<br />$`~ .~ z.' ~ i S
<br />This ,ttartgage lade :at~d enrered into this _.---19Ch._._-. day. o; _ PUgust
<br />_--- ---~
<br />:9-`~_~_.__,by and helw•~en Terry L_ Mas*_eh and Janice C. Masten, Husband and wife,
<br />joint tet:ar.ts with rights of survivorship
<br />(hcreio;after referrcil io as mortk~+eor) and Commercial Nations) 43ank and Tnisr C'ompam-
<br />(hereinafter referred to a,
<br />mortgagee), who maintains an office and place of btrsir,ec< at 42~_West 3rd _ ;freer in Crand Island,
<br />Halt County, Nebraska.
<br />\~°iT*iFSSEiH, that F«s the considcraticn hereinafter stated, rxeipt of which is tierehy acknowledged, [he [nortgagoc
<br />does herebg mortgage, sell, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, its saccessors and assigns, all of tha fol-
<br />lowing described propertc situated and being in thz Cour;c of Hail
<br />State of Nebraska.
<br />Lot Ten (10) of Hclcamb's Highway Homes, a ~ubdivisi.on cf apart of the
<br />Northeast ¢uarter of the Liortheast ¢.arter (NE~NE4) :.nd a part of I,ot
<br />Fot;r {4) Mainland, of Section Twenty-Eight(28), Township Eleven {11)
<br />*iarth, Range Nine (9) West of the orb P.M_, ir. Hall County, Nebraska..
<br />togrdx-r wish al4 the tanementa and ap~tnenaaccs thcrettr belonging, aiI the rents, ~ctucs snd pruPii. [hereof, and ail
<br />g3trorns, rights, royalties, mtnttal, oil and gas rights; and prolits, w•attr, water righ!s, anti water stcick, and including
<br />all heating. plambing, refrigeration, ligh[ing, equipment ;end a!i t:x[ures of e.~cry~ dexriptytJn belonging to the
<br />mortgagor now or hereafter uuarhed !hereto ar used in connt~;tir~u with the ;+rrmine~ herein dexribed sttd in »dditton
<br />ahueto the foilowinb drx.ntxef propcrite. which arc and shall 6c deemed :u he Fixtures and a part oY the reAlty, and
<br />arc a twrtiun of the K~:unty for the m:lcbtedness hcreir, stated. (1f notx, sate "none '1 None
<br />To have and to hold the same unto Eee Mortgagee. as her~tin prooidc~t
<br />The mortgagor is IaK?ulty .eized and puzsristtf of and has lye right to sell and comep said pruper.y; that the
<br />:amt is free from ai! eneumhratscrs cccept as hcrcinabc;+e recitexi, and that ~1ar:gagor covenants in warrant :attd
<br />deirnd [he title aforesaid [hetet~~ and every pan th_rc'Uf against t}:e claims of a3[ peravns whomsoes~er.
<br />This dr>3trunxnt is given [a secure the payment of a y,romieson nave dateti ___~'"gust_ 19, 1582
<br />in the.. pifitx-ipal sum of 3 Si~~00.09_ _---_---, signed bg'ferry L. _&_Janicc C. ,4asten _
<br />_ -- -- __.
<br />in behalf ttf ___--:_.,_ +heaiselves
<br />also. as such ante or notes mar' from time to time be modified, rcne'aed .r extrnded in writing.
<br />fo the event the tine to cad rzal estate is transFerred, or conaacted to to trans_`erred, trom the eardersigat~d for ar;p
<br />reaian cx by any method whatsoevtr, the entire principal scm and acented interest sFali at ooc:~ b~accme uue and
<br />lnayabie ai '.h~ c:ecuan of the 4taldtr herccf. Failure to ecercise this optSon bcaase of trtns fcr at title 3s ,:bo,e sta tell
<br />in one itutan~YthaII [3rit :o[utitute a waiv;.~r of the right rp exercise [he;ame in the event of any subseslreizt trrns)er.
<br />1. ~4hf mortgamo: cocensns and agrees as io!Iows_
<br />a> Tc pxunsptly pay :hc ir<deht~acss evidcn~~i op °aid pren~i>~~r>~ airs at fife time;, and ~~~ tYU maim
<br />?herein pruric4;td_
<br />b. Tt ~^ey ai€ .is,~s, .~_: ,.rizenr,. ~+aac; ;a.r,. a3td other E:a.esst~ner~ts sx zrsr~~u .~ "~:~~ ~ 'ire-,
<br />irtts;asstksrs, it~r which lsro-:;S,Vn `;.+s not h^_css ntadc 6rrcrt t;ntc, wr,o w;;I r'>.. puv ,, ~ !hc ~ ~ ~.~..£ iv._ ;
<br />+kcrr4~x s„ +he -~;ai;! ;«.st_tnap_^e
<br />- >G~ ;.La.i4 irv ;ei't s. atA}' ~'t ~r:~R ~,il 'q *nc` rev .~i 7n ,,, ..;_~ ~.-~a ..r .. _- ~ .~
<br />tx,s7,iilq ..e .r°:.:i- xo:....itt<, ~:np[, d ti°: i.i~ z ~rtt;a, : c _, c... ~.. ,. . ;f~ .... ,t..,..... i
<br />{ _,
<br />