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<br />1. . <br />. - _ 8',~... ti Et 3.51.' ,~ <br />4. That should he fait to pay any-sum or keep ahy covenant provided far in thi <br />Mortgage, theft the F~lortgagee, ai its option, may pay or perform the carne, and all <br />expenditures so made shall De added to the principal sum owing on the above notE, sha11 <br />be secured hereby, and shall 'bear interest at the rate set forth°in the sad_ncte, until <br />paid. <br />~. That he hereby assigns, Transfers and sets over td the Mortgagee,>to be applied <br />ta;vard ttie paynent of 'the note and ail sums secured hereby in case of a default in the <br />perfarniance of any of the terrcs and conditions of this Mortcdage or the said note, all <br />th`e rents, revenues and:inconra to be derived from the mortgaged premises during such <br />t>i~ as the mortgage indebtedness steall remain unpaid; and the l~lortgagee steal} have <br />poorer tv appoint any agent or agents it may: desire for the purpose, of repairing said <br />premises-.and of-renting the same and collecting the-:rents, revenues and income, and it <br />may ~aay out of said incomes all expenses of repairing said ;p remises and nECPSSarv <br />eommissions and expenses'ihcurred in renting and rr,anaging the sari and of collecting <br />rentals therefrom; the zia'ance remaining, if any, Lo be applied tawardtnz discharge of <br />said rsarzgage iradeDtedness. <br />o. That he ~Ji}1 keep the improvements Haw existYng or hereafter erected on the <br />mortgaged property, insured as may he required from ti m? to time by the i~:ortga9ee <br />against lass by<fire aisd other hazards, casualties and ccntiro-minces-in such amounis <br />and for such periods as nay be required 5y the Mortgagee and ~.;i 11 pay pro:r,pt1y, ,-Mien due, <br />any premiums on such insurance provision for paymen of"which h,-,s 'not peen mad2 hereir- <br />before. All insurance shall be carried in companies approvea cy the '4ortcagee and the <br />policiesand renewals thereof shall be<heldb,y theN~rtz}anee .~ndhare attar_hed thereto <br />loss paya#}le clauses in'favaraf and~in farm'aeceptable' oT!~e ~'?ortgagee. Tn event of <br />hiss l~lortgi;gor .+ll give immediate notice by mail to the i+origa5~e, who may make proof <br />of-.loss if not made promptly by Mortgagor, and ?ach insurance ompany concerned is <br />hereby authorised arta directed to n°,ake payrnenT far such loss directly to the Martg~gee <br />instead of *_o the ~iortgagar and 'the Mortganee saintly, and the insurance ?proceeds, or <br />anv ;,art the reaf, :,ay he applied by the '4ortgag?e at'its option either to Lhe reduction <br />of Lhe ~rdebL_dness r:ereby secured or to the restoration or repair of the property <br />daraarad. In event :,' foreclosure of this rxrrtgage or other-transfer of title to the <br />mortgaged property in exCinguishmenL of the indebtedness secured herelay, all right, d <br />title and interest of the Mortgagor in and to any insurance policies then in farce sha'sl <br />pass Lo .the purchaser or r~rantee. <br />7. Tha* as additional and collateral security for thy'payment of the note described, <br />and.. all s~arrs to beco~e dtae under this rwrLgage_ the Mortgagor hereby assigcis to the <br />Mortgagee all profits, revenues, royalties, rights and benefits accruing to the <br />Mortgagor under ary afld all oil and gas..ieases an sa ri premis?s, Frith the right to <br />receive and reteat roe-the sart~ and apply thers to said indebtedness as well as after <br />default in ttse conditions of this u~rtgage, and the i=iartgagee may demand, Sue far and <br />recover ant such Payments when due and payable, but shall not be required so to dd. <br />This assignment is to terminate and became nail and void upon release of this mortgage. <br />9 That type `•Tartgagor will keep the buildings upon said premises in good repair, <br />and n?,then co~cn~t nor permit waste upon said land, nor suffer the said premises to be <br />used for any untawfnl purpose. <br />4 That if the premises, or any Dart thereof, be condense?d under the:power d# <br />eminent darr,airr, or acquirec+ fora public use, the damages awarded, the proceeds for the <br />t3kirty or, or the cansideeatian `arsuch acquis~tion,to theextentaf the.:fulTamount <br />of in:febtearess uaon this: marLgaAe said the rate which is g#ven to Secure remaining unpaid, <br />are Hereby ass4,ned by the Mortgagor *_o the i~:irtgagee, and shall rye paid forthwith to <br />said y!ortgagee La 're applied by the latTer an account of the next maturing instaTlm~ent <br />ai such tndea*_°dress <br />The caaenants Herein contained shill bind, and the benefits and advantages shall <br />insure *_o, the r*~spective heirs,;execr:tors, administrators, successors ;;nd as,igns of <br />the parries n.ereta. .~henever usesf, t_he singular nutxr shaT include the pi~,ral, the <br />plural the -insular, and the usa:of say gender shall be aPPiicable to ail fenders. <br />to +ar ~~iinc con;itiens, all and singular, being performed according to their <br />natural and , c~ai impart, this conveyance shall be void and said premises released at tht <br />expense cf ±'^.e "os-*_y;}gars c?nc~:,:fsr t4 be arid, remain in fu31'orce and effect. <br /> <br />