82--~a i4~ 3 =~ ~~ f
<br />icrtaottar CgTO'&'rrANTS. Borrower and Lender €rn•enant and agree as follaw•s:
<br />I. Pirytnettr of3.'rnclpai and interest. Horrower shall promptly pay when due the principal ai and interest on zhe
<br />itidebtedssess: evupenced by zhe Hare, prepayment and fate charges <es provided in. the Note, and. the principal of and. interest
<br />on aayFuture Advsncesstctutd by this 7vCorxgage.
<br />2 Ftmtb for Toes amd inaesraoce: Subject !a applicable law or to a wr;tten waiver by Lender, Borrower shalt pay
<br />to Leader on tare day moath3v itistalltnents of print:ipsi and interest are payable under tfre Note, t,nnl the Naee is paid in fu7S:
<br />a sum?{herein "Funds^,} equal to one-twelfth of the pearly' razes and assessments w hiclt ma~a attain priority. ever this
<br />Mortgage, andground rents on the Property, ;f any: plus c?ne-twelfth of ;.early premiaitn instalhn€nts for hazard insurance.
<br />pl+xs one-twerafth zsf yearly premium inuallments for morxgdge iostarance, if any all as reasonably estimated ;nitraq~ aadfrom
<br />time tp time bye Leader na the basis of assessments and bi}!s and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />"L'lte Funds shaCS ire held is sn institution the deposits ar acceunu of rvhic:r are insured or guaranteed irv a, Federal or
<br />sta~€agency;inciuding.Leader if (..ender is such a,n instrruxinn). i.ender shall apply th€ Fuadsto pay saidtaxes,assessmahts,
<br />insurance premiums and ground reins. Iznder may Writ charge for sc holding and apps}tag the. Funds, analysing saidacs:ourtt;
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and ts;1Cs, unless L.ertder pays Bnrrowei interest an rate Furdsahd appticalsie taw:
<br />permits Lender to rdake such a charge- Harrower and Linder msv agree in wriun~ at xh€ nine of execution .of this
<br />Mortgage that interest or. the Funds shall >x paid. to Borrawe,. and unte,s such agreement is ensile err apphcafrie taw
<br />requires such intcrtu to bt paid, Lender shall not be required ro pav Borrower any merest ariarniags pn the Funds:: Lender '
<br />shall gisx to Harrower, without charge, an annual acu~um;ng ei the Funds showing cr€dits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />pwpase fc+r which each dtfsit to lice Funds was made. C'he Fonds are pledged.. a, a3diiional secur;ey .for the aunts secured
<br />5y this Mortgage:
<br />tfxlx autountof the Fuxtds head by Lender. together with else future monthly msralfinants at F+inds payable. prior to
<br />thrdue riots of taxes, sssasmeats, insurance premiums and ground rents. shat! exceed the amount required to pay said taxes.
<br />axseasmcnts, insurance premiums and gmund t€nts as tlrty fal3 due, such ex€ess shall. !x, at Harrower s option, either
<br />protttpdy repaid 1o Borsowtr or credited to &rrrerwer cn momfiiv i:>_stalfinents of Fund>. if the amount of eels' Funds
<br />3teld by Lrrafer shag not bt sulTtdent to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premftsmc-and ground ernes as they fall due; '
<br />BorrowersftaH .pay to Lenderanyamauntntccss;in• to make up ttsc dcticcncy wtihizt 3Qdays Tram the date notice is mailed
<br />by I;eader to Borrower rrrptesting pmTanenr thereat.
<br />Upon payment in Puii:of allstuns scctxred 6y [his tfangage: Lender sha73 promptly refund: tw1 Horrow•er any:Funds '
<br />heW 6y Lender. If under paragraph C& hereof the Property rc ac?ld ar the Propcrtc is uthtrwisc acqu;tt-d ;z}~ L€nder. lender
<br />~hallapply, no later titan mmediaxcly prior iv the +a3t a#the Property er cis. acquisition by Lend.-.r, aay Fvnc~. 'acid tiy.
<br />Lettder at dhe time of applicatatm as a credit. against the sums uxurcd by tars l,Cartgage.
<br />3. A//IicaNow aF I?gnesb. Linitss sppftcahit taw pmvidts r?thet xtut, all. payments recctved by t. ender uadtr the
<br />Note arui paragraphs 1 and Z hereof slrafi be applied by Cinder first sn payment of amounts payable is Lender M' Horrnwcr
<br />under paragraph 2 hetcot, i3ten to interest payable on tare '~iatc, thin to tree principal. of tCte Note,. and then to interest and
<br />principal on any.-Fortier Advances.
