<br />~~ ~ ~ n ~ Second ttortgage
<br />d ~'~~~ ~~~ v[7 r for
<br />! Section 235 Cases
<br />4tittt Addendum, fcr Repaymentaf Section 235 Assistance ( I
<br />~ 82-=t~~351"~
<br />TtIIS t•~1fiTf1AGE, made and executed this 1fit~Hay of august fi•`J.
<br />l 4 g2 ; by and :bett:een
<br />Sames D. Stairs and .Sharon K. Stairs, Husband and 'Wife
<br />of the County of Ha11 , ar.d State of ttebraska, party of the first part
<br />.hereinafter called the Ptortgagor and the Secretary of the Qepartment of Housing-and
<br />Urban ~evelnpment
<br />party of the seLond part, hereinafter cared the h?origagee_
<br />tfITYES5ETti: 'hat ttre said t~?ortgagor, is jdus~l~ inde~t~d L th Mort4agee in the
<br />principal sum af'Ctne hundred twenty two thousan o tv an o/1QOt ~o17dr5 ;g 122,:040.00
<br />which principal sum wi?,t not: exceed an amount cpmputed under the tez-ms of the Dtdte
<br />?xecuted by said t`tortgagor cn tlc7gust 1&. i9e~2 ,with .interest, in
<br />acccrdance with :said ,vote. That as security far said bate the t?prtgagor does by then
<br />are.ents urant, Bargain, Se11, Can~aey and Confirm unto the Plortgagee, its successcrs and
<br />3S. iCfP.s the fallos.irg des'".ribed real estate situated in the County of Halt
<br />atctc't`2Cr~5t4d, a:Y1t
<br />T.at a:vent~en d17P, Cootie Ssrates Subdivision, ??,a3i county, Nwbr~sica
<br />TQ rtr~VE h:~r~'TG stt3LD the presrises above described, with all the. appurtenances'
<br />thereunto oelat~ging ind including all heating, p7urr~ing and lighting fixtures and ~~qui~-
<br />rrent r~r3€r or rereafter, attached to or used in connection faith said real estate unto tfie
<br />t'ior* ~', n~+ 'o its successors and. assigns, forever. '"n? ;~artgasior represents to, i nd
<br />a:nv~nants ~.,~; °he klo:-t^ageQ, that the :4?artgagor has good right to sel} and convey seta
<br />prear ='s; ,hat they are feee-fray eneumiirance, except for an FHR first mortgage; and that
<br />the ortga~or :.•ll rYarrant and defend the sar.,e against the lawful claims of all persons
<br />vrha:5oever ~ .re _aid ?°Sor4gagar hereby relinquishes all rights of homestead, and al':
<br />mar,ta~ ri r,t~., either in law ar in equity, and all other continrens int~rests..af the
<br />`"¢r };ar :nC to the ataove-descrioed p.re~ises, the intent'~an being to ednvey hereby an
<br />ubsu~..te t ~e, in ree si±;:p1e, includtrg all r;g7t.s of harrrestead„and artier rights and
<br />iraLarests a5 aforesaid..
<br />?ROVtUC~r acaArS. ar+C these presents are executed and delivered upon. the follciwinc
<br />cand~t~ons. .., .aft:
<br />The Bart;agar agrees .o day to the ."ortgacteA, or order, the principal-sum of one
<br />t;urdsed twenty twn thousane orty and :+6ofI00tlim-. ---_ clot l ors (~ 122, 090.00
<br />with interest as ,provided ~n the dote dated rtuyust 1fi, 3982. and executed by idor~gagor•
<br />;'he N.ortca,ar in order srure ,*'ully to protect the: security of tr,is ttorgage, anree~•
<br />1, Than :e .,ill payr the indeCteuness, as hereinberore provided. Privilege is
<br />reserved to ra,~ :ne ::ebt in whole, ar 'n an 4cnount-egiza~ to one or rorore monthly payr~,er,tr
<br />r,n *he ;r~=rc ~~~. [nut are next due are one rote„ an rho- rirC day at any month prior to
<br />maturity: ?ruvi~,ed, ^•onever, The b,r-tt'bt. notice of ~n :r>tention t4 exercae suCh~privil~_ge
<br />is ~tven at ..as*. thirty ;3~! ::+~ys ;friar to prepayrnt.
<br />.. -hat t;~e ~cr parlor +„ 7 i cav Ground rents, taxes, assessrr~nts, water rags, and
<br />:ether yovernrr;entai r ~Twzirirsal cnaroes, ftre5, or i,rrpgsitiorss, for which provision has
<br />not been ^:ade ~ereinbeiare, ana ~n derautr uh~~reos the t~rtgagee may pay ttte 5ame-and tsiat
<br />the ~?artgag.~r ;:i;l ~raa;;pt?;~ d~ii~.er tire: osfic-ia _ceipts therefor, to theFiortgageE•.
<br />~. ThB `1artG3.yor ~wi i i day al ~ ,8x$5 ,4i7tCt1 LAC levied upon t}Ye Mortgagee's.
<br />interest Zn said rEn', tStat2 one C,cvetS3errts, ~r.c ~at~ricn mayise levied apart this nrortn:cF•
<br />or t Q oaot s•~turad re•-Pt•y that oat, ~C '_n= extern tn~t =ucn.-=
<br />~s hat prohibited by lc.w :_r~a
<br />~; ~y to the extent ghat slci »~ i1 not .:aye this ,;,,r ~.aurleu5}, butexcluding any'inc,.rrw
<br />tax., Mate :,r FeCera i . irraoseG en Mort^,-a ;eg, and ,;i 1] fi'n,the off icial reCeipL sYtowino
<br />~u_n ~ay1.-Y=n ,~rth tnp ;tortgagee. 'rdn vxdlati3, ~ `h,t .~n~rtakinq, ar if theMdrt~aq:~r
<br />'s ~rrrhitatea y .-aj few r;rr or hErea`'°r ,exist~~n~~`resn ;,aYira~ tie v;rrale aranypar ~r~
<br />Cho orCSCly :sx~5 .;- ~fG€~ ;~~ ri r•in t,f
<br />~ ,~r c art a°cree ~srcnitrLingYhe paym nr
<br />the ~ ~.~ ;or rr ar ~ ~,1~er dxrl~,,
<br />`+rt~ •7 c,ree tzrovtd~ t;~~t any arr:aunt o +e
<br />;~ - r r.. 5,u 3 i ~ ,, f~ ~ _~ Gn i t -;G i3B °~lart ~arJ2l Snal i t0ave the- t l ~ i r !
<br />j~Y@ t ~y - a r~ n L2LE - yr r i) ~ :;;~':~~.ag~ed prt'rlises, r@Yl ti7 rinCJ the
<br />,3Yr,-, F -.~r•n~,r j~ t ;* ~' ? icebc t,~r_^rr, the said debt shalLbecarr~-due,.
<br />GdJd~ ~ d!tri C`~+~_i. i,., ,~ _~ t'k?.EtXN rs.~}~a;, pf sald..n l,netY,day~.
<br />