<br />82 - ~.~ ~, 3 ~ ~~
<br />9~:.
<br />~xx~BZT „Ar ecC'?'_NUEi1>
<br />Part of the 'northeast ~tuarter of *?.e :yortlieast quarter of
<br />Section 33, Township 11north, Rar:~e n >.,-,t of the oth P.M., Hall
<br />uourty, ;vctrasica, as illustrated an t'r:. .~'~~t :narked 'exhibit "B" and
<br />Lei.^.g, more particu3arly deacrlbed as ` . ~ ; c~.;°s
<br />drr',-r;nirg At the rartheast ear:.. •:~!' said Sretior, 33; thence
<br />westnriy os: the North line of the Nor:. _.t quarter of the Vortheaat
<br />quarter of :.;aid Sectior, 33 a distance „3.0 feet; thence southerly
<br />'~~J depress ,v0 minutes left a 3lstance ..: ?.3 feet; thence westerly
<br />90 degrees ~?0 minutes right a distant- :i8+~.o feet; thence southerly.
<br />9~ degrees JO minutes left a distance c .:,+~ feet to a paint on the.
<br />southerly existing hi;,h~Ay right of k~>>: .. thence easterly 9O degreea
<br />;~~ minutes Taft and or. said sautfierl~: `n~; hip•hwAy right of ~+ay line
<br />a distance c.* #52,$ feet; thence soot - __-r2;; 39 degrees 09 minutes
<br />rlvht a distance of 7~?_~ feet; thence ;ra~rly ~*b degrees ~3 minutes
<br />right a dista.~ca of 133. c• feet; thercr ,r:iruirg southerly 00 ctgrtes
<br />30 minutes left a 3ista:.ee of ll~.? ;_~.~ . ~'.:erce easterly ~fi degrees
<br />3G minutes left. a distance of 33.0 fe= :. a ,^oirt on t':e ~ast line of
<br />said ortheaat quarter of the '3orthea::': :•:rter; thence northerly an
<br />::aid mast lire a distance of 3LT.0 fe--`: a ~:^e poi.^.t of t*eginn2ng,
<br />c~xnthining 3~,yk5„ acnLare feat, more c. :~:,:~s, which includes 3'1,.0$9.1
<br />n~a~are feet, more. or less, previously z;riad as a ,.u^lie ighway, the
<br />ra:r.aining 3,$5b.2 aGuare feet., more or .••:.s, beirq t.^.e Additional eras.
<br />to Gc secured in this action..
<br />Triers. will be no Srgresa or evr-. _rom the aGave dedcrlb;ed tract
<br />auto t a remairdsr of said. pa_^t o2' t::~ :: ,.-r:*aest quarter of the ;9ortheaat
<br />;quarter, except aver two private :-ear.:-:..wi„L ertrar:cts, ndt to exceed 20
<br />flat 1r. ~idtTz to provide ingress and •~~,.,;s to dwtllirg of the awrcar sa
<br />loan as t.*.ey are used. coraistent +r1Lr ;. w~-a1 activitlss- thereto, the
<br />cet.terlir:as of which are to be locate: .~s feet and ~+1~.~ feet westerly
<br />from. ''ha rant lira of said '3ort::east .:cr of the ortheast 4uartbr sa
<br />mcasure~2 aigng ttiC emrterline of the :~ :., ay and except over two
<br />~om^;ercial artrarsces, .eat to exceao ~m .,, ir, wiath, to rrovida is:dress
<br />r~::~i e~;ross to property of the owner, ..._ .wr.ter3ires of which are to ce
<br />locat~,d i55.0 feat and. X72.0 feat sot., •;,{.. ,, !`ror the ';ort7 line of said
<br />n~art`tmast uarter of the :3ortheaat „~a..c.r ss ~~asurcd along the ccrter-
<br />'1re of the :airhwar ar.d as illustrated ~ ::e attached ,tAtt resrked 'r'xhlbit
<br />"B'~ ill mineral rir,hts in t':e a!:ov~ ..t•ibed Bract shad z,e retsint+d
<br />ar reservedto *~::=e ~ord.errr:ees, their ,. ~•:, successors ror Assi~rs. the
<br />Uond,.~sreaa, tt:eir ~:airs, succeasor;~ o:• .. rirs Shall :sue ro rit~iat LO use
<br />ar attar th~..aYarfacn of tire. atsove oe.~.. tract for cny ;;urposa cancern-
<br />irp~ t.^.a reserved :^ineral rights; nor :.,i._, the varcier.-~.ees, their hairs,
<br />succcssoro or assigns ir. attracting ~.._.. erals, darr:ep,6 ar in any way
<br />impair the'uae of the abava described a-~:~t.
<br />xtzlbit "A"
<br />?ate m~.
<br />€~ ~.1
<br />d....__
<br />