<br />QQ ] ((,~,,,~ r^
<br />V~t~r ~t ~.+fJ }L3~ ..
<br />{FNtFUR\t COVENAt~'[\,°. BarrQWerandLender caVCnani and;agrc~ us I attOSt'S:
<br />2. Aayment of Prdnci~at amt laterest. Burrower zhall }xromptlti px ~ ,when. due theprincipat'if and interest an the
<br />indebtedness evidenced hythe 'Vote;prepsvmenrand latecharges as.~,]4..,d~ inthe Natt;:andtfieprincipal Lif aid interest
<br />ananl` Ft{tu re t~d4 `a nl~'.S SC'i. Ltf c.d } ~ Lta]iS loped txf "f rnct
<br />2. Beach for Taxdc and incztrantt. Subject to applicable tax or to a written waiver 6y Lender, Bortvu~er shall pay
<br />to lender on the day monthit u. r.'Iments at' pnuapat and inters t are::payahlt-vntierthe Nole,.untildtir Vote is paid in full
<br />a sum::(here]rx."Fu]]ds'"? ex~ud [ ~•te-iwe}fthof the yeartv_t~ars :;~. ~,ec,,ments w1]~ch may a;fain prinruy over this
<br />"
<br />Deed a€
<br />(rust, and ground ren n ~hc Prapert7, if any plug ~ ~~ a Ifti[ I cearly pt~etnnlm installments fc haaard insurance,
<br />plus one -welfthof yeasty prem:.,rn mstaltmcnis fee mortgage m ura^~~~_ 7 ;ny, ail as7easona5fy estimated u]itialiy and from
<br />titnat,7;~rttchyidgner~nthrhasisota!.sessmentssnd6iktsandreasonat,lecstie]arecthcreot
<br />Th .Funds sh~tl be held .n In ~ostidution`tfitdeposits dr accrnma et which are insured or guaranteed h} a Federal ur
<br />slatoageac}e(ircluding !.feeder ,t C_ander iS svch'an insUtutia[s). Lender 'hall app!.; the Funds to pal yard taxes, assessments,
<br />±nsur.trcr itrertsiums and gr(iund runts. I-ender may natchara~t farsu haldinc end anp)clne the F:ind,
<br />analvunF,airt accoum
<br />,
<br />ar ~•er]tymg and compiling sattl assessments andbills, unless ixnder p2i•z Bonc•.1er intrrext .>> Inc Funds and appticaolc law
<br />perm~is Ixodtr to make.. sesch r, charge. &'~rmutr and: L~nder° rtay agree in writing st the time of execution. of this
<br />'
<br />Deed. of
<br />frus# that interesi an the F•]iuls ehslttx pxid iC. B6rraw<~r, anc+ L nl-ss su h ngreer nt is made nr applicable Saw
<br />requrtts ouch 4nreresi [a riepaid I ender shalt narhe required Al psy 13otrpwer ~mg n.crest or c.rn.ogs oo the Funds. Lender
<br />s)raligi.e to Rtzrrewer,'withaur chsege. an annualac~aundpg of theFunds sFnu~ing credits avid debits ut the Funds .end the
<br />PurP'~ for x hiclt cat:h debit tai ene Futxis v,•as made. 'I'hc Funds arc
<br />pledged ac additional security for the sums sectued
<br />.
<br />by this Dtetf of Trust.
<br />[fthe amount oft (-~ a ^eidby Lender. rogE2heri~°ith dfYe Encore monthis inc[a~3ment- or Funds p.x7hie prior to
<br />the due dams of sees n seer]erls, ,rsm'anct premiums and,;round rents. sha11 exceed the amount required ,o p,,;' said u]xes,
<br />astunrncnu, iasuranc c:, ,,, znd grqund rca ,~, ~fiep rtk d]~. such'e:xces. shall Ec. a[ Rorrcwer's option, either
<br />piomptty repaid t Hcxrrewcr or rcdi[ed r:* til~`mwer an monthi~-.'.instakimecttsof Fiends if the amount of the Fund.
<br />heli3 by Lender ~,ha( -~[ he .~tFl~,.-r.t ~~~ ray taxes ,nce,anettis- insurance premiums andground renrs s the~~ rali due.
<br />l~rrnwer shat! pat' ;::f tinder anc amoe:nt necaxsa n it ma:.c tip the dtlictcnev'viiithm 30d:+vc Iront the dale notice is mailed
<br />bq Ltt]der to Aormwer requesting paxTneat therttxf:
<br />Capin pas nerns n 1 sr a I sums ; c r 1 m th d IXed of bust
<br />, isnder she#1 roots th u d ;o BYrowlr a~]y Funds
<br />.
