<br />82 -- t)037$~
<br />C:epdeirwritten agreement or apptcabletaw: Bortowershallpay theamount of al} mortgage insurance premiums m the
<br />maptxr provided undergaragraPh? hereof,
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7; with Interest thereon, shall become additional
<br />indehredrres~ of Borrower ~e,^nred by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agreeto other. terms of payment,'such
<br />an~oumc ;halt be payable Lix~~ nettce from Lender to Borrower -requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest from the
<br />date of disb,trsement at t}x rate payable franc time to time an outstandipg principal under the Nate unless'pavmenf of
<br />interest at such rate would he contrary to applicable law; in which event such amounts shall bear interesi at the: highest rate
<br />pcrmiasibM under _pplicabk law: Nbthingcoistained inihisparagraph7-shallregt»re Lender toincur any expense ortake.
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />8. fe+pectiiea. Lender may make or cause io be made reasonable entries upon and ipspeetions of the Property. provided
<br />;hat Lender ball glut BUrrowcr notice prior to any such inspection specifying. masonable cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />mteresr in the Property:. : :.
<br />9. Coe,ietnwatfott. The proceeds of any award Dr claim fordamat!es;'direst ar consequentiaC in connection with rant'
<br />conden^enatir+n or other taking oEthe Property, acparfihereof. ar'farconveyahee Sn lieuafcondemnation;.arehecebyassigned
<br />and shalt bc_ paad to i.ender.
<br />Ln the ryent of a tptal taking of the Properly; the proceeds .shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with xhe ettcess. rf any;.paid to:Borrnwer.fn. the event'ofa partial takingef the Property, unless. BorrowerandL.eniler
<br />otherwiseagtee in writing,.there shalt:beappliedta thesumssccured hy:this Mortgage such proportion af'the pnxceds :
<br />asis egcraltathatpropottian which theamoun[ ofthesums securtdtsy This Mortgage. immediately prior: to the dateof
<br />takirsg bearstoihe fair markelvatue of the Praprrts•.immediatety prior to the t3ate of taking, with the baSanixef the proceeds
<br />paid is Borrower.
<br />' 7f the Property is abandonedby Borrowrr;or if. afttc nMice by Lender taBormwerthat the candetnnM affen to make
<br />;an award~ar settle a claim far damages;. BorrDwcr fails. to respond to Lender within ~~ :days after'.the date"such notice is -
<br />mailed,. Lenider is atrtborized to celk,;t and appiv tFx pmceeds. at Lender's 6ptian, either fa restorasion or;xepair of 4he
<br />Pmprrty ar to the sitreu secured ;~: the \lortgage-
<br />LlnlessL.etider aexl Borrower othemise agree*n. u•riting_ anv such applrcation of prDreeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or p,asipone the due date of the tranthly instalfttatis[s referred ca in paragraphs 1 and '! ltereof -or change the amount of
<br />such inatalimepts.
<br />IW. larrnwes V1N itekared.: E.xxensiant?f the time far payment or modificati~sn oL amortization of thesums secured
<br />byihiS~MortgagegrantedbvLendertaany-success~rininterestafBortawershail~atoperatemrelrase,in;anymanncr.
<br />the lia#iihty 9f the arigirral Bvrrover grid Aerrrmver's sncce%sors iri interest, Tender shall not t±e. inquired to commence
<br />praceedings'agartstt suzhsucrrasor err refuse tD exteni3 tittle f:~r paymentor: othtrwrse mrxiify ~martizaiion Df the sums
<br />soured lit' txi5 Mortga®e Ery reason at any c3emaad madr by the nriglnaS Barmwer aced. Borrower's snceessors in intere r_
<br />'' Ii. FnrYer.rret by -.eder.'~1N a Rrairce, Any fort,earaa~c h~ t ~ttder in rxemistng aoy right or rrmedyhcreuntfcr; ter
<br />atherw"ese afforded. 1>y applicable' Saw. ahait not he a waiver , ~i :,. n+ectudr the exerrice Df ativ such right r,r remeds.
<br />The prc>rurenxnt raf imurartcecu,the pavmen4.of raxesor other liens ar :hargrs by i.endar shall not kxa t+pivcr of i.endcr's
<br />right to accelerate the rpaturity of the indebtedness srcuted by this bortgage:
<br />1Z Ret~eifa Caere. Atl tenxdres provtdrd in this tifartgage are ttisrinct and rumuiativr to any :other right cr
<br />remedy under iltis Morigagr or aforded by taw ar rsyuity: and may he e.ercised corrcurrcnt9v. indrpendentty ~r succcssivctt
<br />13. 3neecetwni sti'A~ttlRs Baadx:loist asi 5rvrral IisAAit-; Ca~liowa. Thr covenants and agreements 1leftin
<br />cantatned shalt bind; arnt 4he rig}tta hrrrtznder .halt inure to, rMe teepee uve successan and assigns of L.rndrr and Borrow. ,.
