<br />10: ~CCF.~_!%RATiz71 L.Y'?NDE]?AU1.T,AI313fTIONAZ.RF.b4EnIF,S. 8houldaneventofdefaalt.oci•urF;eneficiary
<br />_maydeelare alt i-•,debtnea~ se•_uredhereb~~ :c. be`8ce rind pa~~:able:tndthesameshallthereapon bec~me.'due andpayabie
<br />weitPaout'an: -re+entment 3emxnd otrte4tor notice o' nt kin*1 Theretifter Se neficiary inay
<br />~,l Eithe. toix~ronarh~•agen.,+ thertinth,3vthrintnn~ xinv annnnorpmneedir+~.~.rbyareceiverappointedbyaeourt
<br />and w't'fh,>ut regard w the adequacy Mica security, enter open :and take }xsaes~pn ofthr"TtustEstnte, oranypartthereor.in
<br />: ins bw~+ n_une or in [he nsn!e uFTrustee, and d rrny xet_a ~~=~hich it aer:ns nece _~~n~orde"rahletnprAaervetheva3ue, market-
<br />ahd~ty or rentab,licy of the Trnst F wtc'. er part thetY ~f c-r inters t tnereir t r ase *_ne income therefrom or pmt~t the
<br />serunri• her!x>t nd_ wiih _ r t nut taking pissessron f th,_ -?'ru t r Stet , ,t e t r + o+hetwiae collect therents issues and
<br />prcfit_sther~.f,inc7ttdinRt~hosepastdueardunpaid.andapplvrhr.am _,es c, t,at~drXpenseeofopezatie~n~mdmilection
<br />6tcladinR attomevs' fees, a{xm sny indebtecin~-ss securcti hereb aLl in su<< :-der a< Rereeficiary may-determine. "Lee
<br />entering upon and taking pv~essivn of tne'hr~st Estate, the cnl!ectionof Such ren'.~, issum andproSt.Q andtite ao+~lication
<br />therenfa.: afnreaai,~.shallnotcureor~.t•aic°nr~lefeulturnonce~lfdefaulthereIIrnaert,rinvalidateanyact~done~nrF<ponse
<br />;o such default or pursuant to such notire of default and. notwithstandingthe continuancein~sesaion oftneTrust Estate
<br />nr the rntlection, 'receipt :and sppHctrtion ,.t rents, issues ,~r pzofrts, TrusteeorE3enefioiary shall be enhtledt, r rcise Peery
<br />right pn>~dded for in ant of the 1'.oan In<trun ent= or h~~ law uppn ttccttrrenbe of soy r~~ent ofdefault, including+.he right i.o
<br />exerci?e the rwwcr of s'ale' ,
<br />iiil Commence an action to forerln•:e this (kiwi ef'I'rata€at'~ortgage;appaii?t,a "^miver, arsperificdlly enforce anS of
<br />tktecovenarasherecdi
<br />(iiil 6e4iver w'Itnsts•e e w•rittea d~lasauon uI defauk and demand for sale, ands ti •ntten nrsace of dtifaultand eleceSon
<br />w cause Trvstur'a intrsest in tlw q~^,st Estate to be :old. «hich entice Trustee shall c:,use ;,, be duly filed far rernrd'ii~ the
<br />.:appropriate Offir•ia! Rv^ords of the ~:~i:tnty in .1'tucb the Treat Estate Is located.
<br />I- FORECi~OS["RF, gY POWER tDF S4I.E. Shxtuld lieneziri:cryetect to foreclose by'exen-ise of the E'nwe of Sale
<br />Herein rnntained, Eleneficiary shall notify Tivstee and.;hai1 deo,<:it xRth'I~vsteeths Iked afTrust and *he i`TOte anti s,rch
<br />rr~ce:pU: and e~~dence of expenditvxes made and secured hareb~~ ,. .'rvstee may requim
<br />(a' Upon receipt of such neticefrdm Betteftciary.'Tres•~ shall r au:ero he ttratded puhtiched and deti<<ered to "Prvstor
<br />such V once of 77nfault and Fa'otice m"Sate as then equirrxf 1,~, ! ax and by tills Reed nt"1'ru.t. Tnrstee shall::with'irut demand
<br />an Trustar, afia7 s uch time as nsay then be zsrased h<- ! aw a nd aft<r recaxdatinn ~i such ~ ,an e c i C1et"suit and after Foti<r u i
<br />Sale having' been given as required by laK; x:elI she'Cn~s[ E.Stateatthe tune iusd pla.~ of ~a}e 4:k~ i >oyit m such :Notice of ti.,ie~.
