<br />82 ~---~1 ~ ~ 10 (~
<br />.ar,~ "fbr>naC: r.'. r:.rn, ~ ~.S .tnr;!rt,i ~..
<br />r ..
<br />-irrPr,tc.~Ce f bN fire d~~; 's dutho.tized
<br />~ ~ ~7' , >.
<br />•~~ ril f., :n ,.~Ll !1.('Ont~t UC t' as a1S4({.l C•t i.ir, 1 ~e:•^,S t0 {}~ d rrSub Can ~naC i~ _
<br />f g hen w l; :~'r rr! aorta, :ttc,rf;mcnte ~ ~'~?Cr,da incr r ~r°tc~? he!tewltrt
<br />f rt..t.ttc; .o hC ^,n, nr;d ati udtIitie,t an;r ' n:..,,_cmcnt.^.C t~ _
<br />.~ CmCntd made and
<br />Cntcrt"~; rota b? ttr f,antcrs 1:,•tctn suhsC ucn~ {o ti:c:r1a'c c~
<br />4 execution o{
<br />Th srn.T '^rli,ror,{na,~L I ,cumc,:ttr" as usCd hC min 'its
<br />rrLLy cr,d/~
<br />s crtatP:,e to i'r aSn2Can<f "Car.tnact" "ConLnac't PocunC.nts" ..,d ~ ',
<br />_tt ~COC-`_?
<br />tc e{ft~ 2 with, any ,anrt aLC aL{canna{C ,2a ,oaaCa wf;a.cl nn. t;,
<br />~rranponatrrf.in ifut Suhco, F t I ~ e:C^c1dPd o,!
<br />tta;t, atC Cor,tta<•£c` r.~e tar~,s ~seced by
<br />C'kr,i.t d;tbbe{.uCnt to {itC b.caecr<e,q and..identl_blcd do,.c-:;tom.^LL7~ ir, tn.is Subco
<br />t.zc.t, and aLL wn<ttrn tnstnuctland, nvtlccd, d1nCCtiv~d, fob 6chCduCes,
<br />"]nb PoLl.cu" lnatnicmentd, pnovldert hat ouch :vac £c,: :~i~icu7_ntd a v_ dpec-
<br />~i3lcaLty aebe.nhed to In thle Szzbconttact.
<br />Tho Subconlnac{ Pocumrnta,slutLL not (ncCudc' ar.u praoposaL~, con.tcsL,o,:
<br />ence o,t aQ4CCment6 dated, rnrzdc on aLLeged to IT~vc been made be LucCr, tkc
<br />ConthaCtah and LhC'S~abCan{naa'tah ji4lo4 ta, t^C G~ctC C~ tlitd Subconthact un
<br />LCdd .5pr~i,~tCaLLy <dcntlblCct anal <ncoapo•tatcd Cr, cc:i.tr,g heket,t.
<br />d,t{1cLr ?. The 4a,irconthacian is bainncf to the. Can£tacto.t by ,the Game te2mt
<br />cod cor,dtttonb ba, which .Can{nncto.t is bonr,c? to tF,,• t5~c+,;c-t undeh he Cont.ta~_
<br />The Contnact Doca,TCn{s, as cfe~incd'ln the Cantaact, 'a:te hehe l.ncoRpo•tated
<br />b,e neb2Rencv,. Subcontnac{aa a~icir.htch,es to pctSo-tm dLL dutlea and obLlga-
<br />il,or,d o,~ tho. Contnactoh atndr; "t ft c. Contnact Cocumcr;ts, insoSar ad Bald dut-
<br />and obf.cgatlons aae nr(atcd, lJi.tectLa/ o~t ndinCCtCrr, to th,C,worh dCac,ttbc:;
<br />'-r SCCtzon ti ob fh{d Subcon`;w'ct. Subcortt,tacto2 lu<fL na.i da, 02 bait to ;
<br />any att, lb f7:rf nPa80,1 ab`~uct: etc{ a1 balCuar_ to ,:ct, Cvnt,ta'c cn would be
<br />bhezeh'ab the Cor.t;.nc,. ,
<br />w'hv.n ,tegizedtCC.a to do to t, r, tl;c CanLtactar,
<br />dt; S>r~ SItbCO n'.2aCtOt G~-2Ced 20
<br />not detegntdt 05 ae~~p,t~Foa, ~..!,-sutacont.;actota, and Subconatgcto ~_ di;aL!
<br />e, aub! iu ~l~ euvcontt~ct £a otF,C,;~ Ih
<br />any o5 hid af,Ilrga,'ions an-7.o C peabo2r,ance n;
<br />wt{pout ia, 'rgal2cd of ConLcr,f^LaLcd 6y ihld dubconL~c,.
<br />P2 't'wni'{•t"rn ~conea'..' ;'~ the Cnr.t^..ictot, ;:vFEcf•, dhaL£ r,ot be ur,-
<br />ncr..5cna;rLy' avlthl{cLd.
