<br />82--f)C1~IpC;
<br />s,., r.>,,,.T~n~T
<br />~~cr:E t ~~LUr
<br />Tft1S Stl6C0'!?RA.C1, nau'c this 13th:. <fay o5 -July __ 1982- by axd bz.-
<br />~we¢n ---- Knight; Bros., _Znc. - -- - -- --
<br />~1eaC.CnQ~tP4 Gat~r~rf {fiC Sct-UCCn1~taC104; ContiaentalWest, I.nc.--- "--
<br />h¢>tetr,aSt"~4 ded:irir,atcd the Ccnt;acto;t.-- --- ----- - --- -
<br />'W'I7NE:;SET~f: That ,~or, and in coneCc:etati.or. of LF,C m.,,,..taf p4omses and co ~.
<br />Cr,ar,t6 h,e'^in ca n,a~:,rcd- tFze _S«bcont4ac.to^ and' tl;c Cc r,tt'actor, aq.ice as ;o!
<br />t o u.~s
<br />SE6TT0'J 1,;. Th,C :uf,aont4actot coz~
<br />mat24caP ?nrf Y?Q^sCr.df C+tar,{s D".UmCSCS :'rt: c2gaCCS LO ~tt.iR<d{; ,.„
<br />4uLPy pc:tlc^n aft wohrhe~.ecr,z~~Q.tczfesct~f~edt~o~cCti;¢ const2uetLorea6Cy cr'.
<br />_ Burger King Resta.:rant
<br />~edZ.{ra~{te ^aL£cc! the Project, ~~ be t~cated at
<br />Gra„~ 7c1 nd, 2280YN.:Webb Road
<br />_.Nebraska 504. Lhc uJC and bCn..Sct op'
<br />Burger Icing ^orporation - -- -
<br />~enetnai.Cc~ dcs'C~natat~ 11; ~ _ .- - .._.__ _ -
<br />bettve ' c (c,c,, <n ettcct,acco:t~c u~itl: t c Cont.t~:cr-
<br />en Lhc Cent4ac.to:t and ~r c t'ranc4 cnt, t2d tn.o
<br />artd~ hor,oGr mad Aoril 16.'199~~
<br />t~e:COm f. e a cart Cj tf: CS $(tb COr r.,.^CL JJ ~iC~2•i CnCC_: Q~ p
<br />p~ete d41ld5ac Lon u5 ho Cont4acLc1, the Ccvr,c-t; and the 4ep'edent-
<br />a.ttve o5 Lf;¢ Ownc4 cuthoaized io tntenptc~ aid JurL,1C tF,E p¢,t6o'rmaRC~ a~ Ln;.
<br />a6olti¢datd Cont~raCt ar,d named thvn.cin as atchi.teCt, en,~£r,e¢~t, eenfRartinq
<br />o6S<ev.a, 04 ott=¢4w1ee wf,(ch a; p4escn.aCtve eI;aCL F:e4etn<:Ft¢4 6e dtslgnated
<br />the Ownea'e Authoai~¢d Ag¢nt; and. aLC a5 cchZch sh.rLL be dor,~ ;tn timtLv,
<br />5atihSul, .and ettict cornpCiance with tke_SetbconLte,ct c, ,td LFie, ent~.te Sub-
<br />: corttaact Documente ne d¢e'c4lbccf'und dCS,tr,cd i.n SecCcen !?, A~ttcLe 1 he4e_
<br />05 and ¢Caewheac hc4etn.
<br />SECT1pN 8. The Sr:hc.ont4actac r„irccs to (~uRnCsh aCL ncCC6sa4y man¢aCme.nt,
<br />dupeav~,ei.on, Caf,~4, tooCe,-sr,ppCics, c_Quepncn-L, rta-r,t, d.c:4viceb', aund4lcs,
<br />aPPa~tenances, e'nginee4inq, testing and/o4 any oLhC4 act v4 thing ttout~o_d
<br />to dZl{geatCct and ~ar.CCy pea5ocm an,f cnmf'Lrttancsc: pcttens o5;,the u:o~~
<br />deecR.i6¢~t' ae SoCfowe
<br />r.
<br />paving work as per Burger King-plans and specifications
<br />~~~
<br />~~ o
<br />`i~iG.N~`p J~~J~~awN
<br />,~5~
<br />SCCTION C. 7hC Contaactoa a_gaece to pay tAe Subeor.L4acto.t boa the SuCC,
<br />5a~th5uC and compC¢;¢ pea6ortmnncc o6 thid SubCOrttaaCt tfie burn ol5 5-19,059.52
<br />yTNPTF-'* '-~
<br />-~-r._..~ 'SAND FIFTY NINE DOLLARS AND 52/D0__ ______________
<br />duo ect to ac -------------------9 ----
<br />J ~Ltond and deductions boa. Changeb aga¢e upon to wa.c xrt oa~
<br />deteamined ae hzneLna~ ea eet 5oath; artd 6uaiFsea ag2eee to make aCL,paattal
<br />and 6Lnat paymen.Le on account LheReo6 doCeCy crt accoA.dance with the learns
<br />and paovib~one o~ the Subcontaact OocumenLd Cr.cCuding, but without-><tdta<c-
<br />LCon Lhe4¢Lo, Lhe p~ov.Cdr.one ozj Seet(on_A, A2t1cLe S o4-thld Subcont2act.
<br />A•ttcCe 7, Th.C tC4m "('ortt4act" ad. usCd->:ctCCr, ^•C5C2e to LhC Ccrci4act bv_-
<br />IwE2n the ttwr,r.t 'and the Cont-::
<br />rhP te.:tm c'i`" 'fo4 coneLutction o~ tF,c Project.
<br />"Coht4uc{ Doc«m r,,^ .te ugc:f h,c4cin .te;(c^.s to Lf:c' "Cont.tac~"
<br />21u-~Cer, the pc<rnaa. and .{he Con txcto4 ' -
<br />togcthca cutLh nL.C plans, daawcnge,
<br />sp2c~5"catd.~ne, incLud~nq tFce C~ne~n! Conrfitione, SttFptc,x:entaL GeneaaC
<br />Cons{t<one and S~Iec~aC Condctcn:,d, Addenda AmCnrfmc_nCs, and/o4 en6taurngnCe
<br />°~ PCE ~ !~SeCt .ideuPd, btf on ;i,, (,chat o the O~enc2;
<br />a%-C o •f,a ~ ~ 5 togCthc4 with any and
<br />< [focc:mente GA :C,atarcvc.nCe. 4c5e44cd to 1n fr;c a5o4eeGirf "Corttnact"
<br />