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<br /> <br />EXHIBIT .K" (CO>tiTINtTED} <br />LI27E OF Ti:E NEkNEss OF SAID SECTIpN, 1~~,.`~ Fr.ET i`0 'iAE ACTUAL ?DINT OF <br />BECIt;NINS. <br />E?rCt~PmI?v," r?E?.EFRG'` ^tF'A~;a ^_'RACTS GF :. '~'.CRE PnP"'SC'vLARLY nESCR.ldr:B <br />1.`: ;yARRA~' C6ED RECC~~*" _.'7 HG~K 13. <br />/ =95 A4i~ •'fU?,~I (?F APPRAISERS <br />;s~7 ?'TORE PA ". <br />F:ECCROED ~:i BOOK 1K PRGv s,~;FTY ~SCRIBr.D AS FOLLOWS: <br />A tract of lard located in pa: :. ~_ she i;-orthcast Quarter of the <br />;dort?:east Quarter of Sectior. 33, low;:~ ._ iI ,north F?arge 9 West of the <br />6t'.^. P.'".., ha?1 Cour_ty, '+ebraska, descz" '. -: ,: as follows: Referring.. to the <br />northeast corner az said Section 33; ~ .__~e southerly on the East"line of <br />tht "+ortheGst Quarter of t::e "iarthea=w -=rter of said Section 33, a <br />distance o£ 33,i) zest; t!~,ence wester:-; ~~. a lire 33.C feet southerly from <br />a.^.d parallel to the Vorth lire of sa`: _:~theast Quarter of the .iortheast <br />Quarter a distance cf 33.0 :'set to ti:~ ui.t of beglrrsn~r; thence contnu- <br />ira, westerly on t?~e last eiescrlbed ca: __ arodueed a d3stanee of 30.0 <br />feet to a point or. the west r.roperty ~ .._, thence southerly ors:8iid Waat <br />property line a distas;ce of 15.3 feet: hence easterly a distance of 220...4 <br />feet to a point 4~.3 feet southerly !'s ::•~ said xarth 11re; thence northerly <br />a distxr.ce of 10.0 feet to a point ? ''-dt southerly Pram said North <br />21rs; thencs easterly a distance of . . .. zest to a poir.L 39$ fret aout?s- <br />erly fra:z said +artts lire; thence. so_*. ..•;, a distance of 143,5 Teat to <br />a point ~v.0 feet westerly from said :_:st 13re; thence tasterly a di~tana• <br />of 7.0 fact. to a point 33.0 feet waste ~~ : z~~ said `past lire, thence.. <br />rortharly or. a lire 33. J :'eat. wester,;,• :'.~a*; and perallcl to said East <br />:1,1a a distance of 200.0 feet to tase _. ,-,+r:t of beg2rxlrg, cortairing <br />,c22.~t4 sr,uare feet, mare ar less; ._ , the errs i~rrcby secured. <br />"':here sill be ro 1rgreas ar ~r °•-us over the above descrih«d tract <br />onto t.^.a ra~ainirg lands of the Qrantc except over three <br />ar:tr$s:eea rot to exceed Lw zeet ir, w1„ •~:: to provide ingress and egrrss to <br />Property of the owner sa lang as the;, - seed corsiatcrt with operating <br />rarm&l t~uaineaa asctivities as they s>:' ,:, the crrtcrlires of which are-to <br />`:+~s located iZ~.s :"eat, ar.3 25$.6 fear , '.;~c:a westerly zrom the East line <br />of sale ::arUheaat uartar of the :1ar~'; _.,. uarte.r as measured along,. <br />cec.terlire of t::e tsighway and 12.0 ., "~out3;erly from t~:e 3orth line .cal <br />said .'ortheast Quarter of t:se °iort!~:ee,. . <1as^tar as measured along the <br />Oast 12ne of said torthcast ;;carter o. rr.e tiortheast Quarter." <br />ADIO <br />Exh:.tit "A^ pie r 2. <br /> <br />