<br />herd bg. l ndc:- Tt .ode: pcrag h I8 rc, !.h< Properc :> sold ar the Properik . o,hcraa~nL asy ~irtc .,} Lender, l-ender '
<br />shaCtapph~_ or, la:ertn:ui tmtne_^.xa ed': ern. r.` tx,]e sale of ;htPrc~.rz^ pr ru acquis;non n~~ I sander. :,n~' Fun<Ls herd by
<br />Lender al fl]t '.~mc Of ,':pptleattan :re~i al7
<br />,ailiYt li]e;.irm3:.sRCA]rCd hs't}!'s Elced Ol 7..^,ttit.
<br />~
<br />~
<br />3. Aplieatloe of, Hapmeae~ t-
<br />nie app}icabic la..
<br />pror d ~ihara ,c•ali payments acix ai bF i edder t
<br />nde
<br />r [he
<br />,
<br />,
<br />.
<br />titxt and pat agrap}]c d and 2 hr-cat shalt ix: spg}ice hi l.ce]der ~ r! palm r.? cal amaunt.5 f ah.r ;,, [ c by B.,rrowzr
<br />under.para~ral]h ? Fsrxec]q, il]en da ,r,;a:rctt pava6ic an rhr P+otc I,.rt. <a ht ;atxacipat <,tf the t~ot_ and t! E n u ra~erect aed
<br />princ~aT un env Fuxux.Advanxxs. ..
<br />t-~eRtlG~.kta. $orr(]wcr si]al} nau 931 taste start d <+thcr charges. flnes'S d ~r~~,.~ ~ ns annburobie to
<br />the Praptat~~ x`hicl] mar acearu ,]
<br />d .,I T
<br />rtarit
<br />cxver this 1)e
<br />l: i
<br />t
<br />l
<br />p
<br />}
<br />its .Int
<br />t
<br />tasck
<br />afa
<br />pagmcnLS n t,ruund rents. if any, iri the
<br />mzitacr providedundtr ~arattrapi! 2 hcreaf r+r, u`'nat E+ter. i h manner, hp HorYC]vLOr tt]aRiale {' emrnt, when doe
<br />directly
<br />,
<br />to<ttiv payee dscreof_ Botxvucr snail grump*ir ftrrntsh .~ , ~•td ~ ,;i not~ees of ain(x]nas <f s u~ do ah;_c reratiraph- ;and in [hc
<br />.event Borrower shaittitnkt paymcnl dlraritt~.,Bo*:nua::hall pre.*nptlx I~trmshtaherdrr :rceipts ,viden° n}
<br />;uen payments.
<br />,
<br />BMxtnccr shal6 prampdo dls;:t]argo a^] =ier ~.i~cn h in ~ leer. C?ecdaf' Tr nrond •c ~ ti ~.. ~h.u? not fk'
<br />rC;((iijiCd. G} dlsC haT,P,C am sac t tI ~:. inn(; :;: t'S:?[ e.Cr ~~ ., ., 7C1 ~ l! its: teal nen, t f .'lc c Dn gal!nn ¢t:,[ rd h'i
<br />stxde4xrn m a rnanncr aceeptao ~~ i.rndcr_ .:r .hal' t t,.r4f i~ h _ , ~c+! urh !:qp h !elred aL1o;-.enx ]. rt . Bch lice, m
<br />.
<br />legal ptixcecdin¢s 4bt<}^ enerate t qrr+~ r t'.c cot r n e .[ ~ n ~ t e .her serf} t x Sr thereof
<br />H~yd Imrrake. Burr wr shalt 1^en tt ,t p:. a°m i ,x he r;( r cr i_L, ;•n Ik i r p rt ~ i inured
<br />y~
<br />aQ$tnSC {"jS~ bt rtfti. haSZidS 3n. .(led -tiCh,r, .t ~-c ..rt~d i a. r:r1 .tY=c: ~ui..l .),7 U h fed r~-- a~ r , j,_r rt~.aY tpiarc
<br />~ad']disttsh amuuntcand kclr ..x [: pcfl.%l4 t>:n,rc ,ra ~sou.,,1 "! ~:{ irn.c-.n.tl „L re.t.:;r, :!:,. v un,stunL ~.
<br />.
<br />fluChCRirr at;c Ie1CCt4t ihn! am tuna u, r'~cr:SK. '<y t v~'m ........u 'r the Dc: ~- ~f _t n;~,[
<br />f
<br />+
<br />l~ I:!SUCa1dCt C~'.SrteT 1=:C Jln~ :yl, r :I r,f tl~C f 1 t'K
<br />, he. ~~G r.. ~ I ~:. r .H~ `-f:! ' , t. ]I ,la .~, h' ~'Idcl I,I `t ~Li,'t ~.
