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<br />$~~ => s <br />c~~.~.~#~f~~ <br />d. Each villa shall be used and occupied only by <br />nne family, its servants and guests as a residence and:for <br />no other purpose, except 'for Vi11a 2I:2 which rna}- also be <br />useu as an af£ice"far Francis Vi3.las Owners=Association, <br />Ir:c. Nc villa ma~• be subdivided into a smaller ~.~illa nor <br />any divided pardon thereof sold or transferred without the <br />owner first'-amendir.q this ASaster Deed in accord with the <br />provisions of t2ae Nebras}ca Condominium Property Act. <br />e. The'ASSOCation shall have the right t <br />estabi:sh a minimum age for all persons residinc in any <br />•,rilia for. more than thirty (30} days fir. any one calendar <br />year., ~_ a za,,::iraam age is established far any •si iia that <br />same mi~:imu~n age-shall.-be established far all villas .,n that <br />same fleet ¢t the...buil' <br />f. Na practice ar use shall be permitted on the <br />conda:~ir.i:un property cr in any villa which shall. be an <br />annoyance to otixer owne's or residents in-the area or which <br />s?~a11 intexfexe w;.th ~7:eir peaceful "use and enjogmer.t of <br />their csrageYty- All portions of the .property and of the <br /> a.nsi ravages sha11 be kept clean and. sarita•-} and ao <br />use'thereaf"shall be made which constitutes a violatic;n of <br />any lairs, zoning ordinances, governmental reculations or <br />regulations cf 'the Associaton- <br />g. Chmers representing 'seventy-five per cent <br />{7S$} or aaore ox the total nurnher of villas in the condo- <br />minium ~esau at ar.~r t:.m:e'in writing, duly acknowledged and <br />recorded, effect an amendment to Y.his Master Ueeca and 'to the <br />By-Laws and plans attac:had hereto; provided that. such modi- <br />zication shai_ not be binding upon`any existing =first <br />' mortgage haidr~rs of record unless said modification `-,as the <br />approval of more them fifty percent (501, in number, of to <br />first mortgagees ci recard;upcrn the: date of adoption of said. <br />rnodi',iea ion- <br />h. ihi s candoakini u^' gzoperty ;.regime :nay be <br />ta:rminated or wai•~~ed only in accordance with the provisicir,s <br />apgiicab.e thereto as rsruvfdeci Zn the B~-Laws attachuci <br />herPta as Exhibit "B". <br />i. Household wets w: thin the condominium, wi:l be <br />subject to regulati©r,, restri_cii~3n, exclusion arc special <br />assessment as may;i~e ::etertnined by the Association frairi time <br />to time. Awnings, outside T.V. antenna, storage cf boats, <br />campers, traiTerS,or simii_ar items shall ill be subject to <br />regulations, rest=icti;~n, exclusion and special assessment <br />by the As5oz4iatiDn. :'he keeping oz,ivestoc~c or poutrY <br />upon the common e3esuen'ts or in any villa is prohib.itec. F~11 <br />garage- ~,:aors must retrain closed at all times except when <br />cars axe entering. or exatirg =he garage space. Zndi~~icual <br />garbage cans or trash.'recepticies are to be perieitted outside. <br />only in areas designated therefor by the Assooiaton. <br />Outside use or storage of barbecue :;ri.il5 wi.11 be subject. to <br />regu?, restriction or exclusion by, *_he As~ociatior.. <br />Automobile will be subject to regulation and r~- <br />striction by the Association, but rite r.sscciar.ien shall not <br />have authority to xeassiy-n the parking spaces designated as <br />li._.itea cc~:r;uon eie~T:ents on Exi:ibit "C" hereto. 'Phe Rs.78rd of <br />Directors f the Association shah ha~.~e the aur_hcritg to <br />- plaice other rules and regulations ycverning "~::e use cad <br />cccupnncl~ v the condr=2,ir.ius; building a;~c :~rcur,ds. <br />VZ.i7.. SEPAr]a'~'E TA2+1-~ iGN_ <br />Ger_ia,ant shmli ,i~~Q~nrrit'~en ::v ..ce to trio 1~~'__ ~r.t~= <br />.qr <br />