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<br />,- <br />4.' That should he fail to pay any sum or keep any covenant provided far h this::: <br />Mortgage, then the tortgagee, at its option, may pay or perform the same; and al} <br />" ~ expenditures so made shall be-added to the principal sum awing orr;the above note, ~ha71 <br />be secured hereby, and'shall bear interest at the rate set forth in the said note, until <br />paid. <br />5. Thet ne hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the Mortgagee, to be applied <br />to:rara the payment af`the note and all sums secured hereby in case of a default in"the <br />perfcr-^rance of any of the terms and conditions of'this f"ortgaae or the said note, all <br />the rents, revenues and income tb-be derived from the mortgaged premises during such <br />tir,,e as the mortgageindeb[edness sha}1 rer.~ain unpaid; and the «ortganee shall have <br />power La appoint any agent nr agents'it ma desire for the purpose of repairing said <br />prnmises and of renting the`sa~ and collectinC the rents ,'revenues and income, and it <br />may oay out af'said incomes all expehses of repairing said premises and'necPSSary <br />co,:~,,rssior,s and exper:~es incurrea in renting and managing the same and of collecting <br />rentals therefrom; the ba}ance remaining, if any,-ta be applied::toward the discharge of <br />said mortgage indebtedness. <br />6. That he will peep the improvements rsaw existing er hereafter erected orr the <br />mortgaged property, insured as may be required from time'to time by the Mortgagee <br />against.loss by fire and other hazards, Casualties and contingena=i es in suth amounts <br />and for such periods as may be required by the Mortgagee and will pay promptiy,:wnen due, <br />any premiums an suPh insurance provision for payment of which has not been made herein- <br />before.` Ali insurance'sball'be carried-in Companies approved by'the Mortgaaee and the <br />policies and rene~rals'thereof shall be held by the Mortgagee and have attached'tnereto <br />loss payable Clauses in favor of artd in form acceptable to the Mortgagee. Fn event of <br />Las s.~lortgaaar will give imrr~diate notite by mail to the ?",ortgagee, who;may make Proof <br />of loss 'if not made promptly by Mortgagor, and 2attt insurance company'concerned is <br />hereby au[hcri_ed and'diretted to make payc",ent for sutra Toss directly to the Mortgagee <br />instead of Lo the Mortgagor-and the Martgagee jointly, and the insurance proceeds, or <br />an=~ part thereof, ,r~aybe ap~liedbythe '4ortgaaeeat itsoptioneitner to the.-reduction <br />of the indebte~ness d~ereby secured ar to tsze restoration or repair of the property <br />_ damaged, in Rvent of roretlosure of'tns mortgage or-other transfer of title to the <br />mortgaged Property in r;xtinguisnr.3ent of the indebtedness secured nereby,`all right,.' <br />tit]e and interest of the Mortgagor in and to any insurance polities then to torte s+.all <br />pa ;s Lo the purchaser or grantee. <br />1. That as additional and col~aterai security for the payment of the Hate descrioed, <br />and alt. surm to becflme due udder this mortgz,r",'the tortgagor hereby assigns to Che <br />Mortgagee all pror-ts, revFaur's, royalties, rights and benefits accruing to the <br />Mortgagor antes any and all oi: and gas leases an S<'tid premises, with the righC to <br />receive and receipt ;for the sa~r~ and apply them to said indebtedness as wet} as after <br />default in the Conditions of this r~rtgage, and the Yrortgagee may dematrd, sue far and <br />recover any such payments when due and payab}e, but shall not be required sa to do. <br />This assignment :s to terminate and trecor~ null and void upon relzcā€¢se cf this martga~e. <br />3. That Lhe Mortgagor will keep the butildtngs upon said premises in good repair, <br />and neither carrrnit nor per~7it waste uppn said land, oar suffer the said premises to be <br />u5~d for any unlawful purp45e. <br />9. That if the premises, ar any part thereof, be condemned under tine power or" <br />eminent domain, or acquired fora public use, the damages awarded, Lne'proceeds ror- the <br />taking of, or the cansideraticn rar such acquisition, to'zhe extentof the full amount <br />" of iodebtedriess upon this r~,a:tgag~ and the Hate which is given to Secure remaining unpaid, <br />are Hereby assigned by the Nbrtgagar Lo Lhe ^'Artgagce, and shall be pair fbrthWiLr: to <br />said Mortgagee to be applied by the latter or, account cf the next maturing insta+ ~~nt <br />of such ir,debLedress <br />The cover ants herein contained sha]1 mind, and tr.e 5er,ef"iLS and advantages shall <br />tnsure La, [tie respective heir;, executors, administrators; Successors and assir,i;; of <br />the partia5 he seta. iihenever used, the s ngu?ar nu^rfler shall include the plural, the <br />plural the singular, and the use of any render snail Ce applicable to all ,enders. <br />_ Fhe foragoi;~g ~:ar,dit~ons, ail and singular, ceing ,,erfor~r~:d actordino to their <br />natural cod lzgal iapnrt, this cc,n,eyance snail pe void and :aid pre~ises rele3,ed at the <br />_ exp6n;e of the f~,rtgagpr; etirerrise to be and rer,ain in `u'.7 for~.e'and r°ffetts <br />- ~ <br />