<br />either tie a whale, or in separate late or pat'cels or, items ss Truetee shalt deem expedient, and in such order as itmay cicu~r-
<br />mine, at pulwiic aucrian w the hijlxesi bidder ~i~r <.3sh 3n lawful money of the L; ruled Stag t ~~~ a hl e ,~t the tune ofsal~~. T tutee
<br />shal3 deliuex to stub ptachaser or purcita:,e;s th er eti>f its food anti suftrcientdeed of deeds con ve» n~ t_^e pmpe^iv c o ..old. b u t
<br />withoutanti'covenarttorwatratit~~.expresei<rrimplit:ri. The recitals in such deedaianymattet~oriactssh:ill}x,conciusive
<br />nxoafofiktetrut}sfuineesthereoi. r1a}'pen:onin.ludinK. withautiimitation,Trust~rTrusttee::nd[ieneficiat-y~,maypu-chase
<br />at sash sale and Truawrhereby cavenan[s u> +azrant and defend the title of such purchu.;er or purchasers.
<br />(b) As maybe.permute[lbylax,ulterrieducnaRailcasta,fecsanderzpensea~?fTrusiceandafthSsTnist,includngcasr_c
<br />of eyZdence of title in rnnncrSion xit.: yak:. "Cruse r nhail appivt6e prc,ctetdstoI sale tti pavmentafti} all sumsexpendedunder
<br />the terms hermt. nos then repaid. w•itl7 aicurai inteteiit at 3 6. lxrctmt 4.16F: { pecannum, tai) ail ether Bums then: secured
<br />htsebv, anei tiiii the :ems,h:de[. if ang, to the per!aon ..r ;;eons ieuafl`c +'~ni5tia3 ihereut.
<br />tcl Tnutee may in the manner provided t;r !a~+~, pr~rxirn_ ~ai<• +,t ai: ,s t,r.v Ixartion of the Trust. Estate.
<br />t'.'.. ItEMEDIF`; \CYI' l:\Ct E;SP F;. " rv~tee :~nsi Rrneticiary.:utd each +~; ilirm,nhall beentitled taenlbrce payment
<br />and perlhrmance of an>~ indehiedneaetdrr oblutecons eecurcKi here by and t~ +-xerctse i+13 nghtx and {woven; ~undar [hislkK do t
<br />'[lust nr under any iwxtn Inarrutncnt onwher eu[rretnent ur ,xs: D;x n now or herea[kS in farce: nutwitkist[tndinK some or e1i
<br />of the such indebG.dneus and obligations stx arrtKi here by rr:i; r.~,x~ :,r beer aits~r lx• nthetwtsa.uecurer?. whether by mortgage,
<br />dneduftnu3t,flk~1{re,lien,uxsiKnmentor,dherwise. Yetther[heaa•rptanCentthiallctdof't'ruatnaritr,cnforcementw}tether
<br />by tuurt aMion or pttr_uam to Cite po+eer<rY ~Ir or •,t.7t+•r {pwets herein rentmneri, nhtul yretudier nr rr aov manner affa-~
<br />Trlaur's or E3cnefitaan's ni<ht to mthce upon :,r rnfnrct= aay~ ether _vx•uray n+>w ,~ he~reuft«er held by "I`rus[et° <,r Reneiicinry,
<br />it MeityC aKrec'd that Testes end Net7~caary. mtd eHCh .,t tttrm. shall he ,-ntitlcai to enforce LYus i 1L.wl of "Frost and env ether
<br />trerurity niw, or hereafter held by Nenrlieiery or "t•rustA.: in such ~,rder and manner as they nr ruhe•r ,~i' ehet'n may in their
<br />ahtwlute discretion determur~ yO:r'Cn7RKly~ heron n,aferre+i upon or rrwrved to '1'rusaaa ur steneG,•iar3• iv intend<rl t„ Ire
<br />p1c¢ytiaive of an }' u[her rrm~dy hrmin Or try,las prv.idwl r,r ;r+nm+c,,S, ht,[ r .h ~h:+ll !x runu+lati n i v},,,p he in sr{,{it,<.n
<br />Gr evrYt e[hrr remnd} {riven hi~r«;Lhder~,r ntlw i,r here,+lter ezL~Lng e: taw r~r , .. quo>~ , r by at:uule Itcer}~ { over or re•mrrly
<br />givw»by any of theC.ortnlnst: uenrnts to"t7uetn~[>r134^e fxiarn•,~r t„w;~.iri, ri4Ser r,f teem mny ln.~ C~trx•isE _ntitied. mziv lie
<br />~•xe,rcsraxi, amcurrently nr indera~ndently, fmin nnx in time .,nd , ohrn en nay },.- d.-. nn~d rspeoir-nt h7 "I'nr~t<~~ nr Rene
<br />Cu.iarc :+nd crth.,r ,_,f them may pursue in<oeissG::~t reme-dcea. ~'oll~+rr:g }wmrn _rh:rll In-a,n.arued t,r:.,lsi l,i ti., t; H,-~,rr fit~iar~J
<br />troth making ., defitiency ~udg meet agaitu?[ ter "S'ruster to th+~ ,~a ten[ such acuun ~_+ ~~ermi ltd Fy i)rw.
