~ __
<br />,Q ,.._ ti i? ~ ~ ~ ~'
<br />t.lr?tFOttht Covs~a:vrs. Borrower and Lender covenant and ague as fotlous: "'~
<br />i. Payeamtof7?r€ecipal-andiMerest. Boriou.•ershali,pmtnp[typagwhe~due the prittcipat of and"intereston the
<br />indebtedne» evidenced. 6y the Note. prepayment and late charges as"provided mthe Nate. andtfte principal ofand.interest
<br />on any fiutr~re Advances secured by this Laced of Tt us[.
<br />2 Fends far Twee andharerancc. Subjcei to applicabtc aaw or to a wntten waiver byi.ender, Borrower shad pay
<br />to P ender on ~hr d,~ mamhJy imtaJitnenrs of prmcpai and irtcrest are payable undertlte Note, unLl the gate is paid in fu!I,
<br />a. st~m Cheretn "Fund3 j equal `YO one-twelfth of the. ywrly° tales andassessments whtch-may. attain priority. ever Ut^
<br />heed of True, and ground mitts an the Priiperty. if any, ptus'one-tweif[h cifyeariy premdtsminstaL'men(sFor. hazaeJ insurance,
<br />plus ,ne-twelfth of }•esrh pfemittm instaifinents For mortgage lnsunmce, if env, all as reasonably estnnated initialtyatid from
<br />time t, time by i.ender nn Cite basis of assessmcnis ahd hilts and reasunaitkestimates thereof:
<br />The Funds :hall oe held "srs. an ittstituiian. the deposits ar accounts. of which are insured ar guaranteed by a.Fedc:ral or
<br />xtaic ogee:} !ine.ludine t ender if L.endtr is s;tch an instiinnon). Leader shailapplythe Funds to pay said tars, assessments,
<br />hu~ran prerni an ~ :md grcand:rcnis. Lender tray not chargc'fer sp holding anr# applying the Funds, analyzing saidaccount
<br />or cre(yinc and cnmpilrt,g ,aid assesstnenisand biils•t;n#ess Lender. pays BUrra+ .r :nicrest onthe Fundsand applicakiie taw
<br />perr~i+s 1 ender to mskcsuch a chargr.~. S3orrna~^r-.and'L.endee may. agree •r, writing at thalimc of executionof this
<br />"pacer ,,f ";rust :Fa? in!crect 4n the Fon<i. cite?. ~c paid to Borrower, and hnJc..;;~h'agreemenf. is mode ot` appiicabie law
<br />requires such it;teresi ro t>r paid,I,ender shaft nc+t berequ+red:repay Baarbwer any interest or ea7nings na theFuitris. Gender
<br />shad giv for wth cr`uet' without chntge, art anuuai a¢coun[ing ofthe Fundssfmwmg etedrtc andtlehits to tlie' Fundsand the
<br />- purpnae each debit iothe Fundswas made.T'he.Funds are plr~ged as additional security for the sumssecured
<br />'bv this Decd at "rnrst:
<br />- if [he amount of the Fundsheid by.I:.cnder, together svtthahe franca Imonihlvinstalimenis of Funds payable prdcir tt+
<br />the dctc date. of ;axr;, aesexstrcnt;, insurance premiivms and ground rents,. shall exceed. the :-rmaunirequired. tnpay sold faxes,
<br />assessments, ins trance premdvniand ~rannd resrts as they `;+Il due. such excc'=s~.shali be. at. Borrows;r's op[tun;either
<br />.pram ts, repa;d :o Botmwerorcredited;o Borrower an monthly^ insta[Iments ofFunds. If'ihe arnaunt. of the:.Funds
<br />hcid ~ !.ender chal#nos #,esulficient sa pa~~ t ~:.assessments:rnsura7cepremiumsand ground rents as they f:iildue..
<br />'Borrower sh,ll nay to i-ender env amauns ne«s.ary io make tip the dt6cicncy within.36 days from the ctatrnatice is:mailer!
