<br />I
<br />+t
<br />STLI.~}i a~P
<br />Arta
<br />F: tract o2 anr: cc~mprisihq v part of _h~° NoYthwest Quarter ~ }!, r-
<br />Southw<=st. Qcza~t~r {cw} ~` ;;ec+, :.. Four F~' township Ere-~.~er~
<br />(ail tort?~, ~ar_ge iv~.a~ ;9; Picti, ~_ the t, t=; .~~. its Fial? C~ur,t',%,
<br />*72br~Skar ^iOr6' JaYt.t.'u~..;i, ~a?_~i_.D~Ci ~_~ ~v~1Clti'S7
<br />Eeginning at u point on the :lo_-~h _.ne .., said Soutl,,laest tiu~ir~~.r
<br />{S~3`4} sai,i ~-Dint .~.;;c .,-_~ Fiur,r,rea ~WC."1,-'~'tn~ ,~o ~} *_eet
<br />past of the ,pert w~~.- ..c~_a~r o= _r ,c~Lf..,we: - =;;uar_ex_ tS:,T3;;
<br />t"e;^ce east2r.iy aionc e ~,r:rit: ._ c ii ~_uchwest i;uai:t~~r
<br />{~`r:;! a distar_ce ~~~~ .~i c ian..:ed Se~Fn`. -Eight ~r.d .our ~ar.tf-,s
<br />{97fi.41 feet. _he ncrtheasc .,^Lner o~ ,:.he Nort^we.t quarter o`
<br />the 5cuthwe ~uart:_ h75F.>,} thence: southeri.~ ~,~onq .he e~.st
<br />line cf said ?v'ort ::nest ~uart,~ ~c:f the Sout&xwest Quarter (nL•ri~sLv) ,
<br />a di°tance One iY:eus.ndYTwenty-`Phree anti S_:.ty-Se~.~cn
<br />Hundredtas (3G2~.6j ~~et: thencedetlecting 'ri.4ht 9C°-~ :C and
<br />running westE.r~~,>, ~ ~ti ar.c~ cf 'Six clundze~ "wer.ty 'vine ane
<br />_'wertp-Seven :.ur.dredty~ (~i29..?7) Beet; tnence 3e~~.ec i?y ric}-~t
<br />50°CO'35" and4rur.r,ing :^ort*:zxiy,, « tipstance of Sixt}-Six (06.0)
<br />reet: thanc2 e=iec~ng l.e_**v 9f3°0`il'?~i" 'and --unr.ing -~aester~v, ..
<br />istance ~~ Sixty-Six Q6~'.D)`eet; terse :ieslectita right
<br />90°OC'~~" _nd ru:.nine~ nez:ther2~:, ist~nce oz Five iiundrec.
<br />Twenty.-Eight {5?S.CI feet; thence ~'~`iacti_ ;'0°03' anc -canning
<br />westezi~ a .__stance o€ Twc c~n_^.~red __~~ -N~ (289.0) Feet;
<br />*_hence deFlecting riGht QO°':1` «t:c ~unniny ::crtherly, <. distance
<br />of pour Hu_^.u'rec r^crt~.~ a,r.d ~ivty-Five. SUndreaths i,=,C~.55} .:set. r_o
<br />the place or teginni.^.~~ anc ;.o, Dui. i:ic, :~. i50 acres , *zo: e r;7 ~ess.
<br />GiiA~;OR ccvenar.t= i~cintly and: severally, __ mare *_'r.an
<br />ane} ~riti, GFtP.tiTEE that ~fin*iTOR:
<br />iii _a ':awfui:y sei eC; c~i such zea:~ _.st.at~ :.ir,a ~ hat _.~
<br />is :.zee iron ~nc-umbrar.ces;
<br />(si has 1s~gal ~~ewer and ia"rJfF7~authc~i+,r, to_convey ti:1e
<br />same: and
<br />{3} wa.rar.ts anc _:] deie~r.4 .i*:e tc~ the rezsi cstat~a
<br />against the lawful _,iaims ~f~ai1 nersons_
<br />f;SiE ~=tl tf; C:. i:UCJll Zt ~ i Ub
<br />~n .:e*teni,rink
<br />STATE. CF T;~;?;P.AS~`.r>.
<br />~~.
<br />- ~'Yit3~iTY CF Iic~,.lL }
<br />mhe friregoinc in=trutnent „a= scxnow'-ed:~ed ~,_.Forc r;•e rr
<br />AI;Cj::5t ._L~.i ~o.~- 'L'1 n'ra;E ~__::~~r__}', ~ ~_;t!y'_._ ,•Lr. ill.
<br />I~l
<br />