Loan No. SU47U-L-Ld
<br />~~~ -~? DEED OF TRLUS'i' -
<br />t
<br />TWS DEED nF TRUST is made this..... _23r~. .... day of .... ,Flu~us,t, , - ,
<br />19.x2.; among the Trvstar, Ro3nzy, C,. '~os,t and. Ann .~..Yos[.,. }tusbanl. aald .~aii'e,. j.uirLCLy .aad- each
<br />in„thy ii.4'?P. r::2:i?S . .... . ................ (he:cu~ "Borrower"), ......................... _ ..... .
<br />.7oceph H.; Badami (herein '°Gustc:e"1. and the Brneficiarv~.
<br />FIRST ,L"EDERAL _ SAVl2iGS ,AND, hOA,N ,QSSpL'1~TIQ$ ,OY . LTN6QLN .......... a corporation orgarelzed and
<br />eaistirg ttnder the laws of.~~~~4~~t:~~F4~ ei Lea. .... .... , whusz addrzss i~.. 1<3~ ,~*I".... .
<br />-- --- SL;@6L.. I~inCO1n, . Nehtaeke .635(18........... i herein "Lender" 1.
<br />Boaxowex, in consideration of the indrbtednes heroic recited and the trust harem c,ealed, irrevucobly grants
<br />andconvey, to Tnistet, in tnlst, with power of sale. the feltowing de,criised property located ir. the Cottrtc of
<br />Hall _ __, ,_._.,___..__„,...,Stateoftiebraska:
<br />Lot Six (c}, is Bishop i?eights Second Suhdi-r_>ion,
<br />hall County, Piei'Jras?~s.
<br />which has the address Of. 433E Casan:id~e ~ra~ii Taland
<br />...........................:...s._.............,
<br />~svfsi ~c~'ri
<br />Nah[aska 5381 (herein "'Property ACdress"):
<br />[5uu u.a Zto coa.s
<br />TC1GkT11@A with ui1 ttrc improaetnrnts ncr~ ar hrrca(ter creit:~i an :(u properr:, and all ee;cn:enu, nghts.
<br />appurtenances, renIS (suh~eet hawc'vcr tp the rights a:~ authorities herein [o Lender to collect and apply suctr
<br />rcnti), royaltie_i, mineral, oil and Rf1s rights and proftt_v, water_ water righLC, and water stock. t,nd all fixter,,s noµ~ or
<br />hereafter uwchcd t<~ the praf~erty, all of which, inc}uding rep~ccrztcn.x and additions Ihcreto, ;hall tx deentcd to b<•
<br />atsd tenwirs a paFt of the propcrt;' covered by~ this I?c~Yt ei "gust, and a1i of the foregoing, t~~gethcr wah acid pr,~pera
<br />jor the kaseh~kl cst,tteif this UecYf ut ~~rust ,s nn 'a le2:a~id} ar:: itcrc4n reterr:;tl to as the "Prcpezts":
<br />T'o SecuRe. w Lender (a; the repayrneia of the ir+dchtrclnz_cs ca~idCace.i by $onewcr's note dated .$?3~~~_ .?~, i`°x%'
<br />_ ..... _ ... , . t~hcrein "tiote°~}, bn the pcinei-pat sum of gi fr:~ :; i 6nr .1+1R'~~vttd_ :iLnC Hu:~az.ed .aud . UtiJ i.q0
<br />. .. . .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . _ .. , Buiiurs, with i~ teresi tccreon, preoidin~, for rogn[¢te -~st::!!men[s
<br />......
<br />of prireefpal aid irter~t, wah the L*aiuar+: ct ttiv eadebtcdr_esa, if oat :cxrnrr pai~{. due an:3 parch{e ar_ .
<br />...: ~~~~.~~€X- Wis. ~~_. ...... . .. . ..... : [bc pa}"rlc{tt of all <.xher sun , u~;;is I^t°nst thcr ter. ad'.ancec:
<br />is ac~is}ancc herii~iif :b prt~ltl.t tits sccuritrr cf fora Bead v, Trot. and the Ex riorntarcc ~_a the ~'-ae; U.: .uiC
<br />agre~xt,:,its,..8osrut*er tt6SCi:1 C~?Tiai^cit.ard fhi tht repay~mc:rt r~i ar;v tuw:c cdv.t .ces. ~,ti, .,a~;c•.t rhtr~o~i. .~~..
<br />f-r~.~rYo~;'fiih^; L ~ndcr pursuant is ~nragrapla '2i :rare . f {9r-:rcr- ~Fuzu;ti 1r.v;zn~:es"}
<br />~iet-r;w.=et racenaat~c t~!t Bvrrowtr is 3tewit:lig , _cx; c:f €h c ~ .,,t beech}' cixa~ .e .~,<<. r~ra Cix~ rip , .. ~,
<br />ea>v.°rr tAr Pic*,prrt~;',Y¢aa th,: Propet;;~ cs +tocnearsr~;,r d, ;z;,c t3~t Bor. -ace ,~;4f ,~,rc?: ~. J-ic.. ~ ,.c.,a. Inc
<br />Sstx, ._v I~ti 1''rn~tty a~a,:ai?. 'x F} ciS,f3k~. asxi tie,Ttr..attc .~i hTsx:: tr _..+„ar.:E: rs. <~ ~.t..~.. i .~. riot ] st<r.! ,., ..
<br />~ ~ctuJ_ ~f tYer~t.e4uT, a~ a.vCe~,°] rt an~r ~ .:: ^<~,tir. F ei~; .. ~ C ~ rC~ r". ~ , c - _,~ r :rt+a:;
<br />IVEiI~SIU ~ ,~ .~nMi ertto~re ,x;re~~trr
<br />'s _r~n.r d;~,_~
<br />