<br />tryhender [tt llorrawer regttesting:payment thereof.
<br />Upon pavmettt in fu€J of aifsurrts secured h~: this Peed at"#'rust. i ender shaft promptly rcfurd to Bormwcr any Fnrd<
<br />€retd:J:y Lender- df under paragraph JR hereof iec Drapery rs said ar the Propartt is athcswyge acquired b}°' Lender, d-endei
<br />:shall appiy. 7n I.,rerCttan =mrneduuety. prior [u thesafe ofihePsapem=. arils acgfiisitmnbv Ixnder, anvFtinds heldfiy.
<br />Lender at the E:mr , ofapphcatiooas a credit. agams[ the sums secured by this I]eed of Trust.
<br />3.. ApPfieatbp orPaYesead. IJnJess..appJdcabklawprovides uthetu•se, atJ:oitymentsreccived Etv fender"cinder the
<br />~pRou: andparagranhs !clad 2 hereof shaft t~ applied by i.endcr first in payment of atnctmts payable to Lender by Barrewer
<br />undt:r paragraph 'hereof, thenta inreres3:.PaYabieon. the Note, then. to iheprinpipat a+i. the Nate. .and then: [o interest an.•+.
<br />ynnapa€ on aerg Frituzc Advatsxa. '..
<br />3. C`art~ec: Linr_ Aattosver cha~tpav alt ~ases.acsexsmensc and <*iber charges tines anriimnassiians attributable tc
<br />the Pmpt:m whichmay attain a..pt~ionty: over thts I~od of Trust. and teasehaid payments c+r ground rents, if any.in the
<br />tnantter prix=trial under patagrapFs 2 hereat" ar, if not paid in srich mantter; by harrower making payment;. when due, dirr:cti•~
<br />to the. payee tEtercof. Bortvwer stroll promptly furitisJt to fetsdcr :rid notices of amounts due under this paragraph, and in the
<br />event Harrower shailmakepaYUtent direczly;Barrmver. shalt. prampiJ.y f itrnisb.to €:;ender receipts evidencing,„such payments:
<br />BarrowtrshaJE promptly disc}iarge any iiestwheehhas pnoriryn.°er hr. Deed of TYusr,:provtdert,.zhat Borrower shafthcr he
<br />regretted todiscriargcany srsClt'iien sa €angas Harrower sha€l:ct;rec .rt .~rir;ng to thepaymentaf me obhgaasan secured b~~
<br />:'such €ienina taantteracceptabic to t..ettdcr: c+rshaitmgoad forth a .t.r,..ucn itch by„rsrdefend cnfarccmentof suc;.hIien :n.
<br />legal proctedtngs yhie#t operate: to prevent the ?nfarccment ct ibr ~n or tarfeiture of the Property ur aay pare thereof.
<br />S Fiatd Lwra~ee. ~rrawer shalt kelp t}te iinprovements •,>• wsrsting or hereafter ereccrd nn the Property insured
<br />agartut €aesbYfire,.hazatdsincluded wtthinthe tcrrri "extendedcavcrage"Nand suctiathcr hazards as €.ender mayrcgtiire
<br />and in such amouctts and for'uch pectoris as-Lettrkrmay require: prrnided. [hat Lender ,hall trot require that the ai".nunr ,,
<br />etch coverage exeeedthatamotmt of caycragc required topaythe:sutm secured. bythi. Deed:otTntst.
<br />Tltd iruuraaeacartier pmvitlirtg the zttsuraace shalt ix chosen ny Bartower snbieet r, approval by J.cnder; provided,
<br />that ttnch<rppmval :hail oat ix unressanably witittteJd. Aft ptemtums on ittsuruncc {r~l~, icr ,hall rte paid in the manner
<br />Prorided-under paragraph .'. herwf ar, if not psrd inauch raanncx; ay Borrower making paytetcnt; when due, directly-ta the
<br />Ltssttratiar carrier..