<br />.1-ttlCle 3. Subron 'ac{o.t ar! nnn'P~ rf,~c' that iL lets {;Cd hcsponsLblC.tt.y,
<br />pa<oh to ontrning than Subcc:,tth:cci,~ o inu,~.lti~statC and`, ham i.L'tiaaizehiTseL<
<br />with a£C Pawd, ondcnancc~; rand :tcguLa£r_ons'appClcabLc:to hid wohk,undcn
<br />th<d Sabcontnact; w.({h {I7C rzvr,PabiLi~'~ an-d adc4uac+f .c~ pcnsonr,CC, tcon!<nr_r
<br />n.atChlaL, dupe!{~,S,.Cqucpmcnf, t,,u*cn,_utiCa£ics, (iuCC, etc. 2nd with 'cspr.
<br />to each 'off thr. bo2Cgoenq; ti: c. c'oet and sui£r:bi.Ci.ttf tl:c•.`eoh; icltf; tf;e pteva
<br />{ng wage dcaC~a, union dcaPca, Lcnc~Lts ar,if;vat,~ing condltiond, c44~t jun-
<br />tddlctlond, cRabt arra pnacta'crs, cxi~ti,a,r irtbvt-agtcc~cnta .incLucfing thca
<br />signed 6y oh on beha£b ob t-,c: C:o,:t,actan, ,:'1£f: the ch.a•tacte.;.nd'content o,
<br />nLL ot17e2 contrtacta netateai to th,r I~1~;cct; 1ncCiadLn~t ouch a>cpahatc p.ttne
<br />can{nac'e ad may havC been u,vanxird trll the Owne•t, the chnhacteh and cen'en'
<br />ob puhchaae onaiene and ahaangvmr.nts bon eupplcs .nd cctCh.LaC to bC/u^-
<br />nlshed by the CantnactoR ;bog thr' uec-ob Subccr,tiiactn.t, :.{th a C nptCoRa,
<br />di.te coneide-tiatLoRs and n.eat?tictionb; lCnbC ighecmenta, noyaL~~ee, unda;.t-
<br />gnound conGCttony P,evaLCinri war,{htA 4ad CCLmgl:p(pn~CA~ CBRdtLlonb cnc~
<br />hcato~~' dot( any ezhen 6ac{o,c oa S,zciond tvhCch nQy 461~CCt SUb'COR.C~[dCLO" r.S
<br />wOnk under Ihid Su6contaact. rt„, S7lbcontnRCtp, heacbu wa4hantd and aghe~~e
<br />that he had <nvedti~ated aLL such mattcna and bam-CL[.1~i.{zed himdCC6-Lhc2e-
<br />wlth to the Cztent tltq.~ hC, to hid aoLe didchel.%on, deer.+e 'neeesban.y, Su6-
<br />contRac.to,a 6u;thel ayrteee .that Cont2aeLo2 dhnLL not be C1.abLe to SubcoRt:.ic
<br />oh on nny ctaCrr So'~ addtili:,'r,at F';r/merit ah addltonaL ttm¢ on any cCaim c~'ha
<br />aoevch lb buck c!a.irn_dinPC.~t:, ~2 :;; r:,2cctfy -tcsuC-:a bz`om Subcont2acto2's
<br />6aclune tp ~~vCd-t~rda.tC anrf r >7if<a~~zc fclmscCb au6XicieniLu utiti; the con-
<br />ditt.ond undCn which {iud Su' u,;fnact td to -6C pch~c2mcd; cncLuding' the pace
<br />gving but without 2Cd-t><.ic-'<a„ 'it<'ncLo, o~t b2om art!i mtsunr;ca£ar,dtrtg LF.r_±eo
<br />on {he pa><1 oS the Si,bco.,itn... ta.ti b
<br />rtn~'cte ~. 11jt ''ubcontnGCt n~sietitu cs ti, c- cntct't agncemcn;t oct.wer_r, thG
<br />pu,tt~:zd and con'a~n~ al P: o'~ tQa cavenanta, e £cpcaCa{i.an6;; and paovlatcne
<br />agnCed upon 61 zhc peant~ea, t17iJ Subcont-tact dupchacded ane ta':edpzte-
<br />cedence oven aPP p-o;~~oaaP.s; coa:teapond¢nce, rind ohaL ag2cemera-.'_.; betanten Lhe
<br />~ubcontrtacton, and Conttacloa ~:~ any, madC p~.l.o,t :fv e,nd zncLud~.ng tht date
<br />hc.tCa6, rind not +p.^.ct(j1c;zCtr~ ti1C,zt.i6i.Cd ancf:tnconpo2a.tt~ i.n wh:.i.t.in.q In lhta
<br />S,ibront~tact. The;, Subcondnact inr_Ludes aLL -~Lte2riatcb, changce, cddenda,
<br />RECQ~ ,rR ~ ME+~1.'~, -~~;t~rv of
<br />W nir vG TYPiN.., OR PFIt3T/h,,;
<br />i~t^ISATISfiRGrtpRY
<br />_ 1N 7HI5 ~SOd,etiT wr,Ltu d.ECe"i7£v'T
<br />r r ,
<br />