<br />~2 ,... ~i ivi ~ ~ ~'
<br />d. Fir better security of the indebtedness hereby secured; upon the request of the mortgagee, its-successors
<br />ar a!sciens, mongagor shaft cxecure and deliver a surplemental mortgage or'mortgagts covering any additions.,
<br />~improaements, nr betterments matte to the prolacrr. hereinabove described and;a11 property acquired by it after
<br />the date hereof (all In form sat+sfactor}~ t~~ mdrteageei Futbermore, shoiildmortgagor`fai3to atre any default
<br />in the paymen[ oC a p~inr er inferior encumbrance on the property described by thihinstn[ment, morrgagor here-
<br />by agrees to permit me~tgacec t ,dire sccl-i deirnl[, but ^uxtgagee is ~a[ oblicated [o do so; and such advances
<br />shall Ex come part of the indehtedn ~<> -enured hp this in.;[rument, sohject to the same terms and conditions.
<br />e. The rights created b>~ this com'e}~ans steal! remain in full force end effect during anv p~is[ponement ur
<br />extension of th_ time of the payment of the indebredness evidenced by said promissory ,rote or notes, or any
<br />pare :hereof szcurcd hereby.
<br />f. To continuonst}~ maintainhaaard insurance, o such Hype or types and in such amounts as the mortgagee
<br />may from time to [ime require on t1[e imprcvemenis nnw or hereafter on ..=.aid property, and wi!I pay promptly
<br />when dun any premiums thertfor, AH insurance shall tee carxicd in companies acceptable to mortgagee and the
<br />policies and renetivals rhereof5hall be held by =nottAagee andhavz attached therero loss payable louses in favor
<br />of and in Form acctptabte io r ;e mortgagtt: [n event of lass; mortgago; wit! give immediate notice in writing
<br />to tntvrigagce, and mortgagee may make proof of loss if not made frrompuy by inongagor, and each insurance
<br />compan}' conernesl is hertby authorized and dirteted tta make payment for such loss'drzctly to mortgagee
<br />instead of to mortgagor and martgagcq jointh•; aztd the insurance proeeccis, or an> part thereof, may be applied
<br />by mortgagtc at i[s opttoa'tithtr io [hc reductina of the indtbtedness hereby secured or to the restoration or
<br />etpair of ihr, Fropert} damaged or destro}•ed, in ee•enT of foreclosure. cif this merteage, or other transfer of title
<br />io said pr;,-ptfc} in ttcs:aguishmtnt of :ht indebtedness secured ttercbv, a1! right, title, and interest of the
<br />mongagor in and zo any insurance policies then. in force shall: past; to the purchaser or mortgagee or, at the
<br />option of rite mortgaget, may. be surrendertd for. a reftind.
<br />g. To kelp aU' butldittgs and other impravemenLS on said prapetty in good repair and condition; to
<br />permit, commit, or sufftr no waste- impairment, deterioraziitn of said property ar any part thereof; in the event
<br />of faHurc'of tho mortgagor to keep tht buildings on said prtmist•a and thosc:erccted on said premises, or
<br />improvements thereon, in good repair., the mttrtgaget may make such repairs as in its dtseretion it r:ra1 deem
<br />necessary for tht.proptr prtstrvation ttetree7f, acid the'fttti amount of each arxi every; uch paymen Shall he
<br />immtdiatei; dut and payable; and shall be secured by the iein ot" this norzgage.
<br />h. To not •:oiurtaril} crtate or permit to be created agatrtst tht property subject to this [r,ortgage any lien
<br />or [tens inferior to the htn taf this rttvrtgagt without written eanscttt of zht mortgagee; anal futhtr, [hat snort-
<br />}gager will ktep and maintain the same fm t`rom tttc claimnt all persons supplying labor of"ntattriats For con-
<br />struc~tion of an} and all buildings orimpro: emtnts nnw tieing trecttd nr to be orecttd on said prenus^_s.
<br />[. xo no[ rent or assign any part <,i the rent of said mnrtgagtd property or demolish, or remove, or
<br />suhstanxially alter any hstildin$ :vittiout ilte w ri#ttn consenror -!:e ersortgagea.
