<br />~ 2 --t~ 0 3'7'71
<br />{9)' month prioz ta.its duadate the annual mortgage insurance premium in order [o provide sucft holder
<br />with iunda to pay such pranzium to the Secn~tary of Housing and Urban Lhvetopmen['punuant ro ctie<
<br />Naiionat Hous*.ng Act; as ame~tde¢, and applicable Regulations [hereunder, or
<br />(llj I+ and su Icng as satd n~re of even date and;thts irtstrutrreut are hekd by the Secretary of ldousing-.and
<br />Urban LlevelaPment, a monthly cktarge (tn rice of a naartgaee r.isurartce prernlumJ which shall be in an
<br />amoor.t e.lua: to one-twelfth(1t.12) of rifle-half (1/'-}.per ~rntum of theaverage~outstanding'balahce
<br />due or. the note amtputed without takmginto aecoudt delinquexicies ar piepayments~
<br />b) A sum equai ra the ground rents, if un~-next due, Pius the premium[ thatwill next become dueand payable on
<br />policies of fare and other hazardinsirr;utc;• covering thentartgagee7l+r~perxy, plus taxesand assessments nexf~diie
<br />on the mortga3ed uroperiy loll as rstrmated by the Marrga_geel less a}1 sums alreadypaid therefoz disZdad liy the
<br />number of mwuh> ro elapse, before anc month prior to the +iate when such ground rents,. laremiums. taxes and
<br />asst-ssments wil lxct,me dettneyuent, such stuns to beheld by Mortgagee in rustzo pay said ground rents;pre-
<br />miu;rts, axes and special assessments; and
<br />Ic) .V! na}'~~tent~ mentioned in thz two precedine subsecxions df this paragraph :tnd all payments to be made under:
<br />the note ,cured herehg~itatl.be added together, and he at3gtgate amount thereotshallbepad tiglhe Mortgagor .
<br />ea.;i+ inunth in a single- payn!cnt to bz applied by the Morteagee'to the foilUwing items inure order set #;orth:
<br />lt) premium charges under the contract of insurance wsth the Secretary of ftuusing and urban fRvelopment
<br />or momhly charge /En ilea n(rne7ngage insurance prom{peen), as the case mayba;
<br />i i[ 1 gri~und rents, :arses, assessments, #3re and .other hazard insurance premiums;
<br />I k[Ij interest on tl:e mate secured lterehy; and
<br />lIV 1 amoRV.aiion :~:f the pttne#pal at saidnoie..
<br />Any defi~icre~ iii lire amount ~+ ant such aggregate monthly 4sayment shall, uttSess made gos~d by rite Murr-
<br />gager prior to vhe due daxe'of thanest such paynxrit, constitutean event of default under this4nortgage Tlac
<br />3Laribge: may collect a "late chsrge'~ trot to -xcaed [eiu: ednu ia7) itri:e-drh dollar (S1 j of eactr~ayrn~na more
<br />than freer. I ! :l ,+,i~s in arrears to rover the extra expense mvoiv~d in handlzn; delinquent paynxrts.
<br />s. `That if f5c rota! of the payments made by the E1nrz~,orunder ,f partnraph 2 pn~ceding~hall exceed
<br />the amount t•t papntrnus actiuatky made by the lksrteagee foe a=round rent-- t.+ic.- and ase+~~cments nr insurance pre-
<br />. tnintn~~, a: the ca=e mat be, :ueh excess, if the ltxaa is carrent, at Lhi apnrxt ui nc~ Uonp*agor. shall be credited ]w
<br />the 3}ortpa2ec on .-ubsequent payment~ta he made by the ~1~lariga~ucor refunded u, the ttort~gor. -lf, however: the
<br />montniy payments made !sv theMortgagcxt under ::: of paragraph Z precetiiiirq .call not ize suffi.~enC'to pa} ground
<br />ren4 tazc~ and t.>eawaat>'nr irttiursuec!• pr<•m+um,. a- t3te r`act~:mda hc, xhen the Fume -~hakl.becnme iiuc and pay.
<br />sbke. then the Abrtkat!+x =ha11 pas to the 1{:+rt~aavr• anv amount rig+•c-.-an io mai..~ up the deficient}. un or befrirn
<br />the date when pavmtn[ ok>uch grpun+: rent;, tart+, a~-c~.>ment< or insurance pmtruvms -~sll=]x~ dec. !f ut amp
<br />time the yH+ttkatror.-hati tendr~r tUth+• 11ortQa>?+•e, in :+cr.+nLmc+, with th+• prosi-inn, of thenutc• >!•c'urr~l herri,•,-.
<br />ful I payment of the rntin• indrbiednc~~ rt•pre-enicd Chen ba , tiie Lbn:!ace.~ shall. to tompaGn;! the umoun[ of -uch
<br />indebtedness. itedit cv the acctxtttt ak the Nr~rtGagor all p.ri~aicnt•: me,le uiu3er der kxuvi~.ione uE r ~~! of para~ripkt .'
