<br />82-- (103781
<br />U'JtpottatCovEttn*r'r9. Horrawerattd:Lende: ci~venant and agree as follows-
<br />1. 'Payment ofa'tirrcipai'aad 9MCret. Burrower sttaiF prompt!}' pay wfien due the prindpa7 of and interest on the
<br />indebiedtress eviderscedby the Note, prepayment and tale charges as pro'•.•idedin the ;xtote, and the principal of andinterest
<br />on nay Fidure Ad~ences secured by this Mortgage,
<br />2. Pleads for Tales and Imamate. Subjecrto applicable dew or to a written"waiver by Lender, Borrower shalt pay
<br />io Lxadoran the day monihiyinsta7lments ofprineipaland interest are payaf~te ymder ttse.Note, until the.Nnte is paitf in 1`ull,
<br />a stun (herein "'Frauds"} equal to one-twelfth of the: yearly. taxes and assessments which may attain priority o~or this
<br />Mortgage, and ground rents on rhe'Propeng•, if any, plus i?ne-twelfth of yearly premium installments fo{ hazard irisurauee,
<br />plus one-ttuelfth of yearly premium nstatlments for mortgage insurance: it any, alt as reasonably estimated inittall} arnifi from
<br />nrx tv time by Lender un thehasis afassessmenisand b81s and reasonable estimatesthereof:
<br />Thu Funds she€l be held in an institution the dtpc~3rcc or accounts of wh,eh are'insuredor guaranteedhy a Fcdera] or
<br />stateagency_fincltiding Lender. ii Lender isauch anittsntntivn). Lender shall appi}ihe-Funds to pae• said taxes, assessments,
<br />-.ittstrtanccprcrtsiumsandgrotindrtms_ 7_endermadnoechargetor+oheldineandapp~ying..theFunds.analyzingsaidaccount,
<br />nr verifyingand campiting said assessments and hilts. unless Lender. pa}5 Barrmvtr interest on'the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Ltndcr to make such a c;:arge. Hvrtawer and Lender may agree in writing ar the'titne of execution of this.
<br />Mortgagt thatinretcst on fhe Funds shaft ixpaid to Horrowtr. and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires such mttresfTo be paid,. Lesti~cr shalt !tot be requiredta pay. Borrower any interesi nrtarnings czn the Funds: Lender
<br />ahall.give eta Borrower; without charge, an annual atcoimtin~ of the Funds ihowingcrtdits anddebiu to the Fundsand the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. 71se Funds are pted,¢ed as a~ldit,onai security for :she sums secured
<br />by this Mongage.
<br />If the amount oC iht Ftmds held by Lander. together with the future monthly in5tallmtttts of Funds payable pricer to
<br />theduedatesaftaXes,-assessments" rraurart:rpremiums and graundccnts.sha4lexceedthe amount required to paysaidtaxes,
<br />~nzs, insurarsct; premiums °~d. grcwnd:rents. as thzy gall due, such excess shall be, at. Borrower's aptit>.n,. either
<br />promptlyrepaidte,Bornowcr Urcrt~ittdla:BvrrOwtr un. monthly.,ostalimeats of Funds. if the amount of the..Funds
<br />dad by LeirOcr shall rant be sttffi.-iutt io pay: taxes- a_cccssmems. ,nsurance premiums and ground rents as they: fall due.
<br />BarroWershaA pay;to Lendtr auy arnauntntcessar} to rnakeupthe ueficrert.v u•tinin 30 eisys Pram theuatenouce ismaft:i
<br />by teaderto Harrower requesting payment thcrtnt.
<br />Upon payment in full of a6 wms secturd by this ~laingage. [.cndrr shalt pramp[ly refund :o Borrower any Funds
<br />hdd by Letlder..lf utttletparagraphl4 hcretsf the 1'rapen}` ;s said or ihePrnpen~` ts.iithtrwisc acquired by. Lender,:L~:nder
<br />ahallapply, rso latuthar,immediateir prior ra thcca7c of the"Prupertu. yr tts acqussuon hr. Lender, any Funds"held by
<br />ietsiler at lire tune of application ax a credit against the sums secured b} thrs Martgagc.
<br />3.. A~Healisa at hy~eMS. Unless appileabie law prmides otherwise, all paymtnn recctved by f„colder under the
<br />Nate sud para;raphs l aazd '' lcerwf shall bt appkicd ley 7.tndcr ftnt m payment crf amounts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />amderpata~raph"ttsreaf:.thea to rnteresrpayabtr•.~totht `~..xe; thtnto the principal of the \i~ec. and then to interest `and
<br />pnttcipal on arty Future Advance.
