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<br /> g2..,..-uu~;~;% <br /> of shall be elected by ballet of the members in <br /> - accardance with the requirements of :article V of tka=se Sy- <br /> Laws. The Association racy transact. such other business at <br /> such meetings as may pzoperly came before it. <br /> Section 3. Special :~iembez's Meetings. <br /> Specat meetings of the Assacation members may be <br /> called by the President or Vice President ar by a piajcrity <br /> of the Board cf Directors and must be called upon Yeceipt cf <br /> written request from members holding a majorit,~ oT the total <br /> hasic value of the Candominium Property Regime using the <br /> percentages set forth in Paragraph vI the Master Deed. <br /> Notice of a'special meeting shall state the time and place <br /> ;:£ such meeting and the purpose thereof. i3o business, <br /> except that stated ii: the notice, shall he transacted at the <br /> special meeting.: <br /> Sec*_ion 4. Place'af Meetings. <br /> *fe~tir.~s of the Assaciat.c~n members shall be held at <br /> the registered office of the C:rporation oz at such other <br /> suitable nlace convenient te~< the rteanbers''as gray be designated <br /> by the Aoard cf directors. <br /> section 5. aatce o€ Meetings. <br /> It shall kae the duty of the Secretary to mail a writter. <br /> notice of each annual or spe+~iai meet%ng of the Association <br /> at least Lhirty t3t3) but hat more than sixty {6Q; days prior <br /> to such :neNting, statincr the puzpvase thereof as well as the <br /> ..ine anti plane where it ~ to-be held, to each owner of <br /> record, at their Villa address 'or at such other address zs <br /> such whet shall haue designated by ngtiCf in wri*_ing to she <br /> Secretary.- The mailing of a notice oaf meeting in the manner <br /> provided by tixis Section shall tae considered service ~-•F <br /> noti.c~e, <br /> Section 6. Order of 5;zsiness. <br /> The order of-business at all Teetings o£ the Assoei- <br /> atiun shall 1~ as follows: <br /> (a) knoll mall. <br /> ;b) Proof ~~f notice of meeting. <br /> Cc} Reading of ru notes rf preceding meeting. <br /> Col? '-deports of officers. <br /> {e) °egorts of Berard of Directors. <br /> (f) Reports cf_ committees. <br /> {g} Election of irspeotcrs c;f electicr. (where <br /> so required;. <br /> {h) Election of meu+bar of tlye Board e£ Directors <br /> (.when. so required.; <br /> Ci? L'n~inished business. <br /> ~;i New busirees. <br /> s~Ea it 7T. ', _ ~t1C ri3Fi}. <br /> ,~lY:irst;; iGr :~S SpCldL itJn t:p'_E't 1riG5 SYt81.1 C.L`TSi'S~ !1f tie <br /> ~J r#°scn:: F', I3". T~rSUil fJS bV pYDJCy ~ Oi c? S7La?.~~ltj` ti:F. '.r i1~ ~>Q rSCns <br /> e~e.itled to was*_ the tie`ste allcca_ed .*e eac':~ *.~iila. <br />