<br />All insuratn:c policies and rcntxttals thereof :hail be to farm acs'°ptabit to Lertdcr atx€ shad) itictude a standard niartgagc
<br />etattse itr htox of aml io farm'acc:~ptabk to l.rnder. Lrndcr shaft. have the right to tuzid the poficiec and renewals thereof.
<br />.attd Borrower shall prompUyfwnss€r to t.crnkr ai3 rencwat ttxttiCeS an.Jaii receipts of paid preroiunt>. In the event afJOss,
<br />$arrower shaft give prompt notice to the ittsuranra carrier acrd i.ender, tender m[ty make prciof of Jass i€ obi made promptly
<br />by Horrawet
<br />LUnkes Lender and Borrower ~:trherwsear.. it rtt ag insurance ptxeeds ,half be applied to resturation or report r~I
<br />i€x Property damaged„ pmvitial sack tr tarot c •pa r nt tdv (c ~c'btc and rite security of this Ueetf of Tniei ~~
<br />twt iherebyitnpatre:d. if such tectora4ion or r_pa~r „not ~ ,~„~ ,tcal€y .~ua~n lc or .t thesecuriry of [his Deed at 1'rusc wattkt
<br />Me impairer; the itxui-ance proceeds shat) be sp(~1 e.€ i-, the su~rt, src acrd by thrc (aced of 't'rust, with the excess, tf any: paid
<br />to Borrower: If tht P'toptirty is abantiaraccr b± Bprn+wcr, +r ~, tsorr> et ids tc~ respond to l.cntlcr within 30 days Prem. the
<br />+date notice is mailed by Leoderio Borrower .hat the ~rsuran<c pan kr utter, it +tuic ~ chum for insurance hrnefits.'Ler,dr:r
<br />is aurltixizcd to collect and apply the in~rrancc pxoeurts at I enders „tnion etthor to retioratipn`_oe repair of the Property
<br />ar to the xumx secured by this Deed of Tent::
<br />-'(Inie~i I_etKier aild Borectwesaiherwiseagrae.n v.r*nog, :,n....uch ,ppitc~non of pnxeeds to principal shad noteziend
<br />or p~tpone the due date of the memthJq iasraltmtntsreierred :o in paragraphs I and '_' bereofarcLange the amount of
<br />such instattr.,rnu_ If unc~r parx;apt €Sfrcreot tbe.Proprs[y ~-, -required b. .ceder. ail right, Witte enil:intcra~xt of born{,war
<br />in and to any irts:rratk.- policies and in andta tht psacteda thereof re.uiung ~on; dainage totter Property t+ci.,r. W the sale
<br />or acquisition shah prix to l.ent3er to theextem of t~sutrusanencri by .his i]ae i of Trnsi unirF:diau.,y prior ie such aaJc or
<br />ar~uisiiion.
<br />~. Pteavxsrbw and l-Liateeaas:e of FragcrtY: l,easelottk~ Cotdumiaittmc, planned Unrt lhvckrpments. Borrower
<br />shall keep Clu Property n gaod:zepair andshalt tat crnnm+t +rast~ ; r :'trout ,mpairnrent or dcterioratrcm of the Properly
<br />and shalt comply with [Its proviuvns afang lcax if this I]eed ofTnst is nn a ieaschotd: !f tliisi]ted ofT~tsst is un ~ ,nlt iri :.
<br />condominium ar a planrctl unit de,elapntr.nt. Rosrawcr sttaJ}:perform all n! Horrotver"s obligations underthedecta r:+ti<;:i
<br />r -pvcrsaois crraiing n. gocerrtingt}x rnnd;Vniniumarplanz>ai 'unit dera~apment;-.the by-Jaws andregulatiorisxil the
<br />cartdaninium ar p;anttcd unit devrlopment. attd constituent documrnis i(~ :ondamimnm rfr-planned: unit devctopmen:
<br />rder Is executed hp Sorrawcr and rzorded together with this:J]eed of True., the: covenants:arid.agreements of such-rider
<br />sha1J he incarparued into and hall amcad 'and suppientcni the covensnts a^~', agreements aJ lhsDted of Trust as if ihenaer
<br />vc« a part hetrt%f.
