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<br />' i Second tlortgage
<br />,- .~~'~'±ut_i,3fi_<~ i1fl~~~~'L:~C~ For
<br />Section 235 Cases i
<br />Nith Addendum, fvr Repaymert of Section 235 Assistance '' i. ~
<br />f
<br />THIS `1GR7GAGr, rude and executed Lhis ''-3raday of August p„p.
<br />19 a` by and bet~:ean
<br />xot*_ E. Armes and Connie S. Armes, Husband and wife
<br />of the County or" Hall and State of Ptebraska, party'of the first cart
<br />hereinafter calved *_he Mortaa~or and the Secretary of the Department of Housincj and
<br />~Jrban Qevelopmeet
<br />party of the second part, hereinafter called the Mortgagee..
<br />;tIT'JESSE'H: 'has the said tlorigagar; is justly indebted to the Mortgagee in the
<br />pr i n c i pa l ~ .:tn o f Ure `~undred seventeen thousand seven hunared cwent1F1C~ nfo%$oth; ~ , }
<br />.:hick principal ,uT >> net exceed an anount computed under the-terms of the tdo~t~~'7`0"0°~
<br />executed Gy said r~or*_gsgRr gn` Ax:4ust Z3, 1982 with interest, in
<br />accordance cri th s . ~ note. Thal as "securi"ty for-said dote the t1ortgagor does by these
<br />pr?;eats Grant, par~air:, Sell, Convey and Confirm unto the f'ortgaFee, its successors and
<br />assigns the rol;os:ing d~scri~ed reaT'estatesituated in the Cbur.t,y of ~~iail
<br />Jtate Of ~~lepraSkd, to ~ait :,ot Sl}:ty-four (fi:A? ir1.Castle;rstates Subdi~;is~on,
<br />r3a1~ •"ounty~. Neb~ska
<br />"D HAVE APJQ Tfi:;OLD thg premises above described, with all the appurtenances
<br />thereunto 4elongir.q ana including all heating, plurnDing gad lichting fixtures and equip-
<br />,^ent now or nereafter attached to or used in connection with said real es Laie unto Che
<br />Mortgagee, ,:nd to its successors and assigns, forever. The "crt~ager represents to, and
<br />covenants t~iith, the 1•k~rtgagQe, Lhafthe Martaagarhas gflod right to s_il and coarvev said
<br />premises; that they are feee frOra encumbranee, except far an FIiA first mortgage; and Chat
<br />the "~iortgagar pail; warrant and defensi '_he =_arre agains*_ the 'artful- claims of all persons
<br />whor~5cever; and the SaiC Mortgagor hereby relinquishes ail rights.Of ho;restead, and all
<br />marital rights, eiiher:n ?awrar in eGu~ity, and all other continge.t'interests of *_i~,e
<br />!"ortcacor- in ono to the. above-de5eribeo ?~~e~nses, t::e intention being t convey hereby an
<br />absolute title, in tee simple, inc?udinq all ri:,l;ts of nnraestead,-and other rights and
<br />interests as afare_aid.
<br />
<br />PRQYIDEO nL~7AYS, and these presents are executed and delivered upen the fol',oa~?nc
<br />Conditions, to iv; t:
<br />The t9ortgagor agrees to pay .u the ~rtga,ee, or ylr ~n 'fie.principal sum of ono:
<br />hunart^d s~r~enteen thcrs :rc3 :;ever hu:x3reii tvet:t;: anc~ 'e$~,~~~ {$ 117,7?U.00 !,
<br />with interest as provided in the "tote da*_ed Auyuat '3, 19H2 andeXOCUte~+ by t4ortgagor
<br />Tne rtortes,or in order store fully to protect *_he security cf this Morigaye, agrees:
<br />I. That he will pay the indebtedness, as hereinbefore provided. Privilege is
<br />reserved to pa_r. the deGt in whole, or in an amaunL equal to one cr mo..e monthly payments
<br />on the principal that are ne,t due un the rote, on the first day of any month arior to
<br />riaturity: Provided, however, That written notice of an intention to exercise such privilege
<br />is given at least thirty {30 days prior to prepayment. .
<br />2. Fhat the Mortgagor will pay ground rents, taxes, assessments, water rates, ar3d
<br />other governmental ar municical charges, fines, er imposi*_ions, for which provision has
<br />not peen trade hereinbefore, and in default thereof the Mortgagee may pay the same; and that
<br />the Mortgagor will proc~ily deliver the official receipts therefor.to the Mortgagee.
<br />3. The tlorgagor will pay ail saxes which may be levied upon the ~"ortgagee's
<br />interest in said real estate and improvements, and xhi::h may be levied upen this rwrtgage
<br />or the debt secured hereby %but only to the extent Chat such is not prohibited Gy law and
<br />only to the extent that such xiil not ,,bake this loan usurious}, but excluding arty incor:e
<br />Lax, Slate or Federal, tmposed en tortgagee, and will file the official receipt showing
<br />such tiay~nt with the '4ortgagee. U;=o,b violation of -*_h5s undertaki>3g, ur i;` the Mnrtaagcr
<br />is Dro;bibited ey any Saw saw er hereafter existing `rem paying the whole or any portion of
<br />the afuresaiW taxes, or uprn the rendering of any court decree prah;biting the payn;ent by
<br />Lhe t-tcrCja-fir or ary such taxes, or if such lax or decree prCV'des that any am„unt so paid b~+
<br />the 13ert,ayor shall be creditAd on Lhe rx:rtgadle debt, the I~k;ri,anee :hall nave Gie rigni to
<br />give r.i;rety days' written notice to the Droner of the mortgaged prey=rises, reyuirir,q the
<br />payrxrt of Lt:e ~rL^,-a 7e debt. ff sach notice 5e given, t:~e sa~;d deb; shat; becon>IL due,
<br />,3ydsl~ ~~7d ~Gi lydr,tible aL the exQlratiCn Of Sd9d n,neC~r daV~,
<br />