82~ t~(731i5
<br />THIS DEED OF TRH ST is made this .... -3rd ..................day of ...September.:..... - - ~ - - -
<br />19.82. , arrlong the Trustor, ...~?obn. Charles .Ilerttt~'ut .a:,d .Renee ..Sue . Herman,..Husband and .Wife...
<br />.... ..(herein `"Borrower"/ ................. ................
<br />........ FfdeliiY..bldtiPPdl. T.itZe.Snsuras[ce .CoutpaRy ....(herein "Trustee"), and rite Beneficiary,
<br />.:.........:.... ~ApP.>E~4t'. MQFkga4P.: ZR~..........................., a corporation organized artd
<br />existiing under the laws of....NebraB)[a ................. .. .......... whose address is.. 2.121 .N.. Web,6
<br />Roat}r, setite_2Q¢,, Grand,Irla{td,, NE .. (QQOl, „ _ _ , ..... (herein "Lender").
<br />Bot[RawER,in consideration of the indebtedness herein recited and the trust herein created, irrevocably grants
<br />and conveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of ;ale, the foRowieg described property located in the iC[tunry of
<br />... _ ...t3a11 .......................StateofNebraska;
<br />Lot Eight (87, in Block Three (3?. of T_ambert's Second Addition
<br />to the City of Grar,~ Island, 3x11 County, Nebraska
<br />which has the address o[... 703 N. Whi,..e Grand Islan~_
<br />ts~~..~ ,
<br />Nebraska 68801 / hereto "Propcny Address"):
<br />f Sts4~ an6 ZFO qnW 1
<br />ToeETHEa with all the irtp:ovcax:nu now or hereaher erectci; sir, ;he nropcr:p. end nN c;ixment,. n~ht,.
<br />appurtenances, rents {subjecs hawever [o the rights and authorities ¢i~er, herein to Lender to cotlea an~~ app?) x:ch
<br />rents?, loyalties, mineral, oft and ps tights and profets, water, water rights, and water stock., and ail fixtures now or
<br />hntcafter at[aelted to the property, all of which, fneittdkng replacements and additions thereto, nha11 b de+_nted to be
<br />a[td' remain a pan of the property covered b}' this Dccd of Trust; and all of the foregoing, rage ther with s;~id propcr.~
<br />(oi the leasehold estate if [his ISeed of Trust is cn a icaseho(d} arc herein referred to as the "~ropertc":
<br />To SECt3RE to Lender {a) dxi reps}went of the indebtedness evidenced by Idorrower's note dated . September
<br />...3,.19fi2(hercin "Alotc'"), in the principal st:m ef. Tv:enty fora thousand and .t3o/100ths_-----
<br />, , , , ,, , , , , , , , ,, , , , , , , ,, , ,,,,,,, - ....... Dollazs, with intcre>t thereon, pro. idin3 for rnonthl}' im .llmc~t,
<br />o! principal and intetzst, with the baianr. of the indebtedness, it rot -;eoncr paid, due and pa'; axle on .
<br />. Octoi+er 1, 2012 .. ; [rte patimegt of wit other suss. ~~itsi i^?ntest thcr~nr:. as,vanced
<br />in accordance hcrowith to protect the se-curity of d;ss Ik~d of trust, ~.nd the perfort~~nce o~ the cover<un!s ::nd
<br />agrremc7t5 of Horrower hereit3 coraxined; and (b? the rcpay~ment of any futur e advances. with a±terat thereon. m:~~+c
<br />cR~ttreower by Lcttder puriuan[ to paragraph. 21 hereof ('h~n~in "Future ?.dv:trace>'~ i.
<br />
<br />Borrnwtr c©venaats that Borrower ?s 4twr q} seised n. ,hr_ cs at: 'terehc . cat '~~'~c` a..:i has h~ r'~in ; r: i ~ I a;n;
<br />cnnrev the PropeRp, th.-tt the Property s urcr~cumt~-rcc4, anu' [hat Barr~,.v~_, u~.l .ca..- _...r.3 f nu gut: -:1 , .,,~
<br />iftlC iU tftti Property a~isn5t all tlainxs anu ch2nt3 ~dti. suF7l act *o :~s:v -Sa ratnt ,:,saran _: r ._.io:c 1 ;_., ., .-
<br />sckied;;k ta€ exccptso,ts to ctrv~~rngc is am title ~ ,~nz.xc a r.: ;s > ray; L:_^id 1tc* .. _~ tip.: f ~ -~.
<br />t~1'!~Fr 5132
<br />