<br />O. Ciae=s;',IJeas: Botnru^er uaal] pay rI} taxrx. xssessrntnis and ether ~*~;,:~c~. finc~ :tnJ rrnpostvons atinbutable to
<br />tbs Proyee,3y which :may ,ttairn: a prsnrxiy ovu th,s4).xtgait.. :+ne7 )easrYxl~1 r,~ y:ae ~f ...> ~r.»: nil T~»ts, ii ally. ill the. rasnHer
<br />promded undez P>•ratT9~ ~ hcrc,bf ter: ii not paid lei sia:h llianrrt hh Sctsstlwcr rlakttilt ~a~~incnt, µfien due, dtrectiy to the
<br />p7yle IllEtmf: HOr70irFr 9Da17 PlLirrrjH7~.11rftlllll YD LLt7UCT ill Ilt)11L L"I of ;irriCRlllr3 ti1d= litt6Et 17713 ParaKraPh, an0 in TTisvLlti
<br />Horroseer'sl7aat}: mate paymtnr drr'ecity_. Barrtrsrer sna6 txim~rty' n,r„nn to Lcn[k:r tcccir,ts n'iClencmx such. gayn,~ns:•.
<br />Honmrrr shall pratnptly tiislchargc any lien whtcls nos prwr:ts ;,err thy, ~rungaltt:: pravsdixi; that $nrrnwer ,halt net lets
<br />reduiredmd.schatgeasry•such7irn salongasBvrrawtrxhs,l a~rcc .n ~r,t,ng rnthcpaymtnt..t,i ,.ht.•t,l,tati<,n xecurcdby
<br />suchtitn is a rnanneracceptable ro L,eader,or shaft in gc~d,.+sh _„nt<•., +.,~#a i,en hy; nr deftndenforccmcnt „f ,uch lien ,^
<br />ltsal proceedings wtuc4 opaait to prevent the enfurccmtnt of tr ..cn „r tnncitiire of the Pmperiy e,r and pan tllcreuf.
<br />5. harrroes. 84tTro+ver shaBktep the+mpttrv~plr~,-• ,,,~ r+n~ rag .=r htttatttr c,ectcd .~n the Prnlxrty insur•d
<br />i~armriow by Rrc; hazards included within ttsc ttrm `.wcstra9rd ~ •.er.gr anJ suchotFssr hazard< .,~ lender may crq~.ure
<br />and in ux:h anwun~and forsueh pari[sd& as tcadcrm~r rexiu,rc~ ,, ,~~„de.l_ that ! end,xr shalt rest rcy:rsre that theamount of
<br />such coverage exceed ttsu amount of pnvtr3~ required. top.:, ,hc .,,m. ~.ea,rela by this MOngagc
<br />'ILe iawtance curette ptu»ding the-insurance shall be .hr~~cn by &>rruwc: sti6ieit to apprvvaJ by Lrndcr; provided;
<br />that aurh:apptoval xhaH not. he utrreasvaaMly wit7ihtld::.11i prem;run+ „o ,nsurance. paliciesshali hc.:paid m the manner
<br />prav',.od ttroderparrsraph Z hertoi ar; if txtt p:ud in sucti mamce,, h. 3ottrrwrr cuakmg payment, when due, directly to rfie
<br />inwrauce tartlet.
<br />A1Linsu~tanre toticies ae}dre»ewals tbereol xha77 br to loran ,c~epr,b;c t,~ Lcmkr and shall include ., ,tandard mortgage
<br />c}awe"in fasror oLaad. rn farm::xreptahlt tc+ Lender.. t..erri9ex ~haU havttne right ,o held the politic. anJ ccnrwals thereof.
<br />and Harrdwer shall. promptl}[urmah tb Lctiderai7 rarrtww:slnott4e, an.i a#lrc.erpts of paid a+rtmttsm, I n ,he cent dt loss..
<br />Bottc',rtr. shalt givapramptooticc tv ttstiusurance. sarntt aril: t.ersdtr, L„tttcitr may. ena.ke pr<x5f of Eras rf nett made prom~rU}.
<br />by Borrower,
<br />lJItitiss Lenderatsd Harrower tstlxrwise agr+cc its wnttng..insuranccpr<xxads .shalt be appled to re~to:ation or. repair :,`
<br />the Property damaged, provsdtd steels ri:sxoratson or repute is acassomscally Stastb7e and the security of thrs Mortgage ~,
<br />not ihetsby. impaired. 11 strcb resxaratron or rcpaur a not ecanoma^alty Ieasiblc or if the secunn• of this Mortgage'wovid
<br />be tmpaicod, the insurance procsc6s shall be applied to else-.sums secured by this Mortgage. w,,h :he txccxs, if ady, paid
<br />. to Barsawcr if :hc Propem ~ a~ndotus.' by Borrawer, ur i:. Harrower faits to respond to !..ender wtthtn:3U daysfrom the
<br />tLtt llptiCe iti ttsaiied t+y Leo.fer to Harsawes that the isswrarut carrier nffcrs in seit7c a ciairn ten tnsuranrx benefats, :[.cradle
<br />is atAhoriuxf tocot7ixtand agp7+..thc instuantt proceeds at.Lcndet~s option eitherta resiotauon or repair of:the.Property'
<br />ar to-the sotto secured by this \tortp,ge..
