___ _
<br />- 5. ]n the even[ ~aFd pnpern~ i1 ~:pld .r` a jUu'i~zal fwc,„IOS.+re sal:: or pursuant [~~ the power of a sale hereinabace
<br />- '¢ranted. and the F,rxeeds srencrirufflcient ~opa.° r!`z tOt11 endeb[ednes: secured by [his instrument and ev~idenc-
<br />ed by said nromisso^+ Here. the morteaeee Hill he entitled ro tt de17::iencg judgement for the amount of the
<br />d~7irien.~= rr~ithout regard ro uprraisemenr.
<br />in the e~~cnt the mortgagor fall: io pay ans~ federal, stale, or local tax assennent, income tax or ot;rer tax lien,
<br />charge, fee or other expense charged acain:~t the propcrn' the mortgaee is hereby authorized at its op[ion to pay
<br />the >ame..'lm arms so paid by the mortgagee shall he added to and bctiame a par; of the I,~rincipal amount of the
<br />indebtedness evidenced bti' said i;ote, mbject [n the s;rme terms and conditions. If the morgagor shall pay and
<br />discharge the initebtedness evidenced by' >aid prom+~~sot?~ note, and steal! pap Bach sums and shall discharge a!I
<br />taxes znd liens and the cosec, 'acs. and e~~nses of making, rnfercing end executing this mortgage. then this
<br />mortgage shall be cancelled and seerendered.
<br />A. The rnvenants herein contained shad bind and the benefi[s and advantages shall inure to tl~e re<~cuve successors
<br />and assigns of the panie< here[u,~4'henever used, she singular number shall mdude the plural, the plural t}ie
<br />singular, and the use cs€ anv Lender shall include all Benders.
<br />y. :fin war:er of any cosenant h~retn or r,f :he ob?igatian secure: hereby shall at any t;me [hereafter be held to ba a
<br />waiver of the terms hereot nr'of the. no;e :ect:rCd 5zrehs'.
<br />10. A judicial decree, esdat, or judgement hc>Idiog any provisi,~n or portian of [hi; instrunyer,t invalid or enenfori:e-
<br />- able shall not in any wav ir°~rair or ,atectude the enforcement of the remaining provision> or portions of this
<br />- inst n::nmt. -
<br />i!. Anv w;~itten notice to hc,wned tel Chcme~rteauor {xusrani n; rte: protirinns of ens iastntmcnt sha11 he addressed
<br />to the mortuaecr at ~1~_'d'ik~nc, '~'~.sari,i:i_arui--~:i;~cl-, ;+ol~r-gib--- ---- ---
<br />---------~--_--__-_- _. _-_--____ and any ~sriucn nctr.ee ;o n: issued to the mortgagee shall
<br />^» a
<br />6e addressed to the martgagec :it_~t.7~_.?~~ahh_3.oaiTL;-taut--I-;T'Q-~--reea-n-~.}ca--
<br />IN Wfr:F_55 utHEREaaB; themangagur has executed this Instrument and the mortgagee has accepted delivery of
<br />this instrument as of tt;e day and year afarsaid. _
<br />l~"
<br />j-i
<br />.; f !
<br />,Sal 7.,}.,.? 1tnJati. °:land~rs ... ..........
<br />Excrutrd awl daiivcccd in the taresenre of the foilawing witncsscs,
<br />1!0.dd .Apprupnate :~cknawieiigcnient?
<br />.STATE (7F NEBRA.SkA i Be~L7~~c me, a quallred vaiary Public, personally tnjxared _ __ _ .
<br />.cS. _ it.G!'Lt:~ _C ~ X9.2 '~ _'.L_. '-!-.^.5~ _. ___. ......_...
<br />C(?L3NTY OE _ Ha 17 ~ _ r e r r,,, ~ ~ : r~ _-;'-/ --~d.a_s~ _-- _- . _- _
<br />- _- - -r-..~ .
<br />.known to me ro ~ identical person or Ixrsous who signed the foregoing .rntrument ar;d acknowledged nc~ executum
<br />thercx~f to be_ thei. ~ voluntary act and decd.
<br />~tiitnz s my nand and ~:otariai Seal on _F? _~ ~~_,L_t_ r?_~, I9 _° Z _.
<br />_ __ ---,
<br />-~ 1
<br />~4 ~(
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<br />Sty Comm csion f t> -es _ _.-- --__- --- . i 9 -- _-. ~ r ..~ ~ „. ea_ ~~ „S6 14
<br />S~I'tiifi~F tii;B12A5FC4 ~ Be?ore me a quaLfiec; Rotary Puot;c. ,tsar:all}~ appeuad _..______.
<br />s.
<br />CfJLhPY` CYF _______--- Ptrsuen! of --__-
<br />- __
<br />a tt~rlx?rztion, knower to ate t%~ ~. ?he Presidtnt and :Qerui:al pcru~n v" a _igned nc .,„cg,~ of in ~umeni, unu
<br />acknc wledg~,3 the escz .cart dlrrtuC tc be his y~oiwaary act snc: ~aeed as ach o;7rcer and !Ire ,c luntan~ a :nd aced u(
<br />.aid ayrparation nerd that ~t; ~_orgar2tc s~ai was at?ixeu thcrero'rry it., au[horry.
<br />'t4 idle§<. r-nv haua :ant: Not a.,.rti Sea? t;n _-- .. _ _ _ _ I'a __
<br />tSE;;~i_
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