<br />$2-- s?C-3~53
<br />UtvtFOaM CovEr+etrrsr >3orrower and Lender eo~~enan[ and,.:cigiee as Follows:
<br />`7.. Payment of Principal ar[d. Interest. Harrower shall pron:ptiy pa; when due the princrpal_gf and interest ortthe
<br />~ndebtednessevidepcedby the No[e,'prepayment~nd latecharges. as provtded in-.the No[e,. and the principal ofand interest
<br />orranv F ttttrc Advance secured by this Deed ofTrust. '- -
<br />~. Funds tnr Ttaeeand [naannce. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver;.by Lender Borrower shall pay 7
<br />to Lender on [he dap monthly installments of princrpa} andinterest are payableunder the Nct rir.tii [h Note is paid in full,
<br />a sum (hereto "F~ods'1 equal io vne-twetfthof the yearly ta~.xes. and assessment which may anatn priority aver this
<br />Decd of Trust. and grouted<rents onYhe Property,if any, plus one-twelfth of yearlypremiuminstatlments for hazard insurance.
<br />plus one-raelfth of year[y premiutn'instailments for mortgage insurance, it any, all as reasonably estimated Initially and from
<br />time to t:mc 6y Lraidez on the basis of assessments and bills. and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The Funds'shali be held.in aninstitutior, the depositsar accounts of which;".are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agcitcy;(induding Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds tv pay said rtxcs, assessments.
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge far so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account
<br />or v~ri[ying andcompi8ngsaid assessments and bills, unless Lenderpays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable taw
<br />permits Lender to make such 'a charge. Borrower and tender may agree in writing at the time of execut,on of this
<br />Deed of Srustthat interest an the Funds sh.,it be patdio Borrower,-and untesS.stch :,greemco[ is made or applicable law
<br />requ#res such interest tote paid, Lender shaft not be required [o pay-Borrower a:iv interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower. whthcwtn charge. an annual accounting of the Fundsshvwing credits and debits to theFunds and the
<br />purpose fo[ which-each debit iv ilre Funds was made_ "the Funds are pledged ns additional security for the sums seclued
<br />by th_ is Deed of Tout.
<br />If the ainouoY of the Funds held'-6ti Lender, together ;vith the !uture moothlc installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the'due dates of (axes,assessmrnts, Insurance premiums and gtound rents, shall ex°ced [hc ^mount required to pay said taxes,
<br />assessments,-#aswancepremiumsandgraund rents ^s they falldue, such eseees shag begat Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid. to Borrower or,credited,ty Borrawcror: monthlyinstalltnents of Fund>..3_°the amount of the Funds
<br />heldby_Lendershall not'be sufficient topay t:,xa. assessments, insurancepremmms and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />8orrower'shall pay,to Lender any amounrnecessary mmakeup the deficienag iv;th~n 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />try Lender to Borrower tYquesting,pagm.-nt thereof
<br />Upampayment in fullof all'sruns securedby thts Deed of Trust,-Ltrder shall promptly refund, to. Bogvwer any Funds
<br />held by Lender: if under paragraph 18 hereof the Property is sold nr th.- Property ~s otherwise acquired by Lcndc-. l ender
<br />shall-apply, rtoiater than. immediately prior. to the sale of the Property or its acquisifion. by :Lender, am Funds held by
<br />Lender at the time of application as a credo against the sums secured'by this Deed of Trust.
<br />3.AppBeatlou otPaynnents.Unless applicable !awprovides©therwise. all paymenLS received h}' Lender under the
<br />Note'and paragraphs t and 2 hereof hall be apphed'by Lenderfirn in pa}mienrof amaenis payable. to Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof,'then Co interest payable on the Nate; thctr m the principal at the Note, and when to interest and
<br />prixtcspal on any Futnro Advances '
<br />4. CAa~es; Liens. Borrower shalt pay~ait`taxes. assessments and other charges, fines and irnpasuions anributable ro
<br />the Ptopertgwhich may attain a priority over this Deed of Trust, and teasehnld payments or ground .rents, if any. in the
<br />matnxr provtded under paragraph 7hereaf or, tf not paid in such manner, by Borrowermatcmg payment: when due, directly
<br />_[othe payee tlKrevf.'Borrower shallpromptly'furnishto Lender allnotices otama~mtsdue under this paragraph. and in the
<br />evepFBarrowershall tnakcpaymenCdiiutly; Borrower. shall promptly furnish to lender rtcerpts cvide-ra.~ such payments.
