$2°- ~.u3~~.
<br />~x~za~~ "~" (covlzv~D)
<br />Z art of the Northeast Quarter o ts;a :.ortheast Quarter of
<br />Sactioi. 33, :awnship 33 Piorth, range = t of the 6th P.;i., ball
<br />faurty, .~Ctraska, as illustrated on t`:c :"-mot u.arked Exhibit "B" ard-
<br />:;eing tore particularly described as uacns:
<br />3eginning st the rort~:,east co z r a> said Section 33; thence
<br />xesterly ar. the ?dorth line o: the t+or -~s~ Q:;arter o thetiorth~ast
<br />:~uarter of said Section 33 a distance ~:r~,:;.D feet; therc~ southerly
<br />yQ degrees 3Q zainutes left a distance o:" 33.0 .°eet; thence westerly
<br />~?~? degrees OQ zzzir.=sites r3Pht a distsrce o: X6.6 '°eet; thence southerly
<br />jtJ dez~rees OQ ;nit>utes le.t a distazce o: ~.- Y ~aet to a poi :t or.'the
<br />Southerly existing highway right o:' wsy :.~:e; thGrce easterly 9a degrees
<br />QG z~inutes left snd an said southerly :_.~ nr ;ai~,hway right of way lire
<br />a distance of #52,$ feet; thence soot _~.vtrly 39 deeWrees Q9 r.±inatep
<br />-icr~t a distarae of 79.2 ;eat; t'renc~. Orly rtn ue~rces k8 zni.atr=s
<br />ri~r:t <^.. distanc! of 133.6 feet;. ther~._ .,~. inuiz:g soLtneriy OQ degrees
<br />3~3 ::i:z~ztc~ is ~ a distance of 11a,7 L, t. •-.rz:ce easterly i6 da:~raes
<br />3b minutCS left s distance of 33.Q aei po"-rt or. the mast line of
<br />sale .'orthcast quarter of the arthe "v ~~µal'ter; t::arce rartherly or.
<br />said East ii:^.e a distance of 3r:7,Q feE~ to t2•.e point of deyirnin~,
<br />coz:tainiz~r, 34,9+:.3 square feat, mare car :.ass,: which includes 31,Q89.1
<br />+~uar~ feet, s;zore or less, previously cccupiud as a public highway, the
<br />rL.;.:iinirn s°..856.2 square. feet,^ore or ii~ss, being zha additional area
<br />;:o c;a secured in ti~is action.
<br />:hers will be na ingress or e~rtss froza thn above ae~crlbad tract
<br />ozta the re~airdar of said part of t; ~ ;;az•t :east Quarter of the 3.orthr~ast
<br />uixrtur, except aver two private res:.zCZ:t=al ~rtranees, not to exceed 2D
<br />°eat ir: width to ~rovidra ingress and e -.>:s tq av.e~'~rg of the. owrcr sa
<br />to .,; a:z t'rrey err,. used carsistent wi ._~~ a. zrct titles r:~rata, hcs
<br />4...~e.^linG"S Oi whichl2'e to b6 1.OCa.eG .'~ fe@+W w.C ~12.u .."'eEt RZStc:rly
<br />:'tort .,.xe East line of .said ~Orth east .. „_, o t:~e :.ortr;e:>st ~Gartcr as
<br />.c~'.3urt:d alQI2$ t.'la Carterlil2! Of th6 ,c' ax:.d oXC£<pt Older twtl
<br />CG,r;G'.a k:iu'~ &AY.r#11TC4S' ~ l:Ot to axCr1l3d +. ,, ," ... is. tVidt , 'va J:OViGC i~irti':sY5
<br />;.u,il' ar-,rass to ~raperty of the a+~rer,'-~~ c~rtc.riiz:es of ~:~~hicn €zre to t; c:
<br />locu:nGz 55.Q ftswt and 272,v :°eat so.. ... ro... t::e 'cru:. iirs~ of ~...,.
<br />.:~rtle:a:;t Quarter of the tortheast ~„~.-r:.e: ~a nazrscarec e.loz , tr:tl ~. c,i:vT•-
<br />± ;v n: ;:i:a hl~;hxsy az:d as i3lustrs.'c ~: ~, :.a :.'-4,3 ~..~u r~iut z;.urfuu ar,:t~lt
<br />"i~" All ~iciarai rigzts in the abase .,. ..cribc:d tract s:,ui~ tie. . a,.~.iaa.c:
<br />,.::o ra:iea•vad to the vordeznr.eas, the ~: .~, succes:st3rs or ^3 'r;~•.ti. •~.~=
<br />C;~r.ac^z-i:CS, their harts, suecessars cr .. ~~~,ns sz:ali nave .o _~(;;tct to a~aw
<br />or mr.tar the sarface of" the above ccsc.'~~,:~ tract ~sr any pu,r~oae co::ce:rn-;
<br />ink tztt xngerveci zziireral rig.~ats; nor »~r:t~ly the Ons+e;ru;ees, their r,eirs,
<br />succG:~sors or sssl~es ir. extracting si:c .i vrais, d2."sa:ga or i.~ =u Y •:uJ
<br />i~;~air th! us! of tks! above descrlbaa tract.
<br />~ahibi« "Win ?aC.C ~3.
<br />L.._ ...!
<br />
<br />