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<br />52-~,tas~,^J a <br />Section ~. VOt i.n9.. <br />TY:e owner ar awners,of each villa or some person <br />designated by such owner or owners to act as proxy on his or <br />their behalf and who heed not"be an'cwner, shall be entitled <br />to cast the vote appurtenant to such villa at all meetings. <br />The designation-of any such proxy sha12 be made in writir.c <br />_~ the Secretary',; and shall be revocahle at anv time by <br />written aatce to the Secretary, by"~he owner c:r owners so <br />designating. Yn'instances of other than individual owner- <br />ship, any or a1L of such owners may be areser;:,, at anv <br />meeting of the owners aced (chose car.stitur_ing a group acting <br />unanimously), may vote or take any other action as an indi- <br />vidual awnereither inpersan'or by proxy. aowever, no <br />person may act as proxy, far the ::caner or owners of mere than <br />ore villa. The owner c,r owners cf eacr, villa shall be <br />.entitled to cast one vote far each-villa. A _`iduciary shall <br />be the voting sne~uber with respect to any villa awned in a <br />_°iduciary capacity.... <br />5ecticn 3.- Major y Vate. <br />The vats of a majority of the Totes represented at a <br />meeting at which a quozum shall ae presenc shall be badir.q <br />+spnn all :ilia owners'for all p:;rposes except wherein the <br />Master ileed, Articles of S^eorpr.ration :r these By-Yaws a <br />higher percentage: vote is rey-ti.ired. <br />Sectis~n 10. Pracedura, <br />The:?resident shall preside over members' meetings and <br />the Seczk:tary shall ;veep '.he rni Lte t,.~,oY. ::r :~ :'ir, the reso- <br />lut,ians shall be recorded. - <br />section 11. A~c~urnment. <br />Lf any meeting cif thA Association cannot be held be- <br />cause a gucrum has not attended, a Tajority of the Villa <br />owners who are present at such meeting, tither in person or <br />by preixy, may adjour:; the meeting to a time not: less than <br />forty-eight t48i hcnrs frnm the time the ~~riyinal meeting <br />was called. <br />ARTICLE IV. <br />Br~arci of Aireatars <br />The initial Board of Directors is stated in the Articles <br />of Incorporation. That Board shall serve as the adrministraters <br />and directors of Francis Villas Condominium Lrcperty Regime <br />as provided ir_ tite Azticies of Incorporation and Master Deed <br />and shall serve until replaced as provided in the Articles <br />of Tnccsporation. AL the initial meeting c_` the members of <br />this Association: the rrerzTiers snail elect nine (9) Direct~~rs, <br />three tc~ serve three years, three tr: serve two yt.ars and <br />three to serve ere year. ThereaYter three directors snail <br />be elected each Year at the annual rneeti~y o` the mF-~i;ers. <br />A,4TiCLF. V. <br />Meetings of Directors <br />After the i>.;itial meeting ref rc,ertbers .__ hei,4 a.ld the <br /> cif the Board ~- F Directors axe e.iec*_ed the `oi l ~;wi;- , <br />stlr3l.i govern meetings o`_ director: <br />:. ueguiar Meetings. The re~gui.s.r m,ee'~.i r;:~_~ <br />Board ,_ :>irectors s~hal_ be held without r~etice;. s~. .~:;eh <br />p1aeF a, ;d h,`~ur as :ray be . ix~>d frc:^! iroe , . '~r:~e <br />-1L <br />