<br />hcmu[ wtµch the Slortgatgrc has nottx+come nbltgatrd to pas w thr• ~•+retatr of f{uu~ind ..rid trh:m Dcveloprn~nt
<br />end am bxlanec nmalning to the. fund aecumufnird under the pnr~i-nn~ of tt.;.,!f part~raph '_' henvf. kf there
<br />=halt kx+a defaulkuntiier anyttf ihepfovi~ion~ of th+- rrn,rt~eE!o re ~ultiny- in a public -,ile of the pn•mt~e~ eo~crcd
<br />hereby. or if the lbrtp*ny;eeacyuiresthv propons utherwi~e after default. th«• ~Grnr;ugeo -half ~.+ppir, ',:t the time ,.I'
<br />the t•<+mm+•trr+•mettt pf -iirh kir0!CetHllne~.nr at th+~ time ih.• pr.,; rtv ; uth.•rwi=.~ aeyulrcd, the halun+^+ then remain-
<br />ing in the tund•- arrumulated ttnde~r' ~ t u( paragraph G pn•r+vhnr;. a- -+ credit .~ain~t the amuur~ uI principal then
<br />n'm.unink unpaid under .wid Herr. and -hall p:uperls udlu~i ,rn. uayment- whn~l+ -lull h:n,~ been made under %c:
<br />+.tf parng!aph ?.
<br />J: That the St oat ga ~nrt w+l! pay ,~rau na eau.. t.ne, as~cs.menh, wain =rte.. eid nthe; ;:.~verr•n :ntal ur municipal
<br />Ghaf~'e!,. dots. or impa~si•ion.-'.~: uhrch pr~vivian hay na: htcn ara~t htrcmh(:uc. :,rid .n default the'euf 'he bl ortgugce !rise
<br />pa l~~:he wane: and that the \:ort,enger wi71 ;'.;.~mptly dr}*i t+ the „th: tai rerr+pi~ Uterctor au tht 11orl;agtc.
<br />5. The tl ortgagor wr17 pa} nil tax. ++hreh Hess ht )r toed upon the tlcatgaa;rr~, nurrc~( in ,aid real ev3[e ur!d iniprnvr:-
<br />mente. and which m:n tx Ic~icd upon [hr~. rnortgagr „r the dept se: ured berth} +i+[K only to the C Vrnl ih0t Beth is non prr+hihit-
<br />ed hp lau a:rd only to [he ..^vtent thaw w:h wiN n..~t mel.r rhea loan u,urtou~+, hul ea:auuin} ars'3•income t.~s. irate or FeJeril.
<br />imposed on Mortgagta, ..rid wdl irk iht nth;r r:.:ri, t showing su.h pa. rnen; with the ~f urttiugec.Upon9iolulicc o"r this under
<br />taking. or [f the ~lortuae+x i< prohihned h'. ,+ny 3sw now ,,: naesfttr ~ xrting fmn+ papiRg the w-kha~e oreny pt?rtior +,f the aCwr
<br />,aid tapes. or upon tbt rendering ;,f sn> .:oun decree pmhihring ~hr ~avner,t h~ the Mortgagor ar:~iny such taxes. t r if ~.;ch law
<br />or de~rrt proeide~ that ::m ame~unt ~a, a+v n} the Nartt.~Ex a;a!I hr -; r,f i<a an the inurtgagedebC. theSlnrtE~ ~~ -: shoe! ha~re
<br />the right to gist mneR dat~v~ ~nuer, na+~ice [rt the owner o7 tnc rnurtgaged prertises.:requirtnx,the yayrnens of the rnnrlg;.ge
<br />debt- If Birch route he given, the ,aid 1eb[ sha!! Mconre dot. , acablt anJ collrcrihlt at the ex~ird[iJn itf said rein: ty Jays.
<br />I 6. T2tat should hr tad ro pay aria sum or Leep anti ,. ~+rar: p - ;Bed for in th+s 1~lortgege, then ihr '<9 vrr~ tee.:+: its :~p-
<br />tir~n, mss pay o; perfor+n the ui:ne.:+nd a!; tt7x::dtlures so made Thal! ter addrS to the grin ipaf yam ' ti~ irg u:'~ she ah:r. c n~~te.
<br />shill be se: ured botch}, and shell txxe~ +ntctr>t at [he rite sc; iurth in the sa+d rcte. until , :,id.