<br />tttbjeec ip-tttr praviseapsafparagraph ;' hereof. A',1 :nvcriants and agr>wemtnts of Borrower shall he }Dint:: and severel.
<br />'Tbe c,.pYrams~aodheadingsbf rhrparaRraphs ,~f ;hi. Nartgagc'aze for ~nventenccernly"troll am not to hr used:tD
<br />:n(tr~ I'et nr dethrc !he. pravisk)nr her[nl.
<br />l~. ;AlNice. EXCSt'e for xnv nntric rcqu+rxd under eppi*c able taw to. be f °rn in another. manntr, t:,l any noti¢r to
<br />flnrrowet ~nroukd (Dr ~.a this '`lt~teFapre sF.:,'si `,e k+vcn !+ ~.nn~linl• rush toiler by .ertifled moil ::ddrevu•d '~+ Tio°io+ver at-
<br />:he Prt>lxrty Addres n. at ,u:F .»?xr .,tidrr-.. ., Hrnrr•w t n:a, des,vnatc hr no~i<c. t,-~ I.efl+lar .c p, ov.Jed hvrEin, end
<br />fbl anv rwtice ~o Lender eh-+It I~ g,. er. nt <crr st!xd ~es~L ~uirtn ~u. ,: teq uevrcd. rn1 cn:;t is address statcil here(e a~r!n
<br />ouch other addre~~ as Lerwkr may decrGnnt< _} -~oUCr [~- H.,r:e•urr , nm~. xtec+ !~crr, n. any node nn>vided for rn this
<br />'Nortgagr shall he .teertred v: ha~c l~cen torn m Florro+c es or ! ender ~.. hen g.vr .,~ .hc manner decignan'd herrin,
<br />IS. UnUarw NnnRa>~; Go>en6~ L>t~: Sts erabilit ~. 7h,~',.,r :,; m:,n cope .,unhiues un,form _ovfoant< for n::iion a!
<br />oast anv nos:-unff.>rm : "coons, xr:h '.liners„ : naLOn. r...i,c r+r,n t-.._or+a Vt-.,n• a -•xm , ~r~ri n~ vrvi-rum i~ •_.+veruig
<br />real o: r,r crty T'h+. M.=rrgagc •,hai: nc .. .rrncd °ti •h. vim- :hc ...- dv.,.: i :-. ... P.n;xrty ;: L,c tad- :, ti+c
<br />cti~uv I!+at .toe r=+wsn~r .'r „ar rc :•i :nip. Vt orteagc .e •. ..~,rtlici. ,. ir6 ,. ta.,nl~'ex, sn,h ~, ril~c; •h ell t. ,i ni(ec+
<br />~'Ihcr ^ , .,si:~n, .+f chr. .fit r~rtx:sgr 'ha• \c~:t i. - _., .. _~~a : .._, a,+h ~, r ~hc + r 1_:i nr! ...i~ ~i. rsa: , phis
<br />end :he }-rn. -r:-ms <Q >r,< AnrignCe ',..i :'nc ~. ,'e •.~_. ~tl':. -~ crab?e
<br />- IF. 6orrov.rrs Cop}. RDrrn.,ci naZ •~• _ .icu _,;.,tin.' _,pn ." :hc ''+uie - .,, tB~ F.¢oneaga ai 'he rmc
<br />- =i cue. uiia~ ;~. tier r a,ralati,~ur !+eicr:t.
<br />,_ Trypnt<r of tAt Ynrpertr; ,Asw.nytion i' ail ,a w i. ~ ..-,e Fro lxrty a en ~nivres; th,~rr, n .~ ;.• d :-. .erred
<br />- ?tClf roust uithou; Lct.drr's ~rza~~ •.. +ere~+ ,,u:,u. +_,. coml. . .:' .l:e ,. n n ,>( .. !:cr ,n: un+;. runsc wharf ir,a;e t.
<br />•`h;~ \ir?rtgsgc. bi ''-he creation cF .caa.e ~.i. na ti~ ~... ,. ~:r h,r ..ehofu appl „occ-.. ~ .gal .r dry;__,
<br />dt>vcn, c r nv Apr; atiOrt of .a~.. i?~n :he .?earn snr !coon. r .. rant t ,.+°. Icex`,<.eG n rci.e. c i ~ti tea :e- rs :+• ic~s
<br />;,+?[ ,,ot~Sning an .,p;ir-n t. .:vhaae. `-endrr r a ~ I :°nc.c., +,t:, r . ._~ro. z 1 - _ s:rt i..c~~~,u; Pv vP~. 1t sty tgc r,• bu
<br />,nxm~dratan daa :and pavabir ~ lsnocr _nall h, c ~. ,,::e,i .c~i, -pl~.,l ..ut~u:,tc ~.; snot :., the ~a;c : • ;tar src s. Lcm.icr
<br />and the persc;r: •xhvm e Prr-Deco i, , c '..~ :. .. at ._r ,. r. ,~ ,er ~ :u sr . nc 'ha' In vuGi :. •~. nc,i
<br />s Sated actor. ,., ~. at~cc and 'Sa: tf~ axrt r,r ..:,+_. .. ._ _.~. ,red ni, iti,,:7g~Y,e ,:, ech r a :untie%.