<br />ftEtaUF.S`P k•'UK YOTICE. ~I7usu~r }x:reby rn9vs+le a copy o[ any n.,tir2 0; d~•taultarci :.hats iv n ~tier,~l s,e;e i,ereuncicr
<br />he mailed W tit at the add+~~ e?rt forth iu th ~i:~t;,arag:'a}:h „f 'his tk_vtt :.f 'T'rust-
<br />14. GLt4'ER.NINU 1.11 W. This I k~reu oC1`rust nhaii t»• ~u~xrmvti by cite lawn uFthc ~t. u~ ui \chrank:e. lttlheevant that
<br />any pen-ision or ciausrot env++f the I,,~nn lnstnrmenrs,.,,n#lii M with :,ppfic:z+ble i;+w~n,';uch ,.onflid„ Si~,ai1 nul. affectothcr
<br />provision. of such Loan Instrurnenix xl,N,-h :.an l.~• (;u'e^ effaza .v-iLwut the tonflictir v pro visisn.:uul u~ rive e[tdtlte j~rv~
<br />visions of the loan instrumenes z+re declared u; :~ srvh-di,:e. "1'h,s in vunrent cannot Ix~ wniveci, chernKCd, dincharp;rxd oi-
<br />terminated orally, but +x.ly by an insirmnen[ :n wrltinK aiKnw b. zm party age i,zti-t ~hr~st en!Larinent d arsyw,uvcr_
<br />r_hangc, diw:h;uge ,~r tertninauan is suu{;ht_
<br />Pb_RECO~iF~"i?Y~r1.ACESYfKC:ST}•ar LiFionwsittrr..pjute'toi.;eneti~aryatatrngtnatn;i~wne;c-.:uredhernbyhave.
<br />be'.<n paid, and upin surrender :.f this Ikxsd n: '3'rua and the toes v>'Prut;tee for rancelisnun and rrtegii.,n and upon, pe,.y-
<br />roer[t b~~ Ttvstor of TYtL th .e fecx,'Itust.rs shall recx,:rvc ; ta, TrLLa,r_ or the {kenos ,;r ex--voun ltgaih ~~.cttitled theretts; witimut
<br />u•atTai'ity, any pr~rGan of the Trust Mate then herd here:u+der_ Phe recitals in xuch rcrom~ey~ana~ of. a+ny matteis ar faetti
<br />ehtill be cwtcluair'c pra,f cf the truth Fulness thexrof The greet Let in ang r%a> r.vey&rre :na ti~ be ,l+~.e ribEd as "the periwn cr
<br />perao[>h legalic seeded thcreli,".
<br />td. ti0`ITGE~ Whenever $eneC>tiary,'llvstrr ar Trvsier ahai2 desire+to~ vt os verve an notice. demnrd,reyuc~st or
<br />other crommm~icaiion with n~syect to this I~:o~3 t~f Trww each nac6 nvbce, demand, reynest or ~ ether cnmmunisataon shat; ix
<br />in writing ant; shzdl be effective ar~v if the same is deiicered by Fti tsunal sen~ice cr mai]ed by ct•rti Eied mail, paatage preyaid,
<br />rewm receipt requc~ted, addressed w the a+d dress~et firth rt the 1>~innir.K ,;f tt+v,~ hcrxl a Triua. Fvt . Paris i + ~ a t. [his ti alc~
<br />change is addr~ for_auch actin by defiyenrgor maaiing 4'~ the other par[Scs hrr+.w ti a.ure.~, d, a .xrtiu - such c:'..,an„+'-
<br />I?. .1~CEE'1`.4_ti!'E Bl' THL:b`l EE. f r.~ L+r at r-pti~ tlLS 7 rest ~~. bee: this I)c ~: nt 'I"rust..:iwy e~w CU'u_ :nd acat+~ w'
<br />~A ledged_ is made a -pubfu rewrd ns Fcocided + .+w_
<br />~y` IN A1I.'~E6,i '~"}lEIi1;OF, lr~[or Its e _ccct~.i this !3cra o "Crest ; cne d+ :n<i :-i-.:r : et :un .~.ittcn.
<br />...~:~ lkt`~T$li:. "Crestee ~,cn:pts the "Fn+_t uLe. ,ni>~ Heed l'n_>:. .+o!v .. ,__._._ :uid .i c!an<; a-
<br />led{ted, es made a pu'alic rctx,rd .vs Pena-ided by !.aov-.
<br />G ri `~
<br />~ ~ ! jti~W~-~~~s >~EiiEDk~, INiswr ^,t •°a.ccu:,w this i.H-c ~1 31~1`7t . , .. ~,x . r + ,, _ :. i ...a~~ v,riL.eu.
<br />~' ~~d~ ~ ~ { r" ~! ~. .=of-~=' , ~ _ _ __
<br />i - _' ..
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