<br />~2-- ~~Lt39:I
<br />gXHZBZT "A" (CC;i'~'I?3UED)
<br />
<br />Part of the hartbeest Cuarter e` ~~e ;+ortheast 'auartar of
<br />Serction 33, Townshi:a 11 2•+orth, Range r _.>t of the Pith P.Nl., Nall
<br />Gourty, 'r+e:;raska, as illustrated an t't:r :.~t marked %xhibit "E" and
<br />~ein.g more ^artieularly descritred as 'ic:rs:
<br />3rr^,ii:ning at the Hart'; east tor: .'-' said See:tion 33; theres
<br />unstbrly o:: the North lire o: the tior'- .. iuarter of the Nartheaat
<br />~luerter of :raid Sectlor: 33 a distance ir3.~ feet; thence sautherly
<br />~~ degrees ~0 ~sinutes left a distance .;.v feet; thence westerly-
<br />:+u daE`;rets C *.^:i.^.utes right a distant• X30.5 :'eet; therct southerly
<br />.~ cie;,rees ."'.3 m1 Ltes left a ::istancr .~~ :set to a paint. ar. the
<br />,
<br />southerl existing .•:ikh:tay ~_,tlt of °.:::.. ,~; truce easterly S~ degrees
<br />~ `:
<br />~~ ~:instes ie__°t ar:d ar: said soutiZerl:;- : ,rg biG;t~~ray right. of ,w8y I1ne
<br />a distanck c_* 452.8 .feet; t*:er.ce aoui: ~. _ry ~ deK;rees G9 nlnutes
<br />rS.Fht g distBlree of ""~.2 feet; thence ~.erly ~5 der~rees 4$ ninutes
<br />ri~,ht s distance of 33.5 rest; ther_c* :.inulnY saut~erly~p degrean
<br />,~ r^.inutrs left a ,•?is ar.4e o.* 11~i,' ft '-,".er.ce easterly 86 degrees
<br />3~r ...ir.:tas la ft s d: stz<nce of 3. o fc- - '~ ;: a ~olr.t on t e F:ESt line of
<br />said ::arty.taat ~:aartar of `?°:e Northea_ •. :rter; thence rortterly on
<br />r [tiil c~.Eat 11re a +tistaz:ce of 37.'3 fey-. .-->. the pout of becinninr~,
<br />r,r~t,tair,2ng ,a,y~i'7.3 s;~iare feet, :Wore , _vs, w'hlch includes 31,~i89.i
<br />,.^;~axre feet, mare or less, rreviousiy .':ied as a ,':~:lic highway, ths'
<br />res~talning 3,85b.2 aqu8re feet, wore o: ~:s, beir.,^^, t^e aciditioral .arcs
<br />to uc secured in t':2s action.
<br />`::,era- •.+ill to no ? r.~ress ar e ~ • . ro^~ tnc tz?,c~we ~l~scri:'oed tract
<br />onto a~~ rasa.i.^.der of said :art of t.:• ea:~t v>.::~r-ter of the-;northeast
<br />..;:tarter, axca~t over t»o p•ri°. ate resi ._ er.tr~rars, rat to exceed 2~?
<br />~
<br />to dwrllinc of the nwner so
<br />.owt r. ..iLth to ravide ir.~ress and _,:s
<br />lo. g as tt;ey ere ;:sc: cors2atent wl.t`: ul actlvltias ttaereto, the
<br />C:Ct.'.`.Cr"1ir:CS 4f t.'71r': $re t0 t:e 10Cat--.: ..- flC.t enc.. ui;~..b feetwesterly
<br />fra.:: t::e rIISt l2rc {Yf said '.=0rt.'Stast -_.' Of tie 'rartt:Ca9t 4uer°uer 8s
<br />...r 85:: r`C~:~ Elan4. the C~ :t.Crline of t'`e ar.:3 CXCC~t aver two.
<br />c>^•;-ercSai ert.~°a.^.crs, :tot to cxca~sii . ~ ire »i•~~::, Co ;~rovldn irP.,reaa
<br />t~::,: erreSS to ;~rcrerty of the owner, '. <s:terl:r.a.3 ~,^ ~~-:3cti are to to
<br />located 151.1 fee ; tss:c: <'32.,'? feet su- .,, ^ror.~ ..;e ::orth lit e of said
<br />:;~*r't:cast ~uerter o.' t:«e ;dartr.enst ..'.a. ~ xa ~5rr~sY.zre,a alorl~• thb cCrter-
<br />fire of ..tze hid*.~~ a..d as , ~ l'~strated
<br />, e etta4~.ec: ;let •~arred ~xhl~a2t
<br />~
<br />~" n~i ni.:er8l r•4~.r:t.°. ire t~".e $: 7Vr ce ret8lred
<br />_'i~ed ,.r$Ct 3:1fiI
<br />an w' rasrrVed LQ t.YC ..andC„sees, thr'iS ~.+=CCS~ar:i Or assigt:s. +:1C
<br />::or.c.e^:r:tee, their .;airs, successor's er •: s shall :':eve ra rid;: t to use
<br />or cr.tcr Liza surf3~:a of t^s wave :e.„ : Lract forzry ;,uraase cercnrn-
<br />:r.€ t:~o rrservtd .^:incral rig,~sts; War _ _ tt;e Uar,;.e:r~:_ees, their Hairs,
<br />saLcaasoCS or assi~,ns i:: extracting ..> °erals, `'.amaF,e os to arty way
<br />inrdir` L;^e use: o!` t:.e a~o•ae dascribe~s ..,,.
<br />r..x :i..^.it r1AW Pax"c r r •
<br />~w • ta.~
<br />