<br />$G- ct~•~ijki2.'r~
<br />d: For hctte* secuain• of the indebtedness hereby secured, upon the request of the mortgagee; its successors'
<br />or a•.signs, m:xtg~'or sha13 execute and deliver a supplemental mortgage or mnragages cavereng any. additians,
<br />4mPrcoements, or betterments -fade rn the property hereinabove described and all property a~qutred by' it after
<br />;See date hereof {ail !n lornr satisfactory to tnarrgagee). F'uthennare,should mortgagor fail tocure any-default
<br />in the payment cif ;~ prior or inFer;or cn_ombran%e onihz property described b}' thisinstrumenf mortgagor h~re-
<br />by agree, to permit mortgagee to cure such default, 6urmortgagee is ttotobligated.'to do so; and such'advanecs
<br />chatl become part o` the indebtedness s:rured by ;his instrument, sahjecr to the tame: terms and conditions:
<br />e. The rigFtts created by chic cunveyapce shall remain in fulb force and effect during any postponement or
<br />extension of the time oC the payment of the°indebtedness evidenced:by said promissory note.nr notes; or any
<br />par, thereof secured hereby.
<br />f. To continuously maintoin haiard insprancx;, of aucfi n pe or types ar~d in such amounts`as the mortgagee
<br />may from time'to rime eequire on t11e irnprrn°enrenis nRU or heeeafter nn said property, and' will ,pay promp~iy
<br />whrn due any premiumstherefar. All insurantr shall ne carried in compantes acceptable to morigagec and the
<br />paVicits and rrnewals;thereof shall tie held by motteage~ and base attached thereto .loss payable clauses in favor
<br />o. anti in formacceptableto thtmortgagee: ?n evcm of '.oss, mortgagor ~+°41 _ive immediate notice in wntine
<br />to mortgagee, and mdrtgagx~e maytnake pronf at loss it not made promntl~ ~y rrangagar, "and pact: insurance
<br />canipanycancerned is`hereby autlsoriztd Arid directetf to wake pa~.ment iw, sash loss'directh~ to mortgagee
<br />instead of to mortgagor and morigagec jointly, and the insurance rr>Leeds. or anp part thereof, mat• he applied
<br />by mortgagee 'at it<xoptian;citherta the: redaction ofthe indebtedness hereby seethed ar to the restoration or
<br />repair of the prvpertydamaged ar'destmyed In event of foreciosurc'of this mortgage, or ether transfer .,; title
<br />to said ~rraperty m exemguishenent of the indebtednes secured atrsb; all right, title, and interest of the
<br />man¢agor in and :., am' insuFancx~paliciESthen m force snail'pass to tnc> purchasec or mortgagee z-, .t the
<br />option of the mortgagee, may be surrendered for a refund
<br />g. To kcel± all buildings and ether improvements .tn said property ir, good repair :3rd condition; to
<br />permit, comrttit, or sufferno u-asic,impairmesit, daterora;ion of ,atd prot+er-s or any partthereof; in the event
<br />of failure of ttu mortgagor try keep the buildzngs..oA satdpremtsesand ttiosr'erectcd nn said premises, or
<br />improvements thereon, in good-repair, themarigagee maymake such repairs az-in itsdiscretion it may deem
<br />necessary lug the proper preservation !herccrf; and the tali amount of 'each and;every such payment shall he
<br />immaiiateiy :fur anti payable; andsha[t hr >ecttred by zhe~ ]vin of thta mortgage.
<br />h. To not v~ciurtaa;l: _~eatc yr r+ermn to l+a created against. the property subiect :o [his nrprtgage ang lien
<br />or Bens tnlenor ,o the iitn of tbisrttartgagc wuhout svrittan consent a{4hc mortgagee;and lu%hcr, that mort-
<br />gagor will l:cep and maintain the same ircr from the ciatm of alI persons-supPivng tabor tit ntaterea3s for con-
<br />strur.ion at an+ aRd all irutidings or ~mnro.ements new berng erected ae to be erccird an said prcrnisea.
<br />i. To not rent srr ;rssign :rny pan r!t the rem:af 'said mortgaged property itr demolish, ~[ rcmov~, or
<br />substantially otter any building wuhout ttu wnttrn consent a{!hc mortBageC,
<br />j. ASE award; of damages in connruua wuh anyaandrmnation {or..:public use of or enjury to:any cif the
<br />property wbject ro this mortgage arc hereby assigned and shat! be paid to mortgagee, whamay apply he same m
<br />payment of the i;t taliments East Cue e:ndu ,atd uote, and mortgagee is hcaeby authariueti, in the name of the
<br />mortgagor, to e~eratc and deliver laird s<quits.3r;cG-, thrrrof and tc appeal t-ram anysuehaward.