<br />flat such +ppravai .eha[I itot :>L ^nrcuonu'+1}~ uf;hhc{d -til prcr+:urea n LSd~anc ~ I~q~e~, thai; he n_r,d in ;ha• rr
<br />aancr
<br />,
<br />pravidtA uas}er para#raph :: hcrerr[ ,tr. +f not paw ~ vu~s rnanncr. ^.. Hvrnnvcr ~`Idking pavmen•, s+nen due. ditY~li} .o t11e
<br />tezttriltACt crsler.
<br />:Sil eresur;arxr polaciea .ire. r c ;, e •.r.a i ~ i n : a ~ -?. an: e . r d ha , t u . u I m<. nr
<br />~6c
<br />.
<br />Clattst t't faVOr ~xt dad In t+xrr-] 1... (`I JIf!C ~ i C^i1Ct ~ , 1!t 1].C ( I'.l Ili .. the {-,~:IS ICS .iltd „n~~::f 11 [r et COQ
<br />.
<br />aad'$orrow`cr ~.hali prr.m ptlr t ,.•n:xn o. I c•].k• a. :. t _.l :::I _
<br />-nd
<br />Sorrou•or >hali glsc prom
<br />t n
<br />n
<br />!i
<br />~
<br />f
<br />p
<br />o
<br />ce
<br />o
<br />ce t .un r. o
<br />.. e. .l.~a v.r a I - rn.f~ r ,I. ,.c ., Ins. .i ,,,Je m~-tr
<br />h` Borrzxwc: C
<br />Unlp.. Lender and liar rl w ..tt.rrw +e « i ~ k_ -c- u: F { ~,I _,-~ n
<br />me Prt]
<br />xrt
<br />' ds ;;
<br />d
<br />y ~
<br />d
<br />d
<br />~
<br />~
<br />(
<br />vt;a
<br />~
<br />. pr~ct
<br />c
<br />..c f ,cs uc _
<br />,., ~ .~r:c d a x ,
<br />t [i Ort!
<br />~ ] c'.-t r.
<br />!tOi the rc nx ~nt["a r-. cd 1' 'u.n rc fret 2tn3n or rc^e~r . non -r~ _ e~ a !i ~, r ~.; tc frh r,i )ccd ..I I r,r -.f talc]
<br />hr nnpae>'r i. [he ~m iii: ~;fk,-cds ^ael h } ad to d Lia d t ~st s i s
<br />,
<br />to Borrower. if t^r Pr~t?eny i, anarxla,ne.. I_c Bof; .. r .t rs I ,.s_. .. I ~,p, ~~ I.•- i.-.roc ~Iri: 'I L1.r. ~.. ]t .ha
<br />date nolfte; is rnssilca by Lcadc; [a; &yt ruH e` r'tal ;hc au,,.rx _. -, ~ u ~ .~ ,, i .
<br />t:: hl.
<br />LenJa
<br />_
<br />_
<br />- s authan•cd to :o_r :.r sod ~ppt> nc~ fns rd.._. ,~ ~ticrda .dc .•pi _~~hrr r ,~ r_,i r, rep ,r :'.c Pr -
<br />cn~
<br />p
<br />,
<br />- r,r ro the smn. xa.red hs rh:e Decd c[ ?-c.:
<br />_ !'nitu C.e[xicr and Bormwa, ,•t Scru > ti -e ~ I Ig. -h 1 r -ed I. .,: i end
<br />~
<br />nr (x~s]fi[. ;~ the du htte ut ii e n,hh ] 41 men tr r } h
<br />'. ; her ( i , t
<br />It r L nl
<br />,
<br />arch mstaifmcata- .Linder parakr pt: !> ha c.: ?itL. et.-.~- _ f c scr t.~ thl, ,. L..; ,d . to e.t o. SL:rm ~cr
<br />S
<br />:n end m ~m ra,uran,o a .. rx1 u, a d ~: is h r ~U
<br />+ -. a 1~ t u nr ~ .te I <. i _ - th
<br />Uf SClttdL~1( qn Shell C*a s t~' i e.]altr ti. ;t:C t .er.. ,._ 5. ...> isle ,. a. '. l:~s ljeiv ~ 1'tIS1 rirt t~ ;I ;~It
<br />~~ ~ `
<br />3e'gUIStCKTn. ~
<br />M1. Preyervntinw rad Naiete]sran.e of Pr ]Putt C xse :maids (ondcmt um. Pt toed l n t Ue,.elopnxenls ri r
<br />~S kec Ins Frapr -.,. rp ~r .~ _ ~, i Ih,
<br />I 1
<br />:r~
<br />~
<br />.
