<br />This form is used to connec
<br />~+ /~~. turn vttth mortgar,ee in ircd
<br />iMAQR~V ~~aE under the one to t rtrr famtl
<br />iMAV prbti h7ons of the ~atu,na!
<br />X32--t)0377~ HQ~~;rr~_~~-t.
<br />TH15 `tORTGRGF, made and zxecu[cd this 31st da~~ of august ,.A.D.
<br />19 g2 .by andFxtwcen Michael D. Spilinek & Denise :~. Spilinek, husbarn3 and wife
<br />of the County of 111 ,end Style of Nzhraska_ party of the fires p.irl, hereinaf tes called
<br />thetiSi,rt¢agor.ard Superior Mortgage, Inc.
<br />acorporetian rxganizcd and ex+sting undertte laws of Nebraska
<br />party of Fhe sec(~rzd par€. hereinafter called rnz M1tortgagee.
<br />W'ITNESSHTH: That the :yid S9urtg.+gor, to: and in corrcide; alien of the sum o~ Forty sic thou sand and fifty
<br />and No/ 100ths--------------------°----°--------------[h~ll:;rs i5 46, 050.00 i, paid by thz bton-
<br />¢agee. the receipt of which is hetcb}~ ad:now(edged. has C~ranmd and Sold and by these prztiants does Grant, Ba~-
<br />gain. `;rll.. Gonvcy and Confirm unto the Mortgagees its suceessors and es<igns. forever, the followin¢-described
<br />real cstate_ sinc,ted in thz Counn~ o' Hail ,and Stale
<br />of Vetsraska. to wit:
<br />Lot Thirty Six (3fi1, Uolfe's Subdivision, City of Grand Island
<br />hall County, N~Sraska
<br />of the Siath Principal Meridian. containing in:d- acres ;,c;:ording w Gavern-
<br />menr>urvcy:
<br />'I'O H:~VE A;VD TO HOLD [FK premises ahotc dzo.ntxd, with rte tht appurtcnnnccs therrunm helonging and including
<br />all heating, plumbing and lighting fixturrs and equipment nou or hercattzr atta.hed u, or a>ed in u~nnzctiun wish sail real estate
<br />unto tht Mortgagee, and to its successors and aligns, lorzv~zr. ; be Mortgsgor represents to, and covenants with, the Murtga-
<br />ger, that the Mort~gr has gwd right [o soil and caavey said premiszs: that thzy :ue free from encumbrance; and that the
<br />Mongagot wi{lwarrant and defetul the v,me ngahtu thz lawful cinims of all persons whomsoever, and the said Mortgagor here~~
<br />b5' relinquishes all rights u[ homestead. arks nit manial right,, either in law nr an zquity, and all other contingent interests of [he
<br />1{ortgagor in and to tAt above-Jescri~d premises, the iotenti.+n hying to convey hcrehy ar, absolute title, in fee simple, includ-
<br />ing al[ rights of homestead, and other ruts enJ interests as ataresaid.
<br />PR(?ViDF;U AL.W AV'S. -sod the+<' presemc arc etecu[ed ;,rid delivered upon the following conditions, to wit:
<br />"I he Mortgagor agrcex to pay to the Afortgagee. rn order, titir , cincipal *,um of Forty Six t heu sand and fifty
<br />aad No/100the I~"`I'ri15 46,OSU.00 ~
<br />with in tecest from date at the rate of Fifteen and One-half per cen:art; ( 15. SO ~~~ per annum on
<br />tt,e unpaid halnnce until paid_'i~he said principa] and interest shalt be payabicat ihz office of Superior Mortgage, Inc .
<br />is Grand Island, NE . or at such other place as the holder ~:~(
<br />the nntz may designate in writing, in monthly installments eS Six hundred and 73/ 1 UOt hs----------------
<br />_~_~~_ ____ [k,[lars t5 60pp 73 L colnmcneir>g on the ficst day of
<br />October ~ ~ !9 82 • and~rz fie first day' of each month thereafter until thz principal ;rod in-
<br />!erest are fully paid, except that the final payment of principal sod interest. if not sooner paid. sha11 be due and
<br />payahk nn the first day of Septt~ber, 20I2 : al= according nr the [isms- of a cer4+in pn7ma-
<br />socy note of evrn Date herewith executed hti~ the said yiortgagor-
<br />'The A!rxtg3gor in txder mtxe fu11p 4r protect the securitg of this Mortgage, arteas:
<br />1. 'That he will pay the. irxlebtedneis, as htreinhefure prorided_ Privile,;z is reserved to paq the debt in whole. nr in an
<br />amauot equal to one or morn monthly payments on the principal than. arc nett due on the note. on the first day of any month
<br />prier iu maturity Provided. tn,w-er~cr. Thxt. w~.iti_n noSicc o: an inteaitionto e;.ercisz such privilege is given at ]east thirty (31.17
<br />days prior to prepay~mcnt-
<br />_ ,'.. Tha4 together with, and in addition io; the monthly payments o! pr>.ncipa~ and interest pay:ib3c under the term=, c( [he
<br />nfite secured hcrehc. the Mortgagor w~ili pay to~he TSongagee. ,ten [he ti rs'.day of caih mnnih until for rail} rate is iuil>: paid. thz
<br />idlerr«iag wms:
<br />!u1 :1r,;.w:at sari=oient to ,pry>atde :7u hc~idcr treroi watF :un(is tv pay the atxs 1 r~ gag: [nsuruncc Pr r i,+ra s; Mfr,;
<br />mstrotneni and the n„t xcu red ereby~ aye. iris, ,eei,cr ;; :nonlhly rharbeifn r~e~u ..,' a m .r t,Kugc i~:rr rsnc!• pr~-
<br />rn'antJ ri eke. aye i~lS ht' t:,e Sr. rr ir-p of 7-)o r7rg and 7 Sa.~ thar. 1 T-z~rt, a 3~ rs..
<br />i3j 1f sous .a,r:A as _.~i rwte c-f oven ~r,, ar,S lh,.. n4f-u a;~.. ~- ~F::,r-r..a _c c,.,,,, re t+. L. ,;lcr ;tic ter: ~.
<br />r-+_us,rs ?S the `.ctr.,aa1 }$,usi r_g act., an ;~m+rrnt r,u;'~c4en t_ :.citpt-..ire . `re J r, :, ~~_ .~,e ,.s,in.,r ,:n.<
<br />P'Ct t• lIP .1 !• fi rt;t.~6.1
<br />i Y> ic*3 rEi Fa-. !x.145 .µ#,x~Y: rt~.Kt ~~ ~-T 5i~a;,1 si .r%h rir.stel
<br />