g~..r. +si~3~3~?
<br />Lenckt's written agreemeat or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of alt mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amrnmts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall: become additional
<br />indebtedness of $arrower secured by ibis Mortgage. finless $orrewer and Lender agree: to other terms of payment,. such
<br />amounts. siiali he payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest.from the
<br />date of disbursement at the rate. payable. from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />interest at svcli rate would. ire contrary to applicable law, in which even( such amounts steal! bear interest ar the highest rate
<br />permissible under appliesbk law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall. require (.ender to incur any eipense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />$. Itx~eetiou, Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections. of the Property, provided
<br />that Lender shall give Harrower notice prior to any such inspection specifvirtg reasonable cease therefor relaiedteI_ender`s
<br />interest in Lhe Property.
<br />9. Cts~deteertdre. file proceeds c*f am• award or claim for damages, dirctt ar consequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or pair thereof. or for a~nvecance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned
<br />and shal3 be paid to Ltcndec
<br />In the went of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied ro the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />wifh tix esccss., if any, paid xa Harrower. in the event of a partial raking of the. Property, unless. Borrotverand Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall he applied na the sums secured by this Mortgage such. groportian of the prgcaeds
<br />as is equal to that prop»rtion which the amatnr of the sums scoured by this Mortgage immediately. prior to: thedaie of
<br />taking hears tothe fair market value of the Propem• immediatciy prior ro the da*,eof :along, wiihthebalance nfttie proceeds
<br />paid to Harrower.
<br />If tart. Prepem• is abandoned by Harrower. ar if. after notice l±y Lender to $ormwer that the. condemnor offers to make
<br />an award nr settle a claim for damages. Harrower faits to respond to tender within 3C1 days after thedate such notice. as
<br />mailed. Lender is auLhorztd tocoikct arul apply tlx procaxds, at tinder's option, either.. to restoration tsr repairof:the
<br />Property er to thesums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />unless [seder and 8orr»w;- orherwise agree in w~xixing, any such application of proceeds is principal. shalt. oat extend
<br />or posttrane the due data of the monthM mstai3mcrts refrrr<d u+ in paragraphs I and ? hexcof or change the amount of
<br />such insixllments.
<br />10; Dorrnwn Vol Behead. E.itension of the rime t2>r Ravment er modification of amorsi2atian of thesums secured
<br />by this Mrartgagr granted by t.endtr to ang xtxcessar in interest aC Harrower shall not operate ca release. in any manner,
<br />the habeliry of the original Harraw'er and tkxre.>wex'. suctresscc in imcrest. Lender shelf not fie regixired tocommence
<br />prax:cedings against such successt>r:sr refute to cctcnd trine fox navment Crr otherwise modify amortza(tion r,>f theaums
<br />secured lTY this Martgaye by rrzsctn of any demand rnadr. hi ztre .rriE,nal Humrw•er and. Sar'r»teems succ~rsears..in interest.
<br />I1. Faritarrwee try I..rrdrr '~iM a Wrhrr. ins ,'or?xca; asxia h 1 cotter in esetr;sini; ant right or remedy hereunder: or
<br />otherwise sftorded try applrcabk laav, ^6ha13 xxv ':re a waiver ct ar preciudt the esextiise tat amy. such right ar remedy.
<br />"Theprocurrmcnt of insurance ar s!x , ayttreni tit taxes ,,r ;xttrcr treats M cttaxges ht- Lender shall notce u -•-aiv<r of Lender's
<br />right tar acce3crafc the maturity of the mdrAYedness +ti.;:,ratl Fe+; :his 4torrgagc.
<br />12, ltt:~aediert Ct~aetthtitrrt. Ali remedies pro trded =a the. Ltortgage are (iisxraci and cumulative ;o :my other right ar
<br />rem<dv urrdcrxh:. Mortgage cxr aftcxded hs Ia.+,c eq:arr~..;xnal may h< excr;rsrdccxrcurrently, indepettdendyae successively.
<br />t~• Srtcea~prara rod. Assi[wt: ioawd; Jrtirt aid 5ererai tiaJtilittt 4'rpdons. 7~re. covcnanis and agrcemenishertirr
<br />camtained shall [find. and the rights herrurxder aha 3 mtr< ire •+< respr it a auuettx•rt arsd atsrgtrs af. I ender and Harroq ~,
<br />scrhject to sho ~osk,cuts of ptragral+r' '+c ~„t X11 ;.~~, •ts anti s>&rccmenn .,f Bnrrrrwar shall t+e roint and ueveral.