<br />4. CYrsetB Ltsw, Borrower shall pay a!C taxes, ,++sestments acrd ntfrcx charges. fines and smpositiohs attrrbviable za
<br />the Property which ttsay attain a pnoriry aver zhis 4inagagt, and leasehold pavmeuxs err gtxsurtd rents:>if airy, >n the man>Kr
<br />provided. tinder paragraph 2 7tcrtvi oz, if not paid in ouch mantrer: br Bormwcr tracing payraent, whin due, dtmtiy to the'
<br />payee thezetit. Borrower shall promptly furnish ica C coder all notices of tmountx dot undo this paragraph, seed is xht event
<br />Berrowez shall tnakc paytntat dircccly. Harr, ael-,hall. pfompr~; ;;,,Wish eta tender rticeipis a~•idenc:ng such payments.
<br />HorrowtrshaBprotnptlY"da~lxargtanylitn whichhas pr;.t,t+ ,,.crshix Mot'rgagt: provided_thatBorrowerxhaB;.nut..be..
<br />required to diachargs aay aitrh leer sd long .~ F3nrr~~acr shalt ..Krrc ,~ w:ria,ng to the p~rymtnt vt the i?bigatian scc:ured by
<br />such lien in a manner aeerqubk to I:tnder, .u shall in K,,,,d a ,:,h ~„nectt sxkh hen bv, oe deftnti tnfar€etntnt of xuh'iita tn,
<br />legal proceedittFS which aperxte to prevent tdx cntaretxnent of rhr fin a;r forfe,tura 'ef ttx Prcapeny err any prig thereof:
<br />S. NWri ltw~rrte. Honower shall keep the rmpro+cmtnr. r,,,,t e.+.ung nr tstreaftar erei;ttd on tlxt Property ,nsured
<br />agaiiux lass by fire, hazards:im:ludcd vvithtn tkt term "ezitttde.: .crape area „ tit", +,rh€r hazards ax !.ender mad: rcgtire
<br />atn3 m such amaaxsta and fete sir ptr~ly as lxix~rmry. requrre: f :a.,Jc;,. ,at t.u,dcr .hall not require tharitet ~n:n„uni of `.
<br />such cavcragt txceat ditat amsaunt of coverage ttquirtd to .pay t'-e ~,rrr..r+•ircd n~. th., ~tordgage,
<br />The iaauraoce carriu providing xhe insuran.:t shalt C+e cfx,scn by Bar:.~wcr >ubject r.+ approval by :Lender: provided,
<br />that such approval shall not btunreastaixalzly withheld A73 prem+um..,a in.uranit flr?ls.iss xhall t?t^ paid sn'the manner.
<br />provided uttderpara=raph2 hercvf dr,tt rat paidin such manrxt.. k?r Bnrrowtr making: pafsrstnt, wtttndut, dtrtcilyta the
<br />insurance starrier.
<br />Ul itisuraxtct pottctes and rtoeswals elites( stroll be tai (actin v..cp,ama ra Lender sad sfs:d! rs4ck,de .~ .,andard mortgage
<br />ctauseinfavttt ofandrntarm aca:ptabltta Lzrnlcr. ten<ier eAsi; h.r,c rr-.e ,fight to hold she p„Irc~, anJ reoeuaisihcrtof.
<br />aad:Eprrowtrshali promptly turnishin L.ettdcrali rexxwat.ttuiicts andalt rtcYipts of pouf promrum.. (nttx eventaf loss,.
<br />BorR~wer shalt grve prompt natict to tlx insurance c:srtstr and l.t»dar. Linder ers:iy make pra7uf of lass rt n,% made promptly
<br />by Borrvtver:
<br />Unkr [.entice sail Barrtawtr arlxrwise agreei» wrtung, insurance r,tittds slsail beeppCied.. to rtswretiunor repairof
<br />the Property datttagrni,. provided such restaratxsn err rcpasz iseosarram,caily trasibk seed the setuntyat this Mortgage is
<br />trot tlxreey impaired: tf such restoration or repair u taut esorwmu:adi. etas+bk zit if itx stturity of tress Mortgage would
<br />be itupastd, the mituraoee-proceeds shalt' bt apptitd to ifx sums secured try this ~origage, wnh the excess, if arty, paid
<br />toBaxttwrer. if the Propcny is abazrcoaed by Horrawer.or rt Borres+vcr fails:m rtaporid to L.cndtr within 353 days. from dhe
<br />dste sHOtit:e is t»akd by Lends to Bortvwcr that the iixsti:ancc carrser c*dtttx to acetic a €lam far t»suraxrce benefits, tender
<br />is attthariaisd tocolket lead apply the iirxuranct .proceeds at: 3..ender spoon tinter to restoraven ar repair of tfx.:Propcny:
<br />a to the luau sa:tttcd by tltia Mortgage.