<br />Borrower shall. promptly discharge any lien which has priority over the Decd of Trust; provided, that Borrower ,hall not he
<br />required to-discharge anyauch lien'so longasBorrowershail: agree..ir, •sritingao the. psymem ofttie obligation sceurcd by
<br />such ten m a manner acceptable to Lender'orshall ingood faith'wntest such lien by. ar de[end enfarcemcnt of sash lien in.
<br />legal pproceed~ings which operate tp prevent thr enforcement of the (ter. orforfeiturc of the Property or an} pan thereof.
<br />!. Htwrd laararace. Borrower shall keep the improvements naw exi.ting or hereafter erected on the Proprn} insured
<br />against toss'by'flra hazards indudcd within t(3e term °t>;tended coverage', ono such other hazards'as Lender may requi~.
<br />and in such amounts and for such periods as Lender may. require; prostdtd. that Lender shall not regqv~rc that the amc~um of
<br />such coverage exceed that amount of coverage requred to pay the'sum. secured b} this Decd of Tir:st
<br />The insurance carxier-prov#ding the insurance sha]Ebe cho~nhy Burrower sublecr,o+ approval by Ccndc: , rni~ded.
<br />that such approivai shall tpot tie unreaianably'withhe{d: rill gremiums on insurance policies sha8 be paid in the manner
<br />provided troder!parallrttph:2 hereof or, if not paid in such manner, $y Borrower nsaking payment; when due, directly io the
<br />insu,nttce carrier.
<br />ill insur3tnce policies'and renewals thereof shalt M:'ih term auaptab#c to Lender and (hall include n swndnrd mong:,ec
<br />clause in favor of and in form' acceptable to Lender. Lender shall have the. right to hgld the policies and renewal [hereof.
<br />and BorrowershaB promptly furnish to Lender alb renewal nartces and ail receipts of paid premiums. In the e~ •nt rf lo3s
<br />Borrower slap give pcatnpt notice eo the insurance earner and Lender. Lender may make proof of-lose if nut made pramptlc
<br />by Borrower. ;
<br />.:Unless Lender and Borrower gthcrwise agree in wriung, mswance proceeds shati he app!ied to restoratian or repau of
<br />1he,Propertydamaged, provided such restoration or repa,r x5 tcenomr,.a9y rea~ibl : nd the ne~unty o[ ihs Decd of Triist ~~
<br />nottherebyantpaired. If such restoration orrepatr is no[ cconamicall} feasible ,)r tr,c tic~,rity of this Decd of Trerstw~ould
<br />tieimpaired, he insurance proceedt shalt be-applied W tae sums soured by thr> I~ee3 of Trust, with the cowers, i[ anp. , air!
<br />to Borrower..lfthe Property is abandoned by.Borrowcr; or if Borrower fails to « .pond io (.ender within 3Q lays from the
<br />date notice is mailed by Lender to Borrower that the insurance terrier oilers: to+eute •, claim far insurance benefits. Lcndc-
<br />is'authariz<sd to collect and apply the insurance proceedrat Lenders option either [o restoratign or repau of the Property
<br />or to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust
<br />Unless 1_coder and $orrowerotherwiseagree in venting, any Such application of proceeds to princ:pal shat( not extend
<br />ar postpone the duedatc of the monthly installments referred to: inparagraphsland 2 hercafor changc_thc amoun(c~t
<br />such installments. If under paragraph l8 hereof the Property tsacyuired by Lender, all righf, title and interest of Borrower
<br />in and to any insurance Iviicita and in and ao the pro.:ceds: thereat reveling trans damage to the":Property pri,~r r:, the sale
<br />or acquisition shalt pats to Lenderta thaezlent ~f thcsanss secured,by rh!s Deed of Trust ,mmufiately priarta ,uchsaleor
<br />acquisition. -
<br />~, Presersation and MWtcaance of Property; E.easeholds, C'ondominimnsr Phoned Unit Developments. Borrower
<br />.hall keep the Propcm in g,wdrepair and sfiali ncx Comm , w;,~tc , tic-ntitimpairment ur dercrivratu>n of 4hc Property
<br />and shalt comp(,: with the previ~.iona oParr}']ease if this Decdof Trw; ^ :, ieasehald Ifthis.. Decd ofTrost i. ,m a unitia. a
<br />condominium yr a piaened unit decclopment, Borrower sltal[.x6or n all of Barrawer'sdobl#gatigm u^dcr the declaration :`
<br />or covenants creating or gvvenurg the iondonumum:or planncdu"~t deselapmeotlthe by-law5and regulations of [he
<br />condominium or planucd unit devtlopmcnt.:md consntuem doci:mrrt It a andeminh m or planned iri: drse!opmem
<br />rider is caecuiecr by Borrower and rc~.ord_d together with tf:'ss Deed tit Trust. the covenants and agreements of tech rider
<br />shah be incorporatxl into and sha1F amend and supptemont the covenar s and ag cements of th s Deed t Trust ~ •t the rider
<br />were s pan hereof- ".