<br />'tTu capterxra atui lrcaditt~,t ,xf t!ra .parole ., fir f r+rxt 41. rF3t+x ar< t ,r 4,:,nvcnrcns=e ,:.rely and arc nnC to F,e used to
<br />rnttrpm ar define the {+rri'.sians M~rc..i'
<br />i4. 1~a+r1Cl, Fuel+t ,`:+, ors year t _ec~ .:rr '
<br />t+l< .:,w < PrC ¢I Cn n anotiTer Inane<P rat NrrV F1atICeta
<br />iiorrawer pr+,.:dcd •, ,F,~e wtorg.y,c ,., . •.' ,+. , t a „ _.~::fied m,riladdrerxd to Borrower at.
<br />2ha PFn;~rrs AJCre,~ ~ .vnc ~,h+~., i ,. ._ dc. ~ rte by ~ ~_ ..• 1 coder ..c provided herein, and
<br />tb}afltti@ti~c '„ I ~•n.1tr ~.. .: i.. cr' ~>: ;c[t~n t ..,. 'c,. ~. ~, , ;c[r,r ~f~,;rr ~~ ~,i.lre r~ rf-~tCtj FfCte~in Orta
<br />xSih athrc, dire, _. rn.a 4r r A .~~ r ie ,. , ..,-_ pr-. idrdfor err thl5
<br />'4iatsg.rfe s*.,-, rt Jtc,ntd ,.. .. ._, , w.. •,.ir+ a .~ cr -:eu ~-„red hetesn.
<br />F$. Cni(onn ttnKxrgr; (.ut<rniny Law; ~e.<r »t.ltit•. - , .~r ~ :ag i _. ~.. r n .-.vca ants .'oar na(ionai
<br />,.vC ;,r~ ... ~ -~r~'.,rn. ~_ ,..~~.. ,,,. .. ..~. , ~. .. in.u~tanrem arrvertng
<br />... \t: ,, ._~. .. ., ,. .. ,14"•ti .. 1!rl:ateYl, 1;! flee.
<br />:., . ,' ' c , h •.hall F ,t .effect
<br />i .., !!`. .... . ,\' , +. , ~ _ ~ ~ h + ~ .. .~ ~} rw t,ton. a.sv SU thx%
<br />.. _~ ,_.,.,.. C :~.
<br />.7w 80 „» f , P_ t _. , . _ ~ - _ _ .. c.- _.. ,.r < _.( «pi;,, ,Mc+agage. ,rf ine .rime
<br />i~. Crnacl <r vi rhr t'ruprr(.; As+un:p(i<xr- , _ ,,. -e ..,, .., , ~iereK thc.rCar t5 xr,9d frr"':r nsfern,,.l
<br />- '.. ~• ^- ~ ., r r anc:umArance suiic:r nxtx. :o
<br />.,ti t ~c I' ~+. a: ., .w ~ -; tot ar c(+:r F ;e
<br />n,eer. r t r s h - ~ _. ~ c . v , ~ .. _ .,; u. d taterest of .hie.: g~ ,
<br />~. _ .nt> stw.ured.3rv t!~is bloc( s,{r rs nc
<br />-r,c: St, d n -'cr _., ~,. . , prio=r t th,r laic cr xsansf r . ,-odor.
<br />~ the t !+ h , ; .~ P tx. .. .. _ n s~ .r n. ,g tsa4 'h< crwot( ref sr fr nersar,
<br />.x :.:, a ?n _ _ad r..Frc ~~ t, ,,. S}< -~ .. _, , ... ..~ . ong,ege t.,ar3 Diet: at str,:h rat¢ .r, i order'
<br />... ,, rcy art: ,t e~ .er 4as .or.: :!- ,_..;, ,.; , ._h .,_raph `: 7. and if Rr:rrc •e!'s :;u.::ecs,:r to
<br />ntcrc+t ~ ar exec ~ 7 :, wr:r r. ~rni,; _y:nzcnt acctt.*zca .., ,r.-, g i am.+er. Ltn[xr she?; rdeasz $orrt+wa. t:rm a,'i
<br />,~h„ga on, m*a,; !6:. .Nnr;yaer .erd ! .: 4,•tc.