<br />.
<br />atx9 shah .~+npiv w h [he p*,~; rx .,. of c r,a.c .. `',a , ~ccd
<br />- t ~,. sex na ,d .h~. L c 1 uC T , .I
<br />:
<br />n;
<br />.
<br />,
<br />,
<br />xo.foarLmu~ r a hwanned nn] e ap wet e~]rcw .`;•'I -vim a1 1 B. r' - Mfr; r •]~ r x[ r
<br />-
<br />Jt jai
<br />Cna1HS t Calint, )t b"xti a ]~ ne i inn-it t i nr r: is. Ft - - 1 Yc
<br />aaL ~nlliltUm jT}?nLMd .L.It t V 1 pr})C r O ~ ~ ,1 d J n rt n J (P flt Ir r
<br />,I tni
<br />t
<br />dU Fti iYl 3 C !±v $Or (TweC i t~ ruf [ -L`C `C. ~ .r ih ~ (7 d L }]C i f 1, n4 r"~~ ~
<br />tit) s;;r
<br />.
<br />ht , fro srh r,>v^a rev iru and s ~ti1 sine :J - .,, a<pplernc~s. tkw ~a .,]s;.,r ~u,. ,i
<br />tee-Le ]ts <,~ .h
<br />: L~<
<br />d :~: ;`
<br />t
<br />der
<br />,y
<br />.
<br />.
<br />„
<br />,
<br />.
<br />x.erc a oar fz: en?_
<br />7. Trotttiinu of { ceder a Securitl ' B ~ •. I r n -I r :, cd
<br />.
<br />~
<br />- ?eed of 1 tr<t ~: r <e a'.t> ,a t „ z -h .i c ~ , ,.
<br />:~ ~ l
<br />~
<br />, c
<br />~nassdinfi 't]n r7r i nti cd ?+, c rt rte r d; n o e I d r cr ar ti,c sent ~ pr n t, ;~. u
<br />~ancru
<br />er d
<br />d
<br />r
<br />j ~
<br />~
<br />-.r
<br />en
<br />sc, t ~ ;Jc. , i r e _ - , n .., u•_c
<br />l -.
<br />d
<br />~
<br />,
<br />> ,L,
<br />r :,,art h.tr:n _,. , ~e
<br />,
<br />~
<br />:
<br />~ t.et.a~ ,E<<~t
<br />{~
<br />~
<br />- Y391 !~; tf\ Ct marts ni ~. dlr. FFJh r t' E r rt
<br />l E
<br />-~ ~
<br />~
<br />~
<br />,
<br />~~~ .._ + rn,,en~ h*: ~~ ~ ~.1,, .~. r. Lx~ r ~.;~. n t,wer a
<br />;, ~ r,~,,;,r ,
<br />rc
<br />.~
<br />l
<br />~
<br />-
<br />`
<br />k>: 1. z.~
<br />ch r s
<br />tt ..,reins - - - t :.;; ~ ] -. ~
<br />n.,r.as a r f v, r
<br />rlnilCr~. K
<br />t
<br />71 £ k~ C Mfl: .=! -a 2 flftt t[ i:j~: , ,he _a„~~ 1 . rl k.1:C ~. ,fly
<br />-
<br />aA:^rM
<br />_ - ~fl`1 da "1R {fr •Yti~gi ply .: tTr
<br />AI%1 amstil CR Sc~t3 fiett (` tfra~CF pUr :t; - ~, ~ t I .-l
<br />i
<br />'
<br />B
<br />t
<br />~
<br />V.
<br />C
<br />»@S3
<br />e.?T ~. Tt'aur -'
<br />0. -y ,
<br />;'t4 i. t LK..
<br />( L .. rY F gxCt v - lr C. xt.
<br />.L
<br />fr. }f 5. C r t PS.~ t }~,' l~ ? [ - 1. S.. hZ
<br />t .
<br />i
<br />l
<br />s
<br />S e a s7rs! ., t ~ f -n t m.~ ~
<br />~ 1
<br />.
<br />i4 f~ :Jt SAF :; r.r ) r ~" yt -. AR _. i, I ~t'C
<br />.
<br />C+*Jrrt _Y•.~'.-1`'K > [ :,6fiz r.-2. rr .u ,,,::i 1( ),a-cr.) t
<br />'~~
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<br />