<br />4. C'ondemna[ion, The proceec!c of. any aw-artl. or claim far damages, direct ~ canscquentiat, n rbnnection with any
<br />condemaation ar other takngoF the Prapern•, ar pan thereof,irr fora:nveyancein Sieu of rnndemnatian, are hereby assigned
<br />and stroll ix paid. to Leader.
<br />In the evrntofamzai'taking of rhePropeny. thC: pnxeeds shalt tee applied to the,snmr'sectired 6y thisDced of Trust.
<br />w%th tha excess, of any; paid to Bdrrawer, In the evenraf a partial takineaf the 6'ioperty, unless Borrower anii Lender
<br />ot,herwtse agreC en wtz[mg, there shat! be applied to thesurtts secured by thisDeed of Tntst such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equa3 zozitat pmportian which the amount at the'sums secured b}. this Deed of 'trust immediatCip prier to the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair-ir:arket vslue of the Prtspertgimmediately-priorrothCdate of taking, with ahe baiance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower. ~ :. "..
<br />tf tilt: Property isahandoned by Borrower. or if after n.:tire by Lender to Borrower that the candemnar offers to make
<br />an award orset#le a claim far datnagex;-Barrow•er fat}s tp rospsind to Lender within:lC1 days ..after ih~ date such notice is
<br />mailed. Lettd:r is authorised to collect and applt ;he proceeds; at Lender's option, either to rexren[ion or repair of the
<br />Property onto the sores secured by th}s Deed u. -reuse.
<br />vnlessl..CnderandBorrawerathetwi=;e agree-in writing, anysttch application of-proceeds:Tti. principal sha!1 not extend
<br />arpnstporte thedue date of the rnanthly instadtnen!s referrzdto in paragraphs t and 2 hereofor change the amount of
<br />sue ttistaltments.
<br />10. <SorrowerNorRdeased. $xtextsioncf tbCttme for pagmentarmod~ncation aF amortization of [hc sums secured
<br />hythdsT~eed¢f Tt'}zst granttd k+yfxnderta:ant succcnrin ~aerest af~rrawcr shall not aperataoteleasc, in any manner.
<br />rite liability of the'origina3 Borrower aced 8orrovre;`s swccssars in,iriteres!. ..,nder'shalt not rbe required r. commence
<br />prottatings-against such sttecessor ar refuse to extend a'mr fnr-payment. ai `~ rwisr mndtfY am¢rtizatio;r of tha sums
<br />secured by this Deed ¢f Trust b°reasan of an}~ demand erode i?y ttte angina! 6nt,~ we,-and Iiarrower< succe2sors ir, interest.
<br />II. Forbearance by Leader No! ti K'ttivcr. Aar fi:.-itearanae6y L.en7lerar, <-~at;cising any riFhFor remedti~ hereunder, or
<br />atherwese afforded by apptica: ie ;aw; shat! ntit he a waiver c:f or pratudr [hz exercise of am such rig3tt er remedy.
<br />'the procurement af-insuraarCar t}re pat•mrnx of'tsxcser otherlicras ar charges try l.c^dCrshat! riot lien waiver of Lender's
<br />right toaccelCratC thematunR.atthe indchtednesssecuredhythis Dud af.Trust..
<br />tL HeroevldesCumuladire. Al?rcmediesprn•.°ias:d.:n lFesDeCCd at Trusarc ds:.nc, and cumulutivi [o :.n}~ ocher right
<br />ar rerrtedy,undrx this Dcrod aC 1~rust ar afforded h} faw nr oquit}•, and may t~~ exercised rnnrurrentl}, independently or
<br />srtetiessivelV;
<br />i3.,.Suecessora asd .~astKwtt Bonad:. dointandSeverat. i.iabftifv; Cagtfaus. Chc "i, er~ar.:,, and agrecn'ients herein
<br />eontairieif sisait bditd.: and i}xregtttshernander chat!iriurt to, tlztrespcctiv:e sure, Fors nod ,,:aYns o~ [ender and Borrower.
<br />'subject: fotheprovisiorts of paragrsph."'.ttermt..:Alictivenants :, toagrcementc:+i B<:rr.~>s~er shalt Abe toint and serera!.
<br />T'hecapuoosaad}xadings at:"ttta paragraphs efthis'DCed at.7rust .ur foi .-..xcmm~e_ -:i~: and. are n_~~ to Fr used to
<br />interpret ar define the prat+isaru hermit
<br />. -..
<br />I4.. tiorice. Exccpr fnoany. nonce requ:rrdur•drr .tppt:~.::.tc ~,n :a:o;ncr manner, car an~: notice ;,.