<br />Unless Lander and Bon~cr otherwise sgree,rwrrtvig,."anyuuh appltrasian af'procttdsto pnntspa:lsha11 rarexttnd
<br />tx'poupone the due date of the. roonth7y inatdlrtients rtstcrred to in, paragraphs l and 2 bicrc<if or change the amount. ul
<br />aarhimtra77rtrcnu. }f uwta....paragrspts l8hcra,f the-Pmptmis acqurrcdhy (.ender, ail righ~,.:tiric arsdinteretofBarrowcr
<br />ur sod to ao~, imurani.•tpoli<tiesand !nand to the pro.:eed~ iheteot resulting from. damage tollx Praptny-prtvrtq the: salt
<br />or acgtusrtias shad pass to t to the rxteat of lice. sun» scctutd. by thts ttort$agt immtd.iately pride u: such sale. ar
<br />i. Ttsaersrrsiasard: Maiaseaa~szet rr~ny; t.~taa.; (:a.rdasialwsts; Plaowed. UaH IXsetapmeats.Borrowtr
<br />shall leap the Propcrcy iapxsd repair and shall dot commis waste or permit tmpairrtserst or deteriorauon of the: ..Property
<br />and shall compir Wirt, C3x prr,»•isecnS Of anY 3easctf. ibis 4lortgagc rs on:x leaseirt7d- !f thin Mortgage a 4n a unri in .,
<br />curufecnusmm cr a platutcd unit Jeerr~mttst,.Harrs7tver vhatl {r_rform x11 of Bbrtowe['s. nb0gatwnsupder?hr. drefiaratre,n
<br />nr rovertanta ~~: catuts ar go vern,ag the condcwnrnium ~.r .- ~.- .i^.~t devetxsprneiit, the. by-laws andzeg~i,:tions :;i .he
<br />rcvtJcania,un: or 7uanua! unit developineni, atsd. cox>nntr ent v+xurecnis. 7f a ctxndorrtwium yr platinod..rtr,,t Se`. clohntcnt
<br />tiler is txtctted bS Harrower .~.: recorded ivgcrhet wtt3s ;h,c Marigagt, ttsc. sovcnants aiad egreeraen,s n' ~«cit rJc;
<br />shall. be :r,corparatcd ,nto oral st+zi; amtttd arsd suppltrsent :hc ^o.rnanisand agreemcntsof. th,s Mortgage as .~ i'`.e -iJ~.r
<br />wtrt a part tsereof.
<br />~. FnMCtiw a( Leader"s SecrrNp. At riarr,;wcr ,, tv Cesform tltt cavtnants and agtcements eonfatntu in ..+.s
<br />ist~t~aEe, ar if aag ar::irn or rrceer'Ing ~mrnc[r.ea whuP• r~atertat€y ai!tcss Lcr,sers ,r;icr^cse m iht Property,.
<br />aKaualing. t»a rxat tin:ctsd tn, eminc<tt domain. I~u,i~:era 3..,x•'= er,t:•rcax.rrt, tr arrsagesre;arx :v prrateedxngl invcrlWtrrg a
<br />F.,ankrvpC cTr dccC+ittri. fhe;+ 1~der si Lent:er's et+,, nr,. ~~ _ A nc++.~° r: lriarrcu, - n;u~ nkt -%em.n •.c^earais~sns, dis2huT9t c<tch
<br />s;xtpy irx7 tak€ sxh ~tur,r, as is :w.Gxxrv ,. rrc!cct t.ender'+ in~; c;c, st •_iu<#iug,. "Tut s•nt si ,r=+ a,. d?shu~tn..nt of
<br />,..
<br />rcxia+'c'+k as:orneq'v :eea a~tY a^~ry' ~,.pe+, +hc Prptrc-t° ,u ,n.;ke :rspyrv li ,.- ti~,irr,i ,~cgnar lt-•:,r3occ asa
<br />;,~ai.Anr, z?P n5sk: u~ the oral: ver;:#tt'd~.hJ °h,b At orlpagc, t3xzrr r ahpw _, ~ - ~,:r.~- _cr. ~. r_ a ;, ngintaisz such
<br />:.laser a.+c-r h. e!fcc: ~t?.x ,H.', utrt as t.rs tey,:,iecsset3t Svr swat .r,u:. aastc tct t7:atca :., ,.:curctar ..- ~.,', Be: ria^,s-ess arui
<br />