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<br />.~ _ .:, ( , <br />,~ ~ ~2.,~.,oi.~oi' / 31 , _ _ H tlmar 2nd F Ilon 8.W'oli Wa `n n.Ya b84Ri _ - <br />llEED OE TRUST <br />THIS DEED C.tF TRUST, ~. Wade as r,f the 3Qth daybf AaSust ,I9B2_, by and ;imong <br />DENNIS L. BARRLEY and SHARG!V K. ]3ARKLEY ~ {"Trustor"), whose mailing address is <br />4019 Mason Ave. Grand Island, NE 58801 <br />COPII~RCIAL FEDERAI. SAVINGS 6 LUAN AS5(1GIATION ("~ruatee"), whose mailing address i <br />3301 West State Street, Grand Island; NE 58801 <br />and GERALD R. C~t~LD and PATRICIA G.- GOLD (":Beneficiary") whose mailing address is <br />-11424 B. P[armigan, Austin Texas' 7$758 <br />FfJI{ Y'AT.UABLF CO?~ISIDEF ATiDhi ,1l~ustor irrevocably transfers; conveys and assigns to'IY•ustcw, 1N <br />71tE:S`P, W'1'i'H POD ER OF SALT ,for the benefit and setttrity of BeneStaarv, under and subject to the terms <br />axxi__cQryditionsofthisI3et"dof'Trust,therealpro~ertylocatedintheCityof 'Grand Island,___,t'ounh=of <br />Mate of Nebraska, and le{tall described as follows (the `"Propert:"l; Lot 1, Sunset Third <br />good;vision, $a l ~OUACy, Nebr~ <br />'CpGETHER W1Tfi, ,~rll rents, er~aemenTr,~s appurtenances, h enta, intesest9 in adjoining roads, <br />strc,etx and alleys, improvement=: and buildings of any land situated thereon tied allper.~na; propem= that. may <br />be or hereafter become an 9nttgral part of suchbutldfngsand'improvements; all crops raised thereon, and <ul <br />water righus. <br />The Property and the entsi estate and intereaLmnveYed to the T'rtrstee are referred G~ collrctiveiy a_q the <br />"'[Y~ust Estate". <br />FOH THE PURPOSE OF SECU=RING: <br />a. Payment of indebtness inthetotal printapaf atttountof$1IlSLtLl..ti~th interest the[rrtn. as eti~dencYd by <br />that cti~rviin promis>norp note of even date (tlxe ".Note") with a mattrrity date of AuK. ? 0 1988 Nrt~uced <br />l,v 7Yuator. which has been de&veret3 and is payable to the order of Benefi<aan ,and tivhi c-h by t>li, refen:nce is <br />hereby made a part hertaof, and any and all modifications, extensions and renewals thereof, and <br />b. Payment of ail stuns arivanced by Benefttsary to protect the 14ust Estate. «~th u~ter~t thereon at the <br />rate of .14 - percent i __: i4'`c.l per annum- <br />- T2tits Deed of Ttvec, the dote. and srty other instrument given taevidence or further see:ire the payment and <br />pcrforrnanrn of any obligation sectu'eci hereby are n°fei-ted to cviltrtiveiy' as tlae "Loan instruments". <br />'I'O PRU'fEC°I' TF{E SECURITY` OF THL DEED OFTRUST: <br />PA't:~lE^I'I' Ur Itii?EB`I'F;I7tiF,jS. Trnnu;r shalt pay when dn~ thepryncipul of. and the interest cn, the <br />indebtrrinc~r~ rv:denccd by the .'9ote, charges. ie>.•a and uli other sums ns provided in the-L.uan Inxtrwnents. <br />?. TAXES- Trvamr sFtull Da v raclt lnwtallment of all taxre and epec-isS abgeeexment9 nfEYery kind. new or hereafter <br />levied against the Trent lvxtate or ony part therc~~~f, txfore delinquency. witkinutnOgck grdem~and, and sha17 provide <br />Acne6daq• with evidencr of the payment ofsame- Truau:r shah pay ail taxesandaesceamenrx which may be levied <br />upnnlieneficiary'sinceresthereinoruponthixDccdotTrubtnrthedebtaecaredhertl+y:wrifhoutreRardti,anylawthat <br />may he enacted Imposing payment of tha whole ar any part thcrmf upon the Fkneficiary. <br />:.i. LNSIIRANCE Atill REPAIPS. 'Pruatnr shall maintain .ir.~ and ^utentendeKi coverage insurancein!luring the '. <br />improvements xnd buildings cuns~tutirtg part of tae TfU,tlt isu3te for rt. amount ^0 less than the amount of the <br />un=paid principal6alanceafthetiotelco-tnsurancrnotexce.•.dingti0'^i~perrnittrdj.Suchinsuranceyolicyxhallcontoin <br />aatxndardmortRagedaueeinta.~urofBenehciarrund~hallnvt~-cancellable,terminx6leurmodiiiabiewithoutten <br />11th days error written nolier to F~neliciary- Truster aha71 ymmptly repair, mu~ntain and replace the'Crns[ Es tact or <br />an}° part thertKif w that. except Corcrdlnarywenr and tsar, theTrust Fstate shah notdetecinrate. 