<br />Borrower"provnted far in this Lktd of 'Trust shstl"hc given by n-a.i-,_ ,.h n:. ~ ~ _rtried may'. addr'•.cecd m k3orro~~cr :u
<br />ihePevperty Atittresa ar at such. athCr. address as.&eracrwei. a-.a~, x .,. ~ 1-tndcr as prrn•ded herein, and
<br />t}t) anynofirr sofxnderahatl}±C.givenfay crrtrried mail rCtune :c p !~uu~ eo. :,+ l,. it '+ .:rdress statedttcrcin nr ;n
<br />such othee mddtess a l.;snder may demignace F} r.,::;e „ Bo.. vie. ,.;dc~: `.even a~iy nttuce provided i+,r r, ,h:.
<br />Decd of Trust shalt £x, deemed tia hour hetn g~ven n~ borraw"cr 1 . der .4 ncn e.+en ::: rile nzanrer designated i,ere:o.
<br />. _: ,
<br />iS_ t#nfor[n ihed of `[`ruct6 Gowerni~l.as.-:Srvrrabttit7. l vr„ ~~t ,. .,, e. un6ines i;tttFarrtt ' ,ensnr. lire
<br />national. use and non-srniic+rm : ~n~nams «ith m,rcd ~...~ a r ,,, r ~ :.uv _ r ., ~~ !r ran sour n Inurwncat
<br />eaveringaeat pnrpcnx Thu I7ccri at. Ftvst. st: - . ~ r. ... .,i~., ,, hick the P:npe !., ,:ed.
<br />]n else event that sn. ~aocs rn ~ -rtlJSC ^f th !, ~ 7 ,. ° ~~:h '~. J. ,. -.. •.ucF .r libel ~•ha!I
<br />eat a$ecf'oihei ~ ,-n,nn~. , ;=sect .~ .. n~ .~ r~.. .C ~ c , _.:ne pri,a n+un.
<br />and is thii cad rite pruv, m ~t ;?;c £h:cct~ c v t ., . .... _, .. i ....-r.:!c
<br />t6._6eKrow•sra Copy +ittttower sttai! ~ ~ a:. red r ~: .~ 1 .;e'r ~, i r . :~ Orr.i .~ l r r r the~time
<br />afexCCUFion:crafter recordanon ltercaf.
<br />IT.TrnedtroCdhtPn~ertY;Assumption _ :, pr~r.~..:,cv ihc: :.. ,:,ic}+,: era`-lcrrc<i
<br />!t}^Borrawtr without 1.enQes'z priear wntten c 3cr. _._ ° i~,,. .: _ ~ ,.~. ~. °. ~ +•~~,dinatc t.~
<br />r
<br />tdziS DttdQPTt3u[; (t+?thGCTCaliorraf a purCha ~_ ~ ., .. c t .,_ : ~ ., , +Je.~ ;.r:ricr '» de~~sc
<br />descCaf~ac by operation of Saw upon thedetrii "r >> ..-~
<br />fender %...4 ~ Cnl Er ~. .....,all .tf .tli r~. c~llfi:l !~, !,,• '1,._,I ~~I ~I 11>: !:
<br />imtnediaie9v due uai pae,r l5lc. t_8n<}rr xhai~ s. ~c ,. _.,ca .,, . ,. n. __.. : cafe -~ ;•r :Bc ~.~ r ::a,-.. rr, 1 cnr.'c.
<br />.and thC' perum 4, whom [Elf i'eopCrt r- n b~ ... ~ '.r ~ ,de".c~ :~ _, aa;ree",,e^a wr. ,,7 c~fnei ;h+. al,. ,I •ie' 1*.~~><.n
<br />r
<br />9s safisfactar'r r,~ croer _n.i .hat the rice r~,' -_ ~ ~ .i~., ~, )crci ,. .~ I° r,.._ .~
<br />L-Cndef~Rttnll r'cYCC,L I[ i ~.,~c[ „a. w., r..i :[x . -. - _c , n ,J i :rr:. ..~e5~~
<br />9h intercit ha, ese.ere.i :. nc•n , ter, p.~.m . ~ , t-_< „_ du' .. n+~nc B,, „,r -.,
<br />7dloblipAnotu urger rhri Dml , . le'u~. ,aJ i s brae'.
<br />tfl.ettdcr rstraaes u..r .._ 1 ~~--_r ~,~_ yr{r,rro'n .-C[ice 'iif y.;;tc{•r~ ", _° .. +~,L
<br />pars rapt! 1411Crrn: ~twfi n.tr stia!Y ~r .~+''. ~ Lem rn r :hc R i!h,:.
<br />'. whic~t B¢rrrnsrr ttY , :av c a.m r t+~ _ ~ ,}r..~-~ .rte c i+rrr c ~ _ ~...
<br />Lendcrmay:u,th,+_tPunher.,.~r~cc.,.c~ .aS .« .. _ .~..,~ t. ,~< °~„r
<br />iV'LAN-Li ~trraMtw (~.~nt •~na1•: BO m«Cf °n,i i .. Sec -~r ..: .r ... ,. _ .... .. .....
