured !ay this I)eccl of Trus!. <br />Harrower shall have the right to Stave any priaceedingsbegun by Lender is c+tforce this Deed oT S7ust _tiscunUnurd at <br />any time prior to ine eaflterto cxsur of (i) the fifth clay txfore the sale of the Properly pursuant to the: {xrwer of cats contained <br />in this Decd ofTntsta[ in} entry of a judgmcm enforcing Ibis Deed of T"rust if: (a) Borrawer pays Gender ail su+rts winch would <br />be then due tinder this 17eedaf 'foist, the N~tr and ~wtec seaaring F4trglr'e Advances. if any, hail no aecclern.±"uan occurr'sd: <br />(h}. Borrower curet alt breaches of any other coven anti or agrrern•_nis of Borrower ca'rat,ined in this Dced of Trust: <br />tct Borrower .pays alt reasons{~#e expenses incurred by i.endcr ant `irustec sn cnf€~rc~ng ter covenants and ,:. recments of <br />Harrower c,rntautrJ in this t)ted of "F'rust anrS'in enforcing ;.end pr's wnd -kr r:-t ~c'~ r~ * - ..._, yrrnvidr---d +n -~raen:ph i8 <br />h ra.of.:nu`ucirrt~, beet not lorr.ited ra, rcasonahie xitarncy ~ fee.:: and t44i }), rn ~cr iskrs .. _.. A,cndcr , : c.asorrebty <br />rcquue to :tisuru that lire irern .~[ -iss l3erz, »i -`i'rosi, ,.a~nder~i I,.rrat ::~ +h.~ .==a>•.i ~ w,... u I -~,I:cue !; ;say <br />