7 n nu rvcnt;:haNthe <br />'frustar rnmmit waste nn or to the '1"runt 1•;st.atc. <br />d. ACT1ON5 :~FFBt;TI VG 'PHOST E.STA~PE. Truator shall appear in and r.onteat any ac[ion c,r procc~;ding <br />purporting to affect the security hereof or the rightis c r powers of Beneficiary oc'Prustee, and ahaii pay all costs and <br />ex pennee, mclu~ng coat of evidence of side and attorneys Ives, to anysuch action or proceeding to which BeneticSarY <br />or Trusirr may appear. Should Trw+ttu tail to make any payment or to do any act as and in the manner pn,vided in <br />arty of the Loan lneErumentd, Fieneaciary andior Trustee, each in its own diexretion, without obligation yo to do and <br />without twtice W or demand upon "I~ur:wr and n.tit*tut releasing Trustor from a»> obligation, may make or do the <br />same in such tnancer and to such extent :as either may dim necesbary to protect the security hercoi. Truawr shall. <br />immrsliately upon demand therefor by 13enesi~ary, pay all costa and expenses incurred by FSeneficiarp in connection <br />' with tht uxert~iae by beneficiary of the foregoing righw, including :without limi[ation costa of evidence of title, court <br />costa, appraisaEii, stuweys and attorney's fees- rlny such costs and expenses not paid within ten t1C)days of ~.~ri tten <br />demand shall draw in:erent at ere default .rate provided in the Note. <br />o. EMIhEFT CIU!Hr1Iti. S}wuld the Trust F~iate. or anp part therer.f nr interest ~hernin. ?te taken or damaged bg <br />matron of any public impn~vement or cv,ndes,natinn proceeding, nr in any outer manner including deed in Ireu of Cnndem <br />nntim("Candernnation'1,oralmuldTrustorrecveatfynuticearotherinformatisnregardingsichproo~cdin~,. I'ruYt<~:sh:ill <br />give prompt written ao[ice thereof to BeneScsry. Renefician• shall be entitSed tc all campensauon. awards and ot}ner puy- <br />men!» or relief therefor, and stall be entitled a!-itw option to commence, appear in and proaecotx in its ow rt W acne any action <br />or prpe~hngs. 9ene5cyan shell also ~ endued w make any axapcnrnitre or aectlement m am nechon Kish u . taKnR or <br />damey;e. Ali such c~tnpensaiien, awazds, damages, rights of action and yroceeds awaxdnd w Tnistor!4. Pr rc•lr ) rice <br />: hereby arscgned tU }3eneficia-g and "I}uawr agru~ u~ exec:ute sum further assignmen¢s Iri [hr, Pr~~~ud3 a3 lierie5utary sir <br />Trustee mxy re41ire. <br />~ APYOIN'1':KEV'T tjF 5IiCCli`;S0R TRL'STF:E. Bec.eC:ciary mav_`m~m isms to tmis~, by a •.rrittoa instnmurnt <br />extrufcd aad ~la:ow'ledRc-d b}~ 13erehria-~~, m,Ziied w Tnz~wr and fZccon?ed in th, C;mow^.tS' in wt is;i t.i~r. Crust. hat`u. is <br />lt~c~ttcci and by otherwise complying w$th t_he provisions of the applicable law oY the 4 tare of Nebraska eohait=ar:i Quca--sear <br />- or SucYnc~w~re to the Tni.E,tee named herein or acting hrr~.unuer. <br />SUC+:ES~)F.8 Aldp AaSICS:.S. Tiffs Cke~ of Truce appu~ A, inures to the beneL+t o! +nd bands all p'rnies he eta. <br />~ aiseir h.>utt, legatees, de'.zaxx, pcxsonal repre~rentauve~:, auctieaaurs nod assigns. T},e tesm "L3en ficiru- ~t ~d: mca+ cl:r <br />owner and hei4der ;of the ;`ore, wheitier err not named ax }3~etira:.ry 4eeretn. <br />S. 1;vSYEC!T7ONS. Ltenefiri~ra~, or its zgenrs, reprr~c;.iativc~ or s~~orkrP.en, are authoriU:~c: to ent.eJ it an ~ n-a.onrtblr^ <br />G[ne ziiwn or in ah>' prirt of th:. Tn~ Esaa~ :or the purtwye of insne=~*_tnR the?ame and. Cer Ltie ;turpoec of tx°..*t"nna'-n8 :rt'S.- of <br />t.° it s amthotirecl to perfvr~ ,3n<kr the Lerma <,(rnc of ter; Loan TncG~urenLs. <br />y. $l-'';:=ti'i'S Ole Li;r;FAi,iha Ary r f tttc 4.11owitaK F•venia ahau ice., dt~rrnl~ ar - :. e >uir h.- ~iinrsvr <br />ins 'i'ruxtor w`.di tart t»;;w?w:na Re y_tync._tcfany '. r.e~ailment.-ft t-r _.ti =:r.n .y:z ., ;,rt ,t_~i1 .IL:+, is ., r~.->i ., :,a~: <br />-,ahrr sum vx'~ir+xt ;ere k~ ~.a~rxrn der. r,r <br />.r... , n , r ~ , <br />±t;, Thcrnha: erra~,t+Yitvti1~=•f ..r ri _au;. ~rr.l .. <. ._~. ..--..n.t;u ,,. ...,,1t,~._~_~. ..,~, <br />~s;TSI t.Y r. Y,1 tt:r 1 I°t 3^.~f 1:]c ;i~:Ai r}r, •~C~ 7.:.< <br />