<br />.• 'hK2 :.fir ^<`, 5.=~7 __ ~.'-YC7+C44'. -.-,~-JR`5' ~ ^Tnri IX FYU~wY',? ~.ptl..C Ct s.LCIC1A: tf?n 3 ~l,rt:.'lnCl: 1Wf t~'i
<br />E
<br />- --.,r;r-; la ter.. r Saco ,r.~; ;_,e> ....c a ;.rcr°c~ n# ns,. ,ass ih;r , zrl u"alt .rr_m .1'±c <la_e ifre earn- ~. rnaiied nitlxirt
<br />d.. aux. 3z Hc,rrrawi xr { t s .h s=stn a =r t h etpirst c n r+ aut,h ptr;:n1,
<br />tnx .;,,y+,. ,rs:.~ . , .. . r .n;and x,;a ltt.3 rr>wet:, n... 3;;, -~;.r ,cnudees ;er.,. .*c.l i. ,. n:,tgrz{m y E^rre<.a.
<br />\(ks, L•.., K..,. r- Barer;*wc; a:x3 tried<r tt:rt?tc 4c;;an; ,nil agr<.: r:ii>w.,
<br />- l&. Aearieratina: ftrme5lJeS,. F:;xcrpt. rsptavided in. paragraph 4.7 krerctr#+ npan Rssrrxrsaer's breach ut an« cavanant or
<br />xrrtmeaest of tir.r:ower in tars itorsgtgte, iar~lrrdi:yt she r'utrnants to pat ..ben dtx anx xuetss s<rur<d try thl~ 19.(srigrtJtr..
<br />Grader prior to. accrtrrntiua shag ay~3 rwtk•e zw tlv<rov.rs at peer<idreE 3n paragraph l4 b<rr(.f sp<tify3ag: 4 ti the bra-artez
<br />igT tbrret4pprrgaMired to curer ,rreFhreaetr; rlt a date. mgt trss Lhrtrr itl dpy. lrrxm the dose Ehr rwElct is mailed to Harrow<r,
<br />by xr)rie6 arch brcych nauf( tx aureilt ar$ S~-a than faitur< ter tore +srh ]xreaeb ne w Frttare (hr date sprax[±-_ai in fibe teatiae,
<br />- resell to urrkro-tiaa ;,t the trsaw w*rursx! hr t$r tlurtgagr, farerixstwrrt. bs. jadiciai. proc<edi(yt and sate of the Prsrp,trdy.
<br />tlx< raolu< .bait Yw-tiarr irrfor.u 6trrrc.v: : ,.} ih< rixAt to r<irrtatt ;Ateracrrtrraaioa sad the right to assts lot thefaro<krsurr
<br />pence<dirq :Me rrox-a ciurrxr of ,. ctefar 3l ,. ~ other d<Ieru< of tittrrowrr tM an <irrrtlun and Etrrrctusure. If the. hr<ae;r
<br />if .wt r'w.rd .rn or ixfurc fba rP.aic ,p<:-ibrd itrttu rxrr3t'e, l.radrr ar terrder'srrp(ioa stay d<ctare aka vet Mr sum» s<cnt<d hr
<br />tAk '+lswxg.gte to Y dcwtir<dcMe:+ da< :end. pa~:rttir »ilkxwt lurttaer demand. srwlmay f,.re:lxwt bay jettlk:3at prn,cca,dYteft. taauairr
<br />tbatt hr r~Nxlrat tin culhvx iw imrh pru«edrwq xW etperrsaw, ¢l ta<rx~txrrtre, irrrtnd#eyt, bait n.7g s3ms`t<i3 rxa cgstri rrt d,'xu+nrntarx
<br />s+rde,j,.x. aintrr.'rc and si(k rStRo r' c. '
<br />l N.. t~hS!1s!etFb t(I~t iA }L+r1rMfYYt.. V,.,.:u,e~' i..:t$.e:,~ 3t a4{r•': :.a i ::.. .; *ra~. ,,:,T•xa .•~r. ht tt..: •, :.: ~: v.
<br />ty., :.-, ...~ :, a:! %mi' ~ :hC :rA.:t tx, era rr... ... .~_,t x.F C ti S
<br />.. ._. _ ~ ..P iv 7 cXttl" b::. _... ~ .r. .._
<br />