<br />? Tha he hereby assign,. transfers aria' ~crs <.ver to the yu; [gager, n, Le applied tow .. rd the payment of the note ar•1 ;:F;
<br />;ams sec-ured berth} in use of :, defauli in trio tvr(orman~e ~~f a::y c+~ the trrnz snJ a>ndtttcns r>f this '4tortgage or the sn iU
<br />note, alt the rents. rcvenees end uxen:r :u ht do ri s~cd from the murteaged pre:r,ue~ Burin • ,art. ur.:c a, tnc ~z u!Y ga [t in(,e tied
<br />Hess shall remain unpaid: and the Mungagre h~l! ha~.~ pr~wer to ~:, ,.alert any ~•ccr,[ er ag-~.nb. i; m~~ Jcsire fur the purpu.e u(
<br />repairing :aid premise. and of :eating the carne xn3 ~o;lecting the -ent._ roc: nee-. ^mf income- and it may pa .~ ou[ nJ sniu in~
<br />comes a,'] es t.em_es of r~, Turing k+id premises :md necessary a+m n• n-i~>n, aria cx~x-n ~c, incurred iii r~~niirg :,n-' n~unnging t!te
<br />[amt and of collecting rentai~ the re rronr the e~}once remaining. if any. in be apo;ied toward dye di_, hssrce c` >:ud tnor?g,:agc
<br />indchtril Hess.
<br />Y_ That he will keep the imprrcements ~.rw ts.is;ing ar here're+tcr crccied .n ~:ae u; r F_.i~ed per pert}, in._rs; : s m:r. hr
<br />- required from stmt to time h9 th- \tor:y;agce :against less 61 t;re ar,u atne n.v,a.~s. ~>u:...c>, anJ c,m:in,;:..uica %r. s-.~~.h
<br />' amount> and (or such ~:riods mss I~ required F, the i!c r.gngee .+ne• wd. > • ; :ompC :. w},en 1 :ns n-r aium~ .: r. ,uch
<br />insurance pNaiai~nl iur pity-mom of whiih hay ir~t `Teen made her-iibc: [<.re. -AI; msiaatte shall ^r :~,I;r ~.- :_I: rut .gyp
<br />pruseJ by the yf~,rt~+g¢e oral the ;xltcie,< and ;eneuct!, .h,.e..: sh:.h 5r he1J Ly .ne ti:+r °,! ~ . ce : aachcd tnere~r~ f~,,..
<br />payable it"wufie5 in favor r~E :mV ir, for .t .•~ c,. table to thi ti#s.ft,~grc- Is, c•. eat ,_ ~„„ 41e. >v_a~or w p.i•c ;aur.e roc x+~iee h-
<br />rash t4 '.he ~tang+agr_c- ahu many Hatt <.ri~u! :,f lus i1 neI :n,;de o „i,.,P, by ~yt ~rtv~ic:. ,tai' _ac „7s-tar:c~ ~;: rr,pat~o c;ru-
<br />uerned is botchy authon'ir.[l ant! dirrctc~d to n,.al.e ,az.:.n.._t 4'r .nclt ..-. urc~tl. n+ the ti.c. ~,,a,c_ i.:ic:rd of it hr `~t.r;~,t;~g~~:
<br />a,nd the 4#t.rtt;:uttc iointiv, an;? the .n _+ran::e, r.euiti.:, a y ~. •; tracu..r.a <cplii' ~: the 11 ty ,arc :,t n,~^u.~:r r!th~r
<br />i~.rttre reducE ~.n art iheterJthtednes herebt'se,u,:.rf art., k: r,ck,r i rn o-.e.., t- 9i ;her .. < r '•m r };_.,! ]r. •. e ~a tr•n €.
<br />r . , ~.
<br />?9"e ::f t>.~i~ a7:~rtgyge or i:iher trap re[ Jf ath !o 'Yee ra~rtga~cu .- ~^ufv in c~U rti- h.+ .._ ~.. t, ;rc•,. r...i c~i f~c c^,
<br />., i
<br />s , nk, t. [a1i +n,l ..+.e re.' ~ot rP,: 1f~ .r,.. b:::n .r„• ~~ ;trey .ira,:: 4~.... ~ ~r sn.. ~ ,., , is h+ ctr..,.
<br />1. ?iut cade[iov., .i•il ~ !fa er.-! .., _ iii ~or the , ,«.~ _ ~~1_ _.. , .. ., - _ ~ . ,~-,
<br />e...q;;go.:he .+SYfrtray, r rieitity ~.t.. tr r 1i: r;~s~c_ e.! +. :'i _. _~ .:`ri= -,;4h.:; , '~. r,c •~,~. ~:.. -
<br />-.~ H ^ ..
<br />\; li;dg•~r ili.t ~,. ;I t1 'Y9nd ;eft ,itl :±'1. , 1 ., J t~ t .. -.1 _.. 'h~ .i..
<br />tr_ n r.., a~~ n L ht,r ^_ w..!! F.~f .,, ,.f + {<t-r. ~. ~: ~: a.: t ~, ...: ~~h r .i~..,ar ~.. ~ `~I. a.. t..r ~- ._ -_` -...
<br />ti _.. -_r .•,4 •. ~ t ~ _. ~ •. r l s
<br />