<br />18,.Acrekration; Ruurdir.. kscepts~ prasidrd to pau aL:r:+ph t? hurol. aeon $Urrpwee's breech oS.ac. . i•naru or
<br />~reeatewloi Narrower in [His:Dred of Trent, ierrdudinp.[he .o.ermnn ... puc «hen +$te anY.cunu secured by U,i, peed
<br />o! Trntih Lewder prior to acrett;r-0ttioxshsq mtnla6f#cr to Narrower a. prusidcd iupar:itg,rapb::}a hereof sprcifyint;:. (li}he
<br />bretr A: 17.) the action re~uurdtu rtrre stteh..lereaeh;.#3f adate, nor rr., t4aw.;u da,. [i~nrn thi:date the rrolicc istaaited,to
<br />iSornrwer, h7 whic7 ttx~h hreaett"mrsY becured;nncifAy:[iear fviture [<rcurr slob. trne.h an oe,brfarethe dafc +pctified
<br />in for notice mr} result in aecvcietafionpf the sumsseturrd bs thh Dzedtif TrustNand -:drat rice Prgyerfy. 3bengfiCr'
<br />-YaY fwnber inform Narraweraf: thertghi: to rrirurate after sc ccfrratitm and..the-right r~~ hrinf: a court aclian triastiert
<br />the now-esiatcn:e of s. defauttxar: rt.y rdher drfritar..of $orrr;«cr t=, ac cedrraitonatrd -afc, tf ihr breach is notcnred
<br />on or before the dafe.spccified let fire notice, Lander':at',ender~ option maydrrlarcaii of thctiiurn seared hathftDeec1
<br />nt Trwt to ]x immtdiatrh due attd;pat,YaMe.+ritfwuf fitrtlter demarui and may invoke the pct«r• o€ :sate awdan ~~ terrier remedies
<br />permitted 6i appikattk I.tu..Leader siiaFl :hreattdOed to cotlectati reasottaMr rostsxnd expewsrs incurred. din pursuing. zhe
<br />rtntedirs provided in tttir paraKtaph IB,:iacfudins,:but -n:tt lliniued in. reasr szatsir attorney°s t'ces..
<br />if ^u power of ..ale a invoktd. TrmYre. sttaB.. re[ocd anofdrC¢f default in Cacticounty' In which the I'roprrfy. of some
<br />pert iftereo{sc kv~ated rn.d shalt trait copies ot~orh txrtke in themynrerprt-srrirbed by agpdicabte..Faw to$otro~rer and to the
<br />ether persom prcac ribrd b? apptieahk ia»..:lfeer ihe.}apbC of-surf! rime as ma} by rrgodrtvt b} sppticahir 1a»'. 'trustee shall
<br />give public nori.:e et .•rtr fn 1dsC-ptrwe},s awl. in :he mvttmr.}xxcyeribed bv. aPptieatide -law. 't~rsasler,. wilhssut r3cntand on
<br />6orrattcr, .hail sell the Frnpertsatpwfxtic ancfion !,y the #xigdtrst: bidder az tzne time arzdplacrariu urtderthe zermvdesigna[ed
<br />in the notkx a,[ wtc io .roc or taore parcels awd at sacs! arrdrr as Fnwtee"may deferm"tae °Fn.isirr !nag pnstponc sale of all
<br />or any prrcri of the Frnptriy bti puiritc anrtnuarru,eot at [hc time andptace nt an+. ptevix•u.ft. srheduitdiaie. iendrrar
<br />fcndrr't dcsiYnrc may purctwnr lhc.Properdy al auy sale, -
<br />!.'pelt re,-_ip: rf yy:r~-;:~. gf ttir ~ ~.:aid' :rxr tee - ~,. rtEii~rs zz:.: ttte j=tirrii8x. "f r, drty e..n. c.im,: rnr I'rnperts
<br />wld. Ibe r~~its:,' is tIx 7rmnteei; idetd shaBtbc p^i,e n Co.°ir r.:idcncq,ct. lire rrWh nt U«. r otr-r:z~zt. m»dr, :hen°t:+, fruxtsx
<br />ardl appiv the prottl:ds w t d+r srdein rite ffittow~ order. Tar to all rrYSwtable nL and { of t le. maud+~ but
<br />fx.t 6imtted tn, irnsrec°s free of rw71 ettore thaq ~./ <. ^ ~ - ~ trf d1C dross sa3e t rr.. r, r. ee-) a!x1 :~alrorcee -. Iree and t~xtit} ul
<br />rillr erident'a {b} [n :]Ii sera:, wrured 4v. this ITrvvi u[ ~i nss:_ anel #r) the exre~~, if :crtr, to 13ic perwn „r Wcr.urr. ! ~alR +~,o+ifted
<br />tberefo. :
<br />i9 &nrrv r x NiChc t tirinvalC sv',. ~:.A ~.: .~. .., ~.. ! o
<br />tior ~.. ., ~. a ~ ~ °. , °. ....
<br />,S Lk. °~-. + --,.~r i ,,,... .. ., ~ (s r K. ...,. ..~ ,.,
<br />..,: r .., _. i ... .. ,,
<br />t: k. ~ .i ,
<br />