<br />7. Protection of Ix odor's $eturih•. li Borrowc~ fa is tc perform the Covenants and agrtemenis.:onta:ncd in this
<br />Deed of Trust, or if nn} aau~n or proceeding is commencedwhich m crially afiect>•.lrnder"sin rest in th A ~.rtg.
<br />inc;uding, but not limited to, eminent dotn:nn, iztSp#venc} ale enfc ement,or arranger~n[s ar prcx.ec i,>-> irn tie a
<br />bankrupt or deccdrnt_ then LendeYat Lender's option. u~r no i e .o h rrnq•er, may make such a~rear r ~ dirt I such
<br />sums and take such ac:ic*n as ~is neecssary '~ l+rotea Lenders intereu. :neluding, t?ut ant limattd~ [n, i.br -moot of
<br />reawnaNe a[tarnn~'s CtC: an3 cntn' upfrn [ht Propertc to make ie.palrs. tf Lender `eequired nnor'gakc"im _ -.. :~
<br />condition of making the loan secured by this D.xd of Trust Botrowcr shsdl pad the prernivms rcn~ ,led t,_ ~.:, + n ~~:cF
<br />insurance in exert until such t*'rr,e as [he requiremer,; for reel iecura::ce terrnmatesin act:ordance tvi;h I3on ewer s and
<br />Lenders written agrcement ar applicable law. Borrower shal+ pa} ;hc ~~mount ofall. mortgage •: r.>u a 5*or vets in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to ~hi~ paragraph 7_ 'a~ah interest :hr,:.on. sha.l ~~.:m' ,ddi:inra'
<br />indebtedness of Bi,roa~cr securca by this Dew of Ttcnt- L: r~ic;. Borrwe,_ .,-. i'. ~dcr .-i er< r,: :?rSc r~_, s of ~. _. ,ens. veal
<br />aetour.LS shall tic ea}-able apor. roticc from Lender to Bor-owe: reyuc~~•re pat^n°. t the;cot ~.,u sh;r`~ h.nr rater :' nom rlia
<br />dart of disbu~eznuat at the ate payable Eton time to titt~c c', ~~u•sran~~ -t, ,v ircipai order !h • ~r~: •~ •~:n s. .n ~me inicr~st
<br />at such ra[t wuJEd be contraB to applieabie taa~, in uFi-.'~ zveu•. ch aaa., mi-. shat- 'Dear ,atxr.v ~ , •hc r tit,*v rote.
<br />permissible under applicable raw. Aa; ling u~ea,incd m th~~ r+:agr,,ph r .h:u4 r:yrurr Is r, ar ra !scar ~IC exa'a n;e or tak-•
<br />arty action hereunder.
<br />ll. 'It~R}eafon- Lcad~-r may :rnaiee or cw+:or, to be n:Lt1c r ,. sa+n,,f>l ~ entries r~~ or ...:d i„r {u..,:.e .. v ,2n~t?~ }. ro.:.le.
<br />that I.cadrr abet(. gi.e Serrower notice pr:ur.::. n, +*r~h ins;,+c i,.,. •. ~'< Wing; _•:..o,b~c ri...h~.~. rc=:':cu ~ cr,.:rr
<br />=ore: cs, in :G•= PrecK!rY'>r.
<br />