<br />k. The mortgagor shalS have the right [o mspcc[ the mortgaged prertuscs at arty feasdnable time.
<br />I. ib .omply with the pro~~t_;:oru of any tease if :his Mortgage rs on a leasehold. If :his ,Mortgage ii> un a
<br />unit in a condominium or a piannesf uai[ dcvdooment, Borrower stroll perform ail of Horrower's obligations
<br />under the derhratiun or covenants creating ar gout-Wing the cundoviiniWmsxr planned unit deveioprnent,thc
<br />by-laws and regutauons of the condomimum or planned unit development, and cbnsLtuent documents.
<br />2. r7eiauL• in env of the cm~cr><lnta or couditaons of this instrument or of the nMe ire Span ageemettt secured hereby
<br />shall serminate the mortg~or's right to possession, use, and cn~oy-rnetu of the property, at the option of tr!e
<br />monsapoc ar assi~ ±it txing, agreed :hat tae mortsiagcr :hail boor such riErht until de`auit)_ f_!pon ang such
<br />dtfauli, tiro morzgagce shall bexomz the owner of nsi of [he genic and profits accuring alter default. as security' for
<br />tix indebrtdnos sc~uced hereby, with ii~e right to ~:cr open said property for the parpose of coile¢tint5 web
<br />rends and profits. This insirumcni shall oprrair as an assignment of any reaaU un said property m [hat e~aent.
<br />3, if the mortgagor defaults. and tadG to melee aay payments u~he!t due or :o conl'crm tc 2nd carrpiv with anc c>f
<br />the candrioa~ or agreements containtd in thi; mortgage or the notes whiecstcures, then the entire principal
<br />i ~ eve 1>. C.i_v;
<br />lutes aced auerued interest stra.l at orxY~ bee,-nme s.ue and pa^;able, and dta ____ ;xr <xnt t of inrer~.r;t
<br />thereafter anti: peed a. the cteezian of the mortgagee; and chi=_ mortgage mas ehereuputs be fc+reciosrd imrnrdiately
<br />,tor the wttaEC of ihz indebtedness hereby- sexvred, inc;udmg the cent ;;, ~.*.rending .he aistracc u' title tr-~.;m _.,_
<br />date of this mortgage to see time as corsmen: tag such suit.
<br />~. In tEse event. of a ,'ereelosuse ur dc0'au'.t as prooi~[i herein, ti?e ~nctrtgage±• shidi at once be rntitirG to the , us-
<br />,eesi~.;z, tcse, a,-tt: enieyntcn us ;he ~aS =_,tate 3f~ esaiJ ~d to ire rent, vc so alt ~•~, anu ptntih thercot;
<br />,tens t't:t aca~atn~ of such ;~ghss acrd dump, ih< ]xr,~tm pt tart-3c:,rn t~rc,utwtSing; ~s.u suet: - to s
<br />sha+E at !xke Tee dzliveaed u? the ttrortgagee apun rcqucss, c[x~a s3r!sr_ sec's d-!~•.c;~ -, ~;t:ctt ;mot-scs,ic~=t ;na~~ k~c•
<br />rni,trerd by tn~K:.gager, by anc aproprrate 'aH,t! prtxer;4 :Stv, ;ne! r~lsc.g a rc i.:;,r 'n: ~e. ;;:open?.
<br />_. T3~r~ ?rrtiu~e7s ~7t anS gals ;}i vzia Pro;?eGy ~r, .~_-_d~ttr~e hiih . ~ t. ;._~..i~nt .a,i<.;:3 r ~_.~! r ,h_:~ , r-,
<br />;v:.y eie :nests cut-. '4txrs.fs ::( wiu ~ ,. ::^ r.ry pc;tCC: In-v.m, h: h,_ a:L rtiy., c .<r 1r.c .„-;•,:f> ..:- r.~,:,', '-~V~ .''r
<br />.: aars.n.. t'.~[r »tu ,n:, _. „~a~dt}, y+u. _ <:S_.,."„H.. ,_r.r. ~. .,_ _ _. ~..., ..i... n. ,i;~ ,. ..
<br />..._ ,~.• ; y.,,-x ~;tt t .,iii` r --..,_.
<br />