<br />DEED OF TRLST $~ ;4,.i~',~~
<br />TI-IIS DEED OF TROST is made this.. 3gth .. . .. : . ...... .....dav of ..September , , . ; ,
<br />..._
<br />19._82; amorgthe Trustar. C.. ,C. ; Industxl~~,, .T.nc< .G.. Wayne,ASolcx_,, President. . , ..,
<br />....
<br />_._.....:_. ........... ......... .........(herein,.Borrower'")..............:..:,.. .. .. ...
<br />Sahn:R., Pxa'.,mell,,. A4tpZlt~y ................. .. .. (hetein "Trustee'"),.and thcBencficfary,
<br />.COtmnexcial .Savwngs: CorggaTZy. o,~ ,Grand Is~and, .. , , , . , _ a corporation asganrzcd and'
<br />existing under the Iawsol.. .Nebraska , , . , , , , , , , whose address is......._ . , ...:.:'
<br />?121. NAx~h Webb'?- ,..$0, 7i3px. 971 .Grand. I,sland,, NE. ,68802, . _ . , (herein "Lender')..
<br />BoxROw'et:, in consideration o: the indebtedness herein recited and the trusi herein rreated:.rrevocably grams
<br />and conveys to Trustee,. in trust: with power of sale, the following described property located m the €ouniy al
<br />.:.....Hall .. . .:.... ... . ........... . _. State of Nebraska:
<br />T're Southerly Forty Eight Feet (48) and Three {3 Inches of Lot Four {~)
<br />Block Gne Hundred Twenty rr^ive (125) in Koenig and Wiebels Add4±ion to the
<br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraske_
<br />which has the-address of.. 211. South Lincoln, .Grand .Island.,..NE 68801..... , .:. .... _ . ..:.. .
<br />{.herein "Proprrty,Address''):.
<br />!State anE. Zoo Cotle1.
<br />- Loth-tett;R':wuh alPthc itnprnvcmcnts noi+ nr hrrca#icr i•rectrd on The prupcr[v. .md a$.cascmrn[s. rights.
<br />appurtenances. rcros tsubjrer however to the rights and authordics given hrrcir. to l_endLr Ao collect and apply such
<br />rcnis). royalLc~: mineral, qil and:gas nghts.and profits: water, water rights. and water stock. and all fixtures now or
<br />hereafter anachcd ro the property, alF:df which, including replacements and additions thereto, shall be iicemrd to be
<br />andTcmanr a part c*Pthe property. mvcrcd'by this Decd of Trastz and all-of the furcgoing; together with said. prcrprrt~'
<br />(or the ic.ucholil estate iEthis Dred of Trust is on a Icsschold) arnc~rein referred td as the "`Property'';
<br />' To'Set't;RF to Lender {a'} the repayment of the indchtcdncs~: cvidcntcd by Borrower's note dated. :.9-30x.8.2
<br />,.......... (herein "Note"}, in the pnncipab gum oF.: Twenty Ligrtt ,T}lausand .I7olldxs;.and, np/J.0,0-
<br />.:(28,.000.OOJ... _ . Dollars, with interest thtircon, providing for monthly installmrn[s
<br />of princip:d and interest, with the balance oC the indebtedness. if not woncr paid, due and ;payable on . a2-29x8:2 _
<br />the paymcntaf all othcr'sums, with interest thercian, advaircrif
<br />m accnrdttnct hcnwith`te> protect the srcuritg of Ihis Dred of Trust anc( the pcrformaitcc of"the g7vcriants and
<br />agrrcmcros of Bormwe~ herein contained; and. (b) the rcpavmenruf any future advances, with interest thereon,. rnadc
<br />to Borrower by Lcndcr pursuant to paragraph 2 ( hereof Yhcrcin `Fuiurc Advances").
<br />$brrowcr covcnunts thatl~ortowcr is lawfully sciscd cd the Utatc hurrby.eonvcycd and has tkt; right togrunt and
<br />_ convcythe.Prtrp¢rty, thar..[he Prgpcrty is,unrneumbcred. andthat Borrc~rwer wiVt warrant anddefend gcncrallythe
<br />[eite~todhc' Property againsi.:ell claims and demands. vu6j~et t[rptny ciccdarttions. casements ur restrictums. listed in :i
<br />- schedule nf,excep{ions to coverage in aaytitle insurance puitcy in.urrrte Lcnder'~ iottresr. in thcPropcriyt
<br />NEBRASKA fin ^_ ram~iv- 'S fNMAi FN{MC UNtfURM iNSTRUMCNT
<br />