<br />Utdeas Ltttder sail Bortstiwerotlxrwuc agr~ in writing, any sexh application of proceeds to principal shaft not exiead
<br />or postpone the due date ot'tltc ntaut3rlsr iaualltntnts rtferrtd to m,paragraphs 1 and `hereof: or change the amount of
<br />sttcit installments, tf uttdaparagraph. ¢i hereof the Yropcrtyisacquirtdhy Cxnder,:a7f rtgfid;.:citlt and in€ercat o{ Horxawer
<br />is seed-to aay iaatrranx politicsaad in::axad to taut. proeecdst7ureofrnulungfrom damage. zo the Properly: prior !a. tilt sale
<br />err acgttisarion stsatl pass w 3.titi~r to the extent of the sums secured be ih+s Atnrtgage tmmediattly prior is sti€h sale or
<br />acgtt:a;tiou.
<br />4. 1'taanrvatiaaattti.MaiN~ti:reuf Property: I.eaaeAoid~ CoedeoriopaatsPtaaaeA U>~:l~evrlopareats.: Borrower
<br />shill keep the Property is good repair and shall not eontmit waste or permit impairment or dtetrioration of the Property
<br />aril shall comply wjLh the-provistotur of aay lease of lists Mongage~ is ara a [easehatd: Lf thas Mortgage is on a unit in a
<br />cpttdentzrwm nr aplatx.`xedunit devclapxtient, 13arrowrr cattail perform all af'Barrawer's obligations tinder lice declarariats.
<br />or cpvenanu c:reatsnj', err govetnmg tax candontihium err }?ianixd u»ii, dtvtlopment, the-:3ry-taws and regufatiore of the
<br />c~dornin+uat oc p3antttd unitdevglaptntni. and coasutuent docuxnenu. 7# a coadomsniidin. ar pfann€duntt davrlopmtxst
<br />cider i. exu:uud h3~ $ormwci :axad rtcordcd.: togtzlstr with this Mortgage, the cnven:.atx and...igrtemcnis at. xuch r:;der.
<br />shall lx +ry:a-poa'alad rata arul shal3 amet>d sasf sttpp~mcnt the covtna.~ig an+i agreements of this Mortgage :ca rf she ridc€
<br />were a part hereof.
<br />7. Pt«6rctir of I.eiiacs Setvrity. I[ Borrower farts to perform lice covtrsants sail agrttm€~ats conurntd fist this
<br />~;, ur it arty action tar protetcfimg rs camrtsensad whirls neaterialiy sifters Lender"s interest in the Property,
<br />tttcltrdiog, twt cat limtmf ter; cttteacnt d[rraaia, tnxo3vern.y. crxfe tnfcreemtnx. c?r arrangements ox prcutdtugs involving a
<br />bankrupt to da^tcktst, tluaa l,:etxier at Lessdet's option, upon rsatsrx to Harrower, main. nwke such sppaaratrces, Jxst*itrKe such
<br />curets atxd tales stw:b aetioxi as a txctasary to prtS[tc~f lzndtr's intez€st..nctuJing but nzst iimetcd do. drsbtsrscment tai
<br />ctaswtable attaiaay' tees tassel: entry upcxa else Pmpcrtv.. to make rcpa.irs. 7l Ltitdcr €eaufzed rnar[gage insuranca sx s.
<br />totadstxvo rrt malrstrg etas 3a~sn secstrrl tsy thss Lic>rtgtagr:. Acxzc wet s£sa!3 gay east premiums rrqu;rr;.3 to marn,a;rt 4.;,43+
<br />ixnutaxtcc'us ctfiect until suds. tdtrse a* list regtiiremtot lac such tnsuranec zxrmnatcs in avurrdance iuuh Borrxt,s er'< rnJ
<br />