<br />j. Att.awards of daroa$es in ~'zxAnec-tion with any ,ottdentnauon for public use of or injury to any of the
<br />px'optny subjtt't to.titis maxrtgagt are hereby assgntd artd shall t±c paid to murtgagec, who cony apply the same to
<br />paycfw74,oF the irtstai1mcros fast dot tintfer said npte, a+td rnongagec is hereby authorized, in the name of the
<br />mortgagor, tO~~ecu[r and de3iver valid acqu$tunccs ihtreuf acrd to appeal Frum any such award.
<br />i:. The,ntartg3g.ee =hall iLve the right to i:aspcct the rnarigaged.'premises at any reasonable [ime.
<br />i. To comply with tnc prosisioas of any !ca~Se tf thi& h+lartgage-h otfa Iraaehoid. If this ;4fortgag: is on a
<br />unit in a condominium or a planned unit deve}opmcnt,'A~osrower shall perform all of Liorrower'; abiigations
<br />under flee declaration or cov,nants creaung or tsaJerning'[he condominium or planned unit development,rhe
<br />by-laws and reguL[ions of [he condominium or planned unit development, and constituent documents.
<br />2. Drlaui[ m any cf the covenants or conditions of [his inatruntent ur of the note or loran agecment secured hereby
<br />shall termina[c the martgagor's rich[ to-possession. usr_, and enjoyment c` the property, at the option of the
<br />mortgagee or assigns (it being axueeC that the. mortgagor shall have such right undi defauiq. L`pon any suet:
<br />default, the mon¢agce shall become the ownct of all ~f the rents and profits accuring after default as security for
<br />the indebtedness secured hcrebc, with the right to tnterupan said propeap fur [he purse ttf r_ollecting such
<br />rcnL and profits. Tht; instrumcni shall open-ate asan assigstment of anv rentals on said propeny io [ha[ extent.
<br />3. If the mortgagor defaults, and fails to m;tkeany payments when due c:r to con`orm to and comply with any crf
<br />the c:xtditiwu or agmments comaiacd in [hismortgage or [he note.> which it s~ecures, :hen [he en[ire prlneipaJ
<br />sum and accrued interest shall at once txccome due and payable, and draw?__;~}xr c;~ni Li..~,~_~v} interzsc
<br />ihercal[er unu! mid at *_hc e~tiur, oC tf~ n;.,.^,rage:; and .hri r,:.,rt~ge may thereupon l>z ;uretiov,d irrrncdiarzlc
<br />for the whole of the indebtedness hereby secured, including the cost cf extending the abstract o.' title from the
<br />date of thv :rortgage to the tame of commencing such kui[.
<br />~. to the event of a forcciosurc or defau!a az Frovidccl herein. t'•e ,~rortgagec shah a[ once be en;:aed to 'hr po,
<br />±ecv~n, ee>t- and an}:nyment of the reBI estate aforesaid arc? -etc re -5..~ i,~yaliie, ,url [ r~ .it; tlterr,, ,
<br />_s 1
<br />fratn the a>xrni,~g of su2h rights and dryt~ing tfte ,,renders.: af -o,vc!n,:ui ,.r~~:;crd;nb> and ~uvh tr.~~,ic,.~ yn, r-t, .
<br />,ha31 at a;tce Yse ;ir7avereu tc> the rna:igagcc awn re~ucst. urns ;ai?ure sc~.h dal a i ._.,._ .,~t: inns. `,~
<br />esatc*rtinl. h moriKag^t. he any sgprc~flriaie '~g;~7 lt;~~:eedir.~. _ ~au~+sng ._,. -. the p t. -rte:. ~ -.
<br />P: Cx cc~: ~. a~ y z _ -, .s .i yrc,pcri r. a. ~.. ~., as __ ,... „ ,. .:~~. par a ,rata:> ~.. ,r. c ::>-i i-. rt)
<br />3 -'v. ,.~. .. ~...:.. r-
<br />iT .' " ~: st ;.i:a: r::a to - zt as S :~?e, t-.~ z r.-.-: , ' , .a; fa;y_-'..e. ~ >' _I~c ,~+.tr,s~ ,~; .,,,.[a tar
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