<br />T. htKeriMta o[ Leeriest Sectnity. #f 8orm:.er' lath. W `per fnen [hc: ;ucenants ao..i agre~m ~nts r.~n; airied in t1us
<br />De' of Trust, or if any action os pr~,i.ccdtr,g ix camrrxe, oed w61ch matcriath affCCtc Lender's interest ~n ~hc Pn>txat y,
<br />irsiutsng, but oat hrntted to, ~_m;ncnt datna~n -nx;hrn ] aria en k> ~~unens, •,r artangemtnt - pros cdinc n •:Irg ::
<br />twnlrupt nr deacdnttt, `ben tender ai t~rnder, op.inn, up.n ;act:c=~ ,. bcr. oa er. 'na'y m.eJ.c s.,ch .t p; n.a i ~u•s ! arse s.+~h
<br />wens and fake loch anion ti is accesur? m pmte..i Lc..xier'> ' ,,~, xitufiag_ het not 'in;i cd ,.., t. .u:zt .-~~
<br />r
<br />ressanaFAe ~rtomey's lees arnJ entry open i}tc Ftrop_ra i, .r ai.c r^taJ f( Lender requited nt,3uge l a:.rncc :,
<br />chniht.ot• of zak-ng the loan s~v-ni by ihn [~crf of 7 t s 6c:r ,r shat. p v f~u pr i i u: a r~ J t; r. 1.
<br />7n_c.r.an+a m c~ttt ve•P su;:b tree as the re~ui*ement ,o- -..ch u+surrn,e tti, n.,ia.~<s ~n ..cc~tdans w.:h i1,,rr•wer-+ .,
<br />Leader's wtikt>.o sg camel n. applic bft a,s. B=err:;-wc xha3{ gay :hc amcur.t z,i :r o ~,•~re in. t r r n- nr, .+;,~ms ~~, th
<br />:nartn~er Jzrc*c:dad u..^.de! J.e.ragraph .. Jiz.ax `_
<br />An• 3trt n cis6ur5cd by : cn lcr pa:-s z r ~ nc T - sr h ? .v h t tt I + _•n ' r r,.d.
<br />mckn +rtess c Bc+rr ow-er ae lrrd b ~ S Dee v r .. t s Aor > - ~ n. .de - h c .ter i , r r t,.t
<br />ace ~sn<-~ s4a7 he :.cable y~z; n2•t.i_ fwr `c.,dc, t4+ Bc. .,, ,.t +t:,,uc , r,~ piir.rn hur_ 4 ch, i .,. ~nt~i -.r ~ ~ rte:
<br />:1xr,, of t!b-:x:.,emz3[ j! the rats pa}atili fr a trine ;., rim..-., : _rst~irr,i, ~+ , •ir;ea•a! ,._,ier -~.; ~:.,+[e ; trsa , aymrn. ~ t ini~~: Cst
<br />ak xe '3; cell "v--Pula I*e CIIa L'?rY it Pr'`e%-h?t fay. a + h.~o c _., ,;,eh ar-, ..~t•. :.h,.t, xa: :nt c=i s: th.. llshe3; rate .
<br />}te :;uc~ib,`e tY t:Je. apptic.t hie =a'.,~ 4-,th?rg ce ntai .ed ;:: ,is .: asrL ph ? •,7a~ rya~re i c ~ cr ~c .r c i ~ ., r, art .n;;r tyr take.
<br />any a.-riot: ht,xarr:ic:.
<br />6. forgcrtiea. 5 ~;;•dcr ma+ m 3 c ~.r t ,. 1E -a'v - ^c- f - ~ ; x ;;. Y ;;rte h n~ tdr,t
<br />t.x nr}er shxl! >mc Rc r ~. s._..cc pr ,_r t y :e..! x.: ,.,r prC }_: tg _ .-..c1 ..:1", , - -_,_,_ r -,,,let',
<br />!ascaet +n ibc Pr<sra?v.
<br />