<br />sttai` rtyuesi, !: I cn Gtr ius .si•. cvi he : ;xiot. ~ ..~_e~cr.. c - uta.: forte ?ararzr~ph :,nd I1 1 ~n;w:r'~ a ,...., -
<br />~nifrCCi ha4 E[f+:Ute11 3 µ ii ::n .1361:^t IRn _Gt Ca ,I.,C, :.,. _ ,.u ,. -, 'p `": i ~n~:cr. ~ l`~,1~~ ~+~s rli .1 ._ .3:,:'+ 't+r~l :, i.
<br />,~htigaYCxxs :aadcr =. h,; ?.1,nctga rte s±Id the ~ciz.
<br />., ~r
<br />iC I.en:'tc; t.ms .._~h ;at_. ..~ a -.. , ~.r.-l: : , F.c ... .r _ ~+ ~ t ,_ ..., ~.,~ n ___ ni•,n:; .vtrf:
<br />.<:agra.n :1 < <.. >u~h ne`,.a •ha.l . .- do .. i, ur. -i. rn tic f+u the .t~<c ',. , 'a San
<br />• wh;el; Betrr~*t..tra: ,gal ;nm v:ms Se.a.~u ~'.i .- '. ~elre +_ ..._. , i, .. ^.c e~,~ir .-: ~;: ;. .. .-,
<br />i_rn~: s)av, w;,in,;.t Further ~. a,.~ ... _...a,.d , F: ,.,. a_ ..ac. ~ iaa a, ::u r_ , F :.. rof-~ ~~
<br />
<br />\.,_-i'atrrruu C~ov t:c,~, .3 r~....ut. ....~... ,...-:u .< .. .: ~, :,ai,>n.~ .. ,.u..
<br />Z8. rCecdeerq curl: f2rmed5es. i•xcept as p[ovitied in par:rYragh l? hrrn*i, upn~ Berrro>~rr4 hrracit nt nny .: ,errant or
<br />e¢ret rnref n[ Ea,rrnsver fa e1>~ >lorgtwge, nxtiudira~ thr toe enants iu ¢rr .. hrn due ao+ rums scented by this ~91ur:>tagc,
<br />[.coder prrv to aceele[ation siptl mail noiicr to Rprrox•rr a, prn~ided in parxYrnph t1 hrrenf spr_e Y}inK: tl) the hrruch;
<br />Cly ties action reauirrd to cure such breach; 131 a dale. not H_~ than 34r d>t}~ crux tt+r deft the nosier is mailed !•> Burrutse r.
<br />ray K~6 wch breech srrrsi be a'wrarll: and 4~5 ihal .rall,arr to tort sv,rh hrexh •.ra or t+rfore the slate specilied in fir null<~r
<br />atav rc~uti iw xer{eralf.w of flx: cn rras ucurrG ha [his ~inrtR~r. for Yk+wee br judicial pro.eectinq and salt of the 1'ropcrt}.
<br />"~ rwtl~e +haiY fartbrr iafurm l~rrowrr of the right iu rrirrstate altrr ::ccd+:raliva and ties right to a r n in :41e fotcs~lr>vunr
<br />proceCdiati 1~1e nrpn-rxi5[e nt;r nt a dsfaoh nr any e.tttcr Acfcnyc nt &arr+~+. ¢r ta_ actrteratrun sad &xeii :n,ure. tf the brc ash
<br />n,a>< rand ar, or 4xferr rbr dart w~rifird in ttK nolkc_ Lenrta aE Le ndrr's opt H.n rnac dcliare art nt ;.hr suau sestrred l:}
<br />fah 31net~e to be kwrrxdialti} due vrid pas obit, without lur,her Armand rod sa} i+rrr€b.e bl iadicisl prnreedi:eq. i ender
<br />slut! br cly~Aiq cuHcre iw sofb prx'rtdfa- a[i r><yc n~x~ of foretfas :: r, incluir~, but ..t .nritu9 t.. *.,xta <N d cnirrara;ti
<br />ride wee. a4,Fra<r, awd tkLc rrgtr-rES.
<br />10. {orrcc»t!s ititBt .o Rdaaarr_ `:,? t ., o .'.i; : ;.-_ r -:~:~::~ ~ ~ ~,; .-•.+~ .,:. .:..i b.. .. '*.4..: i~ ..;.
<br />