<br />~ ~... ~~
<br />g2--1~°, ~}tit::,
<br />-- WARN.AI3TY' DEED
<br />;orn .*~et+.:ehbrink, also :mown as John ^. ;~a~tenbr•~nk, a
<br />sina;.~~ ~,erson, GFL~*'?'OR, in consideration of Cane ^,ciiar ($1.401
<br />and otY.er ce::srcleratior., received fro€n GRAYvTr.., "-etterbrinic
<br />Farms, In:~. , con~:evs to u'RAN^FE, the fo11~•.,*i.ia described real
<br />estate (as detir.eu .... Eeb. 4e`.. Stet. 3b-.-0')
<br />A r_ract of ia:^,d ao:ncrisrr.~ a r~rt of tae :Icrtnwest Quart>=r iNFv>1
<br />o Ser_tio^ =our i4} '^owr.sh~p ?even (?,~1) North, `Range Nine (9}
<br />West of tine Gth ~.~' ir: ..-:i~ county, 1~'elvraslca, mtsre uarticularlj.
<br />describes: as *c~_c,w=_
<br />Seginaing at a point on the sauna line o= 5~id Northwest "~~uarter
<br />(NW3s} said co=nt be_r.g forty (40.4"i 'Bet east of t'~e outhwesr_
<br />corner. of sai taorti;west quarter (NW~S1 , also l~eix~r; a _.-o~rt on tl-:e
<br />easter~y igh*--or-wa ~i::e ~,~ C': S. H~g!-:way Nc. fil, t}~ence
<br />_ nortc~Eriy Y.~ral'-'-'i to tine west. .i-ae .~~ sard Section .Four (?) anr=
<br />clang s;i:id right-cf-way ? ir.e, a i terse of 2'wo Thou: ar.d Five
<br />Nun4red r i`ty -= our anc r'ighty-aver. t~u_^.dr®dthw (2:, 55G . ~ ; 3 '=~~t;
<br />thence deflecting right -8°30'4x" •~nd running northeasterly, a
<br />distance cif :'wo 5undrec i'eurteea a :d Twenty-Five'- Flunclredths
<br />1214.?5} feet- t.';enct ~rllr~ct_ny left 78°34'90".`and: rur.nin4
<br />nort.'~erly a distance o: 'i'hir*,,~-:'hree (33.4} ~eet- to, -the north
<br />li^.e of _,uid ~ec`ion Fvur (y1 ; `:pence e3sterl~ along trte corth
<br />.ins cf acid ~wcticri "ro'ur (Al, a distance a` Une Yunrreci
<br />'r'orty-'~'wc 3nd Fifty-rive ilur.drzc*_hs {142.50 feet; t'ienct
<br />deflectirc ri~:;t k8°4?' ,~nc running southerly, a distance ct
<br />Three liuncred anri £ivhL~--Fi•re wi~lncircdths (300-~51 feet; tkience
<br />de`lectiry iett 84"11':E" and rn.ring easterly, a di5t_ance oz
<br />Three l,w;drec right rd "l:ree h,"r,_c:reuths i3G~i.Q3) feet, thanr..e
<br />detecting i~`.t OU`44':3r~" ar,d ru.^.nir.y easter'y, a c'.istance~ of
<br />.eve Hundred Sever:t'~-Seve:~~ loci F'ivE, Trnrhs (~?'.~} reef; thence
<br />deflecting lefr gG~p3•?5" ra _..::ninc. ncrthrriy, a >t~.rce :;=
<br />Twc i~ur.d:ec ..iy^.*v-Six sn< .. Fenths (2oh.b} _>et: to t:^e nc~`i.
<br />lines. ~i said 5actior; Pcur :41~; the: ~.e >asterly aia!'ag t;.~ 1~orth
<br />line; of ;aid ~ectior. :'cur 14) , a discancc of Fo=tv-Une (4i.0}
<br />feet tc the nort::e~.st cuing of •_he wE.•st F?aii, of the Northwest
<br />quarter (w~NWS) : tne.;ce sv~.:theriy alcnq t[:e eu~,t _ir:e of saki
<br />West fial£ of th+~ Nortrwe;~t ;~uarte: l~hhw~i ._~tanc~a of; "'wo
<br />c u;xcred '"hirty-Three 1 233 > Q) `_eet ; thenc<_• ye * lecr_ ir:g lc i
<br />89°4S'7.G'~ arc running easter'iy, a distance ~~F lhree €iundred
<br />{3CrCJ.O} ;Bet; thence deil~etinq left 30~55'4rJ" -ac= running
<br />:,orthcriy, distance of Tko Hu:icred ^hir*_,:-'T'!:rec 1==3.0) feet tc
<br />the north line o~ said Section Pour (4J; 'hence Baste-r 1y alos~tc,
<br />the r_art~ fine of sai.^ Se+-tion Four f~) a dirt-anc~ of one
<br />_ Tk:ausanc? tvi.reteen znd ^hzrr_s-Sever. ~f.:r.ciredtiis [:,rig ?) i-Bet tc.
<br />h ~~
<br />the Wort :east coiner ,.~ said *~ortnwest ~ucarter lLYW<i ; ~- nue
<br />~ rl ., n• rip pf ca ZC ?;Orti;:ve 5t G'•=2..[teY (ivS^+sai , ~-.
<br />sou ~S1e_ _ ! alo,_a `he c ~ ': 1, i..
<br />- cista?7Ce of ~~c~ "'hou~an:i Six E:urdreu Forty-Three a:u~ ri ! ~i:{
<br />_ }f U: G.: c^~t(t5 t?r. +i?.7b1 f~Et t0 ±nr~ SOlit::'ra St CCr.i~?:' .i ~. 53:.C
<br />:northwest ;;carter Eilt~~) : the::^cF ~w~esterl ~ aio:;g . ne .>c.utt .<~ ~,"
<br />szi2u tiortrwE~... - tarter. (Nin;} a .._~~.?nce a° 'jar, ~,,.t~ussanC give
<br />Htrn::ie3 Sr er~t~,-Frau~ .~ ..ane Te;ai:_ ,-'4.i) ts~± ._,. .. i ;~ia~e
<br />C;.' t?G ij ?.n Ai ir:y 3r <~. :. i? t31n1r<<j ':4:~.8i4 3~ t:~':, T~ .c: :)].. '.C :.:S.
<br />L_
<br />1'+.°.4iLA'.i:fit: /l3 Tr'.. .e ~
<br />t ~~lE~~~n,r ~~tr ~it:;T~.ftt
<br />~ ~, `' ~ 4